Tablet Making Machine India – Cost Price Manual

Tablet Making Machine

In today’s date “tablets” h0old an essential part of our life.  Most of us consume tablets everyday be it a teenager, middle aged or an old man.  Now consumption of tablets has become a part of our life for most of us if not all.  Looking back at the process of making tablets in the Industry, it is a typical process and passes through certain phases before it is completely done and sealed pack for selling.  Today we will be hereby discussing how tablets making machine is helping to make tablets in short and a precise way.

Tablet Making Machine India – Cost Price Manual

The process

The tablet making machine is generally known as the Tablet Press and consists of two different types mainly.  One is known as the single-punch and another is called the rotary tablet presses.  The punches and dies used for making tablets come in different variety of sizes, shapes, designs and can be easily customized according to need and generally is manufactured with manufacturer codes and scoring lines which makes it more easier for the user to break the tablet at once.  Now depending on the size, shape, material and configuration of the press, the machine (press) can produce from around 250,000 to over 1,000,000 tablets an hour on a general basis as per stats obtained from various production houses.  Now speaking about its mechanism, tablet presses work in a very high speed and takes the form of a rotating turret.  It simply holds number of punches as customized before production.  Once it starts to rotate around the turret, the punches come close in contact with the cams in use and control the punches in a vertical position for the tablets to get manufactured.

The tablet press that we are speaking of here has a simple mechanism to work with.  The main objective of the machine or device is to compresses powder into tablets which comes out in a uniform manner in terms of shape, size and weight as per the requirement of the production house.  The press has got a high potential and generally used to manufacture tablets of different types in conjunction to the variety of materials used.  This can include illicit drugs, pharmaceuticals, cleaning products and cosmetics as well.  The granulated material in order to be given a proper shape into a tablet is firstly metered into a cavity form.  This is done by the use of two punches and a die.  Once this is done, the punches are pressed together with great force.  This in return fuses the materials together giving a shape of a tablet.  For most of the tablet press machines the most integral part of it remains the same ie.  Hopper, Die, Punches, Cam track and feeding mechanism.

Tablet making machine cost manual price

Different types of machine

Now speaking about tablet press and its actions, it is has been found that this tablet making machine comes in two different variants.  One is called the single station or eccentric press and another is the multiple station or popularly known as the rotary tablet press.  The Single station is relatively compact in nature to that of the multiple one and is basically easier to operate among the two in comparison.  It is used to produce chewable tablets, Effervescent and other compressed tablets.  Whereas speaking about the multiple station, its setting up is much more streamlined and can be fined tuned for more customization than that of the two with much higher production rate and obviously the capability of it is immense when compared.  The machine has capability of ejecting, filling and removal of the tablet as well after compression procedure.

Top Pharmaceutical Machinery Manufacturers in India – Pharma Machinery Suppliers

Pharmaceutical Machinery Manufacturers in India

Pharmaceutical Machinery Manufacturers in India: In today’s world when most of the countries are on the verge of extending their capabilities in each and every spheres of life and implementing new ideas and innovations to satisfy life on a larger scale, India is also on the same track as well.  When pharmaceutical machinery manufacturing in India is concerned, today India is considered to be one of the best in the world and is simply reaching new heights of success on a whole.  Hereby we try to figure out some of the prime manufactures in India who are a leading brand in manufacturing pharmaceutical machinery and about their activities in short.

Pharmaceutical Machinery Manufacturers in India

  • Pharma Tech International

Pharma Tech International is considered to be one of the finest Pharmaceutical machinery manufacturers from India.  The company came into existence in the year 2007 with a current annual turnover of Rs 50 lacks to 1 Crore according to stats obtained from sources.  This company boots itself in producing high profile machines like automatic capping machine, capsule section machinery, ointment section machinery, tablet section machinery, crushing machines, globule making machines and the list goes on.  The products are really durable in nature with capabilities of performing accurately and mostly are fully automatic in nature and require less amount of human interference.

