Mumbai Maharashtra Pharmacy Registration Application Form PDF Download

If you want to register your pharmacy certificate in Mumbai or around the state of Maharashtra you need to apply for the registrant as new applicant at Maharashtra State Pharmacy Council. We provide you here Pharmacy Registration Application Form PDF Download to apply for pharma Registration.


(See Rule 56)




For office use To be filled in by office For office use
Id                        Inward

No                       Date                          

Receipt details


Date                 RR No                                          ARFL R No                  PPP R No                       

DIB R No                   Sign                            






NO-N/_                                                   is registered u/s 32(2)







E.S.I.S. Hospital Compound L.B.S. Marg, Mulund (West), Mumbai – 400 080.

E mail:[email protected] Dear Sir/Madam

I request that my NAME, ADDRESS AND QUALIFICATIONS as stated in the accompanying form may be registered under the Pharmacy Act, 1948, and that same may be furnished with a Certificate of Registration.

I enclose herewith for your perusal and return the certificates and diplomas in original and their copies for the record. The requisite fees as required under rules of the Maharashtra State Pharmacy Council Rules, 1969, is remitted in the office (as per the annexure). I hereby declare that I have read the provisions of Sec. 32(2) and 41 and all relevant provisions of the Pharmacy Act, 1948; I have myself filled the application form and all the entries in the form are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Date:                                  Name:                                                              Signature:


In continuation of above, in conformity with MSPC Rules 1969 (Rule NO- 57(2) ) I hereby voluntarily remit and request you to please accept the amount of Rs. _                        (Rs.

) as Advance Renewal fee in lump sum (ARFL) from me, paid in  order to avoid difficulties arising out of my inadvertent failure to pay the renewal fees every year in time.


In future, if due to some reason this amount becomes inadequate to cover my renewal fees, I shall be glad to remit such additional amount as you may deem fit.


In the event of conclusion of my registration on account of one of the following reasons, this amount of ARFL shall be treated as my donation to the council as per Rule 82 of MSPC Rules-1969 and I assure you that neither me nor my nominee or representative will claim for any refund of same from council.


1) Transfer or migration to other state 2) Cancellation of registration on account of my death,

  • Voluntary submission of Registration Certificate to council for practicing some other profession or other reason
  • Temporary or permanent cancellation of registration under section 36 of the Pharmacy Act-1948


I will inform you my residential or professional address if there is any change in the same.

I am also fully aware of the directives of the Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi regarding compulsory attendance of at least two refresher courses (Continued education program) in five years duration for further renewal of my registration.


I also understand that Pharmacist’s Professional Profile is supplementary to Registration Certificate issued by Maharashtra State Pharmacy Council and this may be used as authorized proof of Identity. I also voluntarily remit necessary charges towards the publications and bulletin published by Council’s Drug Information Centre during this financial year.


I hereby declare that I have read and understood everything mentioned above and agree with same and will abide by it, I request you to make me participate under ARFL scheme and Pharmacist’s Professional Profile.



Thanking you,



Yours faithfully,



Signature (sign here)                                                             



The name entered in application form must correspond with the name of the applicant entered at the university or other examinations certificate.


  1. 1. Name in full, beginning with Surname Surname (In block Capitals)

Name Father’s/Husband’s Name

Old Name (if any)                                                                                                                                                                   


2   Date of birth _                                                                3) Nationality                                                                                     


4) Male / Female                               5)Place  and District of birth                                                                                      


  • Residential Address in BLOCK letters

(Should include House NO., Street name, Village, Town, Taluka, Dist and Pin code)


  1. Permanent Address :                                                                                                                                                         


_                                                                                                                                                     Taluka _                              District _                               Pin                                        

  1. Present/Correspondence Address :                                                                                                                              






_                                                                                                                                                     Taluka _ _                          District                                  Pin                            _

Residence Telephone No.  _                                             _ Mobile No. _                                          


E-mail ID.                                                                                                                                                                           


  • Address of business or profession :-                                                                                                                                 




  • Description of Qualification of which registration is desired along with documentary evidence.


Qualification Year Institute/College Name in full Date of Passing


Diploma Degree      
1st Year 1st Year      
2nd Year 2nd Year      
  3rd Year      
  4th Year      


Additional Qualification(if any) Year Institute/College Name in full Date of passing (dd/mm/yyyy)


Signature of the Applicant


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How to do Pharmacy Registration Online? Maharashtra State Pharmacy Council

To do registration of Maharashtra State Pharmacy Council’s Online Registration Portal Online you need to do the following steps. Registration steps to follow;


Applicants are requested to go through instruction manuals and guidelines before filling online registration form.


Pre-verification form will appear to applicants to agree with the given statements, All statements are mandatory to proceed with online registration.

Applicant will fill his personal details form to be able to receive OTP. Please provide your
personal mobile number and Email ID.
Login ID and Password will be send to his/her registered mobile number and Email ID.

On the next page, Applicant must verify his OTP received on his/her Mobile number and Email ID,

After successful verification of OTP, Applicant will have to login with the given login ID and password to continue with the online registration.

Applicant will have to fill up his address details, education details and proceed to upload required documents .

Applicant will upload his Photo and signature in jpg or jpeg format as per mentioned size. Applicant will also upload necessary documents required for registration in PDF format only as per mentioned size.
*Applicant will download undertaking /declaration which is available in download section and take print out of same .Applicant will read same ,sign on each page of undertaking and upload same without fail along with other requisite documents .Also Applicant will download Identity slip ,take print out ,fill same ,affix photo ,sign and get it attested from Principal of his Pharmacy college and upload same without fail .

On the Payment details, Applicant will be shown his fees to be paid for the application. Applicant must pay his fees online on SBI Portal. Link given below:

After successful payment of fees, Applicant must login to enter the payment details to proceed with confirmation of online application form.(mandatory) Applicants are advised to take a printout of the Fee receipt for future reference.

Applicant must confirm his/her application to be able to process for approval.

Applicant may take a printout of application form for any future reference .

Can I study Pharmacy without Biology or Mathematics?

Can I study Pharmacy without Biology or Mathematics

As per the new rules any student without biology in his or her academic curriculum is eligible to pursue course of pharmacy whether it is b pharm or any other pharma related courses. there are many students  who have a doubtful question “Am I eligible for Pharmacy course after completing intermediate without biology as a part?”

” Is it possible for me to do B.Pharmacy course after completing 12th with maths as primary subject?”.

The answer is YES.

As we all know before D Pharmacy or B Pharmacy cannot be done without having Biology in 10+2 in past. Biology is a compulsory subject to pursue B Pharmacy as they thought Is biology a necessary subject for pursuing these courses in the olden days. but as per new educational system the chance of pursuing pharmacy education after maths is allowed with a whole heart and the students are encouraged to pursue their favorite path.

To study pharmacy, which subject is required to study in 10+2?

maths or biology both are eligible now to pursue pharmacy education if you are really interested in studying pharmacy.

Any SCIENCE stream combination of Physics ,chemistry, biology or mathematics in your 10+2 will allow you to apply for the universities and colleges of pharmacy.

Types of Pharmacy Education:

In pharmacy education there are 3 types of courses available.

  • D. Pharmacy :: its a 2 years diploma program.
  • B Pharmacy :: its a 4 years degree program .
  • Pharm D:: its 6 years long doctoral level course.


D PHARMACY is a two year diploma program for the students to pursue pharma education. students who completed their senior secondary education or intermediate education 10th or 12th classes are eligible to apply for these courses. as the name mentions it is diploma course which teaches dispensing pharmacy and pharmacology as main subjects.



B Pharmacy is a four year course which is offered by different universities in different colleges. In this 4 years course students are are recommended to learn dispensing manufacturing synthesis compounding and many more things about medicines. The students who completed their B Pharmacy can work in different it retails and Hospital pharmacies and also so different pharmaceutical industries and different positions. The scope for this b Pharmacy is is is wide open two different opportunities.


Form D is a a professional doctorate of Pharmacy course which is 6 Year program of pharmacy. The students need to pursue their six years course to finish their academics and they will be called as doctors in their suffix. There is a bright future for this but a narrow lane of opportunities are visible in our country. The scope for this pharm D is really good in abroad.



Top Canada Pharmacy Universities-REVIEWS How to Select?

10 best Canada universities

Are you planning to study pharmacy in Canada this article gives you whole idea all about the top colleges and top Canadian universities which provides pharmacy education. This article will surely help you to choose a University if you are considering Canada as an option for your higher studies. There are almost 10 universities which provide best education in pharmacy. Really want to do your under graduation or project post graduation you need to consider few points before you select your University.

  1. Let us discuss now things you need to to keep in your mind before actually trying to decide on a University.
    1. Which course you want to take is it undergraduate Bachelor of Pharmacy or doctorate of Pharmacy course or you want to complete your masters or a post graduate diploma in pharmacy subjects.
  2. 2. You need to have a complete Idea on all the courses of Canadian universities where a Pharmacy bachelor can apply.
  3. 3. After selecting your course you need to to search the best college which is providing your appropriate subject of interest. Almost all universities have a good standard but you need to specifically look for your subject of your concern.
  4. 4. You need to have an idea on what is your future idea of pursuing masters for graduation in Canada. Each would have a different perspective of going for higher studies in abroad. Some might think an exposure of of the subject or some other might think to settle as a permanent residence or some might think to just work for few years and return to India.
  5. 5. Do you decide what you wanna do after your completion of the course? This will help you to decide the place you want to study at the university because if you want to settle as an permanent resident need to go for a place where the province itself helps the international students to apply for the permanent residents easily.
  6. 6. The most important thing you need to consider before selecting a university or a province is that the availability of part time if you really need to pay your fees by yourself. The fee structure is really very high for the international students and everyone might need to have a part time pay off fees. So it is best to touch a place which I have an ample part-time jobs where students can do along with their studies.
  7. 7. You need to consider is the cost of living of that particular place if you don’t have any problem with finances then you don’t really need to think about this but to choose a good University. When you really have some issues with your finances you might be smart to select a good University in a good place with minimum expenses for your month.

Top 7 Canada Pharmacy Universities

University of Toronto
Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy
144 College Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3M2
Tel: 416 978-2889
Fax: 416 978-8511

University of British Columbia
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
2146 East Mall
Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z3
Tel: 604 822-2343
Fax: 604 822-3035

Memorial University of Newfoundland
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Centre
St. John’s, Newfoundland A1B 3V6
Tel: 709 777-8300
Fax: 709 777-7044
E-mail: [email protected]

Université de Montréal
Faculté de pharmacie
C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-ville
Montréal, Québec H3C 3J7
Tel: 514 343-6422
Fax: 514 343-2102
Université Laval
Faculté de pharmacie
Pavillon Ferdinand-Vandry
Québec, Québec G1V 0A6
Tel: 418 656-3211
Fax: 418 656-2305
E-mail: [email protected]

University of Alberta
Faculty of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
2-55 Medical Sciences Building
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H1
Tel: 780 492-3362
E-mail: [email protected]

University of Manitoba
Faculty of Pharmacy
Apotex Centre
750 McDermot Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 0T5
Tel: 204 474-9306
Fax: 204 474-7617
E-mail: [email protected]

University of Saskatchewan
College of Pharmacy and Nutrition
110 Science Place
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 5C9
Tel: 306 966-6327
Fax: 306 966-6377
E-mail: [email protected]

University of Waterloo
School of Pharmacy
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1
Tel: (519) 888-4499
Fax: (519) 888-7910
E-mail: [email protected]

Dalhousie University
College of Pharmacy
5968 College Street, PO Box 15000
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4R2
Tel: 902 494-2378
Fax: 902 494-1396
E-mail: [email protected]

University of Saskatchewan

This is good old college rest with good reputation. Here you can get program where you can study your masters. Importance of this university is the province you are in. Province provides you points even after your Canadian studies to if you let to settle down there as permanent resident. Cities in this province are really affordable and economical for all the international students. The housing and the cost of living is really low when per to the provinces of Canada.

Université de Montréal

This is also a good option for international students especially from India with good reputation. Here you can get program where you can study your masters. Importance of this university is the province you are in. you need to know about the province before you land. this is land of French. you will be at a good place if you have a knowledge of French language before you take up your studies.  Part time jobs become a piece of cake if you know the French language. Cities in this province are really affordable and economical for all the international students. The housing and the cost of living is really low when per to the provinces of Canada.

Telugu RRB Question Paper


T1. In which of the following activities silicon carbide is used?
cutting very hard substances
1. క్ంది వాటిల్లో దేనిల్ల సిలికాన్ కార్బైడ్ వాడతారు?
చాల్ా గటిివ ైన పదారాా ల్ు కత్తిర ్ంచడానికి
02. Which radioactive pollutant drew the attention of public, due to its occurrence in the building
2. కటిడాల్ కటటి దల్ల్ల వాడే ఏ పదారథ్ం వల్ో వచేే రేడియో ఆకిివ్ కాల్ుష్య్ం పరజల్ ఆకటటి కు్ంది ?
థోర య్ం
03. Which of the following is a protein?
Natural rubber
కి్ందివాటిల్లో ప్రర టీన్ ఏది?
నాచురల్ రబ్ైర్
04. Optic fiber is mainly used for which of the following?
4. కి్ంది వాటిల్లో దేనిల్ల ఆప్ిిక ఫ ైబ్ర్ వాడతారు?
5. The outer shell of the egg is composed of
Calcium Carbonate
5. గయడడు ప్ ై ను్ండే ప్ ్ంకు ……….ద ్ంతో చేయబ్డి ఉ్ంటట్ంది
కాలిియ్ం కారైనేట్
6 Carbohydrates are organic compounds with the basic structure:
CX (H2O)y
6. కారబైహ ైడేరట్్ యొకక మ్ూల్పదారథ్ం ఏ ఆరాా నిక కా్ంప్ ్ండ్ ల్ల ఉ్ంటట్ంది….
CX (H2O)y
7. The majority of the patients with coronary heart disease have an elevated level of:
7. కారొనరీ గయ్ండెజబ్యైల్ు కల్ వాయధిగస్ుి ల్లో ఇది ఎకుకవగా ఉ్ంటట్ంది ర
8 Which of the following food group is the concentrated source of energy?
8. కి్ంది వాటిల్లో ఏ ఆహార్ం శకిికి మ్ూల్పదారథ్ం?
తొల్గ ్ంచడబ్డినది
09. Adoption of children in India is through a statutory body called
Central Adoption Resource Authority
. 09. భారత దేశ్ంల్ల చటిబ్దామ ైన స్్ంస్థ దాురా ఒక బిడును దతిత తీస్ుకోడ్ం అనేది
స ్ంటరల్ అడాపిన్ ర సర ర్్ అథార టీ
10. United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) was established in
the year
10. యయన ైటెడ్ నేష్న్్ ఇ్ంటరేేష్నల్ చిల్ురన్్ ఎమ ర్ెన్స్ ఫ్ండ్ ……. స్్ంవత్ర్ంల్ల న ల్కొల్పబ్డి్ంది
11. The Indecent Representation of Women (Prevention) Act was enacted in the year
11.ఇ్ండీస ్ంట్ ర్పరస ్ంటేష్న్ ఆఫ్ వవమ న్ ఆకి ఏ స్్ంవత్ర్ం న ల్కొల్పబ్డి్ంది
12. One Stop Centers (OSCs) meant for women affected by violence and financial assistance
are established with grants from the

