What is the B Pharm course all about? B Pharmacy ? B Pharma ? Pharma Education Colleges

What is the B Pharm course all about? B Pharmacy ? B Pharma ? Pharma Education Colleges

B pharm course or bachelors in pharmacy is one of the most sought after courses of the present day. Considered a highly evolving branch,  many youngsters are seeking to make a future in this.

It is the time when all exams are about to begin and students and their parents begin to think seriously about the career choices to be made and gathering information about whatever seems suitable for them.

The people who do not know much about it may wonder, what is the Bpharm course all about?

What is the Bpharm course all about?

 B pharma is a bachelor’s program in pharmacy offered both in the annual or the semester scheme. The Bpharm course duration is of four years. It is an undergraduate degree course that is taken up after 10+2, with biology as one of the subjects.

B pharmacy Course

The Bpharm course is affiliated to the AICTE or the PCI or the Pharmacy council of India.

B Pharmacy subjects are studied over a period of four years and basic medical subjects are also a part of the course.

Few of the exclusive bpharm course subjects are pharmaceutical organic chemistry, physical pharmaceutics,  pharmacognosy, medicinal chemistry.

These subjects also comprise of practical and theory classes and a project work at the end of the semester.

The four year course maybe followed by an internship.

What is the B Pharm course all about? B Pharmacy ? B Pharma ? Pharma Education Colleges

Students often wonder then, for the bpharm course how many years are needed for the completion. The BPharma course by itself is of a four year duration. For a candidate who is joining through a lateral entry after doing DPharma or a Diploma course in pharmacy, the entry is at second year and therefore the duration of the bpharma for such candidates will be two years.

How to Pursue B Pharm Course

Numerous colleges and universities provide the details of the bpharm course on their websites, so that the aspiring candidates may go through it and have their questions answered.

There is no end to learning and knowledge in the medical field is ever evolving. For those desirous of pursuing higher studies in this field, a Masters degree in pharmacy or MPharm course is a very good choice.

These courses equip the learner to fit into the world of medicine confidently. For treatment is dependent on the medication and care provided to the patients.


B Pharmacy Admission Requirements – Eligibility Criteria – B Pharm Admission Notification

B Pharmacy Admission Requirements

B Pharmacy Admission Requirements – Eligibility Criteria – B Pharm Admission Notification is here for you. Students are busy with examinations and are planning their future. The rush towards medical, paramedical and engineering courses has not reduced even over the years. They remain the hot favourites.

The BPharma course has also gained tremendous popularity over the past few years. It is a very important part of the medical field.

B Pharmacy Admission Requirements

B Pharmacy Admission Requirements

The Bpharma or the bachelors in pharmacy course is of four years duration.Numerous colleges and universities all over the country offer this course.

Some permit admissions based on the marks obtained in class 12th while most others conduct entrance exam for pharmacy after 12th.

Many students may have a question regarding how to get admission in BPharma.

The BPharmacy admission requirements are :

The candidate should have passed class 12th from any recognised board with physics ,chemistry, maths or biology as subjects.  He or she should have obtained a minimum of 50% in these subjects. 

Some institutions even specify English language as one of the compulsory subjects.

Eligibility Criteria – B Pharm Admission Notification Entrance Exam

In various states, the deemed universities hold their entrance examinations. There is a proposal to consider the NEET exam results also for admission.

The other mode of admission to BPharma is the lateral entry after Dpharma or the diploma course in pharmacy. Post diploma,students get admission to second year Bpharma. So for the lateral entry candidates, DPharma gives the eligibility for the Bpharma course.

The pharmacy courses are governed by the PCI or the Pharmacy council of India. The guidelines and the other specifications related to the course are framed by the Council. During the earlier days the course was affiliated to the AICTE.

Now the PCI considers the candidates BPharmacy admission qualification suitable if he has completed his class 12th of equivalent with physics, chemistry, maths or biology as subjects. It maybe affiliated to any recognized board.

B Pharmacy Admission 

After joining this course the student gains entry to the four year bachelors course, on completion of which he is awarded the bachelor of Pharmacy degree.

The field of pharmacy is an intriguing one and the pharmacist needs to be up to date with the latest in the field in order to keep pace with the evolving world of medicine.

B Pharm 2nd Year Subjects – Bachelor of Pharmacy Second Year

B Pharm 2nd Year Subjects - Bachelor of Pharmacy Second Year

B Pharm 2nd Year Subjects – Bachelor of Pharmacy Second Year  are included in this article. The Bachelor of Pharmacy course is a four year course and is offered by many universities across the country.The BPharm course as it is known, equips the student to face the highly challenging world of medicines and drugs.

Different universities offer a different combination of subjects. Some universities in the quest to equip their students with the extra edge, have introduced courses like Human Rights and communication skills. 

In the new millennium, good communication skills are definitely a must have for any professional.

B Pharm 2nd Year Subjects - Bachelor of Pharmacy Second Year

B Pharm 2nd Year Subjects :

A few subjects prescribed by the Council for Technical education are:


– Preperative Pharmacy

-Organic chemistry

-Hospital and community pharmacy

-Organic chemistry

– Pathophysiology

-Analytical pharmacognosy.

– Pathophysiology.

Along with these subjects, there are colleges that also have included subjects like Environmental science, entrepreneurship,  professional ethics and Human Rights. 

Bachelor of Pharmacy Second Year in Different Universities

The course is divided into theory and practical portions. They are trained how to put their theoretical knowledge to use during the practical sessions.

The Uttar Pradesh university has also introduced new subjects that can be opted for with additional credits. The subjects cater to the need of the hour – cyber security and human values. 

The Rajasthan university has changed with the times and has introduced computer applications in both theory and practical subjects.

Along with the subjects related to the basic course,  emphasis  is laid on personality grooming and life skills needed to survive the tough competition of the profession also.

The pharmacist may also venture out into production of field work depending on his interest. There is a lateral entry as second year for students who are joining after D. Pharm. A post diploma admission. The subsequent course is the same.

The first and the second year of this course is the basics of the subject.  There is also an introduction to the other basic medical sciences so that the pharmacist has a thorough knowledge of the drug metabolism and its effects and side effects on the human body.

Just as a strong foundation supports a strong building, a strong  basic knowledge is the basis of a successful career.

The elementary level of any course is of utmost importance all throughout. Hope you enjoyed reading all about B Pharm 2nd Year Subjects – Bachelor of Pharmacy Second Year .

B Pharmacy – Computers Questions & Answers M pharma B Pharm

1.The computer is assisting the human being in almost every activity. Explain

A computer is an electronic device, which executes software programs. It consists of 2 parts-hardware and software . The computer processes input through input devices like mouse and keyboard. The computer displays output through output devices like color monitor and printer. The size of a computer varies considerably from very small to very big. The speed of computers also has a very large range. Computers have become indispensable in today’s world. Millions of people use computers all over the world.

