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Syllabus of Mumbai University and its affiliate pharmacy colleges for B.Pharm course.
The list contains subjects, recommended hours along with practicals and also the recommended books for each subject
1. B.Pharm First year syllabus of Mumbai University
2. B.Pharm Second year syllabus of Mumbai University
3. B.Pharm Third year syllabus of Mumbai University
4. B.Pharm Final year syllabus of Mumbai University
via 1
3 hrs/ week
1. Kinetics and Reaction Mechanism. Kinetic and thermodynamic
product control, principle of microscopic reversibility, isotope effect on
kinetic effect of reaction medium on the rate of the reaction
2. Transition state theory. General theory of the transaction state, the
reaction coordinate, rate determining transition state, Curtin principle.
3. AcidBase Catalysis. General mechanisms of acid and base
catalyzed reactions, rates of acid and base catalyzed reactions, Bronsted catalysis correlation of reaction rates with acidity functions.
4. ChargeTransfer complexes and reactions. Definition of Complex, Charge transfer transition, donors and acceptors, ground state
charge transfer contribution.
5 Coordination Chemistry, Nomenclature, Theories of bonding in co ordinate complexes, Stability of complexes and chelation. 5
Brief introduction to the inorganic medicinal compounds:
antacid(Magnesium trisilicate and aluminium hydroxide ), antimicrobial (hydrogen peroxide and povidoneiodine),
astringent(Zinc oxide) and Pharmaceutical aid(tale and barium
Reference Books:
1. Isrie V. Anslyn and Dennis A. Dougherty, Modern Physical Organic Chemistry, John
Wiley, 2006
2. Neil Isaacs, Physical Organic Chemistry, 2 nd Edition, Pearson Education 1995
3. Louis P. Hanunett, Physical Organic Chemistry, Megraw Hill Education, 2 nd Rev
Edition, 1970
4. Edward M. Kosower, An Introduction to Physical Organic Chemistry, John Wiley and
Sons, Inc, 1968
5. J.D Lee, A New Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 3 rd edition Van Nostrand Reinhold
Company Ltd.
6. John H. and Edward B., Inorganic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Varghese
Publishing House, 1986.
6 | P a g e
S. No. Topic Hours
Structure and Properties of Organic Compounds : Types of bonds in
organic compounds, hybridization of orbital’s, formation of the same
and bonds formed, bond length, bond angles, bond energles, bond
Inductive effects, concepts of Hbonding hyperconjugation resonance, Van der Waal’s interaction, inclusion phenomena, Acidity and basicity
of molecules
3. Concept of Electrophiles and Nucleophiles
Calculations for determining empirical and molecular formulae
Mechanism and elementary stereochemistry discussion of SN1, SN2
and Sn1 mechanisms, En, E2 and E Discussion of substitution vs. elimination
Discussion of the following classes of compounds in brief, with regard
to IUPAC nomenclature, sources, methods of preparation, Physical
properties and general reactions of hydrocarbons (alkanes, alkenes, alkynes)
Addition reaction of alkenes: Markonikov, AntiMarkonikov rules, Hydroboration, OxymercurationDemercuration, Ozonolysis, addition
of KMnO4 and Addition reactions across conjugated.
7. Aliphatic halogen compounds 2
Reference Books:
1. Robert T. Morrison and Robert N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 6 th Edition, Pearson
Education Pvt. Ltd., 2005
2. Peter Sykes, A Guide book to Mechanisms in organic Chemistry, 6 th Edition, Pearson
Education, 2007
3. H. Finar, Organic Chemistry, 5 th Edition, Pearson Education, 2006
4. Stanley Pine, Organic Chemistry, 5 th Edition, McGraw Hill Companies, 2007
5. Francis Carrey, Organic Chemistry, 4 th Edition, McGraw Hill Companies,2000
S. No. Topic Hours
1. Brief Introduction to human body and organization of human body 1
Structural and functional characteristics of following tissues
· Epithelial
· Connective
· Nervous
· Muscle
3. Detailed structure of cell membrane and transmembrane movement of
7 | P a g e
Components and functions of lymphatic system:
· Lymphatic organs and tissues
· Organization of Lymph vessels
· Formation and flow of lymph
Definition and etiology of following diseases in detail
· Autoimmune disease (Rheumatoid arthritis /Grave’s disease /
Myasthenia Gravis / Rheumatic fever)
· Hypersensitivity (Allergy)
· Composition of blood
· Functions of blood elements
· Erythropoiesis
· Synthesis of Haemoglobin
· Leucopoisis
· Coagulation of blood
· Blood groups
Definition & etiology of following diseases , in detail
· Anaemias Types of anaemias
· Polyeythemia
· Leucopenia
· Leukocytosis
· Thrombocytopenia
· Leukemia
Structure and Properties of following muscles
· Cardiac muscles
· Smooth muscles
· Skeletal muscles
· Neuromuscular transmission and contraction of skeletal muscle
· Energy metabolism in the muscle
· Types of muscle contractions
· Muscle tone
Definition and etiology of following diseases, in detail
· Spasticity
· Tetany
Reference Books:
1. Anne Waugh and Alleon Grant Ross & Wilson’s Anatomy & Physiology in Health & 9 th
Edition (2001) Churchill Livingstone, Edinbrigh, London, Newyork.