Nirbhaya Fund
12. వన్ సాి ప్ స ్ంటర్ అ్ంటే అతాయచారాల్కు గయర్బనస్ిల్కు ఆర థక్ంగా స్హాయ్ం అ్ంది్ంచడానికి ీ ….చే
13. Impairments of the ability to recognize familiar objects are called:
13. బ్ాగా తెలిసిన వస్ుి వవలిే గయర ి్ంచడ్ంల్లబ్ల్హీనతను ఏమ్్ంటారు?
14. ‘PURA’ is a concept given by Former President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and
discussed in his book Target 3 Billion which he co-authored with Srijan Pal
Singh. PURA stands for:
Provisions of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas
14. “ప్ి యయ ఆర్ ఏ” అనేదానిే డా. ఏ.క్.జి. అబ్యు ల్ కల్ామ్ గారు స్రజాన్ ప్ాల్ సి్ంగ్ తో కలిసి రాసిన
టార్ాట్ ౩ బిలియనలో ప్ేరొకనాేరు. అస్ల్ు ప్ి యయ ఆర్ ఏ అ్ంటే ఏ్ంటి?
ప్రర విస్న్్ ఆఫ్ అరైన్ అమ నిటీస్ ఇన్ రూరల్ ఏర యాస్
15. The Nirbhaya Act, 2013 also defines more sexual offences besides rape. These
(1) Both (Stalking and Voyeurism) and (Gang rape and Sexual harassment)
15. 2013 కు చె్ందిన నిరభయ ఆకి, అతాయచార్ం ఒకేి కాకు్ండా అనేక ఇతర స కు్వల్ నేరాల్ను
ర్్ండడ (సాి కి్ంగ్, వొయినిస్మ్) & (సామ్ూహిక అతాయచార్ం, స కు్వల్ హరాస మ్ంట్ ) అవకాసాల్ు

Government Pharmacist  previous question paper 

Question Number: 16
Recently ‘Titanwala Museum’ has been inaugurated in which state of India?
16. టెైటన్ వాల్ా మ్ూయసియ్ం ఇటీవల్ ఏ రాష్ిర్ంల్ల ప్ార ర్ంభ్ంచబ్డి్ంది?
రాజసాథ న్
17.Read the following statements:
a. The Statue of Unity is dedicated to SardarVallabhbhai Patel.
b. It is 182 meters tall and is located between the Satpura and the Vindhya mountain
c. It was built by sculptor Ram V Sutar and intricate bronze cladding done by a Chinese
foundry, the Jiangxi Toqine Company.
Which of the above statement is/ are correct?
All the given options.
17. కి్ందునే వాకాయల్ను చదవ్ండి:
a) సాి చుయ ఆఫ్ యూనిటీ స్రాు ర్ వల్ోభాయ్ ప్ాటిల్ కు అ్ంకిత్ం చేయబ్డి్ంది
b) అది 182 మీటరో ఎతతి ల్ల స్తపపరా వి్ంధ్య పరుతాల్ మ్ధ్యల్ల ఉ్ంది
c) అది రామ్ వి స్ుతార్ అనే శిలిప, చెైనా వార జియాగ ్ టోకియని అనే క్ంప్ న్సతో కల్సి క్ంచుతో చేశారు
ప్ ైనునే పరకటనల్లో ఏది / ఏవి స్ర్బనది/వి?
ప్ ైవన్సే
18.The World Day of Social Justice is celebrated all over the World on 20 February. The
theme of 2019 World Day of Social Justice was:
If you want Peace & Development, Work for Social Justice.
18. పరప్ంచ సామ్ాజిక నాయయ దినలత్వ్ం ఫిబ్రవర ౨౦ న జరుపవతారు. 2019 కు థ మ్ ఏమిటి?
మీకు శా్ంత్త, అభవృదిా కావాల్్ంటే సామ్ాజిక నాయయ్ం
Question Number: 19
Who has become the first player in history to win the Sir Garfield Sobers Trophy for ICC
Cricketer of the Year, the ICC Men’s Test Player of the Year and the ICC ODI Player of the
year awards in 2018?
Virat Kohli
19. 2018 ల్ల ఐ సి సి, ఓడి ఐ ప్ేోయర్ ఆఫ్ ది ఇయర్, స్ర్ గార ఫ్ల్ు సర బ్ర్్ టోర ఫ్ ఫర్ ఐ సి సి కిరక్టర్
ఆఫ్ ది ఇయర్ అవారుు ల్ు గ్లిచి్ందెవరు?
విరాట్ కోహీో
20. Consider the following statements about Vande Bharat Expressa. It is India’s first indigenously built engineless semi- high speed train.
b. It runs between Delhi and Surat at a maximum speed of 160 kmph.
Which of the above statements is/ are correct?
Only a
20. కి్ంది పరకటనల్లో వ్ందేభారత్ ఎక్ ప్ రస్ కు గయర ్ంచి స్ర్బనదేది?
a) అది భారతదేశ్ంల్ల తయారు చేయబ్డు స మీ హ ై స్పడ్ ర్బల్ు
b) అది ధిల్లో స్ూరత్ ల్ మ్ధ్య160 కి.మీ వేగ్ంతో నడడస్ుి ్ంది
ఏ మ్ాతరమే
21.National Safety Day/Week is a whole week safety campaign which is being celebrated
from_________ in 2019.
th March to 10th March
21. దేశీయ రక్షణా దిన్ం/ వార్ం అనేది ఒక వార్ం రక్షణ కా్ంప్ ైన్ ——- ను్ంచి 2019 జరుగయతత్ంది.
4 ను్ంచి మ్ార్ే 10 దాకా
22. Which of the following states in India has brought out a comprehensive bilingual tribal
dictionary seen as a measure to preserve vanishing native languages in the state?
22. నశి్ంచిప్ర తతనే భాష్ల్ను కాప్ాడే అవకాశ్ంగా ఏ రాష్ిర్ం ఒక స్్ంపూరణ దిుభాషా నిఘ్ంటటవవను
తయారు చేసి్ంది.
23. What are the major official languages of Andhra Pradesh?
Telugu and Urdu
23. ఆ్ంధ్రపరదేశ్ ల్లని ఆధికార క భాష్ల్ేవి?
తెల్ుగయ, ఉరుు
24.The OBC population data will be introduced from which Census year in India?
24. ఓ బి సి జనాభా డాటా స న ్స్ ఆఫ్ భారతదేశ్ంల్ల ఏ స్్ంవత్ర్ం ను్ంచి ప్ార ర్ంభ్ంచి్ంది?
25. H1N1 virus is sometimes mentioned in the news with reference to which one of the
following diseases?
Swine Flu
25. కి్ంది వాయధ్ుల్లో దేని విష్య్ంల్ల H1N1 వ ైరస్ వారిల్లో కి వచిే్ంది?
స ైున్ ఫ్ూో
26. If an object is thrown upwards, what will be its velocity, when it reaches its maximum
height (neglect the air resistance)?
0 m/s
26. ఒక వస్ుి వవ ప్ ైకి విసిర తే, అతయ్ంత ఎతతి కు వ ళితే, దాని వ ల్ాసిటీ ఎ్ంత? (గాలి వల్ో ఆట్ంక పడటానిే
0 m/s
27. _________ is an instrument for measuring the distance travelled by a wheeled vehicle.
27. చకార ల్ునే బ్్ండి ఎ్ంతదూర్ం వ ళిళ్ందో కొలిచే య్ంతార నిే…………
28. Splitting of white light into seven colors on passing through the glass prism is calledDispersion
28. గాో స్ ప్ిరస్మ్ ల్ల ను్ంచి తెల్ోని కా్ంత్త ఏడడ ర్ంగయల్ుగా విభజి్ంపబ్డటానిే ……..
డిస పరిన్
29.Which of the following has highest pH?
Human blood
29. కి్ంది వాటిల్లో అతయ్ంత pH ఉ్ండేది ఏది?
మ్నిషి రకి్ం
30. Kerosene oil floats on water becauseIts density is less than the density of water
30. కిరబసిన్ న్సటి మీద తేల్డానికి కారణ్ం…..
న్సటి డెని్టీ కనాే దాని డెని్టీ తకుకవ
Question Number: 31
Which one of the following pairs matches one another?
Jaundice – Liver
31. కి్ంది జతల్లో ఏది ఒక దానితో ఒకటి స్ర ప్ర ల్ుతత్ంది.
జా్ండీస్ – కాల్ేయ్ం
32. What is the minimum distance required to hear an echo?
17.2 metre
32. పరత్తధ్ుని వినిప్ి్ంచాల్్ంటే కావాలి్న కన్సస్ దూర్ం ఎ్ంత?
17.2 మీటర్
33. What is the range of mercury thermometer in Fahrenheit?
−35 to 673 °F
33. థెరబమమీటర్ ల్ల ఫార న్ హీట్ ల్కు మ రుకురీ రే్ంజ్ ఎ్ంత?
−35 to 673 °F
34. One hydraulic horsepower is equal to746 watts
34. ఒక హ ైడార లిక హార్్ పవర్ ….. దే్ంతో స్మ్ాన్ం
746 వాట్్
35. Consider the following statements with respect to Paika Rebellion
a. The Paika Rebellion was an armed rebellion against the British East India Company’s
rule that took place in West Bengal.
b. The Paika Rebellion was led by BakshiJagabandhu, former commander of forces of
the Raja of Khurda.
Which of the above statements are true?
Only b
35. కి్ంది పరకటనల్లో ప్ ైక ర్బ్ెలియన్ విష్య్ం పర గణల్లకి తీస్ుకో్ండి
a) ప్ ైకా ర్బ్ెలియన్ అనేది ఈస్ి ఇ్ండియా క్ంప్ న్స మీద పశిేమ్ బ్ె్ంగాల్ుల్ల బ్యల్ుదేర న సాయయధ్
b) ప్ ైకా ర్బ్ెలియన్ ఖుదర అనే రాజుగార స ైనాయధిపత్త, బ్క్షీజగబ్్ంధ్ు ఆధ్ురయ్ంల్ల జర గ ్ంది
ప్ ై ర్్ండి్ంటిల్ల ఏది స్ర్బనది?
బి మ్ాతర్ం
36. Match List- I with List- II and select the correct answer codes given below the lists-
List- I List- II
a. Karnam Malleshwari 1. Kuchipudi Maestro
b. Sobha Naidu 2. Chess Grandmaster
c. Pulapaka Susheela 3. Weightlifter
d. Humpy Koneru 4. Legendary Singer
a b c d
3 1 4 2
36. కి్ందునే పటిికలిే జతపరచి కి్ంది జవాబ్యల్లో స్ర్బనదానిే గయర ి్ంచ్ండి.
పటిిక – I పటిిక- II
a. కరణ్ం మ్ల్లోశుర 1. కూచిపూడి నాటాయచారుయల్ు
b. శోభానాయయడడ 2. చదర్ంగ గార్ండ్ మ్ాస్ిర్
c. పవల్ప్ాకస్ుశీల్ 3. వ ైట్ లిఫ్ిర్
d. హ్ంప్్ కోనేరు 4. గొపప గాయని
a b c d
3 1 4 2
37. Which of the following pairs given below is incorrectly matched?
Year India – Pak Conflict
1965 First war over Kashmir
37. కి్ంద ఉనే జతల్లో తపవపగా జతపడినది ఏది?
స్మ్య్ం ఇ్ండియా – ప్ాకిసాి న్ గొడవల్ు
1. 1965 కాశీమర్ విష్య్ంల్ల తొలి యయదా్ం
38. Consider the following statementsa. Before 1773 Governors General of the Presidency of Fort William (Bengal) was
named as Governor of Bengal, which was in existence since 1757 to 1772.
b. William Bentinck was the first Governor- General of India.
Which of the statements given above is/ are correct?
Both a and b
38..కి్ంది పరకటనల్ు గమ్ని్ంచ్ండి
a) ప్ రసిడెన్స్ ఆఫ్ ఫర ర్ి విలియమ్్ గవరేర్ జ్నరల్ (బ్ె్ంగాల్) ను బ్ె్ంగాల్ గవరేరుగా 1773 ను్ంచి
ఏరపడు తరాుత 1757 – 1772 దాకా అల్ాగే ఉ్ంది.
b) విలియమ్ బ్ె్ంటిక భారతదేశ తొలి గవరేర్ జ్నరల్
కి్ంది వాటిల్లో ఏది/వి స్ర్బనవి?
ఏ, బి ర్్ండూ
39. Who is known for killing Lord Mayo, the Viceroy of India?
Sher Ali Afridi
39. ల్ార్ు మ్ాయో, భారత వ ైసార య్ ని చ్ంప్ి్ంది ఎవరు?
షేర్ అల్ల అఫ్రడీ
40. The immediate cause of India’s first war of independence in 1857 wasIntroduction of new Enfield rifles
40. 1857 ల్లభారత తొలి సాుత్ంతరు ప్ర రాటానికి మొదటి కారణ్ం…..
ఎన్సీల్ు ర్బఫిల్్ ను పరవేశప్ టిడ్ం
41. Match List- I with List- II and select the correct answer codes given below the lists-
List- I List- II
First Indian Woman Name
a. Judge of Supreme Court 1. Rajkumari Amrita Kaur
b. Union Minister 2. Meera Sahib Fatima Bibi
c. Speaker of Lok Sabha 3. Indira Gandhi
d. Bharat Ratna 4. Meira Kumar
a b c d
2 1 4 3
41. కి్ంది పటిికల్ను జతపర చి ఇవుబ్డిన కోడ్్ ల్ల్ంచి స్ర్బన స్మ్ాధానానిే ఇవు్ండి.
భారతదేశ తొలి మ్హిళ ప్ేరు
a.స్ుప్్రమ్ కోరుి జడ్ె 1. రాజ కుమ్ార అమిిత కౌర్
b.యూనియన్ మినిస్ిర్ 2. మీరాసాహిబ్ ఫాత్తమ్ా బీబీ
c.ల్లక స్భ స్పకర్ 3. ఇ్ందిరాగా్ంధ
d.భారత రతే 4.మీరా కుమ్ార్

a b c d
2 1 4 3
42. Match List- I (Leaders of the revolt of 1857) with List- II (their areas of operation)
List – I List – II
a. KorukondaSubba Reddy 1. Lucknow
b. Dundasena 2. Hyderabad
c. JamedarChida Khan 3. Yernagudem
d. Begum Hazrat Mahal 4. Parlakimedi
a b c d
3 4 2 1
42. కి్ంది పటిికలిే(1857ఉదయమ్ నాయకుల్ు ) జతపరచ్ండి
పటిిక – I పటిిక – II
a.కోరుకొ్ండ స్ుబ్ాైర్డీు 1. ల్కోే
b.దు్ండ సేన 2. హ ైదరాబ్ాద్
c.జమేదార్ ఛిదాఖాన్ 3. ఎఱ్ఱనగూడె్ం
d.బ్ేగ్ం హజరత్ మ్హల్ 4. ఫరాో ఖిమిడి

