ELECTROMERIC EFFECT – E effect + E effect Pharmacy Chemistry

electromeric effect mechanism of action

The complete transfer of shared pairs of π electrons of a double bond or multiple bond to one of the bonded atoms under the influence of the attacking reagent is known as electromeric effect.

Is Electromeric effect a temporary effect?

Since the effect involves complete transference of electrons, it lead to the development of full positive charge (+) and negative charges (-) within the molecule. Electromeric effect is a temporary effect and operates in presence of attacking reagent and vanishes as soon as the attacking reagent is withdrawn.
If a proton (H+) adds to C=C bond, the π bond will break and the electron pair will transferred completely to one of the C atoms.
The electromeric effect has no specific direction. Its direction is always that which favours the reaction.
The effect takes place in the direction of the more electronegative element. It can be represented by the symbol E and is of two types: (i) + E effect (ii) – E effect.

What is + E effect and – E effect?

+ E effect: When the displacement of an electron pair is away from the atom or group, it is called + E effect.
-E effect: When the displacement of an electron pair is towards the atom or group, it is called + E effect.

Electromeric Effect explanation with Examples and Mechanism

The Polarizability that is deformation of an unsaturated system on the close approach of a reagent is called electromeric effect. The region when the reagent is removed without allowing the reaction to take place the electronics system reverse to the original ground state of the molecule so this is a temporary effect which operates in the substrate molecule on the demand of the reagent.

This this effect causes complete transfer of those by electrons from one atom to another causing one end positively charged and other negatively charged and the reagent to attack.

electromeric effect positive effect negative effect

electromeric effect examples for exam

Due to the electromeric effect complete transfer of π electrons take place from one carbon to another through cyclic halonium ion which combines with halide iron to form the product when the multiple bond is between two decimal atoms the shift of electrons takes place towards the more electronegative of the two example edition of reagents on carbonyl compound like aldehydes or ketones.
Example edition of hcn on ca=0 maybe shown as under

electromeric effect mechanism of action
chemical structures

Addition of grignard reagent alcohol NaHSO3 on carbonyl compounds takes place also in this way.
Does the electromeric effect is strong effect than inductive effect since in its effect the loose π electron shift acompletely there by producing full charge + and – on the carbon atoms while in i effect the charge developed on carbon joined to the substituent is small shown as delta §+ § negative.


FOR MORE PHARMACY NOTES please read here.


Polarisation of one bond by the influence of an adjacent bond or group is known as Inductive effect. It can be attributed to dipolar interactions through the bonds of a
molecule. Example-The Cl atom in ethyl chloride attracts electron density from C atom to which it is attached and creates a permanent dipole. A carbon chlorine dipole influences
the adjacent C atom by its electron withdrawing inductive effect (-I effect).

Characteristics of Inductive effect:
1. It always causes bond polarization.
2. In C-H, there is almost no inductive effect.
3. Inductive effect is a permanent effect.
4. Inductive influences decreases as the distance from the source increases.

Do You Know What is Phagocytosis?

Phagocytosis What & How



White blood cells internalize multimolecular particles such as bacteria or old red blood cells by extending pseudopods that wrap around and seal in the targeted material.

A lysosome fuses with and degrades the vesicle contents.

During phagocytosis is also known as “cell eating”.  Large multimolecular particles are internalized. Most body cells perform pinocytosis, many carry out receptor-mediated endocytosis, but only a few specialized cells are capable of phagocytosis, the most notable being certain types of white blood cells that play an important role in the body’s defense mechanisms. When a white blood cell encounters a large particle, such as a bacterium or tissue debris, it extends surface projections known as pseudopods (“false feet”) that surround or engulf the particle and trap it within an internalized vesicle . A lysosome fuses with the membrane of the phagocytic vesicle and releases its hydrolytic enzymes into the vesicle, where they safely attack the bacterium or other trapped material without damaging the remainder of the cell. Th e enzymes largely breakdown the engulfed material into raw ingredients, such as amino acids, glucose, and fatty acids, that the cell can use.

Phagocytosis Mechanism or Steps in Diagram

Role and Function of Phagocytosis in a Fun Learning Way:

Phagocytosis is a tale of drama, deception, and deadly dinner parties, that’s happening right inside your body!

Imagine, if you will, a game of ‘Pac-Man’ – but in this version, Pac-Man is a white blood cell, and the ghosts are pesky pathogens. Just like in the game, our white blood cell, Mr. Pac-Man, can’t just cruise around ignoring all the invaders in his path. He’s got to face them, gobble them up, and do some cellular spring cleaning.

You see, phagocytosis is just like a microscopic version of Pac-Man. When Pac-Cell, our hero, encounters a shady-looking bacterium, he doesn’t just shake his nucleus at it and walk away. Oh no. He goes full glutton mode and engulfs the whole thing – gulp! It’s like the world’s most deadly dinner party, where the guests are the meals! Canapes, anyone?

Once inside, the bacterium isn’t left to just roam about freely. This isn’t a vacation inside a cushy, plush cell, after all. It’s prison! There, the bacterium is greeted by a ruthless welcoming committee – lysosomes. They are filled with digestive enzymes that start breaking the bacterium down. These enzymes are like the cell’s personal chefs – but they’re not cooking up something delicious, they’re cooking up death for the bacteria. It’s the cellular equivalent of putting a virus through a meat grinder – not a pleasant experience!

In the end, the bacterium’s components are digested and recycled by the cell. And Pac-Cell? He’s ready for his next round of the game, always hungry, always hunting. So, next time you’re feeling a bit under the weather, remember – you’ve got an army of miniature Pac-Men inside you, gobbling up invaders and keeping you safe. Game on! What do you say?

That’s all about Phagocytosis. Comment us your doubts.


This article presents an overview of uses of Paracetamol as a widely used medication. Most common types of ailments for which Paracetamol is used are fever, headaches, muscle aches, toothaches etc. Paracetamol is chemically known as acetaminophen, is a widely used medication known for its pain-relieving and fever-reducing properties. It is available over-the-counter and is recognized as a safe and effective option for managing various types of pain and discomfort by doctors and scientists.

Primary uses of Paracetamol:

Fever Reduction

Pain Relief

Do you know how paracetamol acts in Pain Relief? Mechanism of action of Paracetamol in relieving pain and the Dosage and administration guidelines for pain relief are given in this article. Know How Paracetamol helps in reducing fever along with Conditions or illnesses that often involve fever and the use of Paracetamol (e.g., common cold, flu).

Other things like Paracetamol as a solution for alleviating menstrual pain, Role of Paracetamol in reducing menstrual cramps. Potential side effects or adverse reactions of Paracetamol in addition to Important precautions to take before using Paracetamol (e.g., liver or kidney conditions, interaction with other medications) are mentioned below.


I. Introduction

Paracetamol, also known as acetaminophen, is a widely used medication known for its pain-relieving and fever-reducing properties. It is available over-the-counter and is recognized as a safe and effective option for managing various types of pain and discomfort.

A. Mechanism of Action: Paracetamol works by inhibiting the production of certain chemicals in the body that contribute to pain and inflammation, primarily in the central nervous system.

II. Pain Relief

B. Common Types of Pain: Paracetamol is commonly used to alleviate different types of pain, including headaches, muscle aches, toothaches, and joint pain. It is effective for mild to moderate pain.

C. Dosage and Administration: Proper dosing guidelines should be followed based on the individual’s age, weight, and the severity of the pain. It is important to read and follow the instructions provided on the packaging or consult a healthcare professional for guidance. MORE DOSAGE DETAILS OF PARACETAMOL CLICK HERE

III. Fever Reduction

A. How Paracetamol Helps: Paracetamol is effective in reducing fever by acting on the hypothalamus in the brain, which regulates body temperature. It helps to bring down elevated body temperature.

B. Conditions Involving Fever: Paracetamol is commonly used to manage fever associated with various conditions such as the common cold, flu, and other infections.

C. Proper Dosing Considerations: The dosage of Paracetamol for fever reduction is based on the individual’s age and weight. It is important to follow the recommended dosing intervals and not exceed the maximum daily dose.

Click here for exact dosage details of Paracetamol

IV. Cold and Flu Symptoms

A. Relief of Symptoms: Paracetamol provides relief from common symptoms associated with cold and flu, including headache, sore throat, body aches, and fever. It helps improve overall comfort during the illness.

B. Common Symptoms Addressed: Paracetamol is particularly effective in reducing headache pain and alleviating body aches and sore throat, making it a suitable choice for managing these symptoms.

C. Usage Recommendations: It is advisable to take Paracetamol as directed on the packaging or as recommended by a healthcare professional. It is important to consider other medications being taken and any specific instructions or warnings provided.

V. Menstrual Pain

A. Alleviating Menstrual Pain: Paracetamol is commonly used to relieve menstrual pain and discomfort, including menstrual cramps. It helps reduce the intensity of cramps and provides relief.

B. Role in Reducing Menstrual Cramps: Paracetamol works by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins, which are responsible for triggering uterine contractions and causing menstrual cramps.

C. Proper Use and Dosing Guidelines: It is recommended to take Paracetamol at the onset of menstrual pain and follow the recommended dosage instructions. It is essential to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice, especially for severe or persistent menstrual pain.

VI. Precautions and Considerations

A. Potential Side Effects: Paracetamol is generally safe when used as directed, but it may have side effects in rare cases. These can include allergic reactions or liver damage if taken in excessive doses or with alcohol.

B. Precautions for Specific Conditions: Individuals with liver or kidney conditions, as well as those taking other medications, should exercise caution when using Paracetamol. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure it is safe and appropriate.

C. Consulting a Healthcare Professional: If there are any concerns or questions regarding the use of Paracetamol, it is recommended to seek advice from a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.


Paracetamol uses in Fever

Acetaminophen is used medication for reducing fever and relieving mild to moderate pain. Here are some ways paracetamol is used in the context of fever:

Fever reduction: Paracetamol is widely used to lower fever in both adults and children. It works by acting on the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that regulates body temperature, and helps to bring down elevated body temperature.

Pain relief: Paracetamol can also help alleviate pain associated with fever, such as headaches, muscle aches, and sore throat. It is particularly effective in managing mild to moderate pain.

Symptom relief: In addition to reducing fever and relieving pain, paracetamol can also provide symptomatic relief for other accompanying symptoms of fever, such as chills and discomfort.


Paracetamol uses in cough

Paracetamoll, is primarily used to reduce fever and relieve mild to moderate pain. While it may help alleviate discomfort associated with coughing, it does not directly target or treat the underlying causes of a cough.