2. Gerald J. Tortora & Sandra Reynolds Grabowaski Principle of Anatomy & Physiology
10 th Edition (2003) John Wiley & Sons Inc, Newyork, USA
3. Arthur C. Guyton & John Half. Textbook of Medical Physiology 10 th Edition (2000)
W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelph , Pensylvania, USA
4. B. R. Mackenna & R. Callander Illustrated Physiology 6 th Edition 1997, Churchill
Livingstone, Newyork Edinburgh, London
5. Praful b. Godkar Textbook of Medical Laboratory Technology 2 nd Edition 2006
Bhalani Publishing House, Mumbai
6. V. G. Ranade, P. N. Joshi & Shalini Pradhan A Text book of Practical Physiology 3 rd
Edition 1982 P.V.G. Prakashan, Pune 30
8 | P a g e
S. No. Topic Hours
1. Gases:
· Ideal and Real Gases
· Vanderwaals phenomenon
· Critical phenomenon, critical constants and their determination
· Liquefaction of gases – Linde’s process and Claude’s process
· Application of Liquefaction in aerosols introduction to the
2. Physical Properties of Drug Molecules
· Additive, constructive and colligative properties with examples
· Dipole moment, significance to pharmacy, concept of
polarisability and molar
· Polarisation
· Retractive index and molar refraction and application of moral
retraction to determine structures. · Viscosity: Definition, Concepts and applications > Textbook of
Pharmacy Subramanyam
· Optical rotation and specific rotation and its application
3. Solutions of Nonelectrolytes:
· Units for expressing concentration
· Ideal and real solutions
· Raoults law, deviation from Raoults law
· Methods to measure vapour pressure lowering and its
application (problems)
· Distillation of binary mixtures and azeotropic distillation
· Concept of steam distillation
· Elevation of boiling point and determination of molecular weight
· Depression of freezing point and determination of molecular
weight (Problems)
· Osmotic pressure: Concept, Methods to determine, molecular
weight determination from osmotic pressure
4. Thermodynamics
· Definition, Application and Limitations
· Systems –Homogenous, Heterogenous
· Types of systems Open, Closed, Adrabatic, Isothermal
· Types of Properties Intensive and Extensive Property
· Equilibrium and NonEquilibrium states
· Types of Processes Isothermal Adrabatic, Isobanic, Isochoric, Cyclic Process
· Reversible and Irreversible process
· First Law of thermodynamics
· Enthalpy, heat Capacity, cP cVR (Derivation)
· Work of expansion against variable pressure
· Heat of reaction, Heat of Formation, Heat of combustion, Heat of
Solution – Differential and Integral heat of solution.
· Bond Energy – Calculation of Heat of reaction from bond energy
9 | P a g e
· Kirehoffs equation, Hess’s law of constant heat summation
· Second law of thermodynamics
· Carrot theorem
· Efficiency of heat engine
· Entropy
· Third law of thermodynamics
Free Energy and its applications
· Pressure and Temperature coefficients of free energy
· Maximum net work, Criteria for equilibrium
· Chemical potential (only definition)
· Gibbs Helmholtz equation
· Clausius Clapereyon equation No derivation
· Vant Holf equation No derivation
5. Properties of Solutions of Electrolytes
· Electrolysis
· Faradays laws of electrolysis
· Electrolytic conductance, Specific conductance, Equivalent
conductance, Molecular conductance
· Transport Number
· Measurement of conductance
· Variation of equivalent conductance with
· Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociationcolligative properties, activity coefficient expressing collagative properties. · Theory of strong electrolytes
· Degree of dissociation
· Kohlrauschs law of independent migration of
· Application of conductivity measurements conductometric
titrations and solubility of a sparingly soluble salt
· Equivalent conductance of a weak electrolyte at infinite dilution
· Degree of dissociation of a weak electrolyte
Reference Books:
1. P. J. Sinko, “Martin’s Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science” 5 th Edition, Lippincotts Willians and Wilkin, Indian Education Distributed by B. I. Publications
Pvt. Ltd, 2006. 2. A. Findlay, “Practical Physical Pharmacy’ revised and edited by J. A. Ktchener, 8 th
Edition. Lonmans, Green and Company Ltd 1967. 3. B. S. Bahl, A. Bahl, G. D. Tuli, “Essentials of Physical Chemistry” revised edition,
S. Chand and company Ltd, New Delhi, 2006. 4. U. B. Hadkar “A Textbook of Physical Pharmacy”, 6th Edition Nirali Prakashan,
Pune 2006. 5. U. B. Hadkar, T. N. Vasudevan, K. S. Laddha “Practical Physical Pharmacy” Yucca
Publishing House, Dombivali, 1994.