a b c d
3 4 2 1
43. Who founded the “Krishna Patrika”?
Konda Venkatappayya
43. కృషాణ పత్తరక వయవసాథ పకుల్ెవరు?
కొ్ండా వ ్ంకటపపయయ
44. Consider the following statementsa. Mahatma Gandhi was born as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. The honorific title
‘Mahatma’ was given to him in 1914.
b. Gandhiji was not present during Nehru’s tryst of destiny speech to celebrate
Which of the statements given above is/ are correct?
Both a and b
44. కి్ంది పరకటనల్ను పర గణనల్లకి తీస్ుకో్ండి…..
a) మ్హాతామగా్ంధ గార ప్ేరు మోహన్ దాస్ కరమ్ చ్ంద్ గా్ంధి.ఆయనకు ఆ గౌరవపూరుకమ ైన
మ్హాతమ అనే1914 ల్ల ప్ేరు ఇవుబ్డి్ంది.
b) గా్ంధ గారు సాుత్ంతరు్ం వచిేన తరాుత న హరూ గారు జరుప్ిన వేడడకల్లో ప్ాల్గా నల్ేదు.
కి్ంది వాటిల్లో ఏది/వి స్ర్బనది/వి?
ఏ, బి ల్ు ర్్ండూ
45. Which of the following statements is correct regarding Vernacular Press Act, 1878?
a. Lord Lytton passed the Vernacular Press Act in 1878 in the best interest of the
b. In 1878, when the Vernacular Press Act was passed, the number of Indian English
Newspapers was 20 and vernacular newspapers were 200.
c. By this act, the magistrates of the districts were empowered, without the prior
permission of the Government, to call upon a printer and publisher of any kind to
enter into a Bond, undertaking not to publish anything which might “rouse” feelings
of disaffection against the government.
Select the correct answer using the codes given belowa, b and c
45. వ రాేకుయల్ర్ ప్ రస్ ఆకి 1878 విష్య్ంల్ల కి్ంది పరకటనల్లో ఏది స్ర్బనది?
a) పరభయతు ల్ాభ్ం కోస్్ం ల్ార్ు ల్ెైటిన్ వ రాేకుయల్ర్ ప్ రస్ ఆకి 1878 ను పరవేశ ప్ టాి డడ.
b) వ రాేకుయల్ర్ ప్ రస్ ఆకి 1878 పరవేశప్ టిబ్డినపవపడడ ఆ్ంగోపత్తరకల్ు భారతీయ భాష్ల్లో పత్తరకల్ు
c) ఈ ఆకుి కి్ంద, ఏ రకమ ైన మ్య్ందస్ుి అనుమ్త్త తీస్ుకోకు్ండా, ఏ పత్తరక వయవసాథ పకుల్న ైనా ప్ిలిచి ఓ
రకమ ైన ఒపప్ంద్ం చేస్ుకోడానికి, అల్ాగే ఏ విష్యమ ైనా పరభయతాునికి ఎదురుగా ఉనాే, ఉదయమ్ాది
భావనల్ను ర్చేగొటేివ ైనా జిల్ాో మేజ్సేిరట్ ల్కు అధికార్ం ఇవుబ్డి్ంది,
స్ర్బన జవాబ్యను కి్ంది కోడ్్ ఆధార్ంగా గయర ి్ంచ్ండి
ఏ, బి, సి ల్ు
46. Which insurance company has launched a new micro plan ‘Micro Bachat’?
Life Insurance Corporation
46. ఏ ఇనూ్ుర్న్్ క్ంప్ న్స “మ ైకోర బ్చత్” అనే ప్ేరుతో మ ైకోర ప్ాో న్ ప్ార ర్ంభ్ంచి్ంది?
ల్ెైఫ్ ఇనూ్ుర్న్్ కారొపరేష్న్
47. Who has launched a digital payment gateway ‘iPay’?
47. ’ఐ ప్ే” ప్ేరుతో డిజిటల్ ప్ేమ ్ంట్ ను ప్ార ర్ంభ్ంచి్ందెవరు?
ఐ ఆర్ సి టి సి
48.Which Great Personality’s dream was the source of inspiration behind Swachh Bharat
Mahatma Gandhi
48. స్ుచఛ భారత్ అభయాన్ ఏ గొపప వయకిి కల్ల్ ఫలిత్ం?
49. Which of the following is amongst the criteria for being registered as a national
political party?
a. It is recognized as a recognized political party in 2 or more states.
b. At the last general election to the house of people, the party has won at least 5% of
the total number of seats.
Neither a nor b
49. కి్ంది వాటిల్లో ఒక జాతీయ రాజకీయ ప్ారీిగా ర జిస్ిర్ చేస్ుకోడానికి అవస్రమ ైనవేవి?
a) ర్్ండడ ల్ేక అ్ంతక్ంటే ఎకుకవ రాషాిర ల్ల్ల గయర ి్ంపవ ప్ర్ందిన రాజకీయ ప్ారీి అయయ్ండాలి.
b) చివర ఎనిేకల్లో ఆప్ారీి హౌస్ ఆఫ్ ప్్పవల్ ల్ల మొతి్ం స్టోల్ల5% శాత్ం అయినా గ్లిచి ఉ్ండాలి
ఏ,బి ర్్ండడ కాదు
50. Who can remove the chairman of state Public Service Commission?
President of India

Government Pharmacist practice questions for exams

50. రాషాిర పబిో క స్రీుస్ కమిష్న్ ఛెైరమన్ ను తీసివేయ వచుే?
51. Ranbir Penal Code is applicable in which state?
Jammu and Kashmir
51. రణబైర్ ప్ేన ల్ కోడ్ ఏ రాషాిర నికి చె్ందినది?
జమ్యమ, కాశీమర్
52. Which of the following are the recommendations of Balwant Rai Mehta Committee
a. Establishment of two tier panchayat raj system.
b. Direct elections to both the village panchayat and zilaparishad.
c. All planning and development activities to be entrusted to Panchayati Raj
d. District collector should be the chairman of zilaparishad.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
c and d only
52. కి్ంది వాటిల్లో బ్ల్వత్ రాయ్ మ హతా కమిటీ (1957) సిఫారస్ు….
a) ర్్ండడ టెైరో ప్ంచాయతీ రాజ్ సిస్ి్ం ఏరాపటట
b) గారమ్ ప్ంచాయతీ, జిల్ాో పర ష్త్ ల్కు డెైర్కి గా ఎనిేకల్ు ప్ టిట్ం
c) ప్ంచాయతీ రాజ్ ల్ే పరణాళికల్ు, అభవృదిా అన్సే ఏరాపటట చేస్ుకోవచుే
d) కల్కిరే జిల్ాో పర ష్త్ ఛెైరమన్
సి, డి ల్ు మ్ాతరమే
53. In the context of establishing a new High Court of the state, which of the following
statement is correct?
The President of India, after the authorization by the Parliament, through a
notification can create new High Court for a state.
53. కొతి హ ైకోరుి ఏరాపటట చేసే విష్య్ంల్ల, కి్ంది వాటిల్లో ఏది స్ర్బనది?
భారత రాష్ిరపత్త, ప్ార ోమ ్ంట్ అనుమ్త్తతో, పరకటన దాురా ఒక కొతి హ ైకోరుి ను ఒక రాష్ిర్ంల్ల ఏరాపటట
54. Regarding National Electoral Transformation (NETA) Application, sometimes seen in the
news, which of the following statements is/ are correct?
a. It has been conceptualized and developed by the Election Commission of India.
b. It allows voters to rate and review their political representatives.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Only b
54. నేష్నల్ ఎల్లటోరల్ టార న్ఫరేమష్న్ (ఎన్ ఎఫ్ టి ఏ ) వారిల్లో అపవపడపవపడడ కనిప్ిస్ుి ్ంది. ఆ
విష్య్ంల్ల కి్ందపరకటనల్లో ఏది స్ర్బనది?
a.అది భారతీయ ఎల్క్షన్ కమిష్న్ చేత ఆల్లచి్ంపబ్డి, అభవృదిా చేయబ్డడతత్ంది
b.అది ఓటరోకు తామ్య ఎనుేకొనే రాజకీయ అభయరుథ లిే రేట్ చేయడానికి, ర్వూయ చేయడానికి
అవకాస్మిస్ుి ్ంది
కి్ంది వాటిల్లో స్ర్బన స్మ్ాధానానిే ఎనుేకో్ండి
బి మ్ాతరమే
55. Under which two states the President’s Rule is yet to be imposed?
Telangana and Chhattisgarh
55. కి్ంది ఏ ర్్ండడ రాషాిర ల్ల్ల రాష్ిరపత్త రూల్ ఇ్ంకా విధి్ంపబ్డల్ేదు?
తెల్్ంగాణ, ఛతీిస్ ఘడ్
56. Which of the following Articles cannot be suspended during the national Emergency?
Articles 20 and 21
56. కి్ంది ఆర ికల్్ ల్ల ఏది నేష్నల్ ఎమ్ర్ెన్స్ స్మ్య్ంల్ల స్ప్ ్్ండ్ చేయబ్డరాదు?
ఆర ికల్ 20, 21
57. Which State Governments have not provided 50 percent reservations for women in local
Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Goa and Jammu and Kashmir
57. ఏ రాష్ిర పరభయతాుల్ు ఆడవాళళకు ల్లకల్ బ్ాడీల్ల్ల 50 శాత్ం ర స్రేుష్న్ ఇవుట్ం ల్ేదు?
ఉతిరపరదేశ్, హరాయనా, గబవా, జమ్యమకాశీమర్
58. Match the following listsList- I List- II
(Outstanding Parliamentarian) (Year of Award)
a. Hukum Dev Narayan 1. 2016
b. Ghulam Nabi Azad 2. 2014
c. Dinesh Trivedi 3. 2017
d. BhartruhariMahtab 4. 2015
a b c d
2 4 1 3
58. కి్ంది పటిికల్ను జతపరచ్ండి—-
పటిిక – I పటిిక – II
(అవవట్ సాి ్ండి్ంగ్ ప్ార ోమ ్ంటేర యన్) స్్ంవత్ర్ం
a.హుకుమ్ దేవ్ నారాయన్ 1. 2016
b.గయల్ామ్ నబి ఆజాద్ 2. 2014
c.దినేశ్ త్తరవేది 3. 2017
d.భరిృహర మ్హబ్త్ 4. 2015
a b c d
2 4 1 3
59. Which article of the Indian Constitution states that all states and local bodies shall
endeavor to provide instructions in mother language in the primary stages of education?
Article 350 A
59. భారత రాజాయ్ంగ ఆర ికల్్ ల్ల కి్ంది వాటిల్లో ఏది రాష్ిర ల్లకల్ బ్ాడీల్ల్ల మ్ాతృభాష్ల్ల ప్ార థమిక
విదయను అ్ంది్ంచాల్ని చెపవి్ంది?
ఆర ికల్ 350 ఏ
60. Match List- I with List- II and select the correct answer codes given below the lists (in
respect of Andhra Pradesh)-
List- I List- II
a. Gaze at the Largest Nandhi 1. Tirumala- Tirupati
b. The Lord of the Seven Hills 2. Ahobilam Temple – Karnool
c. The Saviour of Prahalada 3. Veerabhadra Temple – Lepakshi
d. Jyotrilingas 4.Mallikarjuna Swamy Temple- Nallamala
Hills (Srisailam)
a b c d
3 1 2 4
60. కి్ంది పటిికల్ను జతపర చి కి్ంద ఇచిేన కోడోల్ల్ంచి స్ర్బన స్మ్ాధాన్ం ఎ్ంచుకో్ండి.(ఆ్ంధ్రపరదేశ్
కు స్్ంబ్్ంధి్ంచి)
పటిిక- I పటిిక- II
a.అత్త ప్ దు న్ంది చూపవల్కు 1. త్తరుమ్ల్ – త్తరుపత్త
b.ఏడడకొ్ండల్ సాుమి 2. అహో బిల్్ం గయడి, కరూేల్ు
c.పరహాో దుని రక్షకుడడ 3. వీరభదార ల్య్ం, ల్ేప్ాక్షి
d.జయయత్తర ో్ంగ్ం(శీరశ బల్్ం) 4.మ్లిోకారుె నసాుమి గయడి- నల్ోమ్ల్ కొ్ండల్ు
a b c d
3 1 2 4
61. Consider the following pairs.
Art Forms Corresponding States
a. Hozagiri Tripura
b. SirmouriNatti Rajasthan
c. Chakri Himachal Pradesh
d. ChandiShilli Sikkim
Which of the pairs given above are correctly matched?
a and d only
61. కి్ందిజతల్ను పర గణ ్ంచ్ండి…….
కళల్ు రాషాిర ల్ు
a.హో జగ ర త్తరపవర
b.సిరౌమర నాటిి రాజసాథ న్
c.చకిర హిమ్ాచల్ పరదేశ్
d.ఛ్ందిశిలి సికికమ్
ఆ జతల్లో స్ర్బన జత పడుది ఏది?
ఏ, డిల్ు మ్ాతరమే
62. Scientific study of soil isPedology
62. మ్టిి ని గయర ్ంచిన స ై్ంటిఫిక స్ిడీ ……….
ప్ డోల్జీ
63. Consider the following pairs.
Indian Border Country
Dawki- Tamabil China
Which of the pairs given above is incorrectly matched?
63. కి్ంది జతల్ను పర గణ ్ంచ్ండి……భారత ఎల్ో దేశ్ం
దాుకీ – తమ్బిల్ చెైనా
కి్ందివాటిల్లో ఏ జత స్ర గా కల్పబ్డల్ేదు?
64. Which state disaster management authority has been honoured with the converted
SKOCH award 2018?
64. ఏ రాష్ిర డిసాస్ిర్ మేనేజమ ్ంట్ అథార టీ 2018 కి గానూ ఎస్ క్ ఓ సి హ చ్ అవారుు గ్ల్ుచుకొ్ంది?
65.What is the thin layer of gases around the earth called?
65. భూమిని ఆవర ్ంచుకొని ఉ్ండే పల్చటి గాలి ప్ర రల్ను ఏమ్్ంటారు?
66. Agenda- 21 is related to?
Sustainable Development
66. అజ్్ండా -21 దేనికి స్్ంబ్్ంధి్ంచి్ంది?
స్స టినబ్యల్ అభవృదిా
67. Ayushman Bharat Yojana is related to which sector ?
67. ఆయుష్మాన్ భారత్ దేనికి చ ెందినది?

Government Pharmacist G previous question paper with fully solved 

68. Which film got the 65thNational Film Award 2017 in the best feature film category?
Village Rockstars
68. 65 వ దేశీయ ఫిల్మా ఫేర్ అవమరడులు ౨౦౧౭లో గెలిచిన చలనచిత్రమేది?
విల్ేజ్ రాక సాి ర్్
69. Kumbh has been organized in 2019 at which place ?
69. 14వ కుెంభమేళ 2018లో ఎకకడ జరిగిెంది?
పరయాగ్ రాజ్
70. Which layer of atmosphere contains the ozone layer?
70. వమతావరణెంలోని ఏ పొ రలో ఓజోన్ పొ ర ఉెంట ెంది?
సాి రొి సిీయర్
71 Which of the following disease may be caused due to deficiency of Vitamin C?
71. కిెందివమటిలో ఏజబ్ుు విటమిన్ -సి లోపెం వలల రమవచచు?
72. Which of the following states has the longest coastline?
Andhra Pradesh
72. కిెందివమటిలో ఏ రమష్మ
73. In which year Madras Mahajana Sabha was established?
73. మదార సచమహాజనసభ ఏ సెంవత్సరెంస్మా
పిెంపబ్డ ెంది?
74. Which of the following is the highest peak?
Kangchenjunga Peak
74. కిెందివమటిలోఎత తైనశిఖరమేది?
75. Which of the following is related to Baudhayana ?
Pythagoras Theorem
75. . కిెందివమటిలోఏదిబ్ౌదా
ప్ ైథాగరసిథయర్ం
76 .What is the full form of NSG?
National Security Guard
76. ఎన్ ఎస్ జియొకక వివరణ ఏమిటి?
నేష్నల్ స కూయర టీగార్ు
77. Where the Golden Temple is situated at?

77. బ్ెంగమరడకోవెలనెలకొననఊరేది?
78. Which of the following planets has no natural satellite?
78. కిెందిగ్రహాలలోదేనికిపమర కృతికఉపగ్రహెంలేద్చ?
శుకుర డడ (వీనస్)
79. Nerves of the brain responsible for sending and receiving information
79) మ దడడల్లస్మ్ాచారమ్యనుప్ంప్ి్ంచుట,తీస్ుకొనుటవ్ంటిభాధ్యతల్నునిరుహి్ంచే
80. Which of the following is an important social indicator to measure the extent of equality
between males and females in a society at a given time?
Sex ratio

80) ఇచిేన కాల్పర మిత్త య్ందు స్మ్ాజoల్లని స్ి,ీ పవరుష్తల్ యొకక స్మ్ానతుమ్యను
కొలిచే మ్యఖయమ ైన సా్ంఘిక స్ూచిక
లి్ంగ రేటట
81. The main aim of “Janani SurakshaYojana” which is the programme by the Family
Welfare programme?

