[#PDF PPT] Hot Air Oven Working Principle Sterilization Diagram SOP Uses Temperature

hot air oven working pdf

Hot Air Oven Working Principle Sterilization Labelled Diagram Temperature [ #PDF PPT ] is the main theme of this article. Sterilization and aseptic processing are essential practices for healthcare product manufacture and many healthcare services. The execution of these processes in an appropriate manner is essential for patient safety.

A hot air oven is used to sterilize equipment and materials used in the medical field. A hot air oven is a type of dry heat sterilization. Dry heat sterilization is used on equipment that cannot be wet, and on material that will not melt, catch fire, or change form when exposed to high temperatures. Moist heat sterilization uses water to boil items or steam them to sterilize and does not take as long as dry heat sterilization. Examples of items that are not sterilized in a hot air oven are surgical dressings, rubber items, or plastic material. Items that are sterilized in a hot air oven include:

Glassware (petri dishes, flasks, pipettes, and test tubes)
Powders (starch, zinc oxide, and sulfadiazine)
Materials that contain oils
Metal equipment (scalpels, scissors, and blades)
Glass test tubes can be sterilized using a hot air oven
Glass test tubes can be sterilized using a hot air oven
Hot air ovens use extremely high temperatures over several hours to destroy microorganisms and bacterial spores. The ovens use conduction to sterilize items by heating the outside surfaces of the item, which then absorbs the heat and moves it towards the center of the item.

The commonly-used temperatures and time that hot air ovens need to sterilize materials is 170 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes, 160 degrees Celsius for 60 minutes, and 150 degrees Celsius for 150 minutes.

hot air oven images

Principle of HOT AIR OVEN (Dry heat sterilization) 

Sterilizing by dry heat is accomplished by conduction. The heat is absorbed by the outside surface of the item, then passes towards the centre of the item, layer by layer. The entire item will eventually reach the temperature required for sterilization to take place.

Dry heat does most of the damage by oxidizing molecules. The essential cell constituents are destroyed and the organism dies. The temperature is maintained for almost an hour to kill the most difficult of the resistant spores.

The most common time-temperature relationships for sterilization with hot air sterilizers are

170°C (340°F) for 30 minutes,
160°C (320°F) for 60 minutes, and
150°C (300°F) for 150 minutes or longer depending up the volume.

Hot Air Oven ppt working principle uses diagam ppt

Hot Air Oven Working Principle Sterilization Labelled Diagram PDF ppt

Note: Bacillus atrophaeus spores should be used to monitor the sterilization process for dry heat because they are more resistant to dry heat than the spores of Geobacillus stearothermophilus. The primary lethal process is considered to be oxidation of cell constituents.

working principle of hot air oven


the static-air type and
the forced-air type.

There are two types of dry-heat sterilizers:

the static-air type and
the forced-air type.
The static-air type is referred to as the oven-type sterilizer as heating coils in the bottom of the unit cause the hot air to rise inside the chamber via gravity convection. This type of dry-heat sterilizer is much slower in heating, requires longer time to reach sterilizing temperature, and is less uniform in temperature control throughout the chamber than is the forced-air type.

The forced-air or mechanical convection sterilizer is equipped with a motor-driven blower that circulates heated air throughout the chamber at a high velocity, permitting a more rapid transfer of energy from the air to the instruments.

Hot Air Oven Labelled Diagram

hot air oven labelled diagram

Uses of HOT AIR OVEN (dry heat sterilization)

A dry heat cabinet is easy to install and has relatively low operating costs;
It penetrates materials
It is nontoxic and does not harm the environment;
And it is noncorrosive for metal and sharp instruments.
Disadvantages for dry heat sterilization

Time consuming method because of slow rate of heat penetration and microbial killing.
High temperatures are not suitable for most materials.

Working Principle of HOT AIR OVEN

Sterilizing by dry heat is accomplished by conduction. The heat is absorbed by the outside surface of the item, then passes towards the centre of the item, layer by layer. The entire item will eventually reach the temperature required for sterilization to take place.

Dry heat does most of the damage by oxidizing molecules. The essential cell constituents are destroyed and the organism dies. The temperature is maintained for almost an hour to kill the most difficult of the resistant spores.

The most common time-temperature relationships for sterilization with hot air sterilizers are

170°C (340°F) for 30 minutes,
160°C (320°F) for 60 minutes, and
150°C (300°F) for 150 minutes or longer depending up the volume.

Different Types of Hot Air Ovens
There are two types of hot air ovens. One is a forced air hot air oven and the other is a static air hot air oven. The forced air hot air oven is more effective than the static air hot air oven.