  • Prism Pharma Machinery

Prism Pharma Machinery from the land of Gujarat came into existence in the year 2003.  They provide some of the best durable and highly sophisticated pharmaceutical machinery.  With a reputed base and trust of serving this industry from a long time they boost their capabilities in providing machines like high shear mixer granulation, RMG, Tray dryer, oscillating granulator, bin blender, Tumbler bender, Drum mixer blender, mass mixers and others.  They are best in making Roll compactor, Vibro shifter, basket extruder, movable hoist, automatic tablet coater, colloid mill, capsule polishing machine, sealing machine and the list is endless.

Today they stand as one of the finest in the business and provide some of the best products for pharmaceutical use.

Pharmaceutical Machinery Manufacturers in India

  • Harrison’s Pharma Machinery Pvt. Ltd

This ISO certified company from Delhi since its inception days in the year 1983 have always been in the limelight with the quality of machines they manufacture and have the repute also of providing wide range of products as well.  The list is long and some of the wide variety of products they manufacture includes ointment plant, lami tube filling & sealing machine, stainless steel storage tank, Mini Pulverizer, Cyclone Type Pulverizer, Powder mixer and rotary bottle washing machinery as well.  They also produce some of the finest quality machines in relation to laboratory use, syrup manufacturing, multipurpose equipments and many more.

Top Pharmaceutical Machinery Manufacturers in India – Pharma Machinery Suppliers

  • Lohashilpi

This is another innovative manufacturer from the state of Kerala which is considered to be one of the finest pharmaceutical machinery manufactures in India.  They have a huge number of productivity which includes Liquid filling machines, Semi automatic blister sealing machines, Hydro pneumatic blister trimming machines.  They are capable of providing some of the best quality products available in the market today with capabilities of producing high range products for use.  They also deal in automatic rubber machinery, packaging solutions and manufacturing machines yielding rubber accessories as well.

Given above are some of the finest pharmaceutical machinery manufacturers from India who really have done a great job and helped largely improving the quality of pharmaceutical products on a whole.  There are different other companies as well which do have the similar potentials and produce a great variety and quality machines that not only improve the quality but also improves the volume of manufacturing.

Pharmaceutical Machinery Manufacturers in Mumbai – Pharma Navi Bombay

pharma machinery manufacturers in navi mumbai

Pharmaceutical Machinery Manufacturers in Mumbai: Today we will be concentrating on some of the best pharmaceutical machine manufacturers from Mumbai, India who have who have constantly given enough effort and hard work to make world class product and compete in the market on a global scenario.  Most of them have years of expertise in this specific field and have managed to earn goodwill in the market by their effort.  Here are few of the most trusted brands from Mumbai who develop and manufacture pharmaceutical machinery.

Pharma machinery manufacturers in navi mumbai

  • Jay Pharma Machinery Equipments

This is one of the most trusted companies that are situated in the heart of Mumbai city, India.  Over the last six years the company has grown from strength to strength increasing the numbers of their clients with good service and maintenance of quality product.  This company has the perfect expertise in manufacturing pharmaceutical machinery like wet mixtures, milling machines, washing system, blender, filter press, Ointment Manufacturing Plant, Inline Homogenizer, pallets, cooting system and the list goes on and on.  Today Jay Pharma Machinery Equipments stands high among its rival companies serving the best out of the best.

  • Bright Pharma Machinery

Situated in Andheri, East Mumbai, Bright Pharma Machinery this company is one of the leading manufacturers of Pharmaceutical machinery along with production of cosmetic, bio product machinery as well.  From 20 years this company has been working in the market with infusing and implementing new ideas for the betterment of the business.  It has expertise in designing and manufacturing machines in relation to ointment/cream manufacturing plant, transfer pump, metering pump, filtration unit, cream manufacturing plant, fluid bed dryer, coating pan, spray coating machine, Vibro shifter, rapid mixer granulator and the list is a long one indeed.  This company over the years has a good repute of producing the best when it comes to business on a whole.