S. No. Topic Hours
10 | P a g e
1. Historical background to the profession of Pharmacy in India in brief. Brief overview of status of Pharmaceutical industry in India
Introduction to Pharmacopoeias. Development of Indian Pharmacopoeia and other Compendia
including B.P.,U.S.P., N.F., Ph Eur., International pharmacopoeia and
3. Definition of Drug
Concept of dosage form and formulation – Scope of Pharmaceutics
Routes of administration and physiological considerations
Classification of dosage forms and their applications.
Drug administration: Introduction to bioavailability and
biopharmaceutics. Concepts of drug efficiency and dose response.
Introduction to Absorption, Distribution and fate of drug.
5. Pharmaceutical Calculations: Reduction and enlargement of formula,
Formula by weight (w/v, w/w, v /v); in parts. 3
6. Introduction to Good Manufacturing Practices and Quality Assurance 2
Introduction to galenicals. A method of preparation of extracts includes
maceration, percolation, decoction, infusion and digestion. 3
Introduction to alternate systems of medicine: Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unnani and Siddha. 1
9. Delivery systems: Non – sterile monophasic liquids. Unit operation of : Filtration and clarification ( Theory and equipment
for filtration of solid from liquids ) and mixing
10. Rheology : Definition and concepts, types of flow, thixotropy and
measurement of flow properties
Total 33
Reference Books:
1. L. V. Allen Jr., N. G. Popovich and H. C. Ansel “Ansel’s Pharmaceutical Dosage
Forms and Drug Delivery Systems “,8 th Edition Lippincotts Williams and Wilkin, Indian
Education Distributed by B. I. Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2005
2. P. J. Sinko, “Martin’s Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science” 5 th Edition, Lippincotts Williams and Wilkin, Indian Edn, Distributed by B. I. Publications Pvt. Ltd,2006
3. M. E. Aulton “Pharmaceutics The Science of Dosage Form Design” Churchill
Livingstone, London, 2002. 4. “Remington The Science and Practice of Pharmacy “, Vol. I and II, 21 st Edn. Lippincotts Williams and Wilkin, Indian Edn. Distributed by B. I. Publications Pvt. Ltd.,2005
5. M. L Shroff “Principles of Pharmacy Part I and II”8 th Edn. Five star Enterprises, Calcutta. 6. E. A. Rowling “Bentleys Textbook of Pharmaceutics” 8 th Edn. Bailliere Tindall, London, Indian Edn. Published by All India Traveler Book Seller Delhi, 1992.
11 | P a g e
7. P. C. Dandiya, R. K. Khat and N. K. Gurbani “The Pharmacist Year Book 1993
1 st Edn. CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi 1993. 8. G. Sonnedecker “Kremers and Urdang’s History of Pharmacy” 4 th Edn Lippincotts
Company, USA, 1976.
9. R. A. Lyman and G. Urdang “American Pharmacy” 5 th Edn.
10. James Swarbick “Current concepts in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Dosage form
design and bioavailability” Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, 1973.
11. Harkishan Singh “Pharmacopoeias and Formularies” Vol. I Vallabh Prakashan,
Delhi 1994. 12. S. J. Carter “Cooper and Gunn’s Tutorial Pharmacy” 6 th Edn. CBS Publishers and
Distributors, Delhi, 1986.
13. M. J. Stocklosa, H. C. Ansel,”Pharmaceutical Calculations” 8 th Edition, Indian
Edition by K.M. Varghese Company, Mumbai 1986.
Note: Only principles and equipments to be covered
No mathematical derivations and numerical problems
S. No. Topic Hours
1. Fluid Flow:
· Mention fluid properties such as Viscosity, compressibility and
surface tension of fluids
· Hydrostatics influencing fluid flow
· Fluid dynamics – Bernoulli’s theorem, flow of fluids in pipes,
laminar and turbulent flow.
2. Heat Transfer:
· Modes of heat transfer – conduction, convention and radiation.