The forced air hot air oven works by heating the oven and using a fan to move the hot air around. This helps prevent the hot air from rising to the top of the oven and keeping the cooler air at the bottom. The fan keeps the hot air moving around at a consistent temperature throughout the oven.

The static air hot air oven works by using a heating coil at the bottom of the oven. The heat rises throughout the oven and takes a longer time to reach the desired temperature. Since the heat is not circulated as with a forced air hot air oven the temperature is not consistent throughout the oven.



To lay down the procedure for operation of Hot Air Oven.


1. Connect the power supply.
2. Switch “ON” the main power supply and instrument mains.
Temperature setting
3. Press SET POINT (x/w) key to set the required temperature. press ↑ to
increase the temperature and ↓ to reduce the temperature
4. The temp. Sensor will maintain the set temp which is indicated by the blinking
of set temp on the display screen.
5. The duration of time can also be adjusted using the time adjustment knob
6. After use,SWITCH OFF the power supply.

Safety & Precautions:

=> Maximum Temp. : 350o
=> Ensure that the Exhaust blower is ON before starting the oven.
=> Ensure the GN2 plant is UP.
=> Ensure that temperature does not shoot higher than the set temperature


# Wipe the surface, walls, top, bottom and trays of the oven with dry lint free
cloth on daily basis so that there will be no dust particles in the oven.
# Wipe all the parts and outer surface of the Oven with wet lint free cloth
soaked in purified water, on weekly basis and fill the weekly cleaning

Note: Bacillus atrophaeus spores should be used to monitor the sterilization process for dry heat because they are more resistant to dry heat than the spores of Geobacillus stearothermophilus. The primary lethal process is considered to be oxidation of cell constituents.

Hot Air Oven Uses ( Advantages) :

Items that are sterilized in a hot air oven include:

Glassware (petri dishes, flasks, pipettes, and test tubes)
Powders (starch, zinc oxide, and sulfadiazine)
Materials that contain oils
Metal equipment (scalpels, scissors, and blades)
Glass test tubes can be sterilized using a hot air oven
Glass test tubes can be sterilized using a hot air oven
Hot air ovens use extremely high temperatures over several hours to destroy microorganisms and bacterial spores. The ovens use conduction to sterilize items by heating the outside surfaces of the item, which then absorbs the heat and moves it towards the center of the item.

Note:Items that are not sterilized in a hot air oven are surgical dressings, rubber items, or plastic material.

Disadvantages for dry heat sterilization

Time consuming method because of slow rate of heat penetration and microbial killing.
High temperatures are not suitable for most materials.

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ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY Of Human Respiratory Tract

ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY Of Human Respiratory Tract

Anatomy and Physiology Of human respiratory system is a complicated organ system of very close structure– function relationships. The system consisted of two regions: the conducting airway and the respiratory region. The airway is further divided into many folds: nasal cavity and the associated sinuses, and the nasopharynx, oropharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles. The respiratory region consists of respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveolar sacs.


               The respiratory system works with the circulatory system to deliver oxygen from the lungs to the cells and remove carbon dioxide, and return it to the lungs to be exhaled. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air, blood and body tissues is known as respiration. Healthy lungs take in about 1 pint of air about 12–15 times each minute. All of the blood in the body is passed through the lungs every minute. The respiratory tract is divided into two main parts: the upper respiratory tract, consisting of the nose, nasal cavity and the pharynx; and the lower respiratory tract consisting of the larynx, trachea, bronchi and the lungs The trachea, which begins at the edge of the larynx, divides into two bronchi and continues into the lungs. The trachea allows air to pass from the larynx to the bronchi and then to the lungs. The bronchi divide into smaller bronchioles which branch in the lungs forming passageways for air. The terminal parts of the bronchi are the alveoli. The alveoli are the functional units of the lungs and they form the site of gaseous exchange     

ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY Of Human Respiratory Tract

            The blood barrier between the alveolar space and the pulmonary capillaries is very thin to allow for rapid gas exchange. During inspiration, oxygen diffuses through the alveoli walls and the interstitial space, into the blood. Carbon dioxide diffuses in the opposite direction during exhalation. Alveoli are small and there are approximately 300 million of them in each lung. Although alveoli are tiny structures, they have a very large surface area in total (~100 m2) for performing efficient gas exchange.

                     The alveoli form a honeycomb of cells around the spiral, cylindrical surface of the alveolar duct. The exposed alveolar surface is normally covered with a surface film of lipoprotein material.