  • Prince Pharma Machinery Bombay

Incorporated in the year 2007 at Mumbai, Prince Pharma Machinery has the perfect expertise in providing impeccable quality of pharmaceutical machinery that are of world class standards.  Since its establishment, the company has paved itself to the top with a team of members who have a vision to think big and innovative in the field of pharmaceuticals.  Today they have an arsenal of some of the best machinery which includes manufacturing of fluid bed dryer, Vibro shifter, Mutlil mill, coating machine, starch paste kettle, Zero hold up filter press, tray dryer, Octagonal blender and much more.  This manufacturing unit is considered to be one of the finest in the business today.

pharma machinery manufacturers in navi mumbai

  • Mec Well Pharma Machinery Company – Mumbai

From Thane, Maharashtra Mec Well Pharma Machinery has the perfect capabilities and adequate infrastructure to design and develop some of the most needed pharmaceutical machinery that are of high quality and capable of producing volume productivity.  The company boost itself with manufacture of highly efficient machinery like blending machine, fluid bed dryers, Vibro shifter, blending vessel, liquid manufacturing plant, ointment plant, Ointment Manufacturing Plant, Pharmaceuticals Processing Plant, oral liquid manufacturing plant, pharmaceutical ovens, fermentation tank and the list is endless.  This company today stands as one of the finest manufacturing company and have been serving clients globally with trust and quality.  They have successfully marketed themselves with hard and dedication as one of the best in the business

There are other companies too like Chamunda Pharma Machinery Pvt. Ltd, Harish Pharma Engineeringm Pharma Fab Industries, S K Pharma Machinery Private Limited, Champion Pharma Machines and etc. from Mumbai who are considered to be equally capable, well trusted and rewound when it comes to manufacturing of Pharmaceutical machinery in Mumbai, Maharashtra.

Pharmaceutical Packaging Machinery – Medicines Packing Equipment Types

Pharmaceutical Packaging Machinery - Medicines Packing Equipment Types

Pharmaceutical Packaging Machinery: In today’s date Pharmaceutical packing machinery hold a very important position when it comes to doing business with the same.  As we all known good packaging not only increased the overall quality appearance of the product but also helps it to do a good branding and provide successful business also.  Today there are different companies who are specialized in this field of work.  They solely work on packing and distributing pharmaceutical packaging.  There are different types of machinery which are uses in this case.  The list is pretty long and most of them are complex in nature whereas there are also simple machinery as well.  Today we are going to discuss about few of the most important Pharmaceutical packaging machinery in short and their use.

Pharmaceutical Packaging Machinery – Medicines Packing Equipment Types

One of the most well known Pharmaceutical packaging machines used very often is Blister Packing Machine.  It is available both for large and small batches of drug processing expediting marketability of Pharma products via blister packing.  Next there is the Pharmaceutical Automatic Capping Machine.  It is used for capping of the pharmaceutical products and is considered to be one of the final steps of ensuring the quality of the product as well.  Next is the Pharmaceutical Filling Machine which simply expedites the current process of packaging.  This filling machine perfectly works for large scale filling used to measure sterility and dispensing of correct volume when in use.  One of the most well-known and widely used machines is Pharmaceutical Ampoule Filling Machine.  This machine is a very complex one and works on a very sophisticated or delicate procedure.  These types of machinery are basically used for pharmaceutical ampoule filling equipment.  The process is a fully automated one and works on a constant basis to provide the required result.  It provides the option of weight checking of product and as well as laser sealing as well.  Another one of the important packaging machinery used for pharmaceutical products is Pharmaceutical Liquid Filling Machine.  It is used for manufacturing of liquid drug suspensions.  This packaging machine is used in variety of forms and use.  It comes in both small and large size.  The operation involves filling of liquid.