B Pharmacy - Computers Questions & Answers M pharma B Pharm

There are several uses of computers: –

• Word Processing – Word Processing software automatically corrects spelling and grammar mistakes. If the content of a document repeats you don’t have to type it each time. You can use the copy and paste features. You can printout documents and make several copies. It is easier to read a word-processed document than a handwritten one. You can add images to your document.
• Internet – It is a network of almost all the computers in the world. You can browse through much more information than you could do in a library. That is because computers can store enormous amounts of information. You also have very fast and convenient access to information. Through E-Mail you can communicate with a person sitting thousands of miles away in seconds. There is chat software that enables one to chat with another person on a real-time basis. Video conferencing tools are becoming readily available to the common man.
• Digital video or audio composition – Audio or video composition and editing have been made much easier by computers. It no longer costs thousands of dollars of equipment to compose music or make a film. Graphics engineers can use computers to generate short or full-length films or even to create three-dimensional models. Anybody owning a computer can now enter the field of media production. Special effects in science fiction and action movies are created using computers.
• Desktop publishing – With desktop publishing, you can create page layouts for entire books on your personal computer.
• Computers in Medicine – You can diagnose diseases. You can learn the cures. Software is used in magnetic resonance imaging to examine the internal organs of the human body. Software is used for performing surgery. Computers are used to store patient data.
• Mathematical Calculations – Thanks to computers, which have computing speeds of over a million calculations per second we can perform the biggest of mathematical calculations.
• Banks – All financial transactions are done by computer software. They provide security, speed and convenience.
• Travel – One can book air tickets or railway tickets and make hotel reservations online.
• Telecommunications – Software is widely used here. Also all mobile phones have software embedded in them.
• Defense – There is software embedded in almost every weapon. Software is used for controlling the flight and targeting in ballistic missiles. Software is used to control access to atomic bombs.
• E-Learning – Instead of a book it is easier to learn from an E-learning software.
• Gambling-You can gamble online instead of going to a casino.
• Examinations-You can give online exams and get instant results. You can check your examination results online.
• Computers in Business – Shops and supermarkets use software, which calculate the bills. Taxes can be calculated and paid online. Accounting is done using computers. One can predict future trends of business using artificial intelligence software. Software is used in major stock markets. One can do trading online. There are fully automated factories running on software.
• Certificates – Different types of certificates can be generated. It is very easy to create and change layouts.
• ATM machines – The computer software authenticates the user and dispenses cash.
• Marriage – There are matrimonial sites through which one can search for a suitable groom or bride.
• News-There are many websites through which you can read the latest or old news.
• Classmates-There are many alumni websites through which you can regain contact with your classmates.
• Robotics – Robots are controlled by software.
• Washing Machines – They operate using software.
• Microwave Oven – They are operated by software.
• Planning and Scheduling – Software can be used to store contact information, generating plans, scheduling appointments and deadlines.
• Plagiarism – Software can examine content for plagiarism.
• Greeting Cards – You can send and receive greetings pertaining to different occasions.
• Sports – Software is used for making umpiring decisions. There are simulation software using which a sportsperson can practice his skills. Computers are also to identify flaws in techhnique.
• Aeroplanes – Pilots train on software, which simulates flying.
• Weather analysis – Supercomputers are used to analyze and predict weather.
Computers have leapfrogged the human society into another league. It is used in each and every aspect of human life. They will spearhead the human quest of eradicating social problems like illiteracy and poverty. It is difficult to imagine a world bereft of computers. This revolutionary technology is indeed a boon to the human race. May computers continue to shower their blessings to us.

2. Write a detailed note on the generations of computers?

First Generation – 1940-1956: Vacuum Tubes
The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory, and were often enormous, taking up entire rooms. A magnetic drum, also referred to as drum, is a metal cylinder coated with magnetic iron-oxide material on which data and programs can be stored. Magnetic drums were once use das a primary storage device but have since been implemented as auxiliary storage devices.
They were very expensive to operate and in addition to using a great deal of electricity, generated a lot of heat, which was often the cause of malfunctions. First generation computers relied on machine language to perform operations, and they could only solve one problem at a time. Machine languages are the only languages understood by computers. While easily understood by computers, machine languages are almost impossible for humans to use because they consist entirely of numbers. Computer Programmers, therefore, use either high level programming languages or an assembly language programming. An assembly language contains the same instructions as a machine language, but the instructions and variables have names instead of being just numbers.
Every CPU has its own unique machine language. Programs must be rewritten or recompiled, therefore, to run on different types of computers. Input was based on punch card and paper tapes, and output was displayed on printouts. The UNIVAC and ENIAC computers are examples of first-generation computing devices. The UNIVAC was the first commercial computer delivered to a business client, the U.S. Census Bureau in 1951.
Second Generation – 1956-1963: Transistors
Transistors replaced vacuum tubes and ushered in the second generation computer. Transistor is a device composed of semiconductor material that amplifies a signal or opens or closes a circuit. Invented in 1947 at Bell Labs, transistors have become the key ingredient of all digital circuits, including computers. The transistor was invented in 1947 but did not see widespread use in computers until the late 50s. The transistor was far superior to the vacuum tube, allowing computers to become smaller, faster, cheaper, more energy-efficient and more reliable than their first-generation predecessors. Though the transistor still generated a great deal of heat that subjected the computer to damage, it was a vast improvement over the vacuum tube. Second-generation computers still relied on punched cards for input and printouts for output.
Third Generation – 1964-1971: Integrated Circuits
The development of the integrated circuit was the hallmark of the third generation of computers. Transistors were miniaturized and placed on silicon chips, called semiconductors, which drastically increased the speed and efficiency of computers. A chip is a small piece of semi conducting material (usually silicon) on which an integrated circuit is embedded. A typical chip is less than ¼-square inches and can contain millions of electronic components (transistors). Computers consist of many chips placed on electronic boards called printed circuit boards. There are different types of chips. For example, CPU chips (also called microprocessors) contain an entire processing unit, whereas memory chips contain blank memory.
Instead of punched cards and printouts, users interacted with third generation computers through keyboards and monitors and interfaced with an operating system, which allowed the device to run many different applications at one time with a central program that monitored the memory. Computers for the first time became accessible to a mass audience because they were smaller and cheaper than their predecessors.
Fourth Generation – 1971-Present: Microprocessors
The microprocessor brought the fourth generation of computers, as thousands of integrated circuits we rebuilt onto a single silicon chip. A silicon chip that contains a CPU. In the world of personal computers, the terms microprocessor and CPU are used interchangeably. At the heart of all personal computers and most workstations sits a microprocessor. Microprocessors also control the logic of almost all digital devices, from clock radios to fuel-injection systems for automobiles. In 1981 IBM introduced its first computer for the home user, and in 1984 Apple introduced the Macintosh. Microprocessors also moved out of the realm of desktop computers and into many areas of life as more and more everyday products began to use microprocessors.
Fifth Generation – Present and Beyond: Artificial Intelligence
Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial intelligence, are still in development, though there are some applications, such as voice recognition, that are being used today. Artificial Intelligence is the branch of computer science concerned with making computers behave like humans. The term was coined in 1956 by John McCarthy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
In May,1997, an IBM super-computer called Deep Blue defeated world chess champion Gary Kasparov in a chess match. The hottest area of artificial intelligence is neural networks, which are proving successful in an umber of disciplines such as voice recognition and natural-language processing.