Coughing is a natural reflex that helps clear the airways of irritants, mucus, or foreign substances. However, if a cough persists or is accompanied by severe symptoms, it is important to identify and address the underlying cause. Common causes of cough include respiratory infections (such as the common cold or flu), allergies, asthma, bronchitis, or even more serious conditions such as pneumonia.

In the case of a cough, it is generally more effective to focus on treating the underlying condition causing the cough rather than relying solely on paracetamol for symptom relief. Over-the-counter cough syrups or expectorants may be more appropriate to help alleviate cough symptoms by loosening mucus or suppressing the cough reflex.

It is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and guidance if you have a persistent or severe cough. They can help identify the cause of the cough and recommend appropriate treatment options based on your specific condition.

Paracetamol, also known as acetaminophen, can be used to alleviate tooth pain on a temporary basis until you are able to see a dentist for proper evaluation and treatment. Here’s how paracetamol tablet can be used for tooth pain:

Pain relief: Paracetamol has analgesic properties and can help reduce mild to moderate tooth pain. It works by blocking certain pain signals in the brain.

Fever reduction: Tooth pain can sometimes be accompanied by fever. Paracetamol can help reduce fever if present along with tooth pain.

It’s important to note that paracetamol provides temporary relief and does not treat the underlying cause of the tooth pain. If you are experiencing tooth pain, it is advisable to schedule an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible to identify and address the underlying issue.

Additionally, follow the recommended dosage instructions provided by the manufacturer or consult a healthcare professional for guidance on the appropriate dosage based on your age, weight, and overall health condition. It’s essential to use paracetamol responsibly and avoid exceeding the recommended dosage to prevent potential adverse effects.

Please remember that this information is not a substitute for professional dental advice, and it’s important to consult a dentist for proper diagnosis and treatment of tooth pain.

Paracetamol tablet uses in pregnancy

The use of paracetamol during pregnancy is generally considered safe when used at the recommended doses. Paracetamol is commonly used to relieve pain and reduce fever in pregnant women. However, it’s always important to consult with a healthcare professional or your obstetrician before taking any medication during pregnancy, including paracetamol.

Here are some key points to consider regarding paracetamol use during pregnancy:

Pain relief: Paracetamol can be used to alleviate mild to moderate pain during pregnancy, such as headaches, muscle aches, or toothaches. It is often recommended as the first-line treatment for pain relief in pregnant women.

Fever reduction: Paracetamol is also effective in reducing fever, which can sometimes occur during pregnancy due to various reasons. Reducing fever is important to maintain the mother’s comfort and prevent any potential complications.

Recommended dosage: When using paracetamol during pregnancy, it’s important to follow the recommended dosage guidelines provided by your healthcare professional or the instructions on the packaging. It is typically considered safe when used at the recommended doses.

Avoid excessive use: It’s crucial to avoid excessive or prolonged use of paracetamol during pregnancy, especially at higher doses than recommended. Taking excessive amounts of paracetamol for an extended period can potentially have adverse effects on the mother and the developing fetus.

Seek medical advice: If you have any concerns or questions about using paracetamol or any other medication during pregnancy, it is always best to consult with your healthcare professional or obstetrician. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific situation and guide you on the appropriate use of medications.

Remember that each pregnancy is unique, and individual circumstances may vary. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure the safe and appropriate use of any medication during pregnancy.

Paracetamol tablet uses in chronic diseases

Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is commonly used for pain relief and fever reduction. However, its use in chronic diseases should be approached with caution, and it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice. Here are a few considerations regarding the use of paracetamol tablets in chronic diseases:

Liver disease: Paracetamol is primarily metabolized in the liver, so individuals with liver disease or impaired liver function should use paracetamol with caution. Excessive or prolonged use of high doses can potentially cause liver damage. It’s important to follow the recommended dosage and consult with a healthcare professional for appropriate guidance.

Kidney disease: Paracetamol is generally considered safe for individuals with kidney disease when used at recommended doses. However, individuals with severe kidney disease or on dialysis should consult with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate dosage and monitor kidney function.

Cardiovascular disease: Paracetamol is typically considered safe for individuals with cardiovascular disease. However, certain formulations of paracetamol, such as combination products containing other ingredients like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), may have cardiovascular risks. It’s important to read the product label and consult with a healthcare professional before using combination medications.

Other chronic conditions: Paracetamol can be used for pain relief in various chronic conditions, such as arthritis or chronic back pain. However, it is essential to consider any potential interactions with other medications being taken for the specific chronic condition. It’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure the safe and appropriate use of paracetamol in conjunction with other treatments.

In general, it’s important to follow the recommended dosage guidelines and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any specific chronic disease or condition. They can provide personalized advice based on your individual health situation and help you determine the appropriate use of paracetamol or other medications.

Paracetamol tablet uses for head ache

Paracetamol is most commonly used for the relief of headache. It is effective in reducing mild to moderate pain, including headaches. Here’s how paracetamol tablets can be used for headache:

Pain relief: Paracetamol works by blocking certain pain signals in the brain, helping to alleviate headache pain. It is particularly effective for tension headaches and mild migraines.

Fever reduction: Paracetamol also has antipyretic properties, which means it can help reduce fever that may sometimes accompany certain types of headaches.

Here are a few important considerations when using paracetamol for headaches:

Dosage: It’s important to follow the recommended dosage instructions provided by the manufacturer or consult with a healthcare professional for appropriate dosing based on your age, weight, and overall health condition.

Combination medications: Paracetamol is often available in combination with other active ingredients, such as caffeine or aspirin. These combination products may provide additional benefits for specific types of headaches, but it’s important to read the product label and consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable option for your specific headache type.

Caution with other medications: If you are taking other medications or have any underlying health conditions, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional or pharmacist to ensure that paracetamol does not interact with any other medications you are currently taking.

It’s important to note that while paracetamol can help provide temporary relief from headache pain, it does not address the underlying causes of recurrent or severe headaches. If you experience frequent or severe headaches, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and management.

Caution 🙏 Pleas eremember that this information is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have specific concerns or questions about using paracetamol for headaches, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance

Use of paracetamol for periods/Menstrual Stomach Pain

Paracetamol (acetaminophen) can be used to alleviate pain associated with menstrual periods, such as menstrual cramps or discomfort. Here’s how paracetamol can be used for period pain:

Pain relief: Paracetamol is an effective analgesic and can help reduce mild to moderate pain commonly experienced during menstrual periods. It works by blocking certain pain signals in the brain.

Menstrual cramps: Paracetamol can help alleviate menstrual cramps, also known as dysmenorrhea. These cramps are caused by the release of certain chemicals called prostaglandins, which cause the uterus to contract. Paracetamol can help reduce the intensity of these cramps and provide relief.

When using paracetamol for period pain, it’s important to follow the recommended dosage instructions provided by the manufacturer or consult with a healthcare professional. It’s generally advisable to start taking paracetamol as soon as the symptoms begin and continue as necessary, while not exceeding the recommended dosage.

It’s worth noting that if you consistently experience severe menstrual pain that significantly affects your daily activities or quality of life, it’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional. They can help assess your symptoms, rule out any underlying conditions, and provide appropriate management options.

Remember, while paracetamol can help alleviate period pain, it does not address the underlying cause of menstrual discomfort. It is important to practice good self-care during your menstrual cycle, such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, staying hydrated, applying heat to the abdomen, and practicing relaxation techniques.



In summary, Paracetamol is a versatile medication used for pain relief, fever reduction, managing cold

Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is a widely used medication with several applications. Here are some common uses of paracetamol:

  1. Pain relief: Paracetamol is commonly used to alleviate mild to moderate pain, including headaches, toothaches, muscle aches, back pain, and menstrual pain.
  2. Fever reduction: Paracetamol is effective in reducing fever, making it useful for managing fever associated with illnesses such as the common cold, flu, or other infections.
  3. Cold and flu symptoms: Paracetamol can help relieve symptoms commonly experienced during cold and flu, such as headache, sore throat, and body aches.
  4. Post-vaccination discomfort: Paracetamol is sometimes recommended for managing pain or discomfort at the injection site following certain vaccinations.

If you have any concerns or questions about using paracetamol for pain or need further guidance, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice

Desk & WFH (Work from Home) Remote Jobs 4 Pharmacy

There are various work from home jobs and desk jobs for pharmacy graduates. Here are some of them:

Regulatory Affairs Specialist:

A regulatory affairs specialist is responsible for ensuring that a company’s products comply with government regulations. In the pharmaceutical industry, regulatory affairs specialists ensure that drugs are developed, manufactured, and marketed in accordance with FDA regulations.

Contract research organizations work for pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device industry to perform research and developmental work on a contractual basis.
For pharmaceutical companies, CROs provide consultation for services such as development of medications, biologic assay development, commercialization, preclinical research, clinical research, clinical trials, and pharmacovigilance.

Pharmacy Benefit Manager:

Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) work for insurance companies or healthcare organizations, and are responsible for managing prescription drug benefits for their clients. They negotiate with pharmaceutical companies to obtain the best prices for drugs, and work with pharmacies to ensure that patients receive the medications they need.

Medical Writer:

Medical writer or medical science liaison or medical advisor is a health care professional who works for pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, and managed care companies.9 Medical writers work for pharmaceutical companies, medical communications agencies, or regulatory affairs consulting firms, and are responsible for writing and editing medical and scientific documents, such as clinical trial reports, regulatory submissions, and scientific manuscripts.

Pharmaceutical Sales Representative: Pharmaceutical sales representatives work for pharmaceutical companies, and are responsible for promoting and selling the company’s products to healthcare professionals. They may work in a specific geographic area, or focus on a particular product or therapy.

Quality Control Specialist:

Quality Control Specialists work for pharmaceutical companies or contract manufacturing organizations, and are responsible for ensuring that drugs are manufactured in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and other quality standards. They review manufacturing and testing records, and work with manufacturing personnel to identify and correct quality issues.


There is a availability of high number of jobs in medical billing, medical coding and in insurance claim. Medical coding experts play a key role in the medical billing process. Every visit of the patient receives health care from doctor office, outpatient clinic or in hospital facility, the provider must document the services provided. The medical coder abstracts the information from the documentation, assigns the appropriate codes, and creates a
claim to be paid, whether by a commercial payer or the patient. Most of the people working are undergraduates or post graduates in science, nursing, pharmacy and allied health sciences; specially those with an extensive knowledge about physiology, anatomy and medical terminology. For this job role, it is also necessary to become well-known with diverse types of insurance schemes, regulations, compliance, the coding community’s three critical resource books and ICD-9-CM along with their corresponding codes and guidelines.1


1) Recording of movement of Stores.
2) Communicate with the related party as per the authorization
3) Ensure upkeep of Computer System, Network and physical records
4) Facilitate in discharge of the administrative & operation responsibilities
5) Adherence with the financial, operational and statutory compliances
6) Any other work assigned by the reporting or/and controlling officer

Clinical Pharmacist:

Clinical pharmacists work in healthcare facilities, such as hospitals and clinics, and are responsible for providing medication therapy management services to patients. They review patients’ medical records and consult with healthcare professionals to ensure the safe and effective use of medications.
Some of the important work in corporate hospitals for clinical pharmacists is

checking medication errors in prescriptions as well in the indent given to patients during their hospital stay and during discharge,

entering medication in a prescribed format, updating the drug formulary in the hospitals,

preparing chemo admixtures whenever required especially for the oncology or other departments,

going for ward rounds with health care team and discharging summary checks for medications, monitoring, documenting and reporting adverse drug reactions,

answering drug related queries of all health care professionals as well as the patients, preparing and submitting monthly reports to the clinical pharmacologist.