Reducing maternal and neonatal morality
81. కుటట్ంబ్ స్్ంక్షేమ్ కారయకరమ్మ ైన జనని స్ురక్ష యోజన యొకక మ్యఖయ ఉదేుశయమ్య.
మ్ాతృ మ్రణాల్ు, న ల్ల్లపవ శిశుమ్రణాల్ రేటట తగ ా్ంచుట
82. Which is the first country to initiate a Family Planning program in the world?
82) పరప్ంచమ్యల్ల కుటట్ంబ్ నియ్ంతరణ ను ప్ార ర్ంభ్ంచిన మొటి మొదటి దేశమ్య.
83. What percentage of the world population India accounts for?
16.7 per cent
83) పరప్ంచ జనాభా శాత్ంల్ల భారత దేశ జనాభా శాత్ం ఎ్ంత
16.7 శాతమ్య
84. The average number of persons per unit area, such as a square kilometre, is termed as
Population density
84) ఒక చదరపవ కిల్లమీటరు ల్ల ఉ్ండే స్గటట జనాభాను ఏమ్్ంటారు.
జనాభా సా్ందరత
85. The visual acuity of 20/200 is characteristic feature of
Legally blind
85) దృశయ తీక్షణత (విజుయల్ అకుయటి) 20 / 200 ఈ కిర్ంది వార ల్ల ఎవుర ల్క్షణమ్య
చటి పర్ంగ అ్ంధ్తుమ్య
86. The units used in measuring hearing loss is
86) వినికిడి ల్లపమ్యను కొలిచే పరమ్ాణ కమ్య
87. The programme which places emphasis on group financing for poverty alleviation by
organizing the rural poor into self-help groups (SHGs) is
87) ప్ేదర కమ్య నిరూమలి్ంచుటకు గారమీణ ప్ేదల్ల్ల స్ుయ్ం – స్హాయక బ్ృ్ందాల్ను
ఏరపర చి వాటికి ఆర ాక స్హాయమ్య చేయయటే పరధానమ్యగా భావి్ంచే కారయకరమ్మ్య
ఎస్.జి. ఎస్.వ ై
88. A perfect market is characterized by
Large number of buyers and sellers
88. పర పూరణమ ైన అ్ంగడి యొకక ల్క్షణమ్య.
అమేమవారు,కొనేవారు ప్ దు స్్ంఖయల్ల ఉ్ండడటమ్య
89 . Extension education is basically meant for
Rural people
89. విస్ిరణ విదయ ప్ార ధ్మిక్ంగా ఎవర కి ఉదేుశి్ంపబ్డినది.
గారమీణ పరజల్కు
90. Apart from increasing the nutritional status, the Mid Day Meal programme also aims at
School attendance
90 ప్ర ష్ణ సాథ యితో ప్ాటట ఈ ఈ కారయకరమ్మ్యల్ల ఒక దానిే ప్ ్ంచాల్నే ఉదేుశయమ్యతో
మ్ధాయహే భోజన పధ్కమ్య చేపటాి రు.
బ్డిల్ల హాజరు
91. Vividh Bharati, AIR was started to counter the popularity of

Radio Ceylon
91. ’వివిధ్ భారత్త’ ఏ ఆకాశవాణ కిఎదురుగా మొదల్ెై్ంది?

92. The book, “Everybody loves a good drought” is written by
P. Sainath
92. “ఎవిుర బ్డీల్వ్్ గయడ్ డార ఫ్టి” పవస్ిక రచయిత……..

ప్ి. సాయినాథ్
93. Who launched India’s first printed newspaper, ‘The Bengal Gazette’?
James Augustus Hickey
93. భారతదేశ్ మొదటిమ్యదిరత వారాి పత్తరక ’బ్ె్ంగాల్ గ్జ్ట్’ ను వ ల్ువర ్ంచి్ందెవరు?

జేమ్్ అగస్ిస్ హికీ
94. Which of the following newspaper is not associated with Gandhiji?
94. కి్ందిపత్తరకల్లో గా్ంధ జీ గార తో స్్ంబ్్ంధ్్ం కలిగ ్ందిఏది?
95. Identify the correct chronology of the following television networks in India
Doordarshan, Star, Zee, Sony
95. భారతదేశ్ంల్లని టెలివిజన్ న ట్ వర్క ను కాల్ానుగయణ్ంగా గయర ి్ంచ్ండి…….
దూరదరశన్, సాి ర్, జీ, సర న్స
96. Burrakatha is a traditional folk dance of which state?
Andhra Pradesh
96. బ్యఱ్ఱకథ ఏ రాషాిర నికిచె్ందిన సా్ంపరదాయిక జానపద నృతయరీత్త ?
97. The process of examining every single member of the population is called
97. జనభాల్లని పరత్త వయకిిని పరీక్షి్ంచాడానిే …………
స న్న్ (జనాభాల్ెకకల్ు)
98. The term PDF stands for
Portable document format
98. ప్ిడిఎఫ్ అ్ంటే……….
ప్ర రిబ్యల్ డాకుయమ ్ంట్ ఫార్మట్
99. Prasarbharti came into being in the year
99. పరసార భారత్త …………………… ఈ స్్ంవత్ర్ం ను్ంచి ప్ార ర్ంభమ ై్ంది
100. The punishment for civil detention is ordered for
Contempt of court
100. ప్ ర నిరై్ంధ్ద్ండనను దేనికి విధి్ంచారు?
నాయయసాథ న ధికకరణ

101. The first Indian silent film was
Raja Harishchandra
101. మొదటిభారతీయ మ్ూకీమ్ూవీ ఏది?
రాజా హర శే్ందర
102.Which of the following bank was founded by Lala Lajpat Rai at Lahore in 1894-
Punjab National Bank
102. కి్ంది బ్ాయ్ంకుల్లో ల్ాల్ా ల్జపత్త రాయ్ గారు ల్ాహో ర్1894 ల్ల సాథ ప్ి్ంచారు?
ప్ంజాబ్ నేష్నల్ బ్ాయ్ంక
103. Identify the correct sequence of the following on the basis of establishment year
LinkedIn, Facebook,Youtube, Twitter
103. కి్ందివాటిని ప్ార ర్ంభమ ైన కాల్ానిే ఆధ్ర్ంగా చేస్ుకొని అమ్రే్ండి
లి్ంక్డిోన్,ఫేస్ బ్యక, యూటయయబ్,టిుటిర్
104 Information is
Processed data
104.స్మ్ాచార్ం అ్ంటే….
.ప్రర స స్ు డాటా
105 Andhra Pradesh Public Libraries Act enacted in
105.ఆ్ంధ్రపరదేశ్ పబిో క ల్ెైబ్రరీ ఆకి మొదల్ెై్ంది….
106 An Act is a
106. ఆకి అనేది…..
107 The duration of Copyright of a published book in India
Lifetime of the author plus 60 years after the date of his/her death
107.భారతదేశ్ంల్ల ఒకపవస్ిక్ం కాప్్ ర్బటట ఎ్ంతకాల్్ం…….
రచయిత జీవిత కాల్్ం తో ప్ాటట , మ్రణాన్ంతర్ం ౬౦ స్్ంవత్రాల్ు
108 Question Number: 36
Annie Besant wasa. The President of the Theosophical Society in the year of 1907.
b. Was selected as the first woman president of the Indian National Congress
in 1917.
c. The founder of Central Hindu College at Varanasiin 1898.
Select the correct statement/statements using the codes given below?
All of above.
108.. అనిేబిస ్ంట్……
a.థియసాఫికల్ సర స ైటీకి 1907ల్ల ప్ రసిడె్ంట్
b.ఇ్ండియన్ నేష్నల్ కా్ంగ్రస్ యొకక తొలి మ్హిళా ప్ రసిడె్ంట్
c.1898ల్ల స ్ంటరల్ హి్ందు కాల్ేజి వారణాసి కి వయవసాథ పకురాల్ు
కి్ంది వాటిల్లో స్ర్బనవి ఏవి కోడో ఆధార్ంగాగయర ి్ంచ్ండి
ప్ ైవన్సే
109 . Deleted
110. National Library Week in India starts on date of birth of
Jawaharlal Nehru
110. భారతదేశీయ గ్ంథాల్యాల్ వారబత్వ్ం ఎవర జనమదిన్ంతో ప్ార ర్ంభమ్ౌతాయి ర ?
జవహరల్ాల్ న హరూ
111 Blog is
111. బ్ాో గయ అ్ంటే….
వ బ్ స ైట్
112 Hash Tag is used at
112. హాష్ టాగ్ దేనికి వాడతారు?
113 MBO stands for
Management by Objectives
113.ఎమ్ బీ ఓ అ్ంటే….?
మేనేజ్మ్ంట్ బ్ెై ఆబ్ెకిివ్్
114 One which is used for statistical computing
.సాి టసిికల్ క్ంపూయటి్ంగ్ ల్ల వాడబ్డేది ఏది?

115 E-PG Pathshala is hosted at
INFLIBNET, Ahemdabad
115.ఇ- ప్ి జి ప్ాఠశాల్ ఎకకడ న ల్కొ్ంది?
ఐ ఎన్ ఎఫ్ ఎల్ ఐ బి ఎన్ ఇ టి, అహమదాబ్ాద్
116 Solr is related to
Indexing and searching
116.ఎస్ ఓ ఎల్ ఆర్ దేనికి స్్ంబ్్ంధి్ంచి్ంది?
ఇ్ండెకి్్ంగ్, స ర ే్ంగ్
117 The measuring unit of Clock speed is
117. “కాో క స్పడ్” కొలిచే పర కర్ం…..
హ ర్ి జ్

118 The communication between Mouse and computer is
118.గణక య్ంతార నికి (క్ంపూయటర్) మ్ౌస్ కు గల్ కమ్ూయనికేష్న్ …..
సి్ంప్ ోక్
119 Orbicom is the international network of
119.ఓర ైకామ్ అనేది దేని అ్ంతరాె తీయ న ట్ వర్క ?
యయ న సర క
120 The format in which data travels over network is called
120. న ట్ వర్క ల్ల డాటా పయని్ంచే విధానానిే , ఆఫార్మట్ ను
తొల్గ ్ంచడబ్డినది
121 The latest edition of Bluetooth is
Version 5.1
121..బ్ూో టయత్ ల్ల స్ర కొతి వ రిన్ ఏది?
వెర్ష న్5.1
122 The Price is
Cost plus benefit
122.వ ల్ అ్ంటే……(ది ప్ ైస్
ఖరుే + ల్ాభ్ం
123 Datum is
a single Piece of information
123.డాటటన్ అ్ంటే…
ఒకే ఒక స్మ్ాచార్ం