3.what are the basic functions of computer? list the main structural components of a computer and cpu?

Computer can keep track of any different types of information. With software like Microsoft word, notepad. it makes inputting any data such as words, articles relatively easy. Examples of input devices include, your keyboard, computer mouse, microphone etc.
Computer can rapidly solve all types of numerical problems. Solving numerical problems can be considered as an example of computer processing. With the ability of data manipulation of company, task can be completed efficiently with effectively. Saving lots and lots of time and effort, compared to human work. Aslo, computer are accurate and error free, they can process huge amount of information at the same time and they inexpensive.
Imagine you have a collections of ten thousand photos. You are going to london to meet your relative and were told to bring that ten thousands photos over. Guess what? That is alot of things. So with the advent of computer, you can just save that ten thousand photos and bring your laptop over. That’s that simple!. Example of computer storage include, harddisk, cd rom, dvd rom and others.
Output is one of the most commonly used function in computer. It may refers to the graph that is being plotted in microsoft excel, the song that you are playing from media player, the powerpoint slide,

The four main components of the computer are:
A: CPU (Central processing unit):
It is the main part of the computer; it performs all the operations of the computer. It is the heart of the computer. It is usually named by the processor.
B: Main memory.
This part of the computer is used for the storage of data.
C: I/O devices.
These devices are used for sending and receiving the data from computer to another device. These are referred as the channel between the computer system and the external world. And also the other peripheral communication lines.

D: System Interconnection.
Lines that connect several components to enable them to perform heir specific operations or some mechanism that is used for the communication between CPU, main memory and the I/O devices.
While the four components of the CPU are:
A: Control Unit: this is the main part of the CPU; it is the part in the CPU which do all the processing.
B: ALU: it is the acronym of Arithmetic Logic Unit, this part of the CPU performs all the necessary arithmetic functions.
C: Registers: this is a small unit in the CPU for the storage of small amount of data.
D: CPU interconnection: there is mechanism which is used for the communication between registers, ALU and Control Unit

4. Write a program that counts from one to ten.Print the values on a separate line for each and include a message of your choice when the count is 3 and a different message when the count is 7.

#include <stdio.h>
{int a;
for (a=1;a<11;a++)
{printf (“count is %d\n”,a);

if (a==3)
printf(“Current count is THREE\n”);

if (a==7)
printf(“now count is seven\n”)
Output is
count is 1
count is 2
count is 3
Current count is THREE
count is 4
count is 5
count is 6
count is 7
now count is seven
count is 8
count is 9
count is 10

5.Write a program that counts from 1 to 12, print the count and its square for each count.

#include <stdio.h>
{int a,b;
for (a=1;a<13;a++)
printf (“count is %d and its sqare is %d \n”,a,b);

Output is
count is 1 and its square is 1
count is 2 and its square is 4
count is 3 and its square is 9
count is 4 and its square is 16
count is 5 and its square is 25
count is 6 and its square is 36
count is 7 and its square is 49
count is 8 and its square is 64
count is 9 and its square is 81
count is 10 and its square is 100
count is 11 and its square is 121
count is 12 and its square is 144

6. What is recursion? Explain with an example

Recursion in computer science is a way of ‘Thinking About’ and then ‘Solving’ problems
int func1(int input1)
if(base condition)
return some finite value.
return func1(input2) //Function calls itself.
So, to design a solution(algorithm) to any problem in such a way that one function is having a call to itself inside a body and problem is reduced in each successive self calls to that limit that we reach base condition that returns some result(finite value) and no further recursive calls are made further. This makes a recursive solution and this way of solving the problem is called ‘Recursion’.

Example : Palindrome Recursive Algorithm

7. what is an operating system? Discuss the history and functions of operating system?

An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer.Software is any set of instructions that performs some task on a computer. The operating system performs many essential tasks for your computer. It controls the memory needed for computer processes, manages disk space, controls peripheral devices, and allows you to communicate with the computer without knowing exactly how a computer works.
discuss the history and functions of operating system?

an overview of its history development:
a. Unix- 1960’s, developed by AT&T, and designed to be portable, multitasking, multi-user in a time-sharing configuration.
b. MS-DOS- 1980’s, developed by Microsoft, specialized in programming languages and software development.
c. SUN OS- 1982, version of the UNIX OS, developed by SUN Microsystems, specialized in workstations and server system.
d. Mac OS- 1984, developed by Apple Computer for their Apple Macintosh Computer, widely credited for their popularizing the GUI
e. Windows 1.0- 1985, was the first attempt of Microsoft to implement a multi-tasking graphical user interface based on the operating system environment on the PC platform
f. OS/2- next released from Windows 1.0, created by Microsoft and IBM, to be used on IBM’s Personal System/2 computers. It will be discontinued to use at the end of this year 2006. It is intended as a protected-mode, doesn’t share similarities on Windows, but are alike in UNIX and XENIX.
g. Windows 3.0- 1990, third major released of Microsoft Windows, specialized on GUI interface.
h. Windows NT 3.1- 1993, first released of Windows NT, capable of business server. After Windows NT 3.1 came Windows NT Advanced Server
i. Windows 1995- 1995, a consumer-oriented graphical user interface-based operating system. Codename: Chicago. It was widely improved from its GUI features whose format and structure is still used today by Windows XP.
j. Windows 1998- 1998, a graphical operating system and an update of Windows 95, among its features are AGP support, functional USB drivers, and support for multiple monitors and WebTV
k. Windows 2000- 2000, comes with four versions like Professional, Server, Advanced Server, and Datacenter Server. It was functional in Microsoft Management Console (MMC), and Standard System Management Applications.
l. Windows XP-2001, successor of Windows 2000, developed by Microsoft for use on general-purpose computer systems, including home and business desktops, notebook computers, and media centers.
m. Operating System composed of different functions namely:
1.) Processor Management
2.) Memory Management
3.) Housekeeping
4.) User Interface
5.) Storage Management
6.) Device Management
7.) Job Sequencing
8.) Job Control
9.) Job Sequencing
10) Error Handling
11.) I/O Handling
12.) Interrupt Handling
13.) Scheduling
14.) Resource Control
15.) Protection

8. what are the different editions of windows 2000? Explain their uses?what are the security features in windows 2000?