For getting international hospital accreditation in India, it is necessary to maintain or establish clinical pharmacy services.

Medical Science Liaison:

Medical Science Liaisons (MSLs) work for pharmaceutical companies and are responsible for building relationships with key opinion leaders in the medical community. They provide scientific and medical information about the company’s products to healthcare professionals, and help to educate them about new treatments and therapies.

Drug Safety Associate:

Drug Safety Associates (DSAs) work for pharmaceutical companies or contract research organizations, and are responsible for monitoring the safety of drugs in clinical trials and after they are approved for use. They review adverse event reports and work with healthcare professionals to ensure the safe use of drugs.


1) Receiving of products and documentation as per the relevant procedure.
2) Supervise the warehousing of various categories of products like quarantine,
released, rejected, returned or recalls. Supervise the arrangement of such
products so that there is no possibility of mix-up.
3) Record the environmental conditions of the warehouse in prescribed format and
inform the Pharmacist during any excursion.
4) Supervise the housekeeping and pest control activities are performed as per the
relevant procedure and maintain the records.
5) Perform the sampling and subsequent packing of samples as per the relevant
6) Maintain the record of personnel entering the warehouse.
7) Supervise the fire protection devices are being maintained properly.
8) Supervise the handling / destruction of expired, rejected products and maintain
9) Prepare and maintain distribution records as per the relevant procedure.
10) Adherence with the financial, operational and statutory compliances
11) Any other work assigned by the reporting or/and controlling officer

Academic Pharmacist

Ability to balance research & teaching responsibilities with patient care

Ability to serve as a role model for pharmacy students and residents

Comfort with sophisticated instrumentation, statistical analyses, and other research methods
™ Practice sites: universities, schools of pharmacy, local, state, national, and international

Chain Drug Store Pharmacist

Endurance to work long hours, often standing up, ability to handle multiple tasks and heavy workloads and Ability to endure high levels of stress are necessary.

A desire to help people and improve the quality of their lives

A strong ability to communicate clearly and effectively

A team approach and a positive attitude
™ Practice sites: Traditional chain drugstores, supermarket pharmacies, mass merchandiser

Why Should/Shouldn’t I Study Pharmacy?

Why should I study pharmacy

To begin with the article, let’s discuss the prospects of pursuing pharma degree. There are several reasons why studying pharmacy can be a rewarding and fulfilling career choice. The characteristics one should consider important for selection of the course and for practicing pharmacy are discussed in this article. Utmost motivation to study pharmacy in general is these two

  • care for/help people
  • interest in human biology

Help people:

As a pharmacist, you have the opportunity to directly impact the health and well-being of patients. You will be responsible for dispensing medications, providing information about drug interactions, and advising patients on how to use their medications safely and effectively.

Job stability:

The demand for pharmacists is expected to grow in the coming years, due to an aging population and increased access to healthcare. This means that job opportunities in the field of pharmacy are likely to be plentiful.

Plethora of career paths:

Pharmacy offers a variety of career paths, including community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, research, academia, and pharmaceutical industry. You can choose the path that best suits your interests and skills.

Financial rewards:

Pharmacists typically earn competitive salaries, and many enjoy benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.

Encourages continuous learning:

The field of pharmacy is constantly evolving, with new drugs and treatments being developed all the time. This means that as a pharmacist, you will have the opportunity to continue learning throughout your career.

“Reliable employment” and “steady job” were the highest-rated aspects of being a pharmacist followed closely by “ability to travel” . A number of other factors were also rated, including professional status, a good salary and working in the health sciences and in the community.

Overall, studying pharmacy can be a great choice for those who are interested in healthcare, enjoy helping others, and want a stable and rewarding career.


1. Why do you want to work as a health professional?

2. Which three of these factors were the most important in your decision? (Please list in order of priority)

3. What, in your opinion, are the most important attributes that the School of Pharmacy should consider when selecting people for the Bachelor of Pharmacy program?

4. When you applied for admission to the Health Sciences, was Pharmacy your first preference?

5. At this stage in your BPharm education, do you want to become a pharmacist?

6. Community pharmacists are involved in many of the following activities in their day to day work. Which activities are of most interest to you?

7. What aspects of being a pharmacist are most important to you?

8. During my working life, I would like …

9. If you had to choose a pharmacy career path today, in what field would it be?

Why shouldn’t I study pharmacy

I cannot make decisions for you or give personal advice as this will be your future. However, I can provide you with some general information that may be helpful in making a decision about studying pharmacy.

Here are some factors you may want to consider:

Interest and passion:

Do you have a genuine interest in pharmacy? Are you passionate about the subject matter? Pursuing a field that you are truly interested in can lead to a more fulfilling and enjoyable career. If you don’t like to study medicines diseases or especially human physiology please do not attempt to study pharmacy.

Job outlook:

Career aspirations and intentions are important things to consider.  It is important to consider the job prospects for pharmacy graduates. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of pharmacists is projected to decline 3 percent from 2020 to 2030, which may affect the job market for new graduates.

Educational requirements:

Pharmacy requires a significant amount of education and training, including a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree. Eligibility will be 10+2. The program typically takes four years to complete, and graduates must pass a licensing exam to practice in some countries.

Personal circumstances:

It is also important to consider your personal circumstances, such as your financial situation, location, and family responsibilities, when making a decision about pursuing a career in pharmacy.

Ultimately, the decision to study pharmacy should be based on your own interests, career goals, and personal circumstances. It may be helpful to speak with a career counselor or someone currently working in the field to gain more insight.

Structure Physiology Anatomy of EYE

The eye is a specialized sensory organ of photoreception. The eye is an easily accessible organ for local or systemic drug delivery.

Clinically, the eye can be considered to be composed of two segments:

1. Anterior segment – all structures from (and including) the lens forward.
2. Posterior segment – all structures posterior to the lens.


  • The anatomical and physiological characteristics of the eye are described are outlined in this section.
  • Structure of the eye; The eye can be divided into two compartments: the anterior and posterior segments.
  • An internal cross section of an eye is shown in Fig.1
  • physiology of eye - structure of eye
  • Anterior segment; Externally, the anterior segment of eye is made up of cornea, conjunctiva, and sclera.
  • Internally, it consists of anterior chamber, iris/pupil, posterior chamber, and ciliary body.
  • The cornea, an optically transparent tissue that aids in refraction of light to the eye for focusing, is 1 mm thick at the periphery and 0.5 to 0.6 mm thick in the centre.
  • It is composed of squamous and basal columnar epithelium, Bowman’s membrane, substantia propria (stroma), limiting lamina, and the endothelium.
  •  The conjunctiva is a thin, transparent, vascularised mucous membrane with an area of 18 cm2 covering the eye globe and the inner eyelids.
  • It maintains the precorneal tear film and protects the eye. It produces mucus and lubricates the surface of the eye.
  • It is made up of stratified columnar epithelium and lamina propria. The conjunctiva epithelium is divided into bulbar (covering the eyeball), fornix (covering the cornea), and palpebral (covering the eyelid) conjunctivae.
  •  The sclera, the white outer coat of the eyeball, provides structural integrity, size, and shape to the eye.
  • There are three layers in the sclera, the anterior episclera, the middle scleral stroma, and the posterior lamina fusca.
  • The sclera is composed of gel like mucopolysaccharides, elastic fibers, bundles of dense collagen fibrils, and fibroblasts.
  • The iris is a diaphragm around the pupil (lens) and controls the amount of light entering the inner eye.
  • The ciliary body is made up of ciliary muscles, which aid in accommodation.
  • The anterior surface of the eye is constantly rinsed by tear fluid secreted at a flow rate of about 1 μL/min by the main lachrymal gland of the lachrymal apparatus.
  • Tears eventually drain into the nasal cavity through the nasolachrymal ducts.
  • Tear fluid contains mucin, lysozyme, lactoferrin, prealbumin, and serum proteins.
  • It functions as an antibacterial lubricant and aids in draining out foreign substances.
  • The normal volume of tear fluid is 5 to 10 μL.65


Posterior segment:

  • Externally, the posterior segment consists of the optic nerve and associated vasculature, and internally, it consists of the lens, vitreous, and rear ocular tissues. Vitreous is a colorless medium
  • Internal structure of the eye consisting of about 99 percent water, dissolved type II collagen, sodium hyaluronate, and proteoglycans.
  • The retina is the inner nervous layer of the eye responsible for the sensory function of sight.
  • The choroid is a dark brown vascular layer attached to the sclera and is believed to provide nourishment to the retina.

Basic Structure of the Eye

The eye has three layers or coats, three compartments and contains three fluids

1. The three coats of the eye are as follows:

(a) Outer fibrous layer:
• cornea
• sclera
• lamina cribrosa.
(b) Middle vascular layer (“uveal tract”):
• iris
• ciliary body – consisting of the pars
plicata and pars plana
• choroids.
(c) Inner nervous layer:
• pigment epithelium of the retina
• retinal photoreceptors
• retinal neurons.

2. The three compartments of the eye are as follows:

(a) Anterior chamber – the space between the cornea and the iris diaphragm.
(b) Posterior chamber – the triangular space between the iris anteriorly, the lens and zonule posteriorly, and the ciliary body.
(c) Vitreous chamber – the space behind the lens and zonule.

3. The three intraocular fluids are as follows:

(a) Aqueous humour – a watery, optically clear solution of water and electrolytes similar to tissue fluids except that aqueous humour has a low protein content normally.
(b) Vitreous humour – a transparent gel consisting of a three-dimensional network of collagen fibres with the interspaces filled with polymerised hyaluronic acid molecules and water. It fills the space between the posterior surface of the lens, ciliary body and retina.
(c) Blood – in addition to its usual functions, blood contributes to the maintenance of intraocular pressure. Most of the blood within the eye is in the choroid. The choroidal blood flow represents the largest blood flow per unit tissue in the body. The degree of desaturation of efferent choroidal blood is relatively small and indicates that the choroidal vasculature has functions beyond retinal nutrition. It might be that the choroid serves as a heat exchanger for the retina, which absorbs energy as light strikes the retinal pigment epithelium.