· Fourier’s law for slabs and pipes (only equation and factors
· Concepts of thermal conductivity and steady state heat transfer. · Compound resistance in series. · Heat transfer by convection – Natural convection and forced
convection, dimensional analysis. Heat transfer between fluid and
solid boundary. · Heat transfer by radiation – Kirchhoff’s law and Stefan Boltzmann
law. (only equation and factors affecting)
· Overall heat transfer coefficient
· Heat exchangers tubular and plate
3. Mass transfer:
· Mass transfer in turbulent and laminar flow
· Concept of interfacial mass transfer.
4. Pumping:
· Positive displacement pumps reciprocating pumps, rotary pumps
· Centrifugal pumps
· Special pumps
5. Measurements:
· Measurement of flow – Classification of flow meters, venture
12 | P a g e
meter, orifice meter, pitot tube, rotameter and current flow meters
· Pressure measurement – Classification of manometers, simple
manometer, U tube manometer and modifications, Bourdon gauge
6. Conveying of Solids:
· Belt conveyor, Bucket conveyor, screw conveyor and Pneumatic
7. Water Purification:
· Pretreatment and purification by deionization, reverse osmosis and
8. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning:
· Water vapour air mixture
· Hygrometry
· Humidification and dehumidification equipments – spray ponds, natural draft cooling towers and mechanical draft cooling towers. · Refrigeration equipment and concept of refrigeration load,
concepts of brine systems and absorption systems
9. Centrifugation :
· Principle , objective and requirements of centrifugation
· Equipments Hydro extractors.
10. Corrosion:
· Mechanism and types of corrosion. · Factors influencing rate of corrosion.
· Methods of combating corrosion.
11. Material of Construction:
· Classification into metals & nonmetals
· Ferrous and its alloys – cast iron, mild steel and stainless steel
· Copper and its alloys
· Nickel and its alloys
· Aluminum and its alloys
· Glass
· Plastics – Classification into thermoplastics and thermosetting
plastics Properties and applications of polyvinyl chloride,
polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyster, ABS, phenolic
and epoxy plastics, fluorocarbon plastics, chlorinated plastics and
poly carbonate plastics.
Total 35
Reference Books:
1. K. Sambamurthy “Pharmaceutical Engineering” New Age International Pvt. Ltd. New
Delhi, 2001.
2. A. R. Paradkar “Introduction to Pharmaceutical Engineering”7 th Edn. Nirali
Prakashan, Pune 2005. 3. W. L. Badger and J. T. Banchero “Introduction to Chemical Engineering” Mc. Graw
Hill Book Company. 4. R. H. Perry and D. W. Green “Perry’s Chemical Engineer’s Handbook “7th Edn.
Chemical Hand Book. Mc Graw Hill Book Company, 1997.
13 | P a g e
Organic Sporting: Qualitative analyses of organic compounds – aspects to be covered are
solubility characterization and preliminary tests, elements detection, functional group
characterization, derivative preparation
Reference Books:
1. Textbook of practical organic chemistry by Vogel, 4 th edition, publishers Longman
group Ltd. 2. Practical Organic Chemistry by F.G. Mann and B.C. Saunders, 4 th edition published
by OrientLongman.
3. Handbook by Kulkarni and Pathak, Published by Dastane Ramchandra and Company
1. Determination of refractive index, molar refraction. Using water as a reference
standard to determine refractive index of two organic solvent and their mixtures and
to determine composition of unknown. To determine RI of a solid (KCI) from two
concentrations of solid solutions. 2. Viscosity: To determine the composition of the unknown binary mixture.
3. Polarimetry: Different Concentrations of sugar, determination of unknown
concentration and specific rotation.
4. Determination of molecular weight by Rast camphor method. Demonstration of
Landsberger method.
5. Determination of heat of solution.
6. Partition coefficient – Iodine
Reference Books:
1. U. B. Hadkar, T. N. Vasudevan, K. S. Laddha “Practical Physical Pharmacy” Yucca
Publishing House, Dombivali, 1994.