Microsoft released various editions of Windows 2000 for different markets and business needs: Professional, Server, Advanced Server and Datacenter Server. Each was packaged separately.
Windows 2000 Professional was designed as the desktop operating system for businesses and power users. It is the client version of Windows 2000. It offers greater security and stability than many of the previous Windows desktop operating systems. It supports up to two processors, and can address up to 4 GB of RAM. The system requirements are a Pentium processor (or equivalent) of 133 MHz or greater, at least 32 MB of RAM, 650 MB of hard drive space, and a CD-ROM drive (recommended: Pentium II, 128 MB of RAM, 2 GB of hard drive space, and CD-ROM drive).[85]
Windows 2000 Server shares the same user interface with Windows 2000 Professional, but contains additional components for the computer to perform server roles and run infrastructure and application software. A significant new component introduced in the server versions is Active Directory, which is an enterprise-wide directory service based on LDAP. Additionally, Microsoft integrated Kerberos network authentication, replacing the often-criticised NTLM authentication system used in previous versions. This also provided a purely transitive-trust relationship between Windows 2000 domains in a forest (a collection of one or more Windows 2000 domains that share a common schema, configuration, and global catalog, being linked with two-way transitive trusts). Furthermore, Windows 2000 introduced a Domain Name Server which allows dynamic registration of IP addresses. Windows 2000 Server supports up to 4 processors, requires 128 MB of RAM and 1 GB hard disk space, however requirements may be higher depending on installed components.
Windows 2000 Advanced Server is a variant of Windows 2000 Server operating system designed for medium-to-large businesses. It offers clustering infrastructure for high availability and scalability of applications and services, including main memory support of up to 8 gigabytes (GB) on Physical Address Extension (PAE) systems and the ability to do 8-way SMP. It supports TCP/IP load balancing and enhanced two-node server clusters based on the Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) in Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition.[86] Limited number of copies of an IA-64 version, called Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Limited Edition were made available via OEMs. System requirements are similar to those of Windows 2000 Server,[85] however they may need to be higher to scale to larger infrastructure.
Windows 2000 Datacenter Server is a variant of Windows 2000 Server designed for large businesses that move large quantities of confidential or sensitive data frequently via a central server.[87] Like Advanced Server, it supports clustering, failover and load balancing. Its minimum system requirements are normal, but it was designed to be capable of handing advanced, fault-tolerant and scalable hardware—for instance computers with up to 32 CPUs and 64 GBs RAM, with rigorous system testing and qualification, hardware partitioning, coordinated maintenance and change control. Limited number of copies of an IA-64 version, called Windows 2000 Datacenter Server, Limited Edition were made available via OEMs. System requirements are similar to those of Windows 2000 Advanced Server,[85] however they may need to be higher to scale to larger infrastructure.

9. What is word processor? What are its basic features? What are the special features of word-2000?

word processor is a software program capable of creating, storing, and printing documents. Unlike the standard typewriter, users using word processors have the ability of creating a document and making any changes anywhere in the document. This document can also be saved for modification at a later time or to be opened on any other computer using the same word processor.
what are its basic features?
insert text: Allows you to insert text anywhere in the document.
delete text: Allows you to erase characters, words, lines, or pages as easily as you can cross them out on paper.
cut and paste : Allows you to remove (cut) a section of text from one place in a document and insert (paste) it somewhere else.
copy : Allows you to duplicate a section of text.
page size and margins : Allows you to define various page sizes and margins, and the word processor will automatically readjust the text so that it fits.
search and replace : Allows you to direct the word processor to search for a particular word or phrase. You can also direct the word processor to replace one group of characters with another everywhere that the first group appears.
word wrap : The word processor automatically moves to the next line when you have filled one line with text, and it will readjust text if you change the margins.
print: Allows you to send a document to a printer to get hardcopy.
file management : Many word processors contain file management capabilities that allow you to create, delete, move, and search for files.
font specifications: Allows you to change fonts within a document. For example, you can specify bold, italics, and underlining. Most word processors also let you change the font size and even the typeface.
footnotes and cross-references: Automates the numbering and placement of footnotes and enables you to easily cross-reference other sections of the document.
Graphics: graphics allows one to embed illustrations and graphs into a document. Some word processors let you create the illustrations within the word processor; others let you insert an illustration produced by a different program.
headers , footers , and page numbering: Allows you to specify customized headers and footers that the word processor will put at the top and bottom of every page. The word processor automatically keeps track of page numbers so that the correct number appears on each page.
layout : Allows you to specify different margins within a single document and to specify various methods for indenting paragraphs.
macros : A macro is a character or word that represents a series of keystrokes. The keystrokes can represent text or commands. The ability to define macros allows you to save yourself a lot of time by replacing common combinations of keystrokes.
merges: Allows you to merge text from one file into another file. This is particularly useful for generating many files that have the same format but different data. Generating mailing labels is the classic example of using merges.
spell checker : A utility that allows you to check the spelling of words. It will highlight any words that it does not recognize.
tables of contents and indexes: Allows you to automatically create a table of contents and index based on special codes that you insert in the document.
thesaurus: A built-in thesaurus that allows you to search for synonyms without leaving the word processor.
windows : Allows you to edit two or more documents at the same time. Each document appears in a separate window. This is particularly valuable when working on a large project that consists of several different files.
WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get): With WYSIWYG, a document appears on the display screen exactly as it will look when printed

what are the special features of word-2000?

10. what is a presentation package ?list a few of the packages ? create a power point presentation listing the achievements of your/any organization?

Presentation software (sometimes called “presentation graphics”) is a category of application program used to create sequences of words and pictures that tell a story or help support a speech or public presentation of information. Presentation software can be divided into business presentation software and more general multimedia authoring tools, with some products having characteristics of both. Business presentation software emphasizes ease- and quickness-of-learning and use. Multimedia authoring software enables you to create a more sophisticated presentation that includes audio and video sequences. Business presentation software usually enables you to include images and sometimes audio and video developed with other tools.

list of a few of the packages


ASAP is ideal for businesspeople who want to spend more time writing a winning speech — instead of spending hours adding audio-visual gimmicks. Its learning curve is about five minutes.
Anyone who’s ever used Windows software will find ASAP’s three basic screens for outlines, previews, and presentations so familiar they’ll be finished creating almost before they realize it. You can apply any one of 22 graphic styles to each of the 13 basic templates. ASAP automatically reformats fonts so your text will fit properly on the screen, and there are a score of preset color schemes. ASAP doesn’t have all the multimedia features of other packages. But if you make just a couple of presentations a month, it will save you a lot of aggravation.
Harvard Graphics
Harvard Graphics 3.0 for Windows 3.1 is one of the most powerful software packages available. (An updated version for Windows 95 should be out by the time you read this; there’s no Mac version.)
Harvard Graphics is best for those whose professional lives depend on making successful presentations. It lets you preview transitions between slides, edit text inside a slide, and experiment with different chart styles. The program is also the first to incorporate a variety of handy features, such as a black-and-white preview so you can see what your color slides will look like when they’re printed out. An online tutorial shows you how to work with different graphic-file formats. All of this has earned Harvard Graphics a reputation as Microsoft PowerPoint’s smarter brother.
Powerpoint has been the standard-bearer for the technically adept for a few years now, and its new incarnation — PowerPoint for Windows 95, which will run solely on Windows 95 (surprise!) — should solidify its popularity. (PowerPoint 4.0 for Macs is also available, for $339; it lacks a couple of features from the Windows 95 version, such as the ability to animate objects and titles.
Harvard Graphics includes the same features as PowerPoint and is easier to use. Better yet, since PowerPoint is so ubiquitous, your presentation won’t look like everyone else’s if you create it on Harvard Graphics. So why opt for PowerPoint? Chances are, everyone else in the office is using it — which means you can easily upload part of a coworker’s presentation if you are pinched for time.
Gold Disk’s Astound
Gold Disk’s Astound 2.0 program is one of the best multimedia authoring packages. You can give inventory statistics and sales projections panache by making the numbers sliiiiiiiide onto the screen and the bar charts crumble. Astound does take patience to learn. Both Windows and Macintosh versions are available.
To complete your box of software presentation tools, consider two smaller digital wrenches.