PPT PDF – HPLC – Principle Types Modes Advantages- Limitation

hplc instrumentation

If you want to know completely about High-Performance Liquid Chromatography HPLC you are at the right place.In this article you can find from the basics of chromatography along with the Principle of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography and parameters that are used as a standard for a particular compound in High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).Types of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Instrumentation and applications uses of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)are provided here. You can download the PPT AND PDF on HPLC in the following paragraphs.

What is chromatography ?

Chromatography is a separation technique that uses the size, shape, chemical properties or charge of molecules in a sample to separate the sample into its constituent components.
Chromatography is a physical method of separation in which the components to be separated are, distributed two phases, one of which is stationary phase while the other is mobile phase, moves in a definite direction.

Chromatography Principle

Chromatography is based on the principle where molecules in mixture applied onto the surface or into the solid, and fluid stationary phase (stable phase) is separating from each other while moving with the aid of a mobile phase. e factors effective on this separation process include molecular characteristics related to adsorption (liquid-solid), partition (liquid-solid), and affinity or differences among their molecular weights. Because of these differences, some components of the mixture stay longer in the stationary phase, and they move slowly in the chromatography system, while others pass rapidly into mobile phase, and leave the system faster


  • HPLC came about because not all compounds can be vaporized and analyzed on a GC
  • Separation of a wider range of compounds — high MW, polar, and ionic compounds
  • Highly efficient separations achieved in HPLC due to interactions of both m.p. and s.p. with the components of a mixture.
  • Improved separation within a much shorter time

 What is High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)?

HPLC represents an automated system for the separation of compounds in mixture using a liquid mobile phase, which is passed across the stationary phase under high pressure in order to speed up the operation.
The effluent of the column is monitored by special detectors and the signals for the eluted components are recorded in a special recorder which amplifies such signals and record them as peaks similar to those obtained in gas chromatography.



HPLC works on the principle of Affinity chromatography. The solution of the sample is injected into a column of a porous material (stationary phase) and a liquid (mobile phase) is pumped at high pressure through the column. The mixture on travelling through the stationary phase splits into its constituents and the component with high affinity for stationary phase travels late whereas one with less affinity elutes fast. This is also based partition coefficient of the material.

To make you understand, in simple terms HPLC follows the principle of separation in both normal phase mode and reverse phase mode is adsorption. When a mixture of components are introduced into a HPLC column, they travel according to their relative affinities towards the stationary phase. The component which has more affinity towards the adsorbent, travels slower. The component which has less affinity towards the stationary phase travels faster. Since no 2 components have the same affinity towards the stationary phase, the components are separated.


A. Based on modes of chromatography
1. Normal phase mode
2.Reverse phase mode
B. Based on principle of separation
1. Adsorption chromatography
2. Ion exchange chromatography
3. Ion pair chromatography
4.Size exclusion(or)Gel permeation chromatography
5. Affinity chromatography
6. Chiral phase chromatography
C. Based on elution technique
1. Isocratic separation
2. Gradient separation
D. Based on the scale of operation
1. Analytical HPLC
2. Preparative HPLC
E. Based on the type of analysis
1. Qualitative analysis
2. Quantitative analysis


1. Solvent delivery system
2. Pumps
3. Sample injection system
4. Column
5. Detectors
6. Recorders and Integrators

Applications of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

  • Pharmaceutical applications of HPLC are Tablet dissolution study of pharmaceutical dosages form, Shelf-life determinations of pharmaceutical products,  Identification of active ingredients of dosage forms, Pharmaceutical quality control applications,  Detection of phenolic compounds in Drinking Water, Identification of compounds in sediment samples, Bio-monitoring of pollutant, Quantification of the drug in biological samples. • Identification of anabolic steroids in serum, urine, sweat, and hair,Determination of cocaine and metabolites in blood Clinical Quantification of ions in human urine Analysis of antibiotics in blood plasma, Estimation of bilirubin and biliverdin in blood plasma in case of hepatic disorders,Detection of endogenous neuropeptides in extracellular fluids of brain.
  • Other applications include testing the quality of soft drink and drinking water, Analysis of beer, Sugar analysis in fruit juices, Analysis of polycyclic compounds in vegetables,Trace analysis of military high explosives in agricultural crops.
  • Chemical Separations
  • Purification



1. Separations fast and efficient (high resolution power)
2. Continuous monitoring of the column effluent
3. It can be applied to the separation and analysis of very complex mixtures
4. Accurate quantitative measurements.
5. Repetitive and reproducible analysis using the same column.
6. Adsorption, partition, ion exchange and exclusion column separations are excellently made
7. HPLC is more versatile than GLC in some respects, because it has the advantage of not being restricted to volatile and thermally stable solute and the choice of mobile and stationary phases is much wider in HPLC
8. Both aqueous and non aqueous samples can be analyzed with little or no sample pretreatment
9. A variety of solvents and column packings are available, providing a high degree of selectivity for specific analyses.
10. It provides a means for determination of multiple components in a single analysis.

Advantages of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

  • By using this High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) technique it is possible to perform structural, and functional analysis, and purification of many molecules within a short time.
  • This technique yields perfect results in the separation, and identification of amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, proteins, steroids, and other biologically active molecules
  • In HPLC, mobile phase passes throuıgh columns under 10–400 atmospheric pressure, and with a high (0.1–5 cm//sec) flow rate.
  • In this technique, use of small particles,and application of high pressure on the rate of solvent flow increases separation power, of HPLC and the analysis is completed within a short time


1.Retention time
2.Retention volume
3.Separation factor
4. Resolution
5. Height Equivalent to a Theoretical Plate (HETP)
6. Efficiency
7. Asymmetry factor

What are hplc detectors

The work of detector is to detect and give the information to the recorder which shows it in a form of a chromatogram. Every compounds has its own properties which is not completely the same with one another, thus this arises a need to have different detectors for different compounds. Before beginning the separation by HPLC it is thus very important to study about the nature of the compound and select the detector accordingly. The selection of wrong detector misguides our journey of separation and quantification.

Types of hplc detectors

1. Refractive index detectors
2. U.V detectors
3. Fluorescence detectors
4. Electro chemical detectors
5. Evaporative light scattering detectors
6. IR detectors
7. Photo diode array detector:

what are most common hplc detector

Detectors used depends upon the property of the compounds to be separated.  Detectors  are elemental detectors (atomic absorption/emission, inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry and microwave-induced plasma); optical detectors (UV/visible, IR/Raman, optical activity, evaporative light scattering and refractive index); luminescent detectors (fluorescence/phosphorescence, chemiluminescence/bioluminescence); electrochemical detectors (potentiometry, novel material/modified electrodes, array electrodes and pulsed
and oscillometric techniques); mass spectrometric detectors (time-of-flight/MALDI, Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, electrospray/thermospray, atmospheric pressure ionization and particle beam); and other detection systems (nuclear magnetic resonance, radioactivity detectors, surface plasmon resonance)


HPLC Modes
• Normal-phase (NPC)
– Separation based on adsorption of the analyte onto a polar surface (silica)
• Reversed-phase (RPC)
– Separation based on analytes’ partition coefficients between the mobile phase and the bonded  stationary phase
• Ion-exchange (IEC)
– Separation based on ion-exchanging with the counter-ions and ionic interaction with the bonded ionic group
• Size-exclusion (SEC orGFC)
– Separation based on analyte’s molecular size and  sieving action of the column packing

Limitations  of  HPLC

  • Lack of a Universal Detector.   The lack of a universal detector is often mentioned, although the UV–vis detector comes close to one for chromophoric compounds. Refractive index detection fits the bill, but suffers from low sensitivity and incompatibility with gradient elution. Evaporative light scattering detection (ELSD) was a contender, but was surpassed by charged aerosol detection (CAD). CAD uses a nebulizer with corona discharge detection and has better sensitivity (low ng) and ease-of-use than ELSD
  • Less Separation Efficiency than Capillary Gas Chromatography Conventional.  HPLC has a practi-cal peak capacity (Pc) of ~200 using columns with ~20,000 plates under gradient conditions — not particularly effective for very complex samples
  • Relatively More Difficult for Novices  The bewildering number of HPLC modules, columns, mobile phases, and operating parameters renders HPLC difficult for the novice.
  • Still Arduous, Particularly for Regulated Testing  HPLC is versatile, quantitative, sensi-tive, and extremely precise. It can also be time-consuming and arduous, particularly for regulated analysis under good manufacturing practices (GMP).


HPLC is a complex technique because of its myriad combinations of modules, columns or mobile phases, and operating parameters. Initially chromatographic techniques were used to separate substances based on their color as was the case with herbal pigments. With time its application area was extended considerably. Nowadays, chromatography is accepted as an extremely sensitive, and effective separation method.
HPLC technique which has many superior features including especially its higher sensitivity, rapid turnover rate, its use as a quantitative method, can purify amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, hydrocarbons, carbohydrates, drugs, antibiotics, and steroids

hplc ppthplc ppt office b pharm m pharm office b pharm m pharm

hplc ppt – complete information on high performance liquid chromatography office b pharm m pharm


  • Handbook of Pharmaceutical Analysis by HPLC, S. A huja and M.W. Dong , Ed s. (Elsevier/Academic Press, 2005).
  • HPLC for Pharma ceutical Scientists, Y.V. Kazakevich and R. LoBrutto, Eds. (Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2007).
  • C.F. Poole, Essence of Chromatography (Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2002).
  • Chromatog raphy: A Scien ce of Discovery, R.L. Wixom and C.L . Gehrke, Eds. (Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2010).
  • UHPLC in Life Scie nce s, D. Guillarme, J-L Veuthey, and R.M. Smith, Eds. (Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2012).
  • M. Swartz, M. Emmanuel, A. Awad, and D. Hartley, “Advances in HPLC Systems Technology” supplement to LCGC North Am. 27(4), 40–48 (2009).
  • Mass Spectrometry for Drug Discovery and Drug Development, W.A. Korfmacher, Ed.(Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2013).
  • J.E. MacNair, K.C. Lewis, and J.W. Jorgenson, Anal. Chem. 69, 983–989 (1997).
  • M.W. Dong, LCGC North Am. 25(7), 656– 666 (2007).
  • N. Wu a nd A.M. Clausen, J. Sep. Sci. 30,1167–1182 (2007).
  • D. Gui ll arme and M.W. Dong , Amer. Pharm. Rev., (2013) submitted.
  • M.W. Dong , D. Guillarme, S. Fekete, R. Rangelova, J. Richa rds, D. Prudhomme, and N.P. Chetwyn, J. Chromatogr. A. submitted.
  • L. Sannes, “Commercia lizing Biomarkers in Therapeutic and Diagnostic Application– Overview,” Insight Pharma Report