124 National Virtual Library of India is lead by
IIT, Mumbai
124. నేష్నల్ వరూేువల్ ల్ెైబ్రరీ ఆఫ్ ఇ్ండియా …… చేతనడపబ్డడతో్ంది.
ఐ ఐ టి, మ్య్ంబ్ెై
125. Which state launched a “Sahulat” app to facilitate elderly voters?
Jammu and Kashmir
125. “స్హుల్త్” అనే ఆప్ ని ఏ రాష్ిర్ం వృదుా ల్కోస్్ం ఏరాపటటచేసి్ంది?
జమ్యమ, కాశీమర్
126. Manu Bhaker has won gold in ________ pistol event.
10 meters
126. మ్నుభాక్ర్ ………….. ప్ిస్ిల్ ఈవ ్ంట్ ల్ల బ్్ంగారు పతక్ం గ్లిచాడడ
10 మీటరుో
127.Who launched tip line feature to curb fake news ahead of lok sabha election?
127. ల్లకస్భ ఎనిేకల్కు మ్య్ందు అస్తయవారిల్ు పరచార్ం కాకు్ండా ఎవరు టిప్ ల్ెైన్ ఫ్చర్ తయారు
వాట్్ ఆప్
128. PM Narendra Modi honored by which country with its highest civilian award Zayed
128. ప్ి. ఎమ్. నరే్ందరమోది కి జయాద్ మ డల్ అనే అత్త గొపప సివిలియన్ అవారుు ను ఏ రాజయ్ం
యయ ఏ ఇ
129. Indian Government declared to establish Terror Monitoring Group (TMG) in which
Jammu and Kashmir
129. భారతదేశ పరభయతు్ం టెరరర్ మ్ానిటర ్ంగ్ గూరప్ ను ఏ రాష్ిర్ంల్ల ఏరాపటట చేసి్ంది?
జమ్యమ, కాశీమర్
130. Who has launched Shiksha Vani app?
130. శిక్షా వాణ ని ఎవరు ప్ార ర్ంభ్ంచారు?
సి బి ఎస్ సి
131. Election Commission of India collaborated with which Indian agency for voter
awareness campaign?
Indian Railway
131. భారత ఎనిేకల్ స్్ంఘ్ం భారతదేశ్ంల్లని ఏ ఏజ్న్స్ తో కలిసి ఓటర్ అవార్ేస్ కా్ంప్ ైన్ చేసి్ంది?
ఇ్ండియన్ ర్బల్ేు
132. Which among the followings became the world’s highest polling station?
132. కి్ంది వాటిల్లో ఏది పరప్ంచ్ంల్లనే అత్త ఎతెతిన ప్ర లి్ంగ్ సేిష్న్?
133.“Conquer Exam, Be a Warrior” app developed by which state government?
133. “కా్ంకర్ ఎకా్మ్, బి అ వార యర్” అనే ఆప్ ను ఏ రాష్ిర పరభయతు్ం తయారుచేసి్ంది?
134. What is the name of the mission under which India built an anti- satellite weapon ‘ASAT’?
Mission Shakti
134. భారతదేశ్ం ఆ్ంటీ – సాటిల్ెైట్ వ పన్ అయిన ఏ- సాట్ ను ఏ మిష్నలో తయారు చేసి్ంది?
మిష్న్ శకిి
135.Who is the author of the book ‘Every Vote Counts – The Story of India’s Elections.’?
Navin Chawla
135. “ఎవుర వోట్ కౌ్ంటెడ్ – ది సరి ర ఆఫ్ ఇ్ండియా”అనే పవస్ిక రచయిత ఎవరు?
నవీన్ చావాో
136. Which of the following cities in India is known as the yoga capital of the world?
136. కి్ంద ఇవుబ్డిన భారత దేశపవ నగరాల్ల్ల పరప్ంచ యోగా రాజధాని ఏది?
ర షికేష్
137. Who among the following is the first Indian to be elected as a FIFA Council member?
Praful Patel
137. ఎఫ్ ఐ ఎఫ్ ఏ కౌని్ల్ స్భయయనిగా ఎనుేకోబ్డు మొదటి భారతీయయడెవరు?
పరఫవల్ పటేల్
138. How many states have banned e cigarettes?
138. ఎనిే రాషాిర ల్ు ఇ- సిగర్టటి ను నిషేధి్ంచాయి?
139.Match List- I with List- II and select the correct answer codes given below the lists-
List- I List- II
a.First person to go into space 1. Valentina Teshchenko
b.first Indian to go into space 2. Yuri Gagarin
c.First woman to go into space 3. Laika
d.First dog to go into space 4. Rakesh Sharma
a b c d
2 4 1 3
139.. కి్ందునే పటిికలిే జతపరచి కోడో స్హాయ్ంతో స్ర్బన స్మ్ాధానానిే ఎనుేకో్ండి?
పటిిక I పటిిక – II
a.అ్ంతర క్షయాన్ం చేసిన మొదటి వయకిి 1.వాల్్ంటీన టేసర కచినల
b.అ్ంతర క్షయాన్ం చేసిన మొదటి భారతీయయడడ 2.యూరీ గ్గర న్
c.అ్ంతర క్షయాన్ం చేసిన మొదటి స్ి 3.
ీ ల్ెైకా
d.అ్ంతర క్షయాన్ం చేసిన మొదటి కుకక 4.రాకేష్ శరమ
a b c d
2 4 1 3
140. What is the full form of LEO Satellite?
Low Earth Orbit
140.. ఎల్ ఇ ఓ అ్ంటే ఏ్ంటి?
ల్ల ఎర్ి ఆర ైట్
141. Which device is used to measure current in a circuit?
141. స్రూకుట్ ల్ల ఉనే కర్్ంట్ ను కొల్వడానికి వాడే పర కర్ం ఏది?
142. Consider the following statements with respect to ‘QR Code’-
a. QR is short for Quick Response and can be read quickly by a cell phone.
b. QR code is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode first designed in 1996 for the
automotive industry in Japan.
Select the correct codeOnly a
142. కూయ ఆర్ కోడ్ కు స్్ంబ్్ంధి్ంచి కి్ంది పరకటనలిే పర గణ ్ంచ్ండి
a.కూయ ఆర్ అ్ంటే కిుక ర్సాపన్్ అని అరథ్ం. దానిే తురగా స ల్ ఫర న్ చదవగల్దు.
b.కూయ ఆర్ కోడ్ 1996 ల్ల ఆటోమోటివ్ ఇ్ండస్ిర యొకక మ్ాటిరక్ బ్ార్ కోడ్ గా జప్ాన్ తయారు చేసిన
టేరడ్ మ్ార్క
స్ర్బన కోడ్ ను గ్ల్వ్ండి
ఏ మ్ాతరమే
143. UNNATI programme is related to?
143. యయ ఎన్ ఎన్ ఏ టి ఐ ప్రర గారమ్ దేనికి స్్ంబ్్ంధి్ంచినది?
నానల సాటొఇల్ెైట్్
144.Consider the following statements with respect to ‘Goldilocks Zone’-
a. It refers to the habitable zone around a star where the temperature is just right – not
too hot and not too cold.
b. Earth is in the habitable zone of the sun – one of the reasons our planet has liquid
water like oceans and lakes.
Both a and b
144. కి్ంది పరకటనలిే “గబలిుల్ాక జయన్” గయర ్ంచి పరగణ ్ంచ్ండి
a.హాబిటబ్యల్ జయన్ గయర ్ంచిఎకకడ వాతావరణ్ం ఎకుకవగానల , తకుకవగానల ఉ్ండదో అది వివర స్ుి ్ంది.
b.భూమి స్ూరుయడి హాబిటెట్ జయన్ ల్ల ఉ్ంది- భూమి మీద స్మ్యదార ల్ు, చెఱ్ువవల్ు మొదల్ెైన
దరవరూప్ంల్ల న్సరు్ండటానికి కారణ్ం
స్ర్బన జవాబ్యను గయర ి్ంచ్ండి
ఏ,బి లు రెెండూ
145. Consider the following statements with respect to ‘VGA’-
a. It stands for “Video Graphics Array.”
b. A standard VGA connection has 15 pins and is shaped like a trapezoid.
c. The VGA standard was originally developed by MICROSOFT in 1987.
Which of the above statements is/ are correct?
145. వి జి ఏ గయర ్ంచి కి్ందిపరకటనల్ను గమ్ని్ంచ్ండి
అ్ంటే వీడియో గారఫిక్ ఆర్
a. ఒక సాి ్ండర్ు వి జి ఏ ల్ల టార ప్ జయడ్ ల్ా్ంటి రూప్ంల్ల 15 ప్ినుేల్తో కూడినది
b. వి జి ఏ సాి ్ండర్ు ను మొదట మ ైకోర సాఫ్టి 1987ల్ల తయారుచేసి్ంది
కి్ంది పరకటనల్లో ఏది/వి స్ర్బనది/వి?
తొల్గ ్ంచడబ్డినది
146. Who invented Nobel Prizes?
Alfred Nobel
146. నలబ్యల్ బ్హుమ్త్త ని కనొగొనేదెవరు?
ఆల్్రడ్ నలబ్యల్
147. Who among the following is behind the first black hole image?
Katie Bouman
147.కి్ందునే వార ల్ల మొదటి బ్ాో క హో ల్ ఇమేజ్ వ నుక నునేదెవరు?
క్బట్ బ్ౌమ్ాన్
148.Consider the following statements with respect to ‘Champaran Movement’-
a. It was the first mass movement started by Mahatma Gandhi in 1917.
b. It was a farmer’s uprising that took place in Champaran district of Gujrat, India
during the British colonial period.
Which of the above statements is/ are correct?
Only a
148. చ్ంపరన్ ఉదయమ్ విష్య్ం ల్ల కి్ంది వాటిని గమ్ని్ంచ్ండి
a. అది మ్హాతామగా్ంధి గారు 1917ల్ల ప్ార ర్ంభ్ంచిన మొదటి ఉదయమ్్ం
b. ర్బతతల్ ఉదారణ కోస్్ం చ్ంపరన్ గయజరాత్ జిల్ాో ల్ల, ఆ్ంగేోయయల్ ప్ాల్నాకాల్్ంల్ల జర గ ్ంది
కి్ంది వాటిల్లో స్ర్బనది/వి ఏది/వి
ఏ మ్ాతరమే
149.Consider the following statements with respect to ‘Salt March’-
a. The Salt March began on March 12, 1930 and continued till April 6, 1930. It was a 24-
day non-violent march led by Mahatma Gandhi.
b. Salt March, which was non-violent in nature, is historically significant as it led to the
mass Civil Disobedience Movement.
c. The Salt March began with around 80 people, but as more and more people joined in
for the 390 km-long journey, it grew into a strong force of 50,000 people.
All of the above
149. ఉపవప మ్ార్ే విష్య్ంల్ల కి్ంది వాటిల్లో స్ర్బనదేది?
a.ఉపవప మ్ారే12, 1930 న ప్ార ర్ంభమ ై దాకా ఏప్ిరల్ 6, 1930 సాగ ్ంది. అది మ్హాతామగా్ంధ గారు 24
రబజుల్ ప్ాటట చేసిన జర గ న అహి్ంసాతమక మ్ార్ే
b.సాల్ి మ్ార్ే అహి్ంసాతమక మ ైనది, దాని తరాుత శాస్నలల్ో్ంఘన ఉదయమ్ానికి దార తీసి్ంది
c.సాల్ి మ్ార్ే దాదాపవ 80మ్్ంది మ్నుష్తల్తో , చాల్ా మ్్ంది కలిసి 390 కి.మీ పరయాణ్ం చేసిన తరాుత
ఆ గయ్ంపవ దాదాపవ50,000 మ్్ంది అయాయరు.
కి్ంది జవాబ్యల్లో ఏది/వి స్ర్బనది/వి
ప్ ైవన్సే
150. Arrange the following events in the order of their chronology
a. Muslim league
b. Bengal partition
c. Surat session
d. Indian National Congress
Choose the correct optiond, b,a, c
150. కాల్కరమ్్ంగా కి్ంది స్్ంఘటనలిే అమ్రే్ండి
a.మ్యస్ోమ్ ల్లగ్
b.బ్ె్ంగాల్ విభజన
c.స్ూరత్ స ష్న్
d.ఇ్ండియన్ నేష్నల్ కా్ంగ్రస్
d,b,a, c

Deadly Diseases Causing Deaths Worldwide Daily

Deadly Diseases Causing Deaths Worldwide Daily

Deadly Diseases Causing Deaths Worldwide Daily

As the world population is increasing in multifold the diseases affecting lives is even grosser. The foremost organization that keeps records of all the statistics regarding health, WHO, has given some estimation about the scenario as a whole. WHO says across worldwide, most people in wealthy countries would reasonably expect to die in older age. In low-income countries though, children aged under 5 years are the most at risk of dying. Let us see how the mortality rate of people has been affected in the recent past.

Deadly Diseases Causing Deaths Worldwide Daily

During the past decade, the deadly causes of death have been Ischaemic heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive lung disease and lower respiratory infections including cancers. Heart disease is caused by a build-up of fatty deposits on the wall of the arteries, for other conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes (Diabetes caused 1.6 million (2.8%) deaths in the last 5 years) responsible for nearly 9 million deaths every year. This disease is deadly that narrow down the patient’s arteries restricting blood and oxygen flow to the heart, potentially leading to a fatal heart attack. Non-deadly attacks cause chest pain known as angina, which can proceed with a heart attack. Lung disease, particularly lung cancer stands at top 5 of the 10 diseases being responsible for over 1.6 million deaths worldwide. Lung cancer is very common in smokers and is an aggressive and serious form of cancer accounting for 85% of cases. In China, it is the most common type of cancer along with Countries such as Spain and Hungary and India is also highly affected by the disease.

Chronic diseases have remained the top killers causing increasing numbers of deaths worldwide. TB remains a significant threat as one of the topmost in the world in which 1/3rd of the world’s population is infected. TB bacteria every year, causes over 9 million cases resulting in around 1.4 million deaths. Deaths due to Alzheimer and Dementias more than doubled in the last 20 years, making it the 7th leading cause of global deaths in recent times.

Seasonal flu kills 291,000 to 646,000 people worldwide each year, Healthy people can be infected by the influenza virus and transmit it to others. But young children, elderly people, pregnant women, and people with certain medical conditions are at greater risk of suffering serious complications from the flu. Various kind of Injuries continues to kill 5 million people each year including road traffic injuries. About 3700 lives each day are lost, among which three-quarters being males.

Another life-threatening disease is HIV+ causing AIDS is mostly spread worldwide. As a public health threat by 2030, countries need to live up to their commitment to end AIDS. In September 2015, it is a target included in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. This is an estimation to prevent almost 300 000 deaths per year. The HIV-related deaths are still unacceptably high and it poses an immediate challenge to reach the Fast-Track targets for 2020 that include reducing the number of people dying from HIV-related causes fewer than 500 000.

The outbreak of Covid-19, a coronavirus-caused illness that originated in Wuhan, China, and has since spread to most of the world, is one of the most serious public health crises in decades. The virus has spread far wider than Ebola did in 2014 and is in pandemic stage according to WHO. So far it has it the regions of the UK, USA, Korea, Japan, Iran, Italy and now India causing several deaths. If soon the measures not taken this would become the maximum cause of death rate throughout the world creating an epidemic.

Pharm D 1st Year First Year Subjects / Syllabus Copy- DETAILS

Pharm.D – I YEAR



Theory : 3 Hrs. /Week


  1. Scope and Objectives: This course is designed to impart a fundamental knowledge on the structure and functions of the human body. It also helps in understanding both homeostasis mechanisms and homeostatic imbalances of various body systems. Since a medicament, which is produced by pharmacist, is used to correct the deviations in human body, it enhances the understanding of how the drugs act on the various body systems in correcting the disease state of the organs.


  1. Upon completion of the course the student shall be able to:
    1. describe the structure (gross and histology) and functions of various organs of the human body;


  1. describe the various homeostatic mechanisms and their imbalances of various systems;
  2. identify the various tissues and organs of the different systems of the human body;
  3. perform the hematological tests and also record blood pressure, heart rate, pulse and Respiratory volumes;
  4. appreciate coordinated working pattern of different organs of each system; and


  1. appreciate the interlinked mechanisms in the maintenance of normal functioning (homeostasis) of human body


  1. Course materials: Text books
    1. Tortora Gerard J. and Nicholas, P. Principles of anatomy and physiology Publisher Harpercollins college New York.


  1. Wilson, J.W.  Ross  and  Wilson’s  foundations  of  anatomy  and  physiology.  Publisher:  Churchill

Livingstone, Edinburg.



Reference books

  1. Guyton arthur, C. Physiology of human body. Publisher: Holtsaunders.


  1. Chatterjee,C.C. Human physiology. Volume 1&11. Publisher: medical allied agency, Calcutta.
  2. Peter L. Williams, Roger Warwick, Mary Dyson and Lawrence, H.
  3. Gray’s anatomy. Publisher:Churchill Livingstone, London.


  1. Lecture wise program:




  • Scope of anatomy and physiology, basic terminologies used in this subject (Description of the body as such planes and terminologies)
  • Structure of cell – its components and their functions.


  • Elementary tissues of the human body: epithelial, connective, Muscular and nervous tissues-their sub-types and characteristics


  • a) Osseous system – structure, composition and functions of the


  1. Classification of joints, Types of movements of joints and disorders of joints (Definitions only)
  • Haemopoetic System
    1. Composition and functions of blood
    2. Haemopoesis and disorders of blood components (definition of disorder)
    3. Blood groups
    4. Clotting factors and mechanism
    5. Platelets and disorders of coagulation


  • Lymph
    1. Lymph and lymphatic system, composition, formation and circulation.
    2. Spleen: structure and functions, Disorders
    3. Disorders of lymphatic system (definition only)


  • Cardiovascular system
    1. Anatomy and functions of heart
    2. Blood vessels and circulation (Pulmonary, coronary and systemic circulation)
    3. Electrocardiogram (ECG)


  1. Cardiac cycle and heart sounds
  2. Blood pressure – its maintenance and regulation
  3. Definition of the following disorders


Hypertension, Hypotension, Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, Angina, Myocardial infarction, Congestive heart failure, Cardiac arrhythmias


  • Respiratory system
    1. Anatomy of respiratory organs and functions
    2. Mechanism / physiology of respiration and regulation of respiration
    3. Transport of respiratory gases


  1. Respiratory volumes and capacities, and Definition of: Hypoxia, Asphyxia, Dybarism, Oxygen therapy and resuscitation.


  • Digestive system
    1. Anatomy and physiology of GIT
    2. Anatomy and functions of accessory glands of GIT
    3. Digestion and absorption
    4. Disorders of GIT (definitions only)


  • Nervous system


  1. Definition and classification of nervous system
  2. Anatomy, physiology and functional areas of cerebrum
  3. Anatomy and physiology of cerebellum
  4. Anatomy and physiology of mid brain
  5. Thalamus, hypothalamus and Basal Ganglia


  1. Spinal card: Structure & reflexes – mono-poly-planter
  2. Cranial nerves – names and functions
  3. ANS – Anatomy & functions of sympathetic & parasympathetic N.S.


  • Urinary system


  1. Anatomy and physiology of urinary system
  2. Formation of urine
  3. Renin Angiotensin system – Juxtaglomerular apparatus – acid base Balance
  4. Clearance tests and micturition
  • Endocrine system
    1. Pituitary gland
    2. Adrenal gland
    3. Thyroid and Parathyroid glands
    4. Pancreas and gonads


  • Reproductive system


  1. Male and female reproductive system
  2. Their hormones – Physiology of menstruation
  3. Spermatogenesis & Oogenesis
  4. Sex determination (genetic basis)
  5. Pregnancy and maintenance and parturition
  6. Contraceptive devices


  • Sense organs
    1. Eye


  1. Ear
  2. Skin
  3. Tongue & Nose


  • Skeletal muscles


  1. Histology
  2. Physiology of Muscle contraction
  3. Physiological properties of skeletal muscle and their disorders (definitions)


  • Sports physiology


  1. Muscles in exercise, Effect of athletic training on muscles and muscle performance,


  1. Respiration in exercise, CVS in exercise, Body heat in exercise, Body fluids and salts in exercise,


  1. Drugs and athletics

General Requirements: Dissection box, Laboratory Napkin, muslin cloth, record, Observation book(100pages), Stationary items, Blood lancet.



Course materials:


Text books


Goyal, R. K, Natvar M.P, and Shah S.A, Practical anatomy, physiology and biochemistry, latest edition, Publisher: B.S Shah Prakashan, Ahmedabad.




Ranade VG, Text book of practical physiology, Latest edition, Publisher: PVG,  Pune Anderson Experimental

Physiology, Latest edition, Publisher: NA


List of Experiments:

  1. Study of tissues of human body
    • Epithelial tissue.
    • Muscular tissue.
  2. Study of tissues of human body
    • Connective tissue.
    • Nervous tissue.
  3. Study of appliances used in hematological experiments.
  4. Determination of W.B.C. count of blood.
  5. Determination of R.B.C. count of blood.
  6. Determination of differential count of blood.
  7. Determination of
    • Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate.
    • Hemoglobin content of Blood.
  • Bleeding time & Clotting time.
  1. Determination of
    • Blood Pressure.
    • Blood group.
  2. Study of various systems with the help of charts, models & specimens
    • Skeleton system part I-axial skeleton.
    • Skeleton system part II- appendicular skeleton.
    • Cardiovascular system.
    • Respiratory system.
    • Digestive system.
    • Urinary system.
    • Nervous system.
    • Special senses.
    • Reproductive system.
  3. Study of different family planning appliances.
  4. To perform pregnancy diagnosis test.
  5. Study of appliances used in experimental physiology.
  6. To record simple muscle curve using gastroenemius sciatic nerve preparation.
  7. To record simple summation curve using gastroenemius sciatic nerve preparation.
  8. To record simple effect of temperature using gastroenemius sciatic nerve preparation.
  9. To record simple effect of load & after load using gastroenemius sciatic nerve preparation.
  10. To record simple fatigue curve using gastroenemius sciatic nerve preparation.