Lotus Screencam

Lotus Screencam 2.0 for Windows 3.1 keeps a log of your onscreen activity. Move your mouse pointer or click open a file, and Lotus ScreenCam records it. Once you’ve made a digital record of what you’ve done on the screen, you can add explanatory captions or a personal narration. These mini-movies can easily be stored as a single file — perfect for training-types of presentations.
Presentation World
Presentation World from Cinemar Corp, a Windows CD-ROM disc, contains expert advice on making presentations without having to attend … another presentation. Using video clips and graphics, it offers tips on content development, organization, multimedia elements, even hardware.
John R. Quain ([email protected]) is a contributing editor at Fast Company and appears regularly on the CBS News program “Up to the Minute.”

B Pharmacy Eligibility – B Pharma Entrance Examination – D Pharmacy Eligibility

B Pharmacy Eligibility - B Pharma Entrance Examination - D Pharmacy Eligibility

Eligibility to pursue B Pharmacy – Pharma Education

The 2018 is a very good year to venture into Pharma sector. The Pharmaceutical industry is considered as an essential sector in Indian economy as well as in terms of medical ecosystem. Lot of patients come from different countries and all over the India to get their treatment done in best hospitals. The Pharmaceutical companies are now innovating in various ways to provide effective and affordable healthcare to the citizens of the country. The industry is going at the pace of 30% every year which is expected to increase in coming years.

B Pharmacy Eligibility - B Pharma Entrance Examination - D Pharmacy Eligibility

The students are now seeking a positive prospective in terms of joining this booming and successful industry to make their career in pharmacy and medical field. Pharmaceutical not only deals with manufacturing of drugs and medicines, but it also does include the complete process of sales and outreaching those medicines to the medical supply chain in India as well as other countries. The course clearly deals in introducing students with different aspects of prescriptions and medical programmes. These days’ hospitals require candidates to help patients in terms of assisting them with prescription and drug usage patterns and help them to clear doubts about medicines.

Eligibility for Pursuing Courses in Pharmacy – B Pharmacy 

There are various courses available in pharmacy and medicines to help aspirants in terms of pursuing bachelors, masters or diploma in this field of interest. In terms of bachelors and masters, there are B.Pharma and M.Pharma courses available in most of the colleges in different parts of the country. If anybody wish to pursue expertise and research in pharmacy there are advanced courses available as well such as- PHD in Pharmacy.

Most of the top and UGC recognised colleges prefer students who have passed out 10+2 with CBSE, ICSE or state boards. It is advised that students should have passed 10+2 with the science as their subject but this is not mandatory as most of the colleges accept students from other backgrounds as well.

If you are planning to pursue masters in Pharmacy, you should hold a relevant approved degree in pharmacy, biology or life sciences. As masters require knowledge of subject and field it is mandatory have a proper background and knowledge of subject to pursue a successful career.

B.Pharmacy 3rd Year Subjects & Syllabus B. Pharma Third Yr Results Books PDF

B.Pharmacy 3rd Year Subjects & Syllabus B. Pharma Third Yr Results Books PDF

In this article we are going to discuss B.Pharmacy 3rd Year Subjects & Syllabus B. Pharma Third Yr Results Books PDF. 

B.Pharmacy 3rd Year Subjects and Syllabus

The B.Pharmacy is a bachelor course for pursuing studies in pharmacy. It is the basic course that can be pursued after 10+2 or any relevant approved diploma in medicine/pharmacy. The course guides students with the various aspects of medicines and pharmacy. They are taught about how medicines are really manufactured and dispersed. Apart from that, they are also guided on the various concepts of prescription of drugs. Overall, in the tenure of 4 years the students get aware about various aspects of industry and requirement in the contemporary scenario. They gather necessary knowledge and skillset that makes them ready to work in the pharmaceutical and medical industry.

The various premier organisations such as AICTE and UGC have decided to cater an industry ready course to students so as to increase the employability in the pharmacy sector. The industry demands lot of experienced candidates who can work with desired knowledge and skillset.

B.Pharmacy 3rd Year Subjects & Syllabus B. Pharma Third Yr Results Books PDF

Subjects in Third Year B.Pharmacy:

The course includes different basic and advanced subjects to introduce students with the pharmacy and medicine. The 3rd which can also be considered as V and 6 semesters caters these subjects to students which teach them pharmacy related concepts.

The subjects include- Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical chemistry, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Microbiology, Pathophysiology of Common Diseases, Dispensing and Community Pharmacy.

Third Year Syllabus of B. Pharmacy:

The syllabus caters lot of knowledge about the various important and crucial subjects of Pharmacy. The course consists of both practical and theory subjects to give hands-on experience to students.

In terms of semester system, there are 2 evaluation exams and one end-semester exam. Whereas in year based system, there are various evaluation exam and one year end examination. The student grades are accessed on the basis of evaluation and main examination. The examination format consists of both- Theory and Practical Paper.

Apart from the essential theory and practical subjects of pharmacy, the students are also taught with the aspects of basic computers to help them carry out their work on computers. In this era of digital world, the information about computers and various essential programmes is must. This make students ready for industry and caters all-round skill development.

D. Pharmacy Subjects & Syllabus – D Pharma First [1st] & Second [2nd] Year Info

D. Pharmacy Year wise Subjects & Syllabus - D Pharma 1st & 2nd Year

D.Pharm Year wise Subjects and Syllabus:

D.Pharma (a) also called Diploma in Pharmacy, is pursued by the students in the medical field of Pharmacy. In India, one is eligible to opt for this education course after successfully completing Standard Twelve in science stream with Physics, Chemistry and either Biology as subjects. Consequently, the successful completion of this course allows one to be employed as a Registered Pharmacist in Pharmacy shops selling medicine. In fact, it is mandatory presently to have at least one qualified D.Pharm person employed in pharmacy must. Hence, a student can go for undergraduate degree course of B.Pharm after pursuing of D.Pharm in India.

Banned Drugs Combination Products List in India PDF 2018 – Latest News

D. Pharmacy Year wise Subjects & Syllabus - D Pharma 1st & 2nd Year

D. Pharmacy Curriculum

  • Duration of the course -2 years. Each academic year will spread for not more than 180 working days with 500 hours of practical training in 3 months.
  • Candidate should be at least 17 years of age while securing admission.

D. Pharmacy Eligibility

  • Eligibility- 10+2 passed with Science stream subjects (PCB or M) from a recognized board is the minimum educational qualification required (in some institutes, PCB subjects are mandatory). 

D. Pharmacy Entrance Examination:

  • Entrance Examination- It could be a direct admission or merit-based admission process. Reputed and well-established institutes follow their own entrance tests (while preparing the merit list).