Important Questions on  HPLC

1. Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of thin layer chromatography
(TLC) versus modern HPLC.
2. What does HPLC stand for?
3. What are the advantages of dual reciprocating pumps have over syringe
4. How much does a basic HPLC system cost?
5. What are the sub-categories of liquid chromatography?
6. What is the difference between normal phase HPLC and reverse phase
HPLC? Which is most commonly used today?
7. What chemical factors determine if a chemical will be analyzed in a GC or LC?
8. Can moderately volatile, thermally stable chemical be analyzed on an LC?
9. Why do we filter analyte solutions before injection into an HPLC?
10. Draw a basic HPLC system and label all of the components.
11. Why are pressurized gases used in HPLC?
12. What two preparatory steps must be taken before a solvent can be used as an HPLC mobile phase?
In general, what is the maximum pressure limit of standard HPLC systems?
13. What is the purpose of the proportioning valve? How does this reduce the cost of an HPLC?
14. What is the difference in isocratic and gradient programming? Why is gradient programming sometimes necessary?
15. Why are dual piston pumps preferred over single piston pumps?
16. What is the purpose of a pulse damper?
17. Why are six-port valves used for injecting samples in HPLC?
18. Draw and explain how a six-port valve works.
19. Why are in-line filters used in HPLC systems?
20. What is the composition of the stationary phase and purpose of the guard
21. What are common stationary phases used in reverse phase HPLC?
22. Why do chromatographers purchase their analytical columns instead of self packing their own?
23. How will a poorly packed column affect performance?
24. What is the relationship between performance (resolution) and stationary
phase particle size?
25. Compile a list of HPLC detectors and provide a list of chemicals each can be
used to analyze.
26. Name three advanced types of LC.
27. Why is U-HPLC superior to standard HPLC?
28. How does IC differ from standard HPLC?
29. What is the purpose of the suppressor column in IC?
30. Draw a suppressor column for cation analysis in IC. Explain how it works.
Hope  you  like  the  article. please  leave  a  comment  if  you  have  any  doubts.

Bangalore High Paying Pharma Companies – HYD Delhi Mumbai Chennai

When you want to know the list of bangalore high paying pharma companies for your job search. You have landed a correct destination for your query.

Few big Pharma industries pay well off in many cities. Especially in bangalore you can see companies like Dr Reddy’s Laboratories paying a good amount for their employees of their organization. Even pharma companies like Gland Pharma, Bharat Biotech sun pharmaceuticals, Aurobindo, Mylan Labs, Laurus Laboratories, NATCO Pharma, Divis labs,, Biological-e Ltd, Santha Biotech, Indian Immunological, Cadila, Aventis, are listed in the highest paying pharma companies in India especially in the garden city Bangalore.

There is much scope in many Contract Research Organization. The consulting side of pharma also pays you well. I mean the pay is high. Jobs like Business analyst in life sciences and also like Accenture , cognizant, consulting management officers. there are many options for Pharma graduates. You need to explore it in industrial level.When you look at the pharmaceutical sector in India, most RnD labs are into developmental work in drug discovery. There are a fairly good number of companies in Bangalore working in this area; Syngene International, Jubilant Labs, Aurigene, Advinus Therapeutics etc.

Average starting Salary for Pharma Employees

For your information as per some records the average starting Salary for Pharma Company in India is around ₹1.2 Lakh per year (₹8k to 10kper month). For a fresher who has zero prior experience in a Pharma Company.

What is the highest salary for a Pharma Company in India?

Highest salary that a Pharma Company can earn is ₹6.2 Lakhs per year (₹51.7k per month). Pharma Company salary in India with less than 1 year of experience to 14 years ranges from ₹ 1.5 Lakhs to ₹ 7.1 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 2.2 Lakhs

Do you know what are High-Paying Jobs In India’s Pharmaceutical Industry:

  •  PharmaCovigilance – Adverse Drug reaction reporting, monitoring and contributing to the central pharmacovigilance commission
  •  Drug Safety Specialist – Involved in the Design and Discovery of new drugs, preclinical testing
  • Quality Assurance Manager – Assures the quality of the Finished Formulations, Manufacturing procedures
  • Quality Control And Validation – validates the processes involved in the manufacture of bulk drugs and formulations QC analyst, QC operator
  • Clinical Pharmacist – Expertise in pharmacotherapy in hospitals and clinics
  •  Academician – to cater the needs of universities and colleges as professor, assistant professor, research assistant.
  •  Manufacturing Chemist – maintenance of pharmaceutical Manufacturing unit, scaleup, tech transfer, supply chain
  •  Chemical Research Analyst – Conduction of human clinical trials and bioequivalence studies
  • Data Analyst – Analyze the clinical Data and provide technical support for the statistical conclusion of the results
  •  Pharma Marketing – national and international marketing of bulk drugs and formulations
  •  Research & Development – New formulation development to enhance the drug delivery and effective treatment

Now comes where you want to go for a high paying Pharmaceutical organizations

Top paying cities for Pharma Jobs in India

• Mumbai – ₹6.1 Lakhs per year

• Hyderabad/Secunderabad – ₹2.7 Lakhs per year

• Indore – ₹1.6 Lakhs per year

• Ahmedabad – ₹1.5 Lakhs per year

• Bengaluru/Bangalore – ₹2.7 Lakhs per year


What are the top paying industries for Pharma Students in India?

• Biotechnology

• Pharma

• Healthcare


• Industrial Machinery

What is salary in Cipla pharma?

Average Cipla Pharmaceutical Fresher salary in India is ₹ 1.8 Lakhs for less than 1 year of experience. Fresher salary at Cipla Pharmaceutical India ranges between ₹ 0.2 Lakhs to ₹ 3.2 Lakhs.

Here is the list of some good pharmaceutical companies in Bangalore to work




Caplin laboratories

Apotex Research Pvt Ltd

Hikal Limited

Stabicon Lifesciences Pvt Ltd

Cadila pharmaceuticals

Advinus Therapeutics Pvt Ltd
21 & 22 (Next to NTTF) Phase II Peenya Industrial Area

Alcon Laboratories
Unit No: 502, Tower D, 5th Floor, RMZ Infinity, Benniganahalli, Old Madras Road,

Allergan Services India Ltd
1st Floor, North Wing,Silver Jubilee Block,Mission Road, 3rd Cross

Alltech Biotechnology Pvt Ltd
700/2, New No:3,6th Cross,6th Cross,HAL 2nd Stage,Kodihalli

AstraZeneca India Pvt Ltd
Bellary Road, Hebbal

Aurigene Discovery Technologies Limited
Electronic City Phase II, Hosur Road #39 (P) / 40 (P) KIADB Industrial Area

Avesthagen Limited
Discoverer, 9th Floor International Technology Park Ltd,Whitefield Road

Bal Pharma Ltd.
5th Floor, Laxmi Narayan Complex,10/1, Palace Road

Bangalore Genei Ltd
No. 6, 6th Main BDA Industrial Suburb, Near SRS Road, Peenya

Bhat Bio-Tech India (P) Ltd
No 11-A, 4th Cross, Veerasandra Ind Area, Electronics City

Biocon Ltd
20th KM Hosur Road,Electronics City

Bio-gen Extracts Pvt Ltd
351/6, 14th Cross, Sunkadakatta Magade main Road

British Biologicals
No-30, 10 Main 2nd Block Jayanagar Ashoka Pillar Rode

Carl Zeiss India Pvt Ltd
No. 22 Kensington Road,Ulsoor

Clinigene International Limited
Clinigene House”Tower 1, Semicon Park,Electronic City, Phase II,Hosur Road

CytoGenomics India (P) Ltd,
3004, 12A Main HAL 2nd Stage

Essilor India Pvt Ltd
No. 71/1, S.C.Road,Brigade Plaza,6th Floor,Anand Rao Circle,Gandhinagar

Genotypic Technology Pvt Ltd
112/113, Embassy Center, # 11 Crescent Road, High Grounds

Global Calcium Private Limited
No.1, Hundred Feet Road, 5th Block, Koramangala

Greenearth Biotechnologies Ltd
14-A, Jigani Industrial Area, Anekal Taluk

HealthScribe India Pvt Ltd
One HealthScribe Plaza, Koromangala Block 8

Indfrag Ltd
1320, 12th Cross, Indiranagar II Stage

Ittina Healthcare Pvt Ltd
No. 380, 16’th Main, 3’rd Block, Koramangala

Jubilant Biosys Ltd
96, Industrial Suburb, 2nd Stage, Yeshwantpur

Karnataka Antibiotics & Pharmaceuticals Ltd
No.14, 2nd Phs, Peenya

Kemwell Pvt Ltd
34th KM, Tumkur Road, Teppada Begur, Nelamangala Taluk

Lifeken Healthcare Pvt Ltd
45 / B Shubam , 3rd Floor, Sarakki Industrial Area 1st A , Main Road, J.P. Nagar III Phase

Lotus Labs Pvt Ltd
No 7, Jasma Bhavan Road, Opp. Gurunanak Bhavan, Millers Tank Bed Area, Vasanth Nagar

Medreich Sterilab Limited
Medreich House, No. 12/8,Saraswati Ammal Street, M.S. Nagar

Metahelix Life Sciences Pvt Ltd
Plot No. 3,KIADB 4th Phase, Bommasandra Industrial Area

Micro Labs Ltd
No.27,kcn Towers, Race Course Road

Millipore (India) Pvt Ltd
No. 50A, 2nd Phase, Peenya, Ring Road

Molecular Connections Pvt Ltd
Kandala Mansions, #2/2, Kariappa Road (South Cross Road), Basavanagudi

Multiplex Biotech Pvt Ltd
180, 1st Main Road, Mahalakshmi Layout Extension

Natural Capsules Ltd
102, Shreshta Bhumi No. 87, K.R. Road

Novo Nordisk India Pvt Ltd
8th Floor, Raheja Towers, 26/27, M. G. Road

Novozymes South Asia Pvt Ltd
No.9, 1st Flr, Itpl, Innovator, Whitefield

Ormed Medical Technology Ltd
No 27 A Electronic City Phase I

PharmARC Analytic Solutions Pvt Ltd
Mercury 2B Block, 6th ,Floor, Prestige,Technology Park,Sarjapur – Marathahalli Outer Ring Road,,

Pharmed Medicare
Pharmed Gardens, Whitefield Road

Sami Labs Ltd
19/1 & 19/2 I Main II Phase Peenya Industrial Area

Sartorius India Pvt

Do you know yearly salary growth in Pharma?