Medicines Packing Equipment Types

Now pharmaceutical packaging machinery comes in different price range and in different shapes and sizes.  There are different companies who are best at making these types of machinery.  Some of them are small and some are big production houses.  These production houses basically deal in making pharmaceutical packaging machinery that are all in compliance with FDA standards and maintain a strict protocol as per general guidelines.  Some are semi automatic in nature, some are fully automatic.  When we speak about these type of Pharmaceutical packaging machinery there are different vendor who have earned a good name in the market over the years and have provided world class quality products on a regular basis.  Some of them are Marchesini Group with its headquarters at Italy.  Then there is Mg2 as well from Italy along with Multivac Sepp Haggenmuller.  Bosch and Romaco are two of the most important names that we can add to this list as well and both are from Germany who have the repute of consistently providing quality machinery in this field as well.

Pharmaceutical Packaging Machinery - Medicines Packing Equipment Types

Coming to the concluding part of this discussion, it has been found that these packaging machinery are a very important part of the production of the pharmaceutical products worldwide and provides safety to the finish products as well.  Proper packaging not only ensures the safety of the product but also maintains a proper hygiene to the pharmaceutical products as well which is essential.

Tray Dryer Working Principle

Pharmaceutical Mixing Equipment – Pharmaceutical Blending & Mixing pdf

Pharmaceutical Mixing Equipment - Pharmaceutical Blending & Mixing pdf

Pharmaceutical Mixing Equipment: Mixing has always been a very integral part of manufacturing pharmaceutical equipment.  In order to form a right pharmaceutical product with proper compositing and content mixing plays a very important and integrated part.  Today we will be looking at some of the well known and primary pharmaceutical mixing equipment that are widely used in the production units for manufacturing of pharmaceutical products.  We try to look at few of them in a very short and precise way.

Pharmaceutical Mixing Equipment – Pharmaceutical Blending & Mixing pdf

Depending on type of mixing we can categorize the procedures accordingly which are as follows:

  • Liquid-liquid mixing

There are different types of mixtures used for mixing liquid with liquid in the pharmaceutical production units.  This process is quite complex and requires additional monitoring.  There are different types of mixers used for this purpose namely, Shaker mixers, Propeller mixers, Paddle mixers, Turbine mixers, sonic and ultrasound devices such as Rapisonic homogenizer.  These equipment are uses for manufacturing antacid suspensions, different emulsions, anti-diarrhoeal mixtures and other such pharmaceutical products.

  • Solid-solid mixing

For solid to solid mixing of pharmaceutical products there are different types of equipments in use on a general basis.  This includes Agitator mixers, Tumbling mixers, Double cone mixers, and V-blenders and others.  These equipments are generally used for mixing of dry (solid base) powders.  These are mainly used for making tablets of various types and sizes.

  • Semi-solid mixing

Then there is semi to solid mixing equipment perfectly designed for this specific purpose also.  For this purpose there are different types of Agitator mixers that are in use like sigma mixers and planetary mixers.  Other than this there is Shear mixer like triple roller mills and colloidal mills as well.  These are basically used for wet granulation procedure while manufacturing tablets and also in the production of ointments as well.  Sigma mixture can also be used in case of solid to solid mixing as well.

Other than the above mixing equipment there are different types of mixtures that are also in use while making up of Pharmaceutical products.  These include tumbling mixer.  These are close vessel mixer rotating about its axis.  They are basically found in double cone, V-mixer and rotating cube as well.  Here the quality of mixing is limited and works on diffusive mixing mechanism.

Then comes Convective mixers which is accompanied with some diffusive and shear mixing.  This machine works typically less than 60 rpm.  Here ribbon blenders are used on a horizontal axis in a static cylinder set on a circular pattern within in a static shell.  Paddles or rotating blades are used in this machine.

Other important pharmaceutical mixing equipments include Conical screw mixer, Muller mixer, Pug mill, Pan mixer, Change can mixer, Banbury mixer and the list is endless.

Pharmaceutical Mixing Equipment - Pharmaceutical Blending & Mixing pdf

On a whole it can be easily said that these different types of mixing equipment are used in order to serve different purposes and to obtain a specific result in the pharmaceutical product manufacturing.  Most of these mixers work on a very complex process and generally have an automatic procedure to work on.  This really is a complex process and needs lot of understand and one must go through years of experience in order to progress and handle these types of machine with care and in a right way.  Without prior knowledge about these type of machine, handling can really be difficult and would produce inverse reaction to the pharmaceutical process.  Most of these equipment are built in a specific way according to their way of action and mostly are brittle in nature and use of pharmaceutical mixing equipments can really be challenging.