Subjects for 1st year of D. Pharmacy

Subjects Theory Practical
Hours/Year Hours/week Hours/Year Hours/week
Pharmaceutics-I 75 3 100 4
Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I 75 3 75 3
Pharmacognosy 75 3 75 3
Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology 50 2 75 3
Human Anatomy & Physiology 75 3 50 2
Health Education & community pharmacy 50 2    
400 16 375 15



D. Pharmacy Syllabus for 1st year

Subjects Syllabus
Theory Practical



Introduction of different dosage forms, Metrology, Packaging of pharmaceuticals, Size separation, Mixing and Homogenization, Clarification and Filtration, Extraction and Galenicals, Distillation, Introduction to drying process, Sterilization, Aseptic techniques, Processing of Tablets, Processing of Capsules, Study of immunological products Preparation of  Aromatic waters(3), Solutions(4),Spirits(2),Tinctures(4),Extracts(2)Creams(2), Cosmetic preparations(3), Capsules(2), Tables(2), Preparations involving(2), Ophthalmic preparations(2), Preparations involving aseptic techniques(2)


Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I

Acids, bases and buffers, Antioxidants, Gastrointestinal agents, Topical Agents, Antimicrobials and Astringents, Dental Products, Respiratory stimulants, Expectorants and Emetics, Antidotes, Major Intra and Extra cellular electrolytes, Inorganic official compounds, Radio pharmaceuticals and contrast media, Quality control of Drugs and pharmaceuticals, Identification tests for cations and anions. Identification tests for inorganic compounds particularly drugs and pharmaceuticals, Limit test for chloride, Sulphate, Arsenic, Iron and Heavy metals, Assay of inorganic pharmaceuticals involving each of the following methods of compounds marked with (*) under theory. i. Acid-Base titrations (at least 3) ii. Redox titrations (one each of permanganometry and iodimetry). iii. Precipitation titrations (at least 2) iv. Complexometric titration (Calcium and Magnesium)



Definition, history and scope of Pharmacogonosy ,Various systems of classification of drugs and natural origin, Adulteration and drug evaluation, Brief outline of f alkaloids, terpenoids, glycosides, volatile oils, tannins and resins, Occurrence, distribution, organoleptic evaluation, chemical constituents, Pharmaceutical aids, Miscellaneous Identification of drugs by morphological characters. Physical and chemical tests for evaluation of drugs wherever applicable. Gross anatomical studies (t.s.) of the following drugs – Senna, Datura, cinnamon, cinchona, coriander, fennel, clove, Ginger, Nux-vomica, Ipecacuanha, Identification of fibers and surgical dressing.


Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology

Introduction to biochemistry,Carbohydrates, Lipids,Vitamins, Enzymes, Therapeutics (Lymphocytes and platelets, their role in health
and disease. Erythrocytes)
Detection and identification of proteins. Amino acids, carbohydrates and lipids. Analysis of normal and abnormal constituents of Blood and Urine (Glucose, urea, creatine, cretinine, cholesterol, alkaline phosphatatase acid phosphatase, Bilirubin, SGPT, SGOT, calcium, Diastase,Lipase), Examination of sputum and faeces (microscopic & staining), Practice in injecting drugs by intramuscular, subcutaneous and intravenous routes, withdrawal of blood



Human Anatomy & Physiology

Scope of Anatomy and physiology, Elementary tissues, Skeletal System, Cardiovascular System, Respiratory system, Urinary System, Muscular System,Central Nervous System, Sensory Organs, Digestive System, Endocrine System, Reproductive system Study of the human Skeleton, Study with the help of charts and models of the following system and organs, Digestive system, Respiratory system, Ear, Cardiovascular system, Urinary system, Reproductive system Eye, Microscopic examination of epithelial tissue, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, Connective tissue and nervous tissues, Examination of blood films for TLC.DLC and malaria parasite, Determination of RBCs, clotting time of blood, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and Hemoglobin value, Recording of body temperature, pulse, heart-rate, blood pressure and ECG.


Health Education & community pharmacy

Concept of health,Nutrition and health, First aid, Environment and health,Fundamental principles of microbiology, Communicable diseases, Respiratory infections, Intestinal infection, Arthropod borne infections, Surface infection,
Sexually transmitted diseases, Non-communicable diseases, Epidemiology



What to do After D. Pharmacy?

D. Pharmacy Subjects for 2nd year

Subjects Theory Practical
Hours/Year Hours/week Hours/Year Hours/week
Pharmaceutics-II 75 3 100 4
Pharmaceutical Chemistry-II 100 4 75 3
Pharmacology & Toxicology 75 3 50 2
Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence 50 2    
Drug store and Business Management 75 3    
Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy 50 3 50 2
450 18 275 11

D. Pharmacy Syllabus for 2nd year

Subjects Syllabus
Theory Practical
Pharmaceutics-II Prescriptions, Incompatibilities in prescriptions, Posology, Dispensed Medications, Powders,Liquid oral Dosage forms: Monophasic, Biphasic Liquid Dosage Forms: Suspensions, Emulsions, Semi-Solid Dosage Forms: Ointments, Pastes, Jellies, Suppositories and peassaries,Dental and cosmetic preparations, Sterile Dosage forms: Parenteral dosage forms, Sterility testing, Ophthalmic products Dispensing of at least 100 products covering a wide range of preparations such as mixtures, emulsion,
solutions, liniments, E.N.T. preparations. Ointments, suppositories, powders, incompatible prescriptions
Pharmaceutical Chemistry-II Introduction to the nomenclature of organic chemical systems, The chemistry of pharmaceutical organic compounds (Antiseptics and Disinfectants, Sulphonamides,Antileprotic Drugs, Anti-tubercular Drugs, Antimoebic and Anthelmintic Drugs, Antibiotic, Antifungal agent,
Antimalarial Drugs, Tranquilizers, Hypnotics,General Anaesthetics, Antidepressant Drugs, Adrenergic drugs, Adrenergic antagonist,
Cholinergic Antagonists, Diuretic Drugs, Cardiovascular Drugs, Hypoglycemie Agents, Coagulants and Anti coagulants, Local Anaesthetics, Analgesics and Anti-pyretics, Non-steriodal anti-inflammatory agents, Diagnostic Agents, Anticonvulsants, cardiac glycosides, Antiarrhythmic, Antihypertensives & Vitamins, Steroidal Drugs, Anti-Neoplastic Drugs
Systematic qualitative testing of organic drugs involving solubility determination, melting point and/or boiling point, detection of elements and functional groups (10 compounds). Official identification tests for certain groups of drugs included in the I.P. like barbiturates, sulfonamides, Phenothiazines, Antibiotics etc. (8 compounds). Preparation of three simple organic preparations.
Pharmacology & Toxicology Introduction to pharmacology, Routes of administration of drugs, General mechanism of drugs action, Drugs acting on the central Nervous system, Drugs acting on respiratory system, Autocoids, Cardio vascular drugs, Drugs affecting renal function, Hormones and hormone antagonists, Drugs acting on digestive system, Chemotherapy of microbial diseases, Disinfectants and antiseptics. The first six of the following experiments will be done by the students while the remaining will be demonstrated by the teacher. (Effect of potassium and calcium ions, acetylcholine and adrenaline on frog’s heart. Effect of acetyl choline on rectus abdomens muscle of frog and guinea pig ileum. Effect of spasmogens and relaxants on rabbit’s intestine. Effect of local anaesthetics on rabbit cornea. Effect of mydriatics and miotics on rabbit’s eye. To study the action of strychnine on frog. Effect of digitalis on frog’s heart. Effect of hypnotics in mice. Effect of convulsants and anticonvulsant in mice or rats.Test for pyrogens. Taming and hypnosis potentiating effect of chlorpromazine in mice/rats. Effect of diphenhydramine in experimentally produced asthma in guinea pigs.)
Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence Origin and nature of pharmaceutical legislation in India,Principles and significance of professional Ethics, Pharmacy Act,1948, The Drugs and Cosmetics Act,1940, The Drugs and Magic Remedies (objectionable Advertisement)Act, 1954, Narcotic Drugs and psychotropic substances Act,1985, Latest Drugs (price control) order in force. Poisons Act 1919(as amended to date)
Medicinal and Toilet preparations (excise Duties) Act, 1955 (as amended to date). Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971(as amended to date).