Career timeline and salary growth will always depend your own decision. As many organizations give good salary but there is only a little hike at the end of every year. If you wish to grow more in terms of salary you need to choose top 10 list of pharma companies you wish to work for and crack job with your experience every couple of years. This is my view and others view might be different.


Indian Pharmaceutical Companies List + Company Name Address You might not Know

Company Name and Address
Amol Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.,
E1-362-363, Sitapura Industrial Area,
Jaipur – 302 022, Rajasthan
Medicamen Biotech Limited,
10, Community Centre No. 2,
Ashok Vihar, P-II, New Delhi – 52
Medicamen Organics Limited,
10, Community Centre No. 2,
Ashok Vihar, P-II, New Delhi – 52
Next Wave (India),
C-980, Sushant Lok, Phase – I,
Gurgaon – 122 002, Haryana
Petlad Mahal Arogya Mandal Pharmacy,
Punarvasu, Near Railway Crossing,
Petlad Road, Nadiad – 387 002, Gujarat
Allied Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.,
Rajnigandha Complex, 8734,
D.B. Gupta Road, Pahar Ganj,
New Delhi – 110 055
Jocund India Ltd.,
Rom No. 101, Rajnigandha Complex,
8734, D.B. Gupta Road,
Pahar Ganj, New Delhi – 110 055
J. Duncan Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.,
Plot No. 65, 66 & 67, Phase – II,
Atgaon Industrial Complex,
Mumbai Nashik Highway,
Shahpur – 421 601, Maharashtra
Pharma Synth Formulations Ltd.,
Plot No. 18-22, Sector 6-B,
SIDCUL Integrated Industrial Estate,
Haridwar – 249 403, Uttarakhand
64, Ajmal Khan Park, Karol Bagh,
Delhi – 110 005
Similax Pharmaceuticals,
11 K.M. Stone, Tonk Road,
P.O. Airport, Sanganer, Jaipur – 302 011
Ravenbhel Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.,
16-17, Export Promotion Industrial Park,
SIDCO, Kartholi, Bari Brahmana,
Jammu – 181 133, J & K
Syncom Healthcare Ltd.,
Syncom House, 40, Niranjanpur,
A.B. Road, Indore – 452 010,
Madhya Pradesh
Agrawal Drugs Pvt. Ltd.,
Haridwar – 249 403, Uttarakhand
SG Pharma Pvt. Ltd.,
542, 3/10, Bhuta Niwas,
Dr. Ambedkar Road, Matunga (E),
Mumbai – 400 019, Maharashtra
Prashanti Formulations Ltd.,
Village Nangal Shaheedan, Chandigarh Road, Hoshiarpur – 146 001, Punjab
Dr. Sabharwal’s Wound Care,
260, Sector 6, Panchkula – 134 109,
Global Pharma Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.,
A9, SIDCO Pharmaceutical Complex,
Alathur, Thiruporur  – 603 110, Tamil Nadu
Vetsfarma Ltd.,
Village Daulatpur, P.O. Khadd,
Distt. Una – 177 207, Himachal Pradesh
Synmedic Laboratories,
202, Sai Plaza, Sant Nagar,
East of Kailash, New Delhi  – 110 065
Chimak Health Care,
Padmalya, Bye Pass Road,
kather, Solan – 173 212, Himachal Pradesh
Palson Drugs Private Ltd.,
10/D/1, Ho-Chi-Minh Sarani,
Kolkata – 700 071, West Bengal
Synkrom Healthcare Private Limited,
E-226, Industrial Area,
Phase – VIII B,
Mohali – 160 071, Punjab
Dr. Dozo Laboratories,
419, Industrial, Phase – IX,
S.A.S Nagar (Mohali) – 160 062
Oniosome Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.,
# E 226, Phase VIII-B, Industrial Area,
S.A.S Nagar (Mohali) – 160 071
Stallion Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.,
817, Devpath, Behind Lal Bunglow,
Off. C.G. Road, Ahmedabad – 380 006
Apex Drug House,
28, Mehta Vora Chamber (Mahindra Mansion),
2nd Floor, Babu Genu Road, Mumbai – 400 002
Unijules Life Sciences Ltd.,
1505/1, Universal Square,
Shantinagar, Nagpur – 440 02
Ciron Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.,
1, Prabhat Nagar, Jogeshwari – W,
Mumbai – 400 102
R.L. Fine Chem,
Ray House, HIG NO. 2000,
Yelahanka New Town, Bangalore – 560 106
Samrudh Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.,
A/101, Prarthana Apartment,
SV Road, Goregaon West,
Mumbai – 400 062
M.B. Sugars and Pharmaceuticals Ltd.,
Lodha Bhuvan, P.B. NO. 31, Malegaon,
Distt Nasik – 423 203
Symbiotic Pharmalab Ltd.,
385/2, Pigdamber, Rau,
Indore – 453 331
Gufic Biosciences Ltd.,
Old Sanskar Jyot School Building,
S.V. Road, Andheri (W),
Mumbai – 400 058
Andel Equipment Pvt, Ltd.,
289, Industrial Area, Phase – 9,
S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali) – 160 062
Adlife Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.,
2B-002, N.G. Suncity, Thakur Village,
Kandivali (E), Mumbai – 400 101
Mediwin Pharmaceutical,
703, Sakar – III, Opp. Old High Court,
Income Tax, Ahmedabad – 380 014
Eastern Chemicals,
601, 6th Floor, Morya Landmark – II,  Oshiwara Link Road, Opp. Infinity Mall, Andheri (West) – 400 053, Mumbai
Aurochem Pharmaceuticals (India) Pvt.  Ltd.,
334, 3rd Floor, Gundecha Ind. Complex, Akurli Road,  Kandivali (E), Mumbai – 400 101
Aurochem Laboratories (India) Pvt.  Ltd.,
333, 3rd Floor, Gundecha Ind. Complex, Akurli Road,  Kandivali (E), Mumbai – 400 101
Ban Lab Ltd.,
Ban House, Gondal Road, Rajkot – 360 004, Gujarat
Medibios Laboratories Pvt.  Ltd.,
102, Mangalam, Kulupwadi Borivali (East), Mumbai – 400 066
Emil Pharmaceutical Inds Private Ltd.,
101, Mangalam, Kulupwadi Borivali (East), Mumbai – 400 066
Relax Pharmaceuticals (P) Ltd., Unit –I,
48-AB, Gondpur Industrial Area, Paonta Sahib – 173 025, Himachal Pradesh
Mediforce Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.,
46, Gondpur Industrial Area, Paonta Sahib
Copmed Pharmaceuticals, Unit – I,
Plot No. 4-A/B, Gondpur Industrial Area, Paonta Sahib
Pharma Force Lab.,
53-55, Gondpur Industrial Area, Paonta Sahib, Distt. Sirmour
Sirmour Remedies Pvt. Ltd.,
Village Kyarda, P.O. Misserwala, Nahan Road, Paonta Sahib
Pharam Force Lab. Unit – II,
Chaman Vatika, Puruwala Village, Nahan Road, Paonta Sahib
Mankind Pharma Ltd. Unit III,
Village Kunja, Rampur Ghat Road, Opp. Dental College, Paonta Sahib
Care Cosmetics
Behind Patwar Bhawan, Moginand, Kala Amb – 173 030
Sunvet Pharma Pvt. Ltd.,
Village Upper Moginand Nahan Road, Kala Amb, Sirmour
Zim Laboratories Ltd.,
B-21/22, MIDC Area, Kamleshwar – 441501, Nagpur
Malviya Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.,
Plot No. 34A/2, Site 4, Sahibabad, Uttar Pradesh
Fermenta Biotech Limited
Village Takoli, P.O. Nagwain, Distt. Mandi – 175 121
Kudos Chemie Ltd.,
Kuranwala, Barwala Road,
Derabassi – 140 507
Scott-Edil Pharmacia Ltd.,
56, E.P.I.P. Phase – I, Jharmarjri, Baddi, Distt. Solan
Chemical Resources,
SCO No. 76, 1st Floor, MDC, Swastik Vihar, Panchkula  – 134 109
Supreme Pharmaceutical Private Ltd.,
73, 74 & 48PI, KIADB Industrial Area, Nanjagurd – 571 302, Mysore
Overseas Health Care Pvt. Ltd.,
335 KM Milestone, NH 1, P.O. Box 25, Phillaur – 144 410
Cooper Pharma Ltd.,
12/12, Shakti Nagar, Delhi – 110 007
Gracure Pharmaceuticals Ltd.,
71/5, Najafgarh Road (Shivaji Marg), New Delhi – 110 015
Cris Pharma (India) Ltd.,
E-11, UPSIDC Industrial Area, Selaqui – 248 197, Dehradun
Indus Pharma (P) Ltd.,
5/2, Ind. Area, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi – 110 015
Wallace Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.,
Village Bhatian, Tehsil Nalagarh, Distt. Solan – 174 101, H.P.
Tirupati Life Sciences,
Surjpur, Nahan Road, Paonta Sahib – 173 025, Himachal Pradesh
Tirupati Medicare Ltd.,
Near Fire Station, Nahan Road,
Paonta Sahib – 173 025
Galpha Laboratories Ltd.,
Village Thana, Baddi, Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh – 173 205
Vamsi Labs. Ltd.,
A-14115, MIDC Area, Chincholi,                         Solapur – 413 255
Health Biotech Limited,
SCO : 162-164, Air India Building,                           Top Floor, Sector – 34A,
Chandigarh – 160 022
Coral Drugs Pvt. Ltd.,
Plot No. 55-56, HSIIDC Industrial Estate, Murthal, Sonepat – 131 039
Embotic Laboratories. Ltd.,
20C, Kumbalagodu Industrial Area , Bangalore, Karnataka – 560074
Pharmaffilites analytics. P Ltd.,
225, Industrial Area , Phase 2, Panchkula, Haryana – 134109
Parex Pharmaceticals Ltd,
D 145, Phase 7 Industrial Area , Mohali, Punjab – 160055
Saurav Chemicals Ltd,
Derabassi Barwala Road,Vill. Bhagwanpura , Mohali, Punjab – 140507
Venus Remedies Ltd,                                  51-52,Industrial Area Phase 1 , panchkula 134113
Simson Pharma,B-307, sarita building, Prabhat Ind. Estate, Dahisar(E), Mumabi-400068
Nirwana Herbal Healthcare E-38,Industrial Area,Yamuna Nagar 135001 ( Haryana)
Camphor and Allied products LimitedCamphor officers colony bareilly (UP
Nanz Med Science Pharma Private Ltd  vill Rampur Ghat, tesil Paonta sahib sirmaur HP
Infinity Laboratories Pvt Ltd.,            Vill.BEHRA,Derabassi,Distt. Mohali,Punjab
Shaleen Pharmaceticals,
53,  Industrial Area  Phase 1, Panchkula – 134113
Pharma Impex Limited,
620, Diamond Harbour Road,                           Behla Industrial Estate, Kolkota,
Mehta API Ltd,
Gut No 546, plor no N-211,Vill. kumbhavli ,Taluka Palghar , Thane-4014506
GPR Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd.,                    Plot no.66E,66F,KIADB,Industrial Area,Humnabad,Karnataka
620, Diamond Harbour Road,                           Behla Industrial Estate, Kolkota,
Alice Health Care, C-44,Industrial Area,Phase -3, Mohali-PB
Hiral Labs Ltd.,265, SISONA Nr Bhagwanpur, Roorkee,Distt. Haridwar Uttarakhand
Austin Pharmaceuticals Ltd.                      E-40,IFP,DeraBassi
Corona Remidies Ltd.,
Vill Jatoli, Solan, HP
Alliance Formulation Ltd.,
30B, EPIP, Phase 1, Jharmajari, Baddi, HP – 174103
Windlas Biotech Limited
40/1, Mohabewal Indusrial Area, Dehradun, UK 248110
Windlas Healthcare Limited
Plot no 183,192, Mohabewal Indusrial Area, Dehradun, UK 248110
Martin&Brown Bio-sciences, Malkhumajra,P.0. Bhud, Baddi, Distt. Solan(HP)
Ark Health care (P) Ltd.,
D-12, Focal Point, Dera Bassi, Punjab,140201
Worldwide Herblife Ltd.,
B-09, Focal point, Derra Bassi,
Aspen Lifesciences,                                  Plot no. 29,verka valla bypass, Amritsar,Punjab
Chethna formulation  Ltd.,
PO Anamangad, perintalmanna, Kerala 679357
Celeste Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd.,                       C-98, 2nd Floor, Sec.-.65,Noida(UP)-2013017
Vindas Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltds., Plot no.65, SEC.1, Pithampur,Distt. Dhar,M.P.-454775
Chandigarh Agritech Pvt. Ltd.,141,1ST Floor,TricityPlaza Mall,Peermoshalla-160104(Dhakoli),Punjab
M/S Vedant Incorporation,G-1,249&250, Industrial Area,Khushkhera, Bhiwandi, Rajasthan
M/S Torque Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. Issapur.P.O.Dappar,THE:. DeraBassi,Distt. SAS Nagar
M/S Laxon Drugs Pvt. Ltd.,D-48, Focal Point, DeraBassi
M/s Biogenetic Health Care,C-148, Focal Point,Patiala
M/s Gary Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd,OFF NH-95, VPO.HEERAN, Ludhiana,Punjab
M/s Consern Pharma Pvt. Ltd., Rural Focal Point,VPO TIBBA- Sahnewal, Distt. Ludhiana-141120 Punjab
Pharma Cure Laboratories,Near Govt. School, GARHA,Jalandhar- 144022, Punjab
Unitech Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., 5,Adarsh Colony, Barewal Road, Behind PNB,Ludhiana-141012-Punjab
AripolisBoitech Pvt Ltd,111, Mahabir Nagar, opposite-MBD Mall, Ludhiana-141012,Punjab
Upsilon Pharma Labs,SIDCO IGC, Lassipora, Pulwama, J&K
Mahima Life Sciences Pvt Ltd,BST Road, Ganaur-131101 Dist Sonepat Haryana
Company name Address
DIL limited Ghodbunder Road, Thane (West) – 400 610, India. Email:[email protected]   Mr. Srikant Sharma
Compliance Officer
Tel: + 91 22 6798 0888
Fax: + 91 22 6798 0889
Email: [email protected]
Dishman Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals Ltd. Bhadr-Raj Chambers
Swastik Cross Road, Navrangpura
Ahmedabad – 380 009
Gujarat, India
Tel:  +91(79) 26443053
+91(79) 26445807
+91(79) 26560089
Fax: +91(79) 2642-0198
[email protected]
Divis Laboratories Limited Divi Towers, 7-1-77/E/1/303,
Dharam Karan Road, Ameerpet,
HYDERABAD – 500 016.
Andhra Pradesh, India.
Phone: +91 (40) 2378 6300.
+Fax: 91 (40) 2378 6460.
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Limited Door No 8-2-337,
Road No 3, Banjara Hills,
Hyderabad – 500034.
Andhra Pradesh
Tel: +91-40-49002900
Fax: +91-40-49002999
Visit: www.drreddys.com
Elder health care ltd C-9, Dalia Industrial Estate,
Off New Link Road ,
Andheri (W),
Mumbai 400 058
Tel : +91-22-2673 0058 – 67
Fax : +91-22-2673 0051
E-mail : [email protected]
Elder pharmaceuticals ltd. Elder House
C-9, Dalia Industrial Estate,
Off Veera Desai Road , Andheri (W),
Mumbai 400 053.
INDIAContact :
Tel : +91-22-2673 0058 – 67
Fax : +91-22-2673 0051
E-mail : [email protected]
Elder projects ltd. Plot No. A-38/1, Patalganga Industrial Area,
Village Khaire, Taluka – Khalapur,
District – Raigad,
Maharashtra 410 220
Tel 02192-250020 Fax – 02192-250019
Electrosteel Castings Limited G.K. TOWER
19, Camac Street
Kolkata – 700 017
Ph. No.+91-33-22839990/ 40090600
Fax No.
+91-33-22894336 (Directors)
+91-33-22894337 (Sales)
+91-33-2289-4338 (Export)
+91-33-22894339 (Finance)
Everest organics ltd. Plat No. 127.128
Kavuri Hills, Mahdapur
Hyderabad – 500033Tel : +91 40 23115956
+ 91 40 40040783
+ 91 40 23115951

