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Top Canada Pharmacy Universities-REVIEWS How to Select?

10 best Canada universities

Are you planning to study pharmacy in Canada this article gives you whole idea all about the top colleges and top Canadian universities which provides pharmacy education. This article will surely help you to choose a University if you are considering Canada as an option for your higher studies. There are almost 10 universities which provide best education in pharmacy. Really want to do your under graduation or project post graduation you need to consider few points before you select your University.

  1. Let us discuss now things you need to to keep in your mind before actually trying to decide on a University.
    1. Which course you want to take is it undergraduate Bachelor of Pharmacy or doctorate of Pharmacy course or you want to complete your masters or a post graduate diploma in pharmacy subjects.
  2. 2. You need to have a complete Idea on all the courses of Canadian universities where a Pharmacy bachelor can apply.
  3. 3. After selecting your course you need to to search the best college which is providing your appropriate subject of interest. Almost all universities have a good standard but you need to specifically look for your subject of your concern.
  4. 4. You need to have an idea on what is your future idea of pursuing masters for graduation in Canada. Each would have a different perspective of going for higher studies in abroad. Some might think an exposure of of the subject or some other might think to settle as a permanent residence or some might think to just work for few years and return to India.
  5. 5. Do you decide what you wanna do after your completion of the course? This will help you to decide the place you want to study at the university because if you want to settle as an permanent resident need to go for a place where the province itself helps the international students to apply for the permanent residents easily.
  6. 6. The most important thing you need to consider before selecting a university or a province is that the availability of part time if you really need to pay your fees by yourself. The fee structure is really very high for the international students and everyone might need to have a part time pay off fees. So it is best to touch a place which I have an ample part-time jobs where students can do along with their studies.
  7. 7. You need to consider is the cost of living of that particular place if you don’t have any problem with finances then you don’t really need to think about this but to choose a good University. When you really have some issues with your finances you might be smart to select a good University in a good place with minimum expenses for your month.

Top 7 Canada Pharmacy Universities

University of Toronto
Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy
144 College Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3M2
Tel: 416 978-2889
Fax: 416 978-8511

University of British Columbia
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
2146 East Mall
Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z3
Tel: 604 822-2343
Fax: 604 822-3035

Memorial University of Newfoundland
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Centre
St. John’s, Newfoundland A1B 3V6
Tel: 709 777-8300
Fax: 709 777-7044

Université de Montréal
Faculté de pharmacie
C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-ville
Montréal, Québec H3C 3J7
Tel: 514 343-6422
Fax: 514 343-2102
Université Laval
Faculté de pharmacie
Pavillon Ferdinand-Vandry
Québec, Québec G1V 0A6
Tel: 418 656-3211
Fax: 418 656-2305

University of Alberta
Faculty of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
2-55 Medical Sciences Building
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H1
Tel: 780 492-3362

University of Manitoba
Faculty of Pharmacy
Apotex Centre
750 McDermot Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 0T5
Tel: 204 474-9306
Fax: 204 474-7617

University of Saskatchewan
College of Pharmacy and Nutrition
110 Science Place
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 5C9
Tel: 306 966-6327
Fax: 306 966-6377

University of Waterloo
School of Pharmacy
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1
Tel: (519) 888-4499
Fax: (519) 888-7910

Dalhousie University
College of Pharmacy
5968 College Street, PO Box 15000
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4R2
Tel: 902 494-2378
Fax: 902 494-1396

University of Saskatchewan

This is good old college rest with good reputation. Here you can get program where you can study your masters. Importance of this university is the province you are in. Province provides you points even after your Canadian studies to if you let to settle down there as permanent resident. Cities in this province are really affordable and economical for all the international students. The housing and the cost of living is really low when per to the provinces of Canada.

Université de Montréal

This is also a good option for international students especially from India with good reputation. Here you can get program where you can study your masters. Importance of this university is the province you are in. you need to know about the province before you land. this is land of French. you will be at a good place if you have a knowledge of French language before you take up your studies.  Part time jobs become a piece of cake if you know the French language. Cities in this province are really affordable and economical for all the international students. The housing and the cost of living is really low when per to the provinces of Canada.

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