Drug store and Business Management Part-I: Commerce- Introduction, Drug House Management, Sales, Recruitment, training, Banking and Finance.  Part-II: Accountancy – Introduction to the accounting concepts and conventions.                                                               


Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy Part-I: Hospital Pharmacy-Hospital, Hospital Pharmacy, Drug Distribution system in Hospitals, Manufacturing, Sterile manufacture, Non-sterile manufacture, P.T.C.(pharmacy Therapeutic Committee), Hospital Formulary system, Drug Information service , Surgical dressing, Application of computers. Part II: Clinical Pharmacy- Introduction to Clinical pharmacy practice,
Modern dispensing aspects, Common daily terminology used in the practice of Medicine.
Disease, manifestation and patho-physiology, Physiological parameters with their significance.
Drug Interactions, Adverse Drug Reaction,
Drugs in Clinical Toxicity, Drug dependences,
Bio-availability of drugs.








World Pharmacists Day 2018

Scope of Diploma in Pharmacy

In the employment areas of pharmacy, in the first place one can take up the role in Health Centres, Hospitals, Chemist shops, Drug Control Administration, Pharmaceutical firms, Sales and marketing department, Research Agencies Food and Drug Administration.

Also, a variety of pharmacy jobs are available as per the degree such as Technical Supervisor, Medical Transcriptionist, Pharmacist, Quality Analyst, Scientific Officer, Tutor, and Production Executive.

Hope our article on D. Pharmacy Year wise Subjects & Syllabus like D Pharma 1st & 2nd Year helped you to know what are all the subjects were included in the Diploma in pharmacy curriculum. 

#Top B Pharm colleges in Bangalore – Best Pharmacy College Karnataka BNGLR

#Top B Pharm colleges in Bangalore - Best Pharmacy College Karnataka BNGLR

Top B pharm colleges in Bangalore:

Most Popular B Pharm colleges in Bangalore – Best Pharmacy College Karnataka BNGLR are provided here in this article for the benefit of our readers. Bangalore is known as the garden city and it offers a very healthy atmosphere in terms of education. Little wonder then, that it has been termed as the education hub of south India. It boasts of hundreds of colleges catering to every field.

Particularly in the field of professional courses like engineering, medical and related courses the students are spoilt for choices.

Innumerable number of colleges are offering admissions to courses like MBBS, BDS, B Pharm., Nursing and other medical branches. The Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, awards the degrees of the medical and the paramedical courses. The deemed universities also have a percentage of seats allocated to the university quota.

#Top B Pharm colleges in Bangalore - Best Pharmacy College Karnataka BNGLR

 Best Pharmacy College Karnataka BNGLR

As Bangalore is endowed with pleasant climate, religious and political harmony, it is the preferred location for youngsters to seek their future.

The healthcare industry is at its peak these days. There is never a household that has not required medical intervention. This justifies the rush towards the medical courses.  However the medical community cannot survive without the support and stability that is lent by the pharmacy, nursing and the paramedical branches.

The pharmaceutical industry has been walking hand in hand with the doctors and providing latest innovations in treatment. There are innumerable institutions offering courses in this dynamic subject in Bangalore.

The top five pharmacy colleges offering Bangalore being:

  • Al Ameen college of Pharmacy
  • -Government College or Pharmacy
  • -M. S. Ramaiah college of Pharmacy
  • – Vishveshwarapura Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
  • -Vivekananda College of Pharmacy.

They all offer B. Pharm courses and some have a provision for M. Pharm too.

These institutes are blessed with highly knowledgeable staff who are experienced. The teaching methods are meticulous and ensure thorough learning.

In these modern times there is a lot of talk about misuse and abuse of medicines and prescription drugs. People seek solace in medication. It is the duty and the responsibility of the pharmacist to hand out proper medication in required quantities.

A well learned pharmacist is always an asset to the medical profession. People place all their faith when they purchase medication and the pharmacist has to live up to it.

After all what is medicine for one, maybe poison for another!

By now you know what are all Top B pharm colleges in Bangalore. Now you can choose best B Pharmacy college to pursue your pharma Degree.

Top B Pharmacy Colleges in Delhi – Best Government Private Pharma Universities New Delhi NCR

Top B Pharmacy Colleges in Delhi - Best Government Private Pharma Universities New Delhi NCR

Hello Buddies. Today we present here the Top B Pharmacy Colleges in Delhi. You can check out Best Government and Private Pharma Colleges & all Universities in New Delhi NCR. In today’s world of stress and turmoil, the human race is not only dependant on the essentials but also largely on the medical and paramedical fraternity for well being. Visiting a doctor or consuming medication is not just for the ill now, it is a way of life.

We place implicit trust in our doctors, nursing staff, pharmacists and various technicians who help us maintain our health. 

Somewhere in all this healthcare ladder,  the unsung heroes are the pharmacists.  They are the people who finally decipher the doctors writing and handover the medication with proper instructions to the patients. In most small towns and villages the pharmacist even plays the role of a general practitioner, giving primary medical aid.

The pharmaceutical industry is the backbone of medicine. Without which all medical knowledge is futile.Youngsters now are finding their career calling in this interesting and ever changing and field. Various colleges and universities are devoted to this subject. 

Larger cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore have umpteen colleges catering to the students who wish to pursue their studies in this field. Particularly Delhi is known to be the hub of quality education since ages.

Some popular and top 5 colleges offering the B. Pharm course in Delhi are:

Top 5 colleges offering the B. Pharm course in Delhi:

  • -Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi.

  • – Delhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences   and Research. (DIPSAR)

  • – Aditya College of Pharmacy and Science.

  • – Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University. (GGSIPU)

  • – Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University. (DPSRU).