1. Hematology
a. Red Blood Cell (RBC) Count
b. Total Leukocyte Count
c. Differential Leukocyte (WBC) Count
d. Hemoglobin content of blood
e. Bleeding & Clotting Time
f. Blood groups
g. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)/ Hematocrit (Demonstration)
2. Study of Human Skeleton
3. Microscopic study of permanent slides Tissues:
‐ Columnar, Cuboidal, Squmaous, Ciliated Epithelium
14 | P a g e
‐ Cardiac/Skeletal/ Smooth muscle
‐ Ovary,Testis, Liver, Pancreas, Thyroid, Tongue, Stomach, Intestine, Kidney, Lung, Spinal Cord, Cerebrum, Artery, Vein
4. Measurement of blood pressure
5. Tutorial Discussion on some common investigational procedures used in diagnosis
of disease with the help of charts slides Name and Importance of following tests:
1. Electroencephalogram (EEG) in diagnosis of Epilepsy
2. Electrocardiogram (ECG) in diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmia
3. Liver Function Tests
· Serum Bilirubin
· Serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT)
· Serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT)
· Urine Bilirubin
· Urine Urobilinogen
4. Kidney Function Tests
· Serum Creatinine
· Serum Urea, Uric Acid
· Blood Urea Nitrogen(BUN)
5. Blood Glucose
6. Serum Cholesterol/ Triglycerides
7. Serum Alkaline phosphatase (ALT)
8. Serum Acid phosphatase (APT)
9. Serum Lipase
10. Serum Amylase
11. Serum Calcium
12. Serum lactate dehydrogense (LDH)
13. Thyroid Function Tests T3, T4
14. Diagnostic tests for infectious diseases like
· Malaria
· Tuberculosis
· Dengue
· Leptospirosis
15 | P a g e
Reference Books:
1. Anne Waugh And Allison Grant Ross & Wilson’s Anatomy & Physiology in Health &
Illness 9 th Edition (2001) Churchill Livingstone, Edinbruigh, London, Newyork.
2. Gerald J. Tortora & Sandra Reynolds Grabowaski Principals of Anatomy &
Physiology 10 th Edition (2003) John Wiley & Sons Inc, Newyork, USA
3. Arthur C. Guyton & John E. Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology 10 th Edition (2000)
W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, Pensylvania, USA. 4. B. R. Mackenna & R. Callander Illustrated Physiology 6 th Edition, Churchill
Livingstone, Newyork Edinburgh, London.
5. Praful B. Godkar Textbook of Medical Laboratory Technology 2 nd Ed. 2006 Bhalani
Publishing House, Mumbai
6. V. G. Ranade, P. N. Joshi & Shalini Pradhan, A Textbook of practicalphysiology,3 rd
Edition 1982 P.V.G. Prakashan, Pune 030.

SEMESTER – II Syllabus First year:
S. No Topic Hours
1. Anatomy and physiology of Respiratory System
‐ Exchange of gases
‐ External and Internal respiration
‐ Mechanism and regulation of respiration
‐ Lung volumes and lung capacities
2. Definition and etiology of following diseases, in detail
‐ Asthma
‐ Pneumonia
‐ Bronchitis
‐ Emphysema
‐ Respiratory Acidosis and Alkosis
3. Reproductive System
‐ Anatomical and Physiological considerations of male and
female reproductive system
‐ Menstrual cycle
4. Definition and etiology of following diseases, in detail
‐ Infertility
‐ Sexually transmitted diseases (STD)
‐ Dismenorrhea
5. Endocrine System
Location hormones and functions of following endocrine glands:
‐ Pituitary
‐ Thyroid & Parathyroid
‐ Adrenal
‐ Pancreas
‐ Tests & Ovaries
‐ Control of hormone secretion
6. Etiology of hypo and hyper secretion of above endocrine glands
and related diseases
Reference Books
1. Anne Waugh And Allison Grant Ross & Wilson’s Anatomy & Physiology in Health &
Illness 9 th Edition (2001) Churchill Livingstone, Edinbrigh, London , Newyork
2. Gerald J. Tortora & Sandra Reynolds Grabowaski Principals of Anatomy &
Physiology 10 th Edition (2003) John Wiley & Sons Inc, Newyork, USA
3. Arthur C. Guyton & John E. Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology 10 th Edition (2000)
W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, Pensylvania, USA
4. B. R. Mackenna & R. Callander Illustrated Physiology 6 th Edition 1997, Churchill
Livingstone, Newyork Edinburgh, London
5. Praful B. Godkar Textbook of Medical Laboratory Technology 2 nd Edition 2006
Bhalani Publishing House, Mumbai
6. V. G. Ranade, P. N. Joshi & Shalini Pradhan A Textbook of practical physiology, 3 rd
Edition 1982 P. V. G. Prakashan, Pune 30
17 | P a g e
S. No. Topic Hours
Discussion of the following classes of compounds in brief, with regard
to IUPAC nomenclature, sources, methods of preparation, Physical
properties and general reactions, with mechanisms
1. Alcohols and ethers 4
2. Carbonyl compounds (aldehydes and ketones) 5
3. Carboxylic acids, esters, anhydrides, amides 5
4. Amines and other nitrogen containing compounds. 6
5. Aromatic compounds: Concepts of aromaticity and aromatic character, Huckel rule, structure and resonance in benzene; Nomenclature of
aromatics: Electrophilic and nucleophilic sunstitution reactions in
aromatic compounds.