Fax : +91 40 23115954

Fresenius Kabi Oncology Limited Echelon Institutional Area
Plot No-11, Sector – 32
Pin code – 122001
Haryana, India

Ph : +91 124 4885000 / +91 124 3325000
Fax : +91 124 4885003
E-mail : [email protected]

Fulford (India) Ltd.,  

​Platina, 8th Floor, C.59, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East) ,   Mumbai – 400098,
Tel: +91 22 67898888; Fax: +91 22 67898889
Email is at:    [email protected]

Gennex Laboratories Limited Address :Gennex Laboratories Limited ‘Akash Ganga’ 3rd Floor, Plot No. 144, Srinagar Colony Hyderabad – 500 073 (A.P) India
Phone :+91-40-67334400 (30 lines) / 23746451
Fax :+91-40-67334401/33
Email :[email protected]
GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals ltd. Address:  Near Doordarshan, Dr Annie Besant Road, Worli New, Mumbai – 400030 Sangeeta Sharma                                                                                                   Tel: +91 22 2495 9595,  (022) 24959494                                                                                       Email: [email protected][email protected]
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited Glenn Saldanha
Glenmark House,
B D S Marg,
Chakala, Off Western Express Highway
Andheri (E), Mumbai – 400099
Tel : +91 22 4018 9999
Fax : +91 22 4018 9990
Email Address :     [email protected]
Godavari Drugs Limited 1st Floor, Mayfair, Sardar Patel Road, Secunderabad,500003‎, Andhra Pradesh, India.Phone: + 91 – 40 – 2784 2602
FAX     : + 91 – 40 – 2784 9859
Email  : [email protected]
Gufic Biosciences Ltd. Subhash Road-A, Vile Parle (East),
Mumbai-400 057
Phone: 022-56919191,
Fax: 022-26169008, 26118103
E-mail: [email protected]
Gujarat Inject (Kerala) ltd. Dwipa Y Mankodi                   Director
Ami Y Mankodi                       Director
Village Pampampallam,
Pudussery East,
Palakkad – 678625,
Tel: 91-491-62369 / 62370
Fax No.: 91-491-62208
Gujarat Terce Laboratories Ltd. 122 / 2, Ravi Estate, Bileshwarpura, Chhatral,
Dist: Gandhinagar, Gujarat, INDIAPhone: 02764 23182
Email: [email protected]
Harleystreet Pharmaceuticals Ltd.                                                                                                           Other Office                                                      Harleystreet Pharmaceuticals Limited
Plot No. 29/3,
Phase III, GIDC Industrial Estate,
Ahmedabad – 382 330
Tel: 91-79-22830420
Fax: 91-79-22822133
E-mail: [email protected]
Hindustan Bio Sciences Ltd. H No. 8-2-269/S,
Plot No : 31,,Sagar Co-Operative Housing Society,
Andhra Pradesh
500034Tel: 040-23555161
Fax: 040-40205171
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.hindustanbiosciences.com
Hiran Orgochem Ltd. 601, A/1, M Block,
Palm Court, Link Road,
Malad (West), Mumbai – 400 064.
Tel. No.: + 91 – 22 – 4095 3000 (60 lines)
Fax. No.: + 91 – 22 – 4095 3099Others: [email protected]
For any information / inquires:
Director International Business
Mr. Naresh Hiran
Office contact No: + 91 – 22 – 4095 3000
[email protected]
Sharon Bio medicine Ltd. C-312, BSEL Tech Park, Sector 30(A), Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400703.                              Ph. : 91 22 67944000.     Fax : 91 22 67944001.                                                                         General: [email protected]
Shasun Chemicals & Drugs Ltd. 3rd & 4th Floor,
‘Batra Centre’,
28, Sardar Patel Road,
Guindy, Chennai 600032,
Tamil Nadu, India.Tel : +91-44-43446700 Fax: +91-44-22350278  Email: [email protected]
Shilpa Medicare Ltd. 10/80, RAJENDRA GUNJ,
RAICHUR – 584 102 (INDIA)
Tel.: ++91-8532-235006
Fax: ++91-8532-235876
E-MAIL: [email protected]
Siris Ltd. Flat No 206 Chandra Towers,Behind Madhu Kalyanamandapam ,MogalrajapuramVijayawada-520010, Andhra Pradesh
Chairperson –
MD – G Rama Raju
Smruthi Organics Ltd. Corporate Office

165A Balaji Bhavan, Railway Lines
Solapur, Maharashtra . India – 413001
Ph ++91 – 217 – 231- 0267
Ph ++91 – 217 – 231- 0367
Fax ++91 – 217 – 231- 0268
e – mail Smruthi Organics Solapur

SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Regd.off:Plot No:19-III,Road No:71,Jubilee Hills,
Opp.Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Public School.HYd-34.
Phone : 040-66288888
Fax : 040-23551401,23551402
Email : [email protected]
Solvay Pharma India Ltd. Amalgamated Corporate Address :      271, Business Park,6th &7th Floors,Model Industrial Colony,off Aarey Road,Goregaon (East)Mumbai-400063, Maharashtra
www.solvaypharma.co.in Tel: 022- 24372646 24376533 24372983, 91-22-2871 7400/91-22-4244-7400
MD – Niteen B Gadgil
Sree Rayalaseema Alkalies & Allied Chemicals Ltd. Corporate Office:     40-304,2nd floor, K.J.Complex,
Bhagyanagar, Kurnool 518004, (A.P)
Ph. No. ; 08518-289602/03,221933/0069
Fax No. : 08518-226973/222745                                                                                                    Contact Person : Mr. A.T.Sathyanarayana
Address : 25, 1st floor, Radha Nivas, Shankara Park Road, Shankara Puram
City : Bangalore
State : Karnataka
Country : India
Pin Code : 560004
Phone : +91-80-26608884 / 32954744
Fax : +91-80-22423655
Email Address : [email protected]
Mobile : +91-9343004285
Web Site : http://www.sreerayalaseemaalkalies.com
SS Organics Ltd.  Corporate Office:     Survey No 252/1,Aroor Village ,Sadasivapet MandalMedak-502291, Andhra Pradesh
www.ssorganicsindia.com                 Tel.  250280  / 250080
Fax  310701     Email: [email protected]
Sterling Biotech Ltd. Mumbai Office:
C – 25, Laxmi Towers,
‘A’ – 601, 6th Floor,
Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra (East)
Mumbai – 400051
Tel. No. : +91-22-26541241/42/43
Fax No. : +91-22-26540155 Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Baroda Office:
Sandesara Estate, Padra Road,
Atladra, Vadodara – 390012,
Gujarat, India.
Tel. No. : +91-265-2680720/30
Fax No. : +91-265-2680257/732
Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company Ltd. SPARC
Sun Pharma Advanced Res Centre,
Akota Road Akota,
Tel : 91-265-2330815
Fax : 91-265-2354897
Email : secretarial:sparcmail.com
Website : http://www.sunpharma.in
Strides Arco Lab Ltd. Corporate Office : Strides Arcolab Limited
Strides House, Bilekahalli, Bannerghatta Road,
Bangalore – 560076, IndiaTel: +91 80 6784 0000 / 6784 0738
Fax: +91 80 6784 0700 / 6784 0800

Registered Office :

201, Devavrata, Sector 17,
Vashi, Navi Mumbai – 400 703, India
Tel: +91 22 2789 2924/ 2789 3199
Fax: +91 22 2789 2942

Website: www.stridesarco.com
E mail: [email protected]

Sun Pharmaceutical Inds. Ltd Acme Plaza,
Andheri – Kurla Rd
Andheri (E)
Mumbai – 400 059
Tel : (+91) 22 6696 9696
Fax : (+91) 22 2821 2010
Supriya Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Corporate Address                                                                                                                           F-530, Riico Industrial Estate, AlwarBhiwadi-301019, Rajasthan 301019                              Tel: 01493- 220053 220754
Surya Pharmaceuticals Ltd. HEAD OFFICE
1596 First Floor,Bhagirath Place,
Chandni Chowk, Delhi – 110006

[email protected]   [email protected]
[email protected]

Suven Life sciences Ltd. Serene Chambers,
Road No. 5, Avenue – 7, Banjara Hills,
Hyderabad-500 034, A.P., INDIAPhone : +91-40-2354-1142, 2354-3311 ,
Fax     : +91~40~2354-1152
Email id: [email protected]
Sword & Sheild Pharma Ltd. Regd office :
311, Rajkamal Plaza-B,
4/B, Sattar Taluka Society,
Opp. Old High Court,
Ahmedabad-380014Phone : (079) 27543290
Works :
3001/M, G.I.D.C.,
Phase III. Chhatral-382 729,
(n. Gujarat)

Phone : (02764) 233322
Email : [email protected],
[email protected]

Syncom Formulations (India) Ltd. Head Office
5, Niraj industrial Estate,
Off Mahakali Caves Road,
Andheri (East), Mumbai 400 093,
022 – 30887744
022 – 30887755
[email protected]                                                                                                          Corporate Office
2nd Floor, ‘Tagore Centre’ (Dawa Bazar),
13-14, R. N. T. Marg,
Indore (MP) 452 001
:91-0731 – 3046868/69/70/71
Fax :
91-0731 – 3046872
Themis Medicare Ltd. 11/12, Udyog Nagar,
S.V.Road, Goregaon (West),
Mumbai-400 104.
INDIATel:  +91 22 6760 7080
+91 22 2875 7836
Fax: +91 22 2874 6621
Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Regd. Office
& Corporate Office  :    Off. Ashram Road,
Ahmedabad – 380 009.
Gujarat, India
Phone : General EPA BX :
91 – (0)79 – 26585090/3060
Fax :
91-(0)79-26582100                                                                                                                        Research Centre Address:                                                                                                             Nr. Kanoria Hospital,
Village Bhat,
Dist. Gandhinagar,
Pin : 382428
Gujarat, IndiaPhone :

Fax : 91-(0)79-23969135

Email : [email protected]

Trans Asia Corpn. Ltd. 301, Mehta Estate, 3rd Floor,
Chakala, Andheri – Kurla Road,
Andheri (E) Mumbai – 400 093, India.
Telefax: 91-22-26836554
E-mail: [email protected]
Transchem Ltd. 304, Ganatra Estate, Pokhran Road No.1,
Kopat, Thane(W) – 400 601Telephone: 022-2547 7077
Telefax: 022-2547 8601

Email: [email protected]

Triochem Products Ltd. Corporate Address:  Sambava Chambers,4th Floor,Sir P M Road FortMumbai-400001, Maharashtra
TTK Healthcare Ltd. 6, Cathedral Road,
Chennai – 600 086.
Phone: +91 44 28116108/ 09/ 10
Email: [email protected]
Twilight Litaka Pharma Ltd. B-22 “H” Block
M.I.D.C. Pimpri, Pune 411 018,
Maharashtra, India
Tel: (91-20) 30642650/51/52
Fax: (91 20) 27475862
E-mail : [email protected]
Web : www.twilightlitaka.com
Unichem Laboratories Ltd. Unichem Bhavan
Prabhat Estate, Off S.V.Road,
Jogeshwari (West),
Mumbai – 400 102
Tel: + 91 022 66 888 333
Fax: + 91 022 2678 4391 / 2678 8665
Unjha Formulations Ltd. Khali Char Rasta, State Highway
Sidhpur – 384151
IndiaEmail : [email protected]
[email protected]


List of Material Manufacturing Companies Chennai Tamil Nadu

The pharmaceutical industry and other departments of raw materials like chemical, fertilizer, metal , glass are major manufacturing industries in the world. The pharmaceutical industry is responsible for the production of medicines and other medical products. It also has a huge demand for raw materials, including drugs and chemicals, construction materials.

In this section, we will talk about the various aspects of pharmaceutical material manufacturing companies along with other industries and the list in Chennai Madras. We will talk about their different types, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as their role in today’s market place.

Construction Materials

Company Name Company Type Company Status Sub Industry Website
Anabond Ltd. Private Company Operating Commodity Chemicals http://www.anabond.com
Avnija Properties Ltd. Private Company Subsidiary Construction Materials
Cetex Petrochemicals Ltd. Private Company Operating Commodity Chemicals http://www.cetexpetro.com/
Chemplast Sanmar Ltd. Public Company Operating Commodity Chemicals http://www.sanmargroup.com/chemicma.htm
Chettinad Cement Corporation Ltd. Public Company Operating Construction Materials http://www.chettinadcement.com
China Forestry Holdings Group Private Company Operating Forest Products
Dalmia Bharat Enterprises Ltd. Public Company Operating Construction Materials http://www.dalmiacement.com/
Finer Enterprise Pvt. Ltd. Private Company Operating Paper Packaging http://finergroup.com
Gem Granites Pvt. Ltd. Private Company Operating Construction Materials http://www.gemgranites.com
India Cements Ltd. Public Company Operating Construction Materials http://www.indiacements.co.in/
Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd. Private Company Subsidiary Commodity Chemicals http://kotharipetrochemicals.com/
Manali Petrochemical Ltd. Public Company Subsidiary Commodity Chemicals http://www.manalipetro.com
Nelcast Ltd. Public Company Operating Steel http://www.nelcast.com/
Packaging India Pvt. Ltd. Private Company Subsidiary Metal & Glass Containers http://www.packaging-india.in/
Rentokil India Pvt. Ltd. Private Company Operating Fertilizers & Agricultural Chemicals http://www.rentokil.in/
SBQ Steels Ltd. Private Company Operating Steel http://www.rkkrgroup.com/html/sbqsteels.html
Sree Ganga Steels Ltd. Private Company Subsidiary Steel http://www.smsteels.com/
Sree Ramcides Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Private Company Operating Fertilizers & Agricultural Chemicals http://www.ramcides.com/
Tuticorin Alkali Chemicals and Fertilisers Ltd. Public Company Operating Fertilizers & Agricultural Chemicals
Viki Industries Pvt. Ltd. Private Company Operating Steel http://www.isteel.in
Vinplex India Pvt. Ltd. Private Company Merged Construction Materials

In the industrial space today, there are several types of pharmaceutical manufacturers. These companies have different advantages and disadvantages. The types of pharmaceutical companies that you can find in the marketplace today are:Pharmaceutical companies manufacture medicines and other medical devices used in treating. The pharmaceutical industry is a major manufacturing industry in the world. The pharmaceutical industry is responsible for the production of medicines and other medical products. It also has a huge demand for raw materials, including drugs and chemicals.
In this section, we will talk about the various aspects of pharmaceutical material manufacturing companies. We will talk about their different types, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as their role in today’s marketplace. .In the marketplace today, there are several types of pharmaceutical manufacturers. These companies have different advantages and disadvantages. The types of pharmaceutical companies that you can find in the market pl care, including health information processing and technology.Pharmaceutical companies manufacture a wide variety of medicines and other medical devices;These types of pharmaceutical manufacturers are used when there is no FDA approval for a particular drug in the market place.As mentioned before, there are different types of pharmaceutical manufacturers that produce different kinds of medicines. The two most common medical of area the in products other ace today are:Pharmaceutical companies manufacture medicines and other medical devices used in treating diseases like cancer, diabetes and other chronic conditions;Pharmaceutical companies also manufacture a variety ong diseases like cancer, diabetes and other chronic conditions;Pharmaceutical companies also manufacture a variety of drugs and medical devices;Pesticides;Antibiotics;Drugs to treat epilepsy, depression and anxiety disorders.