Scheme of Practical Examination:


Sessionals Annual
Identification 04 10
Synopsis 04 10
Major Experiment 07 20
Minor Experiment 03 15
Viva 02 15
Max Marks 20 70
Duration 03hrs 04hrs



Note:   Total sessional marks is 30 (20 for practical sessional plus 10 marks for regularity, promptness, viva-voce and record maintenance).



Theory : 2 Hrs. /Week


  1. Scope and objectives: This course is designed to impart a fundamental knowledge on the art and science of formulating different dosage forms. It prepares the students for most basics of the applied field of pharmacy.


  1. Upon the completion of the course the student should be able to:
    1. know the formulation aspects of different dosage forms;
    2. do different pharmaceutical caluculation involved in formulation;


  1. formulate different types of dosage forms; and
  2. appreciate the importance of good formulation for effectiveness.


  1. Course materials: Text books
    1. Cooper and Gunns Dispensing for pharmacy students.


  1. A text book Professional Pharmacy by N.K.Jain and S.N.Sharma.





  1. Introduction to Pharmaceutical dosage forms by Howard C. Ansel.
  2. Remington’s Pharmaceutical Sciences.
  3. Register of General Pharmacy by Cooper and Gunn.
  4. General Pharmacy by M.L.Schroff.


  1. Lecture wise programme: Topics


  • Introduction to dosage forms – classification and definitions
    1. Prescription: definition, parts and handling


  1. Posology: Definition, Factors affecting dose selection. Calculation of children and infant doses.


  • Historical back ground and development of profession of pharmacy and pharmaceutical industry in brief.


  • Development of Indian Pharmacopoeia and introduction to other Pharmacopoeias such as BP, USP, European Pharmacopoeia, Extra pharmacopoeia and Indian national formulary.


  • Weights and measures, Calculations involving percentage solutions, allegation, proof spirit, isotonic solutions etc.


  • Powders and Granules: Classification advantages and disadvantages, Preparation of simple, compound powders, Insufflations, Dusting powders, Eutectic and Explosive powders, Tooth powder and effervescent powders and granules.


  • Monophasic Dosage forms: Theoretical aspects of formulation including adjuvant like stabilizers, colorants, flavours with examples. Study of Monophasic liquids like gargles, mouth washes, Throat paint, Ear drops, Nasal drops, Liniments and lotions, Enemas and collodions.


  • Biphasic dosage forms: Suspensions and emulsions, Definition, advantages and disadvantages,

classification, test for the type of emulsion, formulation, stability and evaluation.


  • Suppositories and pessaries: Definition, advantages and disadvantages, types of base, method of preparation, Displacement value and evaluation.





  • Galenicals: Definition, equipment for different extraction processes like infusion, Decoction, Maceration and Percolation, methods of preparation of spirits, tinctures and extracts.


  • Pharmaceutical calculations.


  • Surgical aids: Surgical dressings, absorbable gelatin sponge, sutures, ligatures and medicated bandages.
  • Incompatibilities: Introduction, classification and methods to overcome the incompatibilities.

































































Pharm.D – I YEAR



Practical: 3 Hrs. /Week


List of Experiments:



  1. Syrups
    1. Simple Syrup I.P


  1. Syrup of Ephedrine Hcl NF
  2. Syrup Vasaka IP
  3. Syrup of ferrous Phosphate IP


  1. Orange Syrup


  1. Elixir
    1. Piperizine citrate elixir BP
    2. Cascara elixir BPC
    3. Paracetamol elixir BPC


  1. Linctus
    1. Simple Linctus BPC


  1. Pediatric simple Linctus BPC


  1. Solutions
    1. Solution of cresol with soap IP
    2. Strong solution of ferric chloride BPC
    3. Aqueous Iodine Solution IP
    4. Strong solution of Iodine IP
    5. Strong solution of ammonium acetate IP


  1. Liniments
    1. Liniment of turpentine IP*
    2. Liniment of camphor IP


  1. Suspensions*
    1. Calamine lotion


  1. Magnesium Hydroxide mixture BP


  1. Emulsions*
    1. Cod liver oil emulsion
    2. Liquid paraffin emulsion


  1. Powders
    1. Eutectic powder


  1. Explosive powder
  2. Dusting powder
  3. Insufflations







  1. Suppositories
    1. Boric acid suppositories


  1. Chloral suppositories


  1. Incompatibilities
    1. Mixtures with Physical
    2. Chemical & Therapeutic incompatibilities


  • colourless bottles required for dispensing Paper envelope (white), butter paper and white paper required for dispensing.



Scheme of Practical Examination:


Sessionals Annual
Synopsis 05 15
Major Experiment 10 25
Minor Experiment 03 15
Viva 02 15
Max Marks 20 70
Duration 03hrs 04hrs


Note :  Total sessional marks is 30 (20 for practical sessional plus 10 marks for regularity, promptness, viva-voce and record maintenance).












































Pharm.D – I YEAR



Theory : 3 Hrs. /Week


  1. Scope of the Subject: Applied biochemistry deals with complete understanding of the molecular level of the chemical process associated with living cells.Clinical chemistry deals with the study of chemical aspects of human life in health and illness and the application of chemical laboratory methods to diagnosis, control of treatment, and prevention of diseases.


  1. Objectives of the Subject (Know, do, appreciate) :


The objective of the present course is providing biochemical facts and the principles to the students of pharmacy. Upon completion of the subject student shall be able to –


  1. understand the catalytic activity of enzymes and importance of isoenzymes in diagnosis of diseases;
  2. know the metabolic process of biomolecules in health and illness (metabolic disorders);


  1. understand the genetic organization of mammalian genome; protein synthesis; replication; mutation and repair mechanism;


  1. know the biochemical principles of organ function tests of kidney, liver and endocrine gland; and
  2. do the qualitative analysis and determination of biomolecules in the body fluids.



Text books (Theory)

  1. Harpers review of biochemistry – Martin


  1. Text book of biochemistry – D.Satyanarayana
  2. Text book of clinical chemistry- Alex kaplan &Laverve L.Szabo


References (Theory)

  1. Principles of biochemistry — Lehninger


  1. Text book of biochemistry — Ramarao
  1. Practical Biochemistry-David T.Plummer.
  2. Practical Biochemistry-Pattabhiraman.


  1. Lecture wise programme: Topics


  • Introduction to biochemistry: Cell and its biochemical organization, transport process across the cell membranes. Energy rich compounds; ATP, Cyclic AMP and their biological significance.


  • Enzymes: Definition; Nomenclature; IUB classification; Factor affecting enzyme activity; Enzyme action; enzyme inhibition. Isoenzymes and their therapeutic and diagnostic applications; Coenzymes and their biochemical role and deficiency diseases.


  • Carbohydrate metabolism: Glycolysis, Citric acid cycle (TCA cycle), HMP shunt, Glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycogenesis. Metabolic disorders of carbohydrate metabolism (diabetes mellitus and glycogen storage diseases); Glucose, Galactose tolerance test and their significance; hormonal regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.





  • Lipid metabolism: Oxidation of saturated (b-oxidation); Ketogenesis and ketolysis; biosynthesis of fatty acids, lipids; metabolism of cholesterol; Hormonal regulation of lipid metabolism. Defective metabolism of lipids (Atheroslerosis, fatty liver, hypercholesterolmiea).


  • Biological oxidation: Coenzyme system involved in Biological oxidation. Electron transport chain (its mechanism in energy capture; regulation and inhibition); Uncouplers of ETC; Oxidative phosphorylation;


  • Protein and amino acid metabolism: protein turn over; nitrogen balance; Catabolism of Amino acids (Transamination, deamination & decarboxylation). Urea cycle and its metabolic disorders; production of bile pigments; hyperbilirubinemia, porphoria, jaundice. Metabolic disorder of Amino acids.


  • Nucleic acid metabolism: Metabolism of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides; Protein synthesis; Genetic code; inhibition of protein synthesis; mutation and repair mechanism; DNA replication (semiconservative /onion peel models) and DNA repair mechanism.


  • Introduction to clinical chemistry: Cell; composition; malfunction; Roll of the clinical chemistry laboratory.


  • The kidney function tests: Role of kidney; Laboratory tests for normal function includes-


  1. Urine analysis (macroscopic and physical examination, quantitative and semiquantitative tests.)


  1. Test for NPN constituents. (Creatinine /urea clearance, determination of blood and urine creatinine, urea and uric acid)
  2. Urine concentration test
  3. Urinary tract calculi. (stones)


  • Liver function tests: Physiological role of liver, metabolic, storage, excretory, protective, circulatory functions and function in blood coagulation.


  1. Test for hepatic dysfunction-Bile pigments metabolism.
  2. Test for hepatic function test- Serum bilirubin, urine bilirubin, and urine urobilinogen.
  3. Dye tests of excretory function.
  4. Tests based upon abnormalities of serum proteins.



  • Lipid profile tests: Lipoproteins, composition, functions. Determination of serum lipids, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.


  • Immunochemical techniques for determination of hormone levels and protein levels in serum for endocrine diseases and infectious diseases.


Radio immuno assay (RIA) and Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA)


  • Electrolytes: Body water, compartments, water balance, and electrolyte distrubution. Determination of sodium, calcium potassium, chlorides, bicarbonates in the body fluids.























Pharm.D – I YEAR



Practical : 3 Hrs./Week


Title of the Experiment:



  • Qualitative analysis of normal constituents of urine.*
  • Qualitative analysis of abnormal constituents of urine.*
  • Quantitative estimation of urine sugar by Benedict’s reagent method.**
  • Quantitative estimation of urine chlorides by Volhard’s method.**
  • Quantitative estimation of urine creatinine by Jaffe’s method.**


  • Quantitative estimation of urine calcium by precipitation method.**
  • Quantitative estimation of serum cholesterol by Libermann Burchard’s method.**
  • Preparation of Folin Wu filtrate from blood.*
  • Quantitative estimation of blood creatinine.**
  • Quantitative estimation of blood sugar Folin-Wu tube method.**
  • Estimation of SGOT in serum.**
  • Estimation of SGPT in serum.**
  • Estimation of Urea in Serum.**
  • Estimation of Proteins in Serum.**
  • Determination of serum bilirubin**
  • Determination of Glucose by means of Glucoseoxidase.**
  • Enzymatic hydrolysis of Glycogen/Starch by Amylases.**
  • Study of factors affecting Enzyme activity. (pH & Temp.)**
  • Preparation of standard buffer solutions and its pH measurements (any two)*
  • Experiment on lipid profile tests**
  • Determination of sodium,calcium and potassium in serum.**


  • indicate major experiments & * indicate minor experiments




Format of the assignment


  1. Minimum & Maximum number of pages.


  1. It shall be computer draft copy.
  2. Reference(s) shall be included at the end.
  3. Name and signature of the student.


  1. Assignment can be a combined presentation at the end of the academic year.
  2. Time allocated for presentation may be 8+2 Min.



Scheme of Practical Examination:


Sessionals Annual
Synopsis 05 15
Major Experiment 10 25
Minor Experiment 03 15
Viva 02 15
Max Marks 20 70
Duration 03hrs 04hrs



Note : Total sessional marks is 30 (20 for practical sessional plus 10 marks for regularity, promptness, viva-voce and record maintenance).

























































Pharm.D – I YEAR




Theory : 3 Hrs. /Week


  1. Scope and objectives: This course is designed to impart a very good knowledge about


  1. IUPAC/Common system of nomenclature of simple organic compounds belonging to different classes of organic compounds;
    1. Some important physical properties of organic compounds;


  1. Free radical/ nucleophyllic [alkyl/ acyl/ aryl] /electrophyllic substitution, free radical/ nucleophyllic / electrophyllic addition, elimination, oxidation and reduction reactions with mechanism, orientation of the reaction, order of reactivity, stability of compounds;


  1. Some named organic reactions with mechanisms; and


  1. Methods of preparation, test for purity, principle involved in the assay, important medicinal uses of some important organic compounds.


  1. Course materials: Text books
    1. R.Morrison and R. Boyd – Organic chemistry,
    2. Bentley and Driver-Text book of Pharmaceutical chemistry
    3. L.Finer- Organic chemistry, the fundamentals of chemistry



Reference books


  1. Organic chemistry – J.M.Cram and D.J.Cram


  1. Organic chemistry- Brown
  2. Advanced organic chemistry- Jerry March, Wiley
  3. Organic chemistry- Cram and Hammered, Pine Hendrickson


  1. Lecture wise Programme: Topics
    • Structures and Physical properties:


  1. Polarity of bonds, polarity of molecules, M.P, Inter molecular forces, B.P, Solubility, non ionic solutes and ionic solutes, protic and aprotic Solvents, ion pairs,


  1. Acids and bases, Lowry bronsted and Lewis theories
  2. Isomerism


  • Nomenclature of organic compound belonging to the following classes Alkanes, Alkenes, Dienes, Alkynes, Alcohols, Aldehydes, Ketones, Amides, Amines, Phenols, Alkyl Halides, Carboxylic Acid, Esters, Acid Chlorides And Cycloalkanes.


  • Free radicals chain reactions of alkane : Mechanism, relative reactivity and stability


  • Alicyclic compounds : Preparations of cyclo alkanes, Bayer strain theory and orbital picture of angle strain.


  • Nuclophilic aliphatic substitution mechanism: Nucleophiles and leaving groups, kinetics of second and first order reaction, mechanism and kinetics of SN2 Stereochemistry and steric hindrance, role of solvents, phase transfer catalysis, mechanism and kinetics of SN1 reactions, stereochemistry, carbocation and their stability, rearrangement of carbocation, role of solvents in SN1 reaction, Ion dipole bonds, SN2 versus SN1 solvolyses, nucleophilic assistance by the solvents.


  • Dehydro halogenation of alkyl halides: 1,2 elimination, kinetics, E2 and E1 mechanism, elimination via carbocation, evidence for E2 mechanism, absence of rearrangement isotope effect, absence hydrogen exchange, the element effect, orientation and reactivity,




E2 versus E1, elimination versus substitution, dehydration of alcohol, ease of dehydration, acid catalysis, reversibility, orientation.


  • Electrophillic and free radicals addition: Reactions at carbon-carbon, double bond, electrophile, hydrogenation, heat of hydrogenation and stability of alkenes, markownikoff rule, addition of hydrogen halides, addition of hydrogen bromides, peroxide effect, electrophillic addition, mechanism, rearrangement, absence of hydrogen exchange, orientation and reactivity, addition of halogen, mechanism, halohydin formation, mechanism of free radicals additon, mechanism of peroxide initiated addition of hydrogen bromide, orientation of free addition, additions of carbene to alkene, cyclo addition reactions.


  • Carbon-carbon double bond as substituents: Free radical halogenations of alkenes, comparision of free radical substitution with free radical addition, free radical substitution in alkenes, orientation and reactivity, allylic rearrangements.


  • Theory of resonance: Allyl radical as a resonance hybrid, stability, orbital picture, resonance stabilisation of allyl radicals, hyper conjugation, allyl cation as a resonance hybrid, nucleophyllic substitution in allylic substrate, SN1 reactivity, allylic rearrangement, resonance stabilisation of allyl cation, hyper conjugation, nucleophilic substitution in allylic substrate, SN2 nucleophilic substituion in vinylic substrate, vinylic cation, stability of conjugated dienes, resonance in alkenes, hyper conjugation, ease of formation of conjugated dienes, orientation of elimination, electrophilic addition to conjugated dienes, 1,4- addition, 1,2-versus 1,4-addition, rate versus equilibrium, orientation and reactivity of free radical addition to conjugated dienes.