6. Preparation and reactivity of polycyclic aromatics – naphthalene’s
anthracene and phenanthrene
Reference Books
1. Morrison and Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 6 th Edition, Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd, 2006. 2. Peter Sykes, A Guidebook to Mechanisms in organic Chemistry, 6 th Edition, Pearson
Education, 2007.
3. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, 5 th Edition, Pearson Education, 2006 Stanley Pine,
Organic Chemistry, 5 th Edition, Mc Graw – Hill Companies, 2007. 4. Francis Carrey, Organic Chemistry, 4 th Edition, Mc Graw – Hill Companies, 2000.
S. No. Topic Hours
1. Introduction to the study of monographs of five official compounds – sodium chloride, calcium carbonate. Talc, boric acid and ferrous
2. I.P. Limits tests for insoluble matter, soluble matter, nonvolatile
matter, volatile matter, residue on ignition and ash value.
3. Various limit tests prescribed in I.P. e.g. chloride, sulphate, arsenic,
lead, iron, nitrate, alkali and alkaline earth metals. 3
4. The theoretical basis and techniques of quantitative analysis, Solute,
solvent, solution, solubility product range, concentration, definition of
normality, molarit, molality, milliequivalence, strong acids and bases, weak acids and bases, buffers, primary and secondary standards, calculation based on stochiometry problems, theory of indicators (both
external and internal indicators), concept of end point.
5. Classification of theoretical considerations and applications to
volumetric analysis. 3
6. Acid base titrations in aqueous medium titrations, complexometric
titrations, redox titrations, argentimetric titrations and nonaqueous
titrations with suitable example.
18 | P a g e
7. Estimation studies of important gases – Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon
Reference Books
1. A. H. Bekett and J. B. Stanlake, Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 4 th edition, CBS
Publishers and Distributors, 1997.
2. G. H. Jeffery and J. Bassett, Vogels’ Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 5 th
Edition, Longman Scientific and Technical, 1989.
3. Indian Pharmacopoeia, British Pharmacopoeia, USP, Martindale.
S. No. TOPICS Hours
1. Ionic equilibria and buffers: ß Sorensens pH scale, calculation of pH, effect of pH on ß Ionization of weak acids and bases, calculation of ß Fraction unionized, buffers in pharmaceutical and biological
systems, concept of tonicity, isotonic buffer ß Solutions, application of buffers and concept of tonicity in
pharmacy. Problems
2. Solubility: ß Solubility of gases in liquids, henrys law and applications
ß Miscible liquids and partially miscible liquids
ß Solubility of solids in liquids, ideal solubility, solubility
parameters and prediction of solubility in regular solutions
ß Partition phenomena and partitioning of weak electrolytes
and its applications
3. Chemical Kinetics: ß Molecularity, order of a reaction and specific rate constant ß Zero order, first order and second order reaction.
(Problems) ß Methods to determine order of a reaction ß Energy of activation, Arrhenius equation and application ß Collision theory and transition state theory
ß Accelerated stability studies – concepts and applications
4. Catalysis: ß Definition, types and specificity
5. Interfacial phenomena: ß Surface tension, Interfacial tension ß Surface free energy
ß Pressure difference across curved interfaces
ß Measurement of surface and interfacial tensionCapillary rise
method ß Drop weight method ß Du Nuoy tensiometer method ß Spreading of liquids
ß Spreading coefficient ß Adsorption at liquid interfaces
19 | P a g e
ß Surface active agents
ß Hydrophilic – Lipophilic balance ß Types of monolayers at liquid interfaces
ß Soluble monolayers
ß Gibbs adsorption equation (No derivation) ß Insoluble monolayers and film balance ß Adsorption at solid interfaces
ß Adsorption isotherms
ß Freundlich adsorption isotherm ß Wetting angle and Contact angle
6. Electromotive force: ß Electrochemical cell ß Types of electrodes
ß Nernst equation and cell emf ß pH meter and Measurement of pH ß Ion sensitive electrodes
ß Oxidation reduction indicators
ß Concentration cells
7. Colloids: ß Classification ß Preparation, colloid properties such as optical
Kinetic and electrical ß Gold number ß Protective colloid ß Schultz Hardy rule.