Read about Tray Dryer Working Principle

Pharmaceutical Machinery Manufacturers in Ahmedabad -Pharma Machinery

Pharmaceutical Machinery Manufacturers in Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad has always been a happening place since Independence.  In western India, it is the largest city in the state of Gujarat.  In terms of providing business there is no other state that can ever compete with Ahmedabad and has always been in the limelight for good reasons.  Today we look at some of the best Pharmaceutical machinery manufacturers in Ahmedabad and throw a light about their product and production unit as well.

Pharmaceutical Machinery Manufacturers in Ahmedabad

  • Prism Pharma Machinery

Prism is one of the most trusted brands in Ahmedabad when we speak about manufactures and exporters of pharmaceutical machinery.  Founded in the year 2003, this company with the advent of time has managed to excel its work activities and have successfully gained good reputation.  They provide a wide range of products that includes High Shear Mixer Granulator- RMG, Mass Mixer, Roto Cone Vacuum Dryer, Tablet Press – PTCMD4, Movable Hoist, Fluid Bed Dryer, Spraying System, Lab Scale Mini Tablet Press, Automatic Liquid Syrup Manufacturing, Inline Homogenizer, Preparation vessel, reactor & Storage and the list is endless.  Today Prism Pharma Machinery stands for its quality and goodwill.

  • Ambica Pharma Machines Private Limited

Ambica Pharma Machines Private Limited is considered to be among the best in manufacturing Pharmaceutical machinery from Ahmedabad.  They have a production unit which is well established in manufacturing wide variety of machinery.  The company boosts its capability in producing different types of machinery that includes vial washing machine, automatic high speed 8 head linear Vial liquid filling, 4 head Linear Vial liquid filling, Automatic high speed 2 head injectable liquid filling, powder and liquid filling combo, dry syrup filling machine, injectable powder filling machine, different types of cap sealing machines for pharmaceuticals, screw cap sealing machine, vial aluminum cap sealing machine and the list is endless.  Since its inception the company till date is growing and today stands as a trusted brand in the business.

  • Spark Tech India – pharmaceutical machinery

Spark technologies have always been in the limelight for providing supreme quality of pharmaceutical machinery that are of world-class quality.  Since its inception in the year 1999, this company has got many acclamation from its clients worldwide and today boots its capabilities of solidifying platform of excellence in business.  They provide quality product which includes different types of liquid filling machinery, heavy automatic high-speed syrup filling machinery, washing machines of different kind which are mostly automatic in nature, different types of cap sealing machines for pharmaceuticals and different other machinery that can really improve the quality of pharmaceutical products and its productivity as well.

Pharmaceutical Machinery Manufacturers in Ahmedabad

  • N K Industries

N K Industries situated in Ahmadabad, Gujarat is a pioneer in the field of pharmaceutical machinery production from a long time and hold a good repute for over 35 years which has simply help them to establish a trust between the client and themselves on the global platform.  Their products are of high quality and impeccable productivity.  Some of their products include tablet pill capsule counting filling machine, Auger powder filling machine, capping machine, Ropp capping machine, washing machine, Injectable dry powder filling machine, screw capping machine and many more which rightly have high demands in today’s market.

On conclusion it can be easily said that these are some of the well trusted brands from Ahmedabad that have gained much popularity through their quality productivity.  There are other names too which are equally best whose activities and productivity are as vibrant as that of the above.  All in all, Ahmedabad truly stands as one of the best pharmaceutical machinery manufacturing production hub.

