Hello readers. Welcome to our site pharmawiki.in. Today we will discuss B-Pharmacy 1st Year Pharmaceutics / Important Questions for Internal & External Examination. These are for especially 2marks and you can even expect 10 marks questions with the combination of these one or two questions.
B-Pharmacy 1st Year Pharmaceutics
- Define Dosage Forms. Give classification.
- Define: Creams, Pastes, Gargles, Elixirs,
- Give Classification of dosage form.
2 Marks - What is the importance of Latin language in prescription writing?**
- Enlist various types of prescription with suitable example.**
- Give the typical example of prescription.
- Define prescription. Enlist types of prescription.
5 Marks - Write a note on reasons & remedies of physical incompatibility.
- Short note: parts of prescription.
- Short note: various types of prescription.*
- Short note: prescription pricing.
10 Marks - Define prescription. Explain in detail various parts of prescription.** Add a note on
Pricing of Prescription or Handelling of prescription. - B-Pharmacy First Year Important Questions
- Give a brief introduction to prescription & explain different parts of it with well labelled
diagram. - Define prescription. Explain various types of prescription with suitable example. Give a
detailed account on parts of prescription.
Pharmaceutical Calculations
2 Marks - What will be the effect of administering hypertonic & hypotonic solution parenterally?
- In what proportion 50% & 90% alcohol be mixed to make 60% alcohol?
- How will you prepare 70% alcohol solution by using 95% & 20% alcohol?
- What is proof strength of 80% v/v & 45% v/v ethanol?
- Calculate the percent strength of 40 over proof & 30 under proof.
- In what proportion should 3%, 5%, 15% & 20% alcohol to be mixed to obtain 10%
alcohol? - Define proof spirit.*
- Define isotonicity & proof spirit.
- Define Hypertonic & Hypotonic solution.
2 Marks - Define posology & state Dilling’s formula for calculating doses for children.
- Give Clark’s and Young’s formula for the calculation of doses.
- Give Young’s and Dilling’s formula for the calculation of doses.
5 Marks - Define posology and discuss the factors affecting does of drug & action
of drug on human body. - What do you mean by dose? Explain the factors affecting doses and action of drug on
the human body.
Pharmaceutical Incompatibility
2 Marks - Define therapeutic incompatibility.
- Solve the following incompatibility
Sodium Salicylate – 5 gm.
Lemon syrup – 20ml
Purified water – 75 ml.
5 Marks - Write a note on reasons & remedies of physical incompatibility.
- Short note- Physical incompatibility.**
- Short note- Therapeutic incompatibility.
10 Marks - Define incompatibility. Discuss in detail chemical incompatibility.
- What is incompatibility? Discuss the reasons why physical & therapeutic incompatibility
occurs. Describe the methods to correct such incompatibility.
2 Marks - Differentiate between flocculated & deflocculated suspension.*
- Define suspension. Give any two example suspending agents.
- What do you mean by diffusible and indiffusible substances?
- What is stokes law?
B-Pharmacy First Year Important Questions
- Classify suspension.
- What are different excipients needed to compound oral suspension.
- Explain dry powders for suspension in short.
- 5 Marks
- Short note: Thickening agents.
- Short note: suspending agents.
- Short note: Oral suspension.**
- Emulsion
- 2 Marks
- Define HLB & Draw a well labelled HLB scale.
M-Pharmacy First Sem Question paper questions
Differentiate between suspension & emulsion.
Explain various identification tests for types of emulsion.
What do you mean by oral emulsion & topical emulsion?
5 MarksCauses of instability of emulsion.**
4Identification test of emulsion.*
Methods of compounding emulsion.
10 Marks
Define emulsion. Write a note on methods of preparation of emulsion & identification
tests for determination of type of emulsion.**
Define emulsion. Discuss methods of compounding and write a short note on causes of
for instability of emulsion.*
Define emulsion. Classify emulsion; explain in detail about instability of emulsion.
Define emulsion. Give a note on oral emulsion. Discuss its methods of preparation.
2 Marks
Define: creams & plasters.
Define: poultices & jellies.*
Classify ointment bases.
Define ointment & gels
5 Marks
Write a note method of preparation of ointment.
Short note: Gels & jellies.
Write a note on fusion method of ointment compounding.
Short note: plasters
10 Marks
Define ointment. Classify ointment bases and explain various method of compounding
Define ointment. Discuss method of compounding with example.
2 Marks
Classify suppository bases.
Give any four merits (advantages) of suppositories.
Define suppository. Give merits & demerits.
Define suppository. Give any four ideal properties of suppository bases.
5 Marks
Short note- Methods of compounding of suppositories.**
10 Marks
Define and classify suppositories. Classify suppositories bases. Explain in detail method
of compounding and add note on suppository bases.*
Ligatures & Sutures
2 Marks
What are suture & ligature?***
Give any two quality control tests for catgut.*
Enlist various quality control tests for catgut.
5 Marks
Short note: Processing & mfg. of catgut.
10 Marks
Define suture & ligature. Explain in detail about quality control tests of catgut.
Monophasic Liquid Dosage Forms
2 Marks
Define: Gargles and elixir.
Define solutions. Give advantages and disadvantages.*
Give advantages & disadvantages of Monophasic liquids.
Define: elixir & linctuses.
Define: syrup & elixir.*
What is concentration of sugar in syrup. Explain in short about syrup.
Give the difference between lotion & liniment.
5 Marks
Short note: Syrups*
Define syrup. Write a note on compounding method of syrup.**
10 Marks
Define suture & ligature. Explain in detail about quality control tests of catgut.
Powders & Granules
2 Marks
What are powders? Classify them with suitable examples.
What do you mean by divided & built powder?
Define powder. Give its advantages.*
5 Marks
Short note: Effervescent granules.*
Define Non- Effervescent granules and explain wet granulation techniques in short.
Introduction to Pharmacopoeias
2 Marks
Expand the abbreviations BPC, BP, lP, USP.
5 Marks

Write Short note: IP*
Conclusion Note:
Hope B-Pharmacy 1st Year Pharmaceutics Important Questions for Internal & External Examination (2marks) helped you. All the questions from the beginning to the end are for both B pharma and M pharmacy. You need to study all the questions in this article while you prepare for your examination. Stay tuned so that you can find all the answers for these questions. We will surely help you. Leave us a comment below if this article found useful for you and if you need answers for these questions.
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