  • Elecrophilic aromatic substitution: Effect of substituent groups, determination of orientation, determination of relative reactivity, classification of substituent group, mechanism of nitration, sulphonation, halogenation, friedel craft alkylation, friedel craft acylation, reactivity and orientation, activating and deactivating O,P,M directing groups, electron release via resonance, effect of halogen on electrophilic aromatic substitution in alkyl benzene, side chain halogination of alkyl benzene, resonance stabilization of benzyl radical.


  • Nucleophilic addition reaction: Mechanism, ionisation of carboxylic acids, acidity constants, acidity of acids, structure of carboxylate ions, effect of substituent on acidity, nucleophilic acyl substitution reaction, conversion of acid to acid chloride, esters, amide and anhydride. Role of caboxyl group, comparison of alkyl nucleophilic substitution with acyl nucleophilic substitution.


  • Mechanism of aldol condensation, claisen condensation, cannizzaro reaction, crossed aldol condensation, crossed cannizzaro reaction, benzoin condensation, perkin condensation. Knoevenagel, Reformatsky reaction, Wittig reaction, Michael addition.


  • Hoffman rearrangement: Migration to electron deficient nitrogen, Sandmeyer’s reaction, basicity of amines, diazotisation and coupling, acidity of phenols, Williamson synthesis, Fries rearrangement, Kolbe reaction, Reimer tieman’s reactions.


  • Nucleophilic aromatic substitution: Bimolecular displacement mechanisms, orientation, comparison of aliphatic nucleophilic substitution with that of aromatic.


  • Oxidation reduction reaction.


  • Study of the following official compounds- preparation, test for purity, assay and medicinal uses of Chlorbutol, Dimercaprol, Glyceryl trinitrate, Urea, Ethylene diamine dihyrate, Vanillin, Paraldehyde, Ethylene chloride, Lactic acid, Tartaric acid, citric acid, salicylic acid, aspirin, methyl salicylate, ethyl benzoate, benzyl benzoate, dimethyl pthalate, sodium lauryl sulphate, saccharin sodium, mephensin.








Pharm.D – I YEAR




Practical : 3 Hrs./Week


  1. Introduction to the various laboratory techniques through demonstration involving synthesis of the following compounds (at least 8 compounds to be synthesised):


  1. Acetanilde / aspirin (Acetylation)
  2. Benzanilide / Phenyl benzoate (Benzoylation)
  3. P-bromo acetanilide / 2,4,6 – tribromo aniline (Bromination)


  1. Dibenzylidene acetone (Condensation)
  2. 1-Phenylazo-2-napthol (Diazotisation and coupling)
  3. Benzoic acid / salicylic acid (Hydrolysis of ester)
  4. M-dinitro benzene (Nitration)


  1. 9, 10 – Antharaquinone (Oxidation of anthracene) / preparation of benzoic acid from toluene or benzaldehyde
  2. M-phenylene diamine (Reduction of M-dinitrobenzene) / Aniline from nitrobenzene
  3. Benzophenone oxime
  4. Nitration of salicylic acid
  5. Preparation of picric acid
  6. Preparation of O-chlorobenzoic acid from O-chlorotolune
  7. Preparation of cyclohexanone from cyclohexanol


  1. Identification of organic compounds belonging to the following classes by :



Systematic qualitative organic analysis including preparation of derivatives Phenols, amides, carbohydrates, amines, carboxylic acids, aldehyde and ketones, Alcohols, esters, hydrocarbons, anilides, nitrocompounds.


III. Introduction to the use of stereo models:


Methane, Ethane, Ethylene, Acetylene, Cis alkene, Trans alkene, inversion of configuration.


Scheme of Practical Examination:


Sessionals Annual
Synopsis 05 15
Major Experiment 10 25
Minor Experiment 03 15
Viva 02 15
Max Marks 20 70
Duration 03hrs 04hrs


Note : Total sessional marks is 30 (20 for practical sessional plus 10 marks for regularity, promptness, viva-voce and record maintenance).












Pharm.D – I YEAR




Theory : 2 Hrs. /Week


  1. Scope and objectives: This course mainly deals with fundamentals of Analytical chemistry and also the study of inorganic pharmaceuticals regarding their monographs and also the course deals with basic knowledge of analysis of various pharmaceuticals.


  1. Upon completion of the course student shall be able to:


  1. under stand the principles and procedures of analysis of drugs and also regarding the application of inorganic pharmaceuticals;


  1. know the analysis of the inorganic pharmaceuticals their applications; and
  2. appreciate the importance of inorganic pharmaceuticals in preventing and curing the disease.


  1. Course materials: Text books
    1. A text book Inorganic medicinal chemistry by Surendra N. Pandeya


  1. H. Beckett and J. B. Stanlake’s Practical Pharmaceutical chemistry Vol-I & Vol-II
  2. Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry III-Edition P.Gundu Rao





  1. Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry by Anand & Chetwal
  2. Pharmaceutical Inorganic chemistry by Dr.B.G.Nagavi
  3. Analytical chemistry principles by John H. Kennedy
  4. I.P.1985 and 1996, Govt. of India, Ministry of health


  1. Lecture wise programme:



1   Errors

2   Volumetric analysis

3   Acid-base titrations

4   Redox titrations

5   Non aqueous titrations

6   Precipitation titrations

7   Complexometric titrations

  • Theory of indicators
  • Gravimetry
  • Limit tests


  • Medicinal gases
  • Acidifiers
  • Antacids
  • Cathartics
  • Electrolyte replenishers
  • Essential Trace elements
  • Antimicrobials
  • Pharmaceutical aids
  • Dental Products


  • Miscellaneous compounds
  • Radio Pharmaceuticals







Pharm.D – I YEAR




Practical : 3 Hrs./Week


  1. Limit test (6 exercises)
    1. Limit test for chlorides
    2. Limit test for sulphates
    3. Limit test for iron
    4. Limit test for heavy metals
    5. Limit test for arsenic


  1. Modified limit tests for chlorides and sulphates


  1. Assays (10 exercises)
    1. Ammonium chloride- Acid-base titration
    2. Ferrous sulphate- Cerimetry
    3. Copper sulpahte- Iodometry
    4. Calcilugluconate- Complexometry
    5. Hydrogen peroxide – Permanganometry
    6. Sodium benzoate – Nonaqueous titration
    7. Sodium chloride – Modified volhard’s method
    8. Assay of KI – KIO3 titration
    9. Gravimetric estimation of barium as barium sulphate


  1. Sodium antimony gluconate or antimony potassium tartarate


  1. Estimation of mixture (Any two exercises)
    1. Sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate
    2. Boric acid and Borax
    3. Oxalic acid and sodium oxalate


  1. Test for identity (Any three exercises)
    1. Sodium bicorbonate
    2. Barium sulphate
    3. Ferrous sulphate
    4. Potassium chloride


  1. Test for purity (Any two exercises)
    1. Swelling power in Bentonite


  1. Acid neutralising capacity in aluminium hydroxide gel
  2. Ammonium salts in potash alum
  3. Adsorption power heavy Kaolin
  4. Presence of Iodates in KI


  1. Preparations (Any two exercises)
    1. Boric acids


  1. Potash alum
  2. Calcium lactate
  3. Magnesium suphate





Scheme of Practical Examination :


Sessionals Annual
Synopsis 05 15
Major Experiment 10 25
Minor Experiment1&2 03 15
Viva 02 15
Max Marks 20 70
Duration 03hrs 04hrs


Note :                                                        Total sessional marks is 30 (20 for practical sessional plus 10 marks for regularity, promptness, viva-voce and record maintenance).




  1. Scope and objectives: This is an introductory course in mathematics. This subjects deals with the introduction to matrices, determinants, trigonometry, analytical geometry, differential calculus, integral calculus, differential equations, laplace transform.


  1. Upon completion of the course the student shall be able to :


  1. Know Trignometry, Analytical geometry, Matrices, Determinant, Integration, Differential equation, Laplace transform and their applications;
  2. solve the problems of different types by applying theory; and
  3. appreciate the important applications of mathematics in pharmacy.


  1. Course materials: Text books
    1. Differential calculus By Shantinarayan
    2. Text book of Mathematics for second year pre-university by Prof.B.M.Sreenivas




  1. Integral calculus By Shanthinarayan
  2. Engineering mathematics By B.S.Grewal
  3. Trigonometry Part-I By L.Loney


  1. Lecture wise programme :




  • Algebra : Determinants, Matrices
  • Trigonometry : Sides and angles of a triangle, solution of triangles
  • Analytical Geometry :Points, Straight line, circle, parabola


  • Differential calculus: Limit of a function, Differential calculus, Differentiation of a sum, Product, Quotient Composite, Parametric, exponential, trigonometric and Logarithmic function. Successive differentiation, Leibnitz’s theorem, Partial differentiation, Euler’s theorem on homogeneous functions of two variables


  • Integral Calculus: Definite integrals, integration by substitution and by parts, Properties of definite integrals.


  • Differential equations: Definition, order, degree, variable separable, homogeneous, Linear, heterogeneous, linear, differential equation with constant coefficient, simultaneous linear equation of second order.


  • Laplace transform: Definition, Laplace transform of elementary functions, Properties of linearity and shifting.









  1. Scope and objectives: This is an introductory course in Biology, which gives detailed study of natural sources such as plant and animal origin. This subject has been introduces to the pharmacy course in order to make the student aware of various naturally occurring drugs and its history, sources, classification, distribution and the characters of the plants and animals. This subject gives basic foundation to Pharmacognosy.


  1. Course materials: Text books
    1. Text book of Biology by S.B.Gokhale
    2. A Text book of Biology by Dr.Thulajappa and Dr. Seetaram.





  1. A Text book of Biology by B.V.Sreenivasa Naidu


  1. A Text book of Biology by Naidu and Murthy
  2. Botany for Degree students By A.C.Dutta.
  3. Outlines of Zoology by M.Ekambaranatha ayyer and T.N.Ananthakrishnan.
  4. A manual for pharmaceutical biology practical by S.B.Gokhale and C.K.Kokate.


  1. Lecture wise programme :





01   Introduction

  • General organization of plants and its inclusions


  • Plant tissues
  • Plant kingdom and its classification
  • Morphology of plants
  • Root, Stem, Leaf and Its modifications
  • Inflorescence and Pollination of flowers
  • Morphology of fruits and seeds
  • Plant physiology


  • Taxonomy of Leguminosae, umbelliferae, Solanaceae, Lilliaceae, Zinziberaceae, Rubiaceae
  • Study of Fungi, Yeast, Penicillin and Bacteria




  • Study of Animal cell
  • Study animal tissues


  • Detailed study of frog
  • Study of Pisces, Raptiles, Aves
  • Genearal organization of mammals
  • Study of poisonous animals















Pharm.D – I YEAR



Practical : 3 Hrs./Week





  1. Introduction of biology experiments
  2. Study of cell wall constituents and cell inclusions
  3. Study of Stem modifications
  4. Study of Root modifications
  5. Study of Leaf modifications


  1. Identification of Fruits and seeds
  2. Preparation of Permanent slides
  3. S. of Senna, Cassia, Ephedra, Podophyllum.
  4. Simple plant physiological experiments
  5. Identification of animals
  6. Detailed study of Frog
  7. Computer based tutorials


Scheme of Practical Examination :


Sessionals Annual
Identification 04 10
Synopsis 04 10
Major Experiment 07 20
Minor Experiment 03 15
Viva 02 15
Max Marks 20 70
Duration 03hrs 04hrs



Note:   Total sessional marks is 30 (20 for practical sessional plus 10 marks for regularity, promptness, viva-voce and record maintenance.