Required Marks Percentage You Need To Maintain In B. Pharmacy Course

Required Marks Percentage You Need To Maintain In B. Pharmacy Course

Required Marks Percentage You Need To Maintain In B. Pharmacy Course: Student life is the most crucial period of tenacity as it lays the foundation of a person and trains them for the next phase of life. It is that time of life where one has to run marathon imbibing the habit of studying, playing and vigorous activities. The phase that reflects unstoppable vitality and full of life-force is found in student life. Hence naturally the performance of the students put a measure in the marks by evaluating their strength of knowledge.  If you are in the B. Pharmacy course; it means you have to take up learning in form of several labs, theory papers with its simultaneous internal and external examinations much like the boards of 10th and intermediate previously. At that time, the attitude everyone carry is to get very good marks to improve and fulfill your future goals. Here you don’t have marks for the semester examinations, in this case, what you are to take care of is the required percentage of marks you need to maintain. This is true everyone will try to get good marks as this characteristic is more seen for above average and topper students. To be honest toppers in the intermediate are also present in B. Pharmacy now because some of them didn’t get the seat in MBBS, BDS or Agricultural BSc in government universities/colleges. Here primarily your grade in each subject is provided based on the summation of marks obtained under each head of the examination of Theory and Practical including the External Examinations. The Theory and practical components of the same course shall be considered as a separate head.

Required Marks Percentage You Need To Maintain In B. Pharmacy Course

How much percentage of marks one should aim for?

There is no bound for earning marks as a student. Before digging into a general classification for the percentage of marks let us know about the divisions. The Distinction is defined as (75% above), the First division is (60 to 75%), second division is (50 to 60%) and the Third division is (35 to 50%). Observing the job opportunity scenario, there is no much difference between a 90% marks student and 75% marks student. The eligibility for all of the opportunities for a B. Pharmacy student does not require distinction marks profile throughout the course. In fact for any student getting the distinction marks would be extra. Maintaining the minimum first class percentage in B. Pharmacy is mandatory and is recommendable for every student, irrespective of the category and reservation.  Generally for open category students one needs to maintain a minimum 60% (first class), and for other categories, there may an exemption, it may be given 55% in most of the cases. There is no such need to maintain above 80% of marks to get through the course. But if you are capable of doing that you can always aim for higher marks like as you did in your previous curriculum in schools. To maintain subtle marks in B. Pharmacy isn’t that tough and more or less everyone who takes admission clears the papers!

Percentage required by B.Pharmacy students to join, Minimum marks required in Pharmacy degree to get.

How To Score Distinction Marks Percentage In B. Pharmacy?

How To Score Distinction Marks Percentage In B. Pharmacy?

How To Score Distinction Marks Percentage In B. Pharmacy?

As we know that like every other course, in B.Pharmacy too, the distinction marks come with a percentage of 75% and above in aggregate inclusive of all the subjects.  B. Pharmacy percentage is calculated at the end of the final year by adding marks scored in all the 8 semesters of 4 years. Getting more marks involves several factors like if you are getting favor from the college your marks in the internal examinations will be high that would definitely raise your marks percentage along with the final examinations marks. In one university, getting 85% marks is easier than the getting of 70% marks in another university. However, considering the field of Pharmacy to be very innovative that involves sound creative thinking.

We can suggest a few steps to score well as getting distinction marks percentage:

  • Refer to the previous exam papers thoroughly to find the FAQ.
  • List out the topics by identifying the important chapters from exam point of view
  • Maintain your personalized notes using reference books and the internet then add additional current researches or innovations in it.
  • Considering a question set to be attempted for the stipulated exam divide the time and get an idea of how to invest time per answer based upon the weight-age.
  • Sit for self-made mock tests, try and write the answer in a limited time frame. Practice and repeat until you feel confident enough to score more.

How To Score Distinction Marks Percentage In B. Pharmacy?

Let’s check the strategy to be followed in the B. Pharmacy

The strategy of gaining marks varies in accord to university regulations; some may be strict or lucid. It would not matter in which semester you got more or fewer marks as they consider your percentage as a whole.  Therefore if you want to score distinction marks try to concentrate on getting more marks up to the time of the first semester of the third year. If you are a GPAT exam aspirant then this is a bonus for you because this time onwards is best to start taking coaching that helps a lot in the preparation. Not only that you can also cover a few common subjects from the academic syllabus which are also present in the next semester. This is true that it depends on several factors to earn the distinction in B. Pharmacy nevertheless a lack of interest is not going to help you score good marks be it pharmacy or any other field.