List of Government Pharmacy Colleges in Delhi:

  • University of Delhi – DU

  • Delhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, New Delhi

  • Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi

  • All India Institute of Medical Sciences – AIIMS Delhi{M.D. (PharmacologyM.Sc. (Pharmacology)}

  • Meera Bai Institute of Technology D Pharmacy

List of Private Pharmacy Colleges in New Delhi:

  • Aditya College of Pharmacy and Science

  • Baba Hari Dass College of Pharmacy and Technology

  • Bhartiyam Institute of Professional Education and Technology

  • Efforts Institute of Management and Technology

  • Elina Institute of Education

  • IIMR Pharma Business School

  • Jamiat College of Pharmacy – Jamiat-Ulama-I-Hind Pharmacy College

  • JBTC Institute of Management

B Pharma. is the basic degree one would wish to have to pursue a career in this challenging field. Having the basic knowledge right is very essential.  Hence the right choice of an institute gathers utmost importance. The students are armed with the elementary knowledge to support the medical professionals. A wide array of subjects cover the vast syllabus that a student has to master. At the end of the four year course he or she is awarded a degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy.

A pharmacist is always the hero behind the counters offering unending support even when the doctors are unavailable.  He lives up to his oath of Maimonides, where he promises to devote himself to a lifetime of service to others through the profession of Pharmacy.

We hope our article ” Top B Pharmacy Colleges in Delhi – Best Government Private Pharma Universities New Delhi NCR ” is helpful. You can add your valuable inputs if are from Delhi. Keep visiting our Pharmacy Website for more info.


What is IPR? Patent & Process of filing a Patent Application

What is IPR Patent Process of filing a Patent Application

The purpose of a patent is to provide a form of protection for technological advances.  The theory is that patent protection will provide a reward not only for the creation of an invention, but also for the development of an invention to the point at which it is technologically feasible and marketable, and that this type of an incentive would promote additional creativity and encourage companies to continue their development of new technology to the point at which it is marketable, useful to the public and desirable for the public good.


The Patent system in India is governed by the Patents Act, 1970 (No 39 of 1970) & The Patents Rules 1972, effective from April 20,1972. Subsequently The Patents Act, 1970 is amended effective from January 1, 1995 & The Patents Rules, 1972 is amended effective from June 2, 1999.


Application form in triplicate.

Provisional or complete specification in triplicate. If the provisional specification is filed it must be followed by complete specification within 12 months (15 months with extension).

Drawing in triplicate (if necessary).

Abstract of the invention (in triplicate).

Information and undertaking listing the number, filing date and current status of each foreign patent application in duplicate.

Priority document (if priority date is claimed).

Declaration of inventorship where provisional specification is followed by complete specification or in case of convention application.

Power of attorney (if filed through Patent Agent).

Fee in cash/by local cheque/by demand draft.


Application is required to be filed according to the territorial limits where the applicant or the first mentioned applicant in case of joint applicants for a patent normally resides or has domicile or has a place of business or the place from where the invention actually originated .If the applicant for the patent or party in a proceeding having no business, place or domicile in India., the appropriate office will be according to the address of service in India given by the applicant or party in a proceeding.


All the applications for patent accompanied by complete specification are examined substantively. A first examination report stating the objection(s) is communicated to the applicant or his agents. Application or complete specification may be amended in order to meet the objection(s). Normally all the objections must be met within 15 months from the date of first examination report. Extension of time for three months is available, but application for extension therefore must be made before the expiry of normal period of 15 months. If all the objections are not complied with within the normal period or within the extended period the application will be deemed to have been abandoned. When the application is found to be suitable for acceptance it is published in the gazette of India (Part III, Section2). It is deemed laid open to the public on the date of publication in the gazette of India.


Notice of opposition must be filed within four months of notification in the Gazette. Extension of one month is available, but must be applied for before expiry of initial four month period.

Process of Grant or Sealing of PATENT

If the application is not opposed or the opposition is decided in favour of the applicant or is not refused the patent is granted or sealed on payment of sealing fee within 6 months from the date of advertisement. However, it is extendable by three months.


The Register of Patents will be kept in the Patent Office and its branch offices. Register of Patents can be inspected or extract from it can be obtained on payment of prescribed fee. Register of Patents contains full details of the Patent which include Patent number, the names and addresses of the patentee; notification of assignment etc.; renewals, particulars in respect of proprietorship of patent etc.


A patent grant gives the patentee the exclusive right to make or use the patented article or use the patented process. He can prevent all others from making or using the patented process. A patentee has also the right to assign the patent, grant licenses under, or otherwise deal with it for any consideration. These rights created by statute are circumscribed by various conditions and limitations.


Renewal fees are payable every year. The first renewal fee is payable for third year of the patent’s life, and must be paid before the patent’s second anniversary. If the patent has not been issued within that period, renewal fees may be accumulated and paid immediately after the patent is sealed, or within three months of its recordal in the Register of the Patents.

Date of payment of Renewal fees is measured from the date of the patent. Six months’ grace is available with Extension fee. No renewal fees are payable on patents of addition, unless the original patent is revoked and the patent of addition is converted into an independent patent; renewal fees then become payable for the remainder of the term of the main patent.

No renewal fees are payable during the pendency of the application for a patent; renewal fees that become overdue during pendency are payable upon sealing within three months of recordal in the Patent Register.

What is IPR Patent Process of filing a Patent Application


Annual reports as to the extent of working, by every patentee and licensee, are a statutory requirement and must be submitted by March, 31 each year for the previous year ending December, 31.


On failure to work a patent within three years from the date of its sealing, an interested party may file petition for grant of a compulsory license.

Every patent for an invention relating to a method or process for manufacture of substances intended for use, or capable of being used, as food, medicines, or drugs, or relating to substances prepared or produced by chemical process (including alloys, optical glass, semi-conductors and inter-metallic compounds) shall be deemed to be endorsed “Licenses of Right” from the date of expiry of three years from the date of sealing the patent.


Applications must be filed on the prescribed form with the Controller for the registration of assignments and any other documents creating an interest in a patent in order for them to be valid. In order to be valid, an assignment must be recorded within six months from the date of the document. A six-months extension may be obtained.


Applications must be filed on the prescribed form with the Controller for the registration of licenses and any other documents creating an interest in a patent in order for them to be valid. A license must be recorded within six months from the date of the document.


A patent lasts for 14 years from the date of filing the complete specification (if an application is filed with provisional specification on January 1, 1989, and a complete specification is filed on January 1, 1990, the duration is counted from January 1, 1990). However, for food, drug and insecticide patents, the life is seven years from the date of complete specification, or five years from date of sealing, whichever is shorter.


Application for restoration of a patent that lapses due to nonpayment of renewal fees must be made within one year of lapse. If an overdue annuity is not paid within the extension period, the one-year period for seeking restoration commences from the date of recordal.


Infringement can consist of taking away essential features of the patented invention; utilizing claimed features; copying patented substances; mechanical equivalence; taking part of the invention. while the patent is in force. Use by the government or for government purposes is not infringement. Such use must be paid for on terms to be agreed upon before or after use. Accidental or temporary use, use for research, use on foreign vessels, do not constitute infringement.


Appeal lies in the High Court. Appeal must be lodged within three months from the decision of the Controller.