Reference Books
1. P. J. Sinko, “Martin’s Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences” 5 th edition,
Lippincotts Williams and Wilkin, Indian Edn. Distributed by B. I. Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2006. 2. A. Findlay, “Practical Physical Pharmacy” revised and edited by J. A. Kitchener, 8 th
Edn. Longmans, Green and company Ltd. 1967. 3. B. S. Bahl, A. Bahl, G. D. Tuli, “Essentials of Physical Chemistry ” revised edition, S. Chand and company Ltd., New Delhi, 2006.
4. U. B. Hadkar “A Textbook of Physical Pharmacy”, 6 th Edn. Nirali Prakashan, Pune
2006. 5. U. B. Hadkar, T. N. Vasudevan, K. S. Laddha “Practical Physical Pharmacy” Yucca
Publishing House, Dombivali, 1994.
S. No. Topic Hours
1. Introduction to per formulation studies with respect to monophasics: ß Organoleptic properties
ß Purity
ß Solubility and techniques of solubilzation ß Partition coefficient and dissociation constant, Salt
formation ß Polymorphism and crystal habit ß Stability and Interaction with excipients.
2. Complexion: 2
20 | P a g e
ß Types of complexes and their analysis. 3. Formulation, large scale manufacturing, packaging and Quality Control
of nonsterile monophasic liquids: ß Solutions
ß Aromatic waters
ß Syrups
ß Elixirs
ß Linctuses
ß Drops
ß Glycerites
ß Paints
ß Lotions
ß Liniments
ß Sprays.
4. Powder Technology: ß Fundamental and derived properties of powders and their
measurement ß Size reduction. ß Size separation.
5. Formulation, large scale manufacturing, Packaging and Quality control
of Powders: ß Dusting powders ß Oral rehydration powders
ß Dry syrup formulations.
6. Diffusion: ß Fick’s laws and steady state diffusion, measurement of
Dissolution: ß Dissolution rate, Noyes – Whitney equation, Hixon Crowell Law
1. L. V. Allen Jr., N. G. Popovich and H. C. Ansel “Ansel’s Pharmaceutical Dosage
Forms and Drug Delivery S. D. systems”, 8th Edn. Lippincotts Williams and Wilkin.
Indian Edn Distributed by B.I. Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2005.
2. P. J. Sinko,” Martin’s Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences” 5 th edition,
Lippincotts Williams and Wilkin, Indian Edn. Distributed by B. I. Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2006
3. M. E. Aulton “Pharmaceutics The Science of Dosage form Design” Churchill
Livingston, London, 2002.
4. “Remington The Science and Practice of Pharmacy”, Vol. I and II, 21 st Edn.
Lippincotts Williams and Wilkin, Indian Edn. Distributed by B. I. Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2005
5. E. A. Rowling “Bentleys Textbook of Pharmaceutics” 8 th Edn. Bailliere Tindall London,
Indian Edn. Published by all India Traveler Book seller Delhi, 1992.
6. R. A Lyman and G. Urdang “American Pharmacy” 5 th Edn.
7. James Swarbick “Current concepts in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Dosage form design
and bioavailability” Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, 1973. 8. S. J Carter “Cooper and Gunn’s Tutorial Pharmacy” 6 th Edn. CBS Publishers and
Distributors, Delhi, 1986. 9. Industrial Pharmacy
21 | P a g e
S. No. Topic Hours
1. Brief history of microbiology: Microbiology, scope and application in
pharmaceutical sciences
2. Microscopy: Simple microscope, Compound microscope. Resolving power, magnification, angular aperture, and numerical
aperture, oil immersion microscopy to be covered in practical, phase
contrast and dark field.
Fluorescent and electron microscopy.
3. Staining (All staining with respect to bacteria):
Monochromatic staining
Gram staining
Acid fast staining
Capsule, flagella spore, cell wall staining
Negative staining
4. Classification of microorganism as different types 1
5. Classification of bacteria:
Morphology, cell characteristic, habitat nutrition Cultivation of bacteria:
Culture media: Cultivation, storage media, enrichment media
differential media, microbiological assay media
Cultivation of aerobes and an aerobes
Pure culture techniques – isolation
Preservation of cultures
Reproduction and Growth phases, measurement of growth, factors
affecting growth, continuous cultivation, enumeration of bacteria
Identification of bacteria
Overview of bacterial diseases in brief
Mycobacterium sp., Salmonella sp., Shigella sp., Staphylococcus
Sp., Klebsiella sp., E.coli., Pseudomonas, Clostridium self study
6. Viruses:
Morphological characteristic, enumeration, cultivation and reproduction
HIV and oneogenic Viruses.