Percentage required by B.Pharmacy students to join, Minimum marks required in Pharmacy degree to get

How To Become A MedPlus Pharmacy Franchisee in India? Profitable Money Making Pharma

Here in this article give you a perfect answer for you with your question How to get a pharmacy franchise in India. This will also help you to know more about other questions like Is a Mediplus franchise profitable? How much money can I make from a franchise of MedPlus? in detail.

How To Become A MedPlus Pharmacy Franchisee in India ?

Pharmacies can be operated all round the year, round the clock because medicines are one of the basic needs and families may cut down on luxuries but continue to purchase medicines to maintain health. When it comes to pharmacy business it’s obviously a recession free business and if the stock is well managed and the necessary products are available in time, then success is assured. The operational activities involved in running a retail pharmacy are similar to a trading business. Operations of pharmacy primarily consist of channelizing the required and some general products from many suppliers and selling them to the end customers through the retail counter.

Who are eligible to become a MedPlus Pharmacy Franchisee?

The experience would really matter alongside the education background. A pharmacist qualification is helpful however at a minimum level the candidate should have completed SSC or Intermediate level education. Ideally a Pharmacy diploma/degree holder can be able to understand the pros and cons of the technicality of the products. Prior experience in Pharmacy or managing a small business is countable. Individuals possessing the quality to work hard, diligent and dedicated would see growth from the inception. The determination to personally manage the pharmacy operations rather than through employees is important and the ability of understanding trade terms, margins, profit & loss in terms of mathematics are sufficient.

Investment Details for MedPlus Franchise

To set up a MedPlus Franchise one requires a total investment up to 20 lakhs depending on the location and the size and condition of the premises. The refundable security deposit to premise-owner/rental advance franchisee fee, interior decors, storage racks, computer systems, branded stationary and initial inventory (stocks) are inclusive of the amount. Of this amount, the franchisee should be able to invest Rs 6-7 lakhs of his own to receive a loan under the special scheme towards remaining investment through State Bank of India across India, subject to having collateral of around 6 lakhs.

Location & Premises Criteria for MedPlus franchisee

The location plays an important role in setting up of the MedPlus franchisee. The clutter size determines the demand of the products availability. Considering any city with more than population count of 50,000 would be suitable for a MedPlus Pharmacy to run. Across India, MedPlus Franchises are being offered only in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka presently.

For the pharmacy premise a minimum of 300 Sq.ft or more is required in the main market area with good frontage and unrestricted access to the customers. The enrollment procedure is simple as any individual interested in joining hands with MedPlus Pharmacy Business can register themselves by dropping a mail at [email protected] or make a call to head office.

Running the Franchise Business

Firstly maintaining necessary registrations, documentation and procedures to comply with the laws of the state and drug regulatory authorities is inevitable. Also, to be able to do the operational activities successfully, a pharmacy should be well versed in these:

  1. Identifying and estimating the demand for the products in the area
  2. Maintaining stock levels of the most sold products and continuous updating of stock over time
  3. Minimizing stock loss due to expiry, damage, theft or pilferage
  4. Locating multiple suppliers for all the products
  5. Negotiating prices, discounts and payment terms with the suppliers
  6. Procuring in time and as per need
  7. Keeping records of customer details, sales data and stock outs
  8. Managing cash with an understanding of costs, revenue, profit and loss
  9. Managing the staff members so as to satisfy customers with great service
  10. Generating demand by marketing and promotional schemes

MedPlus Franchise Training and Support

For setting up a MedPlus franchise one need some help that is backed by the Training & support team. The following services are afforded by the franchisor

  • Assistance in selecting the proper location for the store and all aspects of operating the franchise  
  • Help with store identification and lease finalization, in entire layout plan, branding materials and furniture and systems required.
  • Facilitate a bank loan if required.
  • Supply of all products sold through the store, all types of equipment to manipulate the pharmacy related purchases, sales, bank deposits, customer records without any complications.
  • Training for the franchise and its staff with Audit support.