Question Number: 1
Which state cabinet has announced to increase the financial assistance given to the
families of martyrs from Rs. 25 lakh to Rs. 1 crore?
Question Number: 2
Which among the following cricketers has been inducted to ICC Hall of Fame?
Sachin Tendulkar
Question Number: 3
In which state were the highest number of beneficiaries reported under the Pradhan
MantriShram Yogi Maan-dhan (PM- SYM) scheme?
Question Number: 4
The World Bank Group announced its first female Managing Director on Friday- an
Indian national. Her name is _______________________?
Anshula Kant
Question Number: 5
Foundation stone of Baba Guru Nanak International University has been kept in which
Question Number: 6
Who has been appointed as an International Judge of the Singapore International
Commercial Court in July 2019?
A K Sikri
Question Number: 7
Which place in Italy added to UNESCO Heritage list recently?
Question Number: 8
The World Health Organization has declared which country as measles free?
Sri Lanka
Question Number: 9 (Geography)
Consider the following statementsa. The Godavari Arch Bridge is the latest of the five bridges that span the Godavari
River at Rajahmundry.
b. The bridge is located in two channels, the Kovvur channel and the Rajahmundry
channel, and hence the bridge is also known as the Kovvur-Rajahmundry Bridge.
Which of the above statement/s is/are correct?
Only b
Question Number: 10
Consider the following statementsa. The Prakasam Barrage was conceptualised by Major Captain Lake of the East
India Company.
b. The Prakasam Barrage is located in the Vijayawada in the Krishna District of
Andhra Pradesh.
c. Prakasam Barrage is built across the River Krishna connecting Guntur and Krishna
Which of the above statements are correct?
Both b and c
Question Number: 11
Which of the following statement is incorrect about Kakinadaa. It is the second most populated city of East Godavari district.
b. The Indian Standard Time (IST) passes through this city.
c. The city was selected as one of the hundred Indian cities to be developed as a
smart city under PM Narendra Modi’s flagship, Smart Cities Mission.
None of above
Question Number: 12
Which of the following river is known as “Sorrow of Nandyal”?
Question Number: 13
Consider the following statements in respect of „Yaganti Temple‟-
a. Yaganti is located in the Kurnool District in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
b. The three famous caves situated around the temple are the Agastya Cave, the
Venkateswara Cave and the VeeraBrahmam Cave.
c. The Nandi (Bullock, Lord Shiva‟s) idol in front of the temple is continuously
increasing its size.
Which of the above statements are incorrect?
None of above
Question Number: 14
Which of the following city is known as „The City of Destiny‟?
Question Number: 15
Consider the following statements about „Tirupati‟-
a. Tirupati is located at 13.65°N 79.42°E in the Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh.
b. The city is also referred to as the “Spiritual Capital of Andhra Pradesh”.
c. For the year 2012–13, India’s Ministry of Tourism named Tirupati as the “Best
Heritage City”.
Which of the statements are correct?
All of above
Question Number: 16
President Ram NathKovind has appointed AnusuiyaUikey as Governor of _____________.
17 Communicated Information can be termed as
18 Department of Culture set up a Committee in the year ____under the chairmanship of
_____for the formulation of a National Policy for a Library and Information System.
1984, D.P. Chattophadhyya
19 Information is piecemeal, ______ particular; while knowledge is _____and coherent
20 Which type of IPR protects the rights of cine film producers?
Copy right
21 In which year The Indian Copyright Act was amended first time?
22 _________ of the constitution protects the right to free speech and expression irrespective
of the medium of communication.
Article 19
23 Under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting which body regulates the public
exhibitions of films in India
Central Board of Film Certification
24 Which is incorrect in the context of Right to information means
Obtained security information
25 In Andhra Pradesh Public Library Movement, name of Paturi Naga Bhushanam is a
pioneer in conducting
boat Library Service
26 The Andhra Pradesh Public Library Act,1960 has the provision of
27 An ISSN is a _____digits code for publications.
28 S.M.Ganguly-IASLIC Award has been instituted for
Librarian of the year
29 It is a plastic ribbon, usually half a inch wide that is coated on one side with an iron
oxide material which can be magnetized. Identify this storage device
Magnetic tape
30 Software is a collection of programmes which allows to communicate ______.
31 The web server maintains information in the ________which have all the text marked
with _________tags.
33 Among the following groups, which is group is most reliable for primary source of
(Information Sources)
34 Abstract which not only describes the content of the work but also evaluates the work
and its presentation is called
Critical abstract
35 Match the following:
a)Survey of the primary literature
b)Organized list of primary or other sources relating to a given subject(s) or person
c)Comprehensive compilation on a subject
d)Focuses on developing understanding about the subject
I Treatise
II Text book
III Bibliography
IV Review
36 Information Literacy means
Skill of defining, locating and accessing information
37 Andhra DesaGranthaBhandagaraSanghom is the first
library association in India
38 Dictionary which gives the history of words and their origin referred as
Etymological dictionary
39 Among the following which product qualifies for ISBN?
40 World of Learning includes information about
Universities, Colleges, Libraries, Museums, Archives, Research Institutes and Learned
It accesses webpages and displays them on the computer screen
Web browser
41 Match the first edition of encyclopedia with the publication year
a)Encyclopaedia Britannica I 1858
b)Encyclopaedia Americana II1977
c)Chamber‟s Encyclopaedia III 1771
d) Random House Encyclopaedia IV 1829
42 Manorama Yearbook is an Indian annual published by
Malayala Manorama
43 e-journals are usually published on
A communication channel
44 The difference between the mean of a sample and the mean of the population is known as
Sampling error
45 Find out the median of the following set of numbers:
46. „The Hindu‟ daily news paper was founded in the year
47. According to ____________, printing of names and addresses of printers, editors and
publishers was mandatory.
First Press Regulations
48. Which film industry is sometimes referred as „Tollywood‟?
49. News reporters attached with security forces are called
Embedded reporters
50. „Ticker‟ is related to
51. „Anchor story‟ is related to
Print media
52. _________ is a structured sequence of events in time.
53. Which is a low-priced book having cheaper, flexible covers and pages?
54. Dealing with legislators and government officials to promote or defeat legislation
and regulation is called
55. “Tamasha” performance belongs to which state
56. TV Channels dedicated to the subjects of home, garden and family :
Lifestyle channels
57. A __________is a member of a group or an individual who is affected or is affected
by the success of an organization.
Question Number: 58
Atoms are composed ofElectrons and nuclei
Question Number: 59
What is a homepage?
A web site’s main page
Question Number: 60
The strategy of „Divide and Rule‟ was adopted byLord Curzon
Question Number: 61
Indian National Flag designer „PingaliVenkayya‟ belong to which state?
Andhra Pradesh
Question Number: 62
Fundamental Rights Resolution was adopted inKarachi session of Indian National Congress
Question Number: 63
Untouchability is an offenceAccording to the constitution and is punishable in accordance with law
Question Number: 64
Who characterizes Indian union as “a federation with a centralizing tendency”?
Ivor Jennings
Question Number: 65
The Constituent Assembly held its first meeting on __________ and last meeting on
December 9, 1946 and January 24, 1950.
Question Number: 66
The sum of 15% of a positive number and 10% of the same number is 70. What is twice of
Question Number: 67
The average of four consecutive numbers A, B, C and D respectively is 56.5. What is the
product of A and C?
Question Number: 68
A thermometer is to temperature as a compass is toDirection
Question Number: 69
Find the same relationship from given
Chef: Restaurant
Teacher: School
70. Values underlying Social Work profession are
All the above
Q.71. Horse gram is known in Telugu as
Q.72. The ICDS is the flagship programme of which ministry under the government?
Ministry of Women and Child Developmen
Q.73. Which of the following is a non-projected aid?
Q.74. The main objective of the first five year plan was:
Agriculture and irrigation
Q.75. Which of the following is the nodal institute for all State Institutes of Rural
National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj
Q.76. It was one of the first community radios started in 2008 and managed by a team
of dalitwomen:
Radio Sangham in Medak District
Q.77. Which of the following is a project floated under the National e-Governance
Programme under mission mode?
78. Retrogradation of starch is the prominent factor bringing about:
79) Which of the following has anti-infective property?
80) The term undernutrition comprises which of the following:
i. Protein energy malnutrition
ii. Micronutrient deficiency
iii. Stunting
iv. Overweight
v. Wasting
vi. Obesity
Tick mark the correct option:
81. HDI (Human Development Index) Rank of AP in 2017 was :
82. W. Nordhous and ________ won 2018 Nobel Prize in Economics
Paul Romer
83. Theme of Asia Pacific Summit addresses interdependence, mutual prosperity and
Universal values
84. One of the following is not a crypto currency :
85. Integration of 11 types of agricultural schemes is called :
Krishnonnati yojana
86. “You can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of its women. “Who
said this ?
Jawaharlal Nehru
87. Gross National Happiness ( GNH) was adopted by :
88. What is the name of India‟s monetary denomination when Sher Shah Suri introduced
it in 1540-45 ?
89. “Small is Beautiful “ is a book written by :
90. “ The Coming China Wars “ is a book written by :
Peter Novarro
91. Bank Note Press (BNP) is located at :
92. A project providing time- bound skill upgradation for railway employees :
Project Saksham
93 . Modern Coach Factory is a third such facility located in :
Rae Bareli
94. The Third Pillar : How Markets and State leave the community behind is a book
written by :
Raghuram Rajan
95. What measure is taken for Life Insecurity ?
96. King Fisher Airlines seized its operations from the year
97. Hyundai Motor Company headquarters is in
‘The Nehru Memorial Museum and Library’ is an autonomous institution under
the Ministry of ————–.
Q99 National Register of Translators is maintained by ______.
National Translation Mission
Q100 What is ICOLC ?
International Coalition of Library Consortia.
An online search in which all aspects of the records in natural language may be used as sought terms is
known as________
Free text searching
Q102 National Medical Library is located in
Q103 Linux is an example of _____________ software .
Operating System
Q104 Who developed ‘Access to libraries for persons with disabilities – checklist ‘ ?
Q105 Encapsulation is a term associated with:
Digital preservation
106 The Delivery of Books (Public Libraries) Act was enacted in the year_________.
107 National Library Week is celebrated in India in the month of ____________.
108 ‘ Where is the wisdom, we have lost in knowledge ’ is a famous quote by ?
Q109 ‘Technology Preservation’ is also referred to as:
Computer Museum
Q110 The value of the variable having maximum frequency is known as:
111. INB stands for
Indian National Bibliography
112. A study preceeding the main study to check the viability is known as:
Pilot study
113. Term used for large volume of high velocity, complex and variable data is:
Big data
114. What is MBO?
Management by Objectives
115. Which of the following is not associated with a virtual library:
With distributed physical locations
116. Information for All Programme (IFAP) was launched by
117. Method of assessing information needs of user community is known as
User studies
118. Mean, Mode and Median are called________
Measures of central tendency
119. The whole group from which the units of sample are selected is called:
120. According to hierarchy needs theory, which one of the following needs is the
highest in the hierarchy?
121. Personal computer falls in the category of
Micro computer
122. A machined readable code consisting of vertical bars of varying widths to
represent data is known as
Bar code
123. A pictorial representation of sequence of steps of computation for a problem is
known as
124. An assumption or proposition whose validity is to be tested is known as
125. Directing the user to appropriate sources of information available elsewhere is known as
126. National Science Library is located in
NISCAIR, New Delhi
127. FAIFE stands for
Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression
128. What is maximum number of characters you can use while writing a message on
Question Number: 129
Which of the following countries was admitted as the full time member of the ICC?
130. Which of the following drama was translated by Madhusudan Dutt in English?

Neel Darpan
131. Who of the following from Andhra Pradesh was the first Indian woman to win an
individual medal in the Olympics?
132. Which of the following is a part of Union Territory located in Andhra Pradesh?

Q133 Who wrote “Modernization of Indian Tradition”?
Yogendra Singh
Q134 „My Experiment with truth‟ is written by—
Q135 Multiple choice Questions makes us use of which form of retrieval of memory:
Question Number: 136
The average of 20 numbers is zero. Of them, at the most, how many may be greater than zero?
Q137. Who declared 1990 as “Year of the girl Child”. ?
Q138. The Environment Protection Act was executed in India in the year
Question Number: 139
One year ago Jaya was four times as old as her daughter Nikitha. Six years hence, Mrs.Jaya’s age will
exceed her daughter’s age by 9 years. The ratio of the present ages of Jaya and her daughter is:
13: 4
Q140 Which of the following agency regulates education?
According to 2011 Census Reports, the difference between literacy rates of men and women in India
was about:
Q142 The policy recommended by the Kothari Commission Vis-à-vis language is :
Three language formula
Q143. The First Open University in India was established in the year :
Question Number: 144.
Find the next term in the given series.
Q.145. Maxim Gorky’s novel ‘The Mother” was translated into Telugu by
Krovvidi Lingaraju
Q.146.Who was the first editor of “Andhra Patrika”?
Kasinathuni Nageswara Rao
Q.147.The International Telugu institute was established in the year
Q.148. If BAG = 71, then VICE=?
Q.149. 24:84::______:21

Q.150. What according to Census 2011, is the Sex ratio in India ?

[C program code] Demonstration of Backslash Characters or Escape sequences

Demonstration of Backslash Characters or Escape sequences

First year of B- Pharmacy has a subject Remedial Maths & Computers in which C language is the important topic. This is one of the important questions of it “[C program code] Demonstration of Backslash Characters or Escape sequences”

Backslash or escape characters


/*Demonstration of Backslash Characters or
Escape sequences
main  ()
{int i;
printf(“this is formfeed\t\t Example\f  (\\f)\n”);
printf(“this is audible alert\t\t Example\a  (\\a)\n”);
printf(“this is Backspace\t\t Example\b  (\\b)\n”);
printf(“this is NULL\t\t Exam\n\0ple (\\0)\n”);
printf(“this is newline\t\t \n Example (\\n)\n”);
printf(“this is horizontal tab\t\t Exam\tple  (\\t)\n”);
printf(“this is Vertical tab\t\t Example\v  (\\v)\n”);
printf(“this is formfeed\t\t Example\f  (\\f)\n”);
printf(“this is carriage return\t\t \rExample(\\r)”);


Demonstration of Backslash Characters or Escape sequences

Top 2 books for GPAT preparation – Pharmaceutics

Top 2 books for GPAT preparation - Pharmaceutics

Top 3 books for GPAT preparation – Pharmaceutics Drug Inspector DI exam: Looking for a Pharmaceutics book? You must consult a good pharma book to have a good knowledge of different Pharmaceutics topics. Here in this post i am going to list some of the best Pharmaceutics books.

Top 2 books for GPAT preparation - Pharmaceutics


Physical Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Principles in the Pharmaceutical Sciences
Professor II (Distinguished)
Parke-Davis Chair Professor in Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Piscataway, New Jersey
Assistant Editor
Assistant Research Professor
Department of Pharmaceutics
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Piscataway, New Jersey

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a Wolters Kluwer business.
351 West Camden Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
530 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106

About the Author:

Professor Martin always demanded the best of himself, his students, and his colleagues. The fact that the subsequent and current editions of Martin’s Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences have remained faithful to his vision of scientific excellence as applied to understanding and applying the principles underlying the pharmaceutical sciences is indeed a most appropriate tribute to Professor Martin’s memory. It is in that spirit that this fiftieth anniversary edition is formally dedicated to the memory of that visionary and creative pioneer in the discipline of physical pharmacy, Alfred N. Martin.



[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”martins-physical-pharmacy-6th-ed-2011 – overview textbook pdf”]

Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy

Textbook by Alfonso R. Gennaro and Joseph P. Remington


Chapter 1 Information resources in pharmacy and the pharmaceutical sciences 1
Robin H. Bogner, PhD and
Sharon Giovenale, MSLS
Chapter 2 Analysis of medicinals 9
Raymond D. Skwierczynski, PhD
Chapter 3 Quality assurance and control 29
John H. Parker, PhD and
John E. Enders, PhD, MBA
Chapter 4 Stability of pharmaceutical products 37
Allan D. Bokser, PhD and
Patrick B. O’Donnell, PhD
Chapter 5 Bioavailability and bioequivalence 51
Steven B. Johnson, PharmD
Chapter 6 Dissolution 63
Vijai Kumar, MS, MBA and
Praveen Hiremath, PhD
Chapter 7 Modern-day drug discovery and
development 81
Rick G. Schnatz, PharmD
Chapter 8 The New Drug Approval Process 93
Linda A. Felton, PhD and
Dennis W. Raisch, PhD, RPh
Chapter 9 Metrology and pharmaceutical
calculations 101
Roger L. Schnaare, PhD and
Shelly J. Prince, PhD
Chapter 10 Statistics 133
Sanford Bolton, PhD and
Richard Hirsch, PhD
Chapter 11 Molecular structure, properties and
states of matter 177
Thomas Rades, PhD,
Keith C. Gordon, PhD and
Kirsten Graeser, PhD
Chapter 12 Thermodynamics 207
Timothy S. Wiedmann, PhD
Chapter 13 Solutions and phase equilibria 219
Pardeep K. Gupta, PhD
Chapter 14 Separation methods 241
Loyd V. Allen, Jr., PhD, RPh
Chapter 15 Ionic solutions and electrolytic equilibria 257
Barbara R. Conway, PhD
Chapter 16 Tonicity, osmoticity, osmolality,
osmolarity 277
Andrew Ingham, MRPharmS, PhD and
Cathy Y. Poon, PharmD
Chapter 17 Chemical kinetics 301
Rodney J. Wigent, PhD
Chapter 18 Complex formation 317
Thorsteinn Loftsson, MSPharm, MSc, PhD
and Marcus E. Brewster, PhD
Chapter 19 Interfacial phenomena 329
Paul M. Bummer, PhD and
Yvonne Perrie, PhD
Chapter 20 Colloidal dispersions 343
Bill J. Bowman, RPh, PhD,
Clyde M. Ofner III, PhD, Hans Schott, PhD
and Yvonne Perrie, PhD
Chapter 21 Coarse dispersions 371
James Swarbrick, DSc, PhD,
Joseph T. Rubino, PhD, RPh and
Orapin P. Rubino, PhD
Chapter 22 Rheology 393
Lawrence H. Block, PhD
Chapter 23 Powders 411
Yi-Bo Wang and
Robert O. Williams III, PhD
Chapter 24 Solutions, Emulsions, Suspensions,
and Extracts 435
Michael M. Crowley, PhD
Chapter 25 Sterilization Processes and Sterility
Assurance 469
James Agalloco, BEChE, MSChE, MBA,
William G. Lindboem, Jr., PhD and Russell
E. Madsen, MS
Chapter 26 Parenteral Preparations 495
Michael J. Akers, PhD
Chapter 27 Pharmaceutical Compounding – USP
<797> Sterile Preparations 533
Catherine Cone, PharmD, BCPS,
Linda A. Felton, PhD, Amy Bachyrycz,
Chapter 28 Ophthalmic Preparations 541
Masood Chowhan, PhD, John C. Lang,
PhD, Paul Missel, PhD
Chapter 29 Medicated Topicals 565
Lawrence H. Block, PhD
Chapter 30 Oral Solid Dosage Forms 581
Ahmed Adel Sakr, PhD and
Fars K. Alanazi, PhD
vi Contents
Chapter 31 Coating of Pharmaceutical Dosage
Forms 611
Stuart C. Porter, PhD
Chapter 32 Oral Modified-Release Drug Delivery
Systems 623
Ali R. Rajabi-Siahboomi, PhD,
Manish S. Rane, PhD and
Linda A. Felton, PhD
Chapter 33 Aerosols 633
John J. Sciarra, PhD and
Christopher J. Sciarra, BS, MS Industrial Pharmacy
Chapter 34 Biotechnology and Drugs 651
Ara H. DerMarderosian, PhD and
Zhiyu Li, PhD
Chapter 35 Pharmaceutical Packaging 667
C. Jeanne Taborsky, BSChem and
Kathleen Deiss, RN
Chapter 36 Pharmaceutical Excipients 683
William J. Reilly, Jr., MBA
Chapter 37 Basic pharmacokinetics and
pharmacodynamics 705
Raymond E. Galinsky, PharmD and Craig K. Svensson, PharmD, PhD
Chapter 38 Drug action and effect 727
Donald N. Franz, PhD
Chapter 39 Drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion 739
Michael R. Franklin, PhD
Chapter 40 Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics in drug development 755
George L. Drusano, MD

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Remington The Science and Practice of Pharmacy text book pdf overview”]

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