7. Riekketsiae Diseases 1
8. Fungi:
Morphological characteristics and classification, reproduction, mycosis in brief (Pathogenic fungi like Aspergillus, Dermatophytes. Candida albicans)
9. Algae:
Morphological characteristics, reproduction, economic significance of
10. Protozoa:
Morphological characteristics and classification, reproduction,
Pathogenic protozoa like Amoeba, Paramecium, Trichomonas, Plasmodium
11. Control of microorganisms:
Different techniques of sterilization and their application. Introduction to
aseptic techniques(no equipments to be covered)
Disinfectants and principles of disinfection.
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Reference Books:
1. M. J. Pelezar Jr., E. C. S. Chan and N. R. Krieg “Microbiology Concepts and
Applications” McGraw Hill, Inc., USA, 1993. 2. M. Frobisher, R. D. Hinsdill, K. T. Crabtree and C. R. Goodheart “Fundamentals of
Microbiology”, 9 th Edn. Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia 1968.
3. W. B. Hugo and A. D. Russel “Pharmaceutical Microbiology” 6 th Edn, Blackwell
Science Ltd. UK, 2003. 4. R. Ananthanarayan and Ck. J. Paniker “Test Book of Microbiology”, 7 th Edn. Orient
Longman Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad, 2005
1. Preparation and standardization of 0.1 N HCI, 0.1 N NaOH, 0.1N Na2S2O3, 0.1 N
KMnO4, 0.1 N lodin. 2. Assay of Zinc oxide, Magnesium sulphate, Ferrous sulphate, Potassium iodide,
Copper sulphate. 3. Titrimetric Analysis : Determination of total alkalinity and sodium carbonate of sodium
hydroxide determination of percentage of aspirin, Determination of ascorbic acid
4. Argentimetric titration NaCl powder and KCl. 5. I.P. limit tests for: chloride, sulphate, arsenic, heavy metal, iron.
Reference Books:
1. A. H. Bekett and J. B. Stanlake, Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 4 th edition, CBS
Publishers and Distributors, 1997.
2. G. H. Jeffery and J. Bassett, Vogels’ Textbook of Quantitative: Chemical Analysis, 5 th
Edition. Longman Scientific and Technical 1989.
3. Indian Pharmacopocia, British Pharmacopocia, USP, Martindale
List of experiments
Aromatic waters
Chloroform water I.P 66
Concentrated Dill water I.P 66 Concentrated Anise water B.P.C 73
Dill water
Gripe water
Syrup I.P 66
Artificial syrup
Cough syrup – Codeine phosphate syrup B.P.C
Simple linctus B.P.C
Piperzine citrate elixir B.P.C
Ear drops
Chloramphenicol ear drops B.P.C
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Nasal drops
Ephedrine sulphate nasa drops B.P.C
Glycerin of starch I.P 55
Glycerin of boric acid I.P 55
Glycerin of tannic acid I.P 66
Aqueous Iodine solution I.P 66
Weak Iodine solution I.P 66
Paracetamol Solubilised Paediatric drops
Cresol with soap solution I.P
Magnesium citrate oral solution N.F XIV
Chlorinated soda solution, surgical B.P.C
Iodine Paint compound B.P.C 68
Oral rehydration salt (ORS)
Evaluation of liquids for specific gravity and viscosity and powders for bulk density,
flow rate and angel of repose
1. Relative strength. Hydrochloric acid/ sulphuric acid
2. Second order reaction (saponification)
3. Determination of order by equal fraction method (first order reaction )
4. Ostwalds isolation method to determine order
1. Parnton coefficient Benzoic acid
2. Surface tension: 1. Determination of surface tension of water, toluene, nhexane, parachor and critical solution temp determination. 2. Determination of CMC
3. Phenol water : Critical solution temp and composition
4. Determination of molecular weight of a polymer from solution viscosity
5. Adsorption : Surface area determination
6. HLB of A surfactant
7. Potentiometer : Titration and determination of bufler capacity
Reference Books:
1. U. B Hadkar, T. N. Vasudevan, K. S. Laddha “Practical Physical Pharmacy” Yucca
Publishing House, Dombivali, 1994.
1. Study of microscope and common laboratory equipments
2. Gram staining
3. Monochrome staining
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4. Negative staining
5. Cell wall staining
6. Scope staining
7. Capsule staining
8. Motility by hanging drop technique
9. Preparation and sterilization of nutrient broth, agar slants, plates, anoculation
techniques. 10. Isolation of pure culture by pour plate and streak plate methods. Colony
characterization and growth patterns in broth of cocci and bacilli
11. Total count by Breeds smear method
12. Growth by optical density, total plate count
13. Study of yeast, Aspergillus and Penicillum with respect to morphology
14. Observation on prepared slides of malarial parasite in blood smear, intestinal amoeba
in stools.
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