How To Become A MedPlus Pharmacy Franchisee in India Profitable Money Making Pharma.

MedPlus Franchisee Benefits – Profitable Money making Pharmacy

  • Be the pride owner of the brand in a reputable profession with assured income
  • Get assured of the best training, knowledge, and support for running a large pharmacy because of strong operations expertise and sourcing, technology and execution capabilities
  • Initial credit facility or loan from State Bank of India under a special scheme for about 60% of your basic investment requirement
  • You generate a volume of business that is 2 or 3 times higher than other marketers and enjoy higher customer retention yielding high profit margins.
  • Repeat purchases due to brand pull and enjoy the attractiveness of the loyalty and reward program naming as FlexiRewards

Hope this article have helped you with your question How to get a pharmacy franchise in India. Let us know more about other questions like Is a Medplus franchise profitable? How much money can I make from a franchise of MedPlus? in detail in next articles.

How to Get Pharmacy Higher Education in Australia?

How to Get Pharmacy Higher Education in Australia?

If your question is How to get pharmacy higher education in Australia? You will get answer here.Getting higher education of a subject of your choice can be pretty easy in Australia.  You need to fulfill at least the minimal criteria that have been particularly mentioned by the Australian Education Ministry.  Providing the same you can easily get your higher education here in Australia.  Now to become a pharmacist in Australia firstly you need to complete a tertiary degree in pharmacy.  The tertiary degree basically means getting a graduate or bachelor degree in minimum.  Bachelor degree from one of the University from Australia or the course that you have past must have proper recognition and approved by the Australian Education Ministry on a whole.  The degree can also be a master degree from Australia or approved by the education ministry as well.  Now once you have simply fulfilled the minimum criteria required then you need to look out for other higher courses involving it.  Today we look at the way to receive higher education in Australia in relation to pharmacy in short and precise way.

There are number of good pharmacy schools in Australia from where you can able to achieve your higher education in pharmacy. First, there is the University of Sydney.  They have the course-offering master of pharmacy program to students for those willing to go with it.  It is a two-year full time program.  Then there is Curtin University, which offers Master degree course in Clinical pharmacy for those who have successfully completed their bachelor degree in the same.  Next comes the University of Queensland, the Griffith University which offers a 18 month full time program for studying pharmacy.  University of Canberra also provides the same.  Now in order to do higher studies with Pharmacy and eventually get a pharmacist degree requires some time.  Now in terms of money that you require in order to study pharmacy is AU$20,000 (US$14,400) to $37,000 (US$26,600) for.  This is obtained from the official government site of Australia.  In order to do higher studies in pharmacy one needs to first earn a undergraduate degree completing his or her secondary examination.  Once it has been obtained, the student is eligible for applying for the bachelor degree course as per the rule laid by the government.  Completing the bachelor degree program would provide the pathway for getting yourself enrolled to the Master Degree Program especially designed for pharama students to do higher studies.  A full completion of the master degree will take up to two years generally.  Now once master degree is completed the government of Australia (the Education Ministry) has programmed a 48 week paid internship.  One needs to complete this in order to earn a repute of pharmacist.  Now in order to complete this full course, ie in order to become a pharmacist and earn a degree in Australia it would require at least six years in total to complete.

How to Get Pharmacy Higher Education in Australia?

How to Get Pharmacy Higher Education in Australia?

Now in order to study with pharmacy getting the right subject combination is very important and essential.  This includes English language, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and a trade subject in total.

Being a pharmacist in Australia can provide you with a handsome income on an overall basis.  The charges are quite decent and the expected income is higher than usually assumed.  According to stats obtained on an average the earning ranges typically between $122,229 and $138,781.  Thus looking at this earning potential, one can simply look out for a higher education in Pharmacy if residing in Australia.  The work not only will provide a good earning potential but also will provide a decent repute in society as well.