                      There are several types of pulmonary alveolar cells. Type I (or small type A), are non-phagocytic, membranous pneumocytes. These surface-lining epithelial cells are approximately 5 μm in thickness and possess thin squamous cytoplasmic extensions that originate from a central nucleated portion. These portions do not have any organelles and hence they are metabolically dependent on the central portion of the cell. This reduces their ability to repair themselves if damaged. Attached to the basement membrane are the larger alveolar cells (Type II, type B or septal cells). These rounded, granular, epithelial pneumocytes are approximately 10 to 15 μm tick. There are 6 to 7 cells per alveolus and these cells possess great metabolic activity. They are believed to produce the surfactant material that lines the lung and to be essential for alveolar repair after damage from viruses or chemical agents.

             Amongst, the important roles of the lungs, one can cite: (i) supply oxygen, (ii) remove wastes and toxins, and (iii) defend against hostile intruders. The lungs have three dozen distinct types of cells. Some of these cells scavenge foreign matter. Others have cilia that sweep the mucous membranes lining the smallest air passages. Some cells act on blood pressure control, while others spot infection invaders.

 anatomy of lungs            

      The respiratory system is susceptible to a number of diseases, and the lungs are prone to a wide range of disorders caused by genetic factors, infection and pollutants in the air. The most common problems of the respiratory system are:

  • Asthma
  • Bronchiolitis
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Common cold
  • Cough
  • Cystic fibrosis (CF)
  • Lung cancer
  • Pneumonia
  • Pulmonary hypertension


            The deposition of inhaled particles in the different regions of the respiratory system is very complex, and depends on many factors. Some of the factors influencing respiratory deposition include:

  • Breathing rate
  • Mouth or nose breathing
  • Lung volume
  • Respiration volume
  • Health of the individual
  • Bifurcations in the airways result in a constantly changing hydrodynamic flow field.

Depending on the particle size, airflow, and location in the respiratory system, particle deposition occurs via on of the following principal mechanisms:


         Each time the airflow changes due to a bifurcation in the airways, the suspended particles tend to travel along their original path due to inertia and may impact on an airway surface. This mechanism is highly dependent on aerodynamic diameter, since the stopping distance for very small particles is quite low. Impaction occurs mostly in the case of larger particles that are very close to airway walls, near the first airway bifurcations. Therefore, deposition by impaction is greatest in the bronchial region. Impaction accounts for the majority of particle deposition on a mass basis.


           Sedimentation is the settling out of particles in the smaller airways of the bronchioles and alveoli, where the air flow is low and airway dimensions are small. The rate of sedimentation is dependent on the terminal settling velocity of the particles, so sedimentation plays a greater role in the deposition of particles with larger aerodynamic diameters. Hygroscopic particles may grow in size as they pass through the warm, humid air passages, thus increasing the probability of deposition by sedimentation.


            Interception occurs when a particle contacts an airway surface due to its physical size or shape. Unlike impaction, particles that are deposited by interception do not deviate from their air streamlines. Interception is most likely to occur in small airways or when the air streamline is close to an airway wall. Interception is most significant for fibers, which easily contact airway surfaces do to their length. Furthermore, fibers have small aerodynamic diameters relative to their size, so they can often reach the smallest airways.




Diffusion is the primary mechanism of deposition for particles less than 0.5 microns in diameter and is governed by geometric rather than aerodynamic size. Diffusion is the net transport of particles from a region of high concentration to a region of lower concentration due to Brownian motion. Brownian motion is the random wiggling motion of a particle due to the constant bombardment of air molecules. Diffusional deposition occurs mostly when the particles have just entered the nasopharynx, and is also most likely to occur in the smaller airways of the pulmonary (alveolar) region, where air flow is low.


 Absorption – bioavailability of drugs

Although inhaled drugs have been used for over 50 years to treat airway disease and are in development or being considered for the treatment of many other lung diseases, insulin is at present time the only one representative inhaled drug on the market for systemic disease. Exubera® (insulin human [rDNA origin] inhalation powder is the first diabetes treatment which can be inhaled. Exubera® helps control high blood sugar, works in adults with type 1 diabetes and with type 2 diabetes as well This therapeutic success has lead a number of other companies to investigate and to advance clinical trials as inhaled formulations for systemic applications with a variety of large molecules (leuprolide, a luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) analogue, …). Recent advances in the development of particle technologies and devices now make it possible to formulate, stabilize, and accurately deliver almost any drug to the lungs.

             The pulmonary membrane is naturally permeable to small molecule drugs and to many therapeutic peptides and proteins. The epithelium of the lung, the significant barrier to absorption of inhaled drugs, is thick (50–60 μm) in the trachea, but diminishes in thickness to an extremely thin 0.2 μm in the alveoli. The change in cell types and morphology going from trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles to alveoli is very dramatic. The lungs are for more permeable to macromolecules than any other portal of entry into the body. Some of the most promising therapeutic agents are peptides and proteins, which could be inhaled instead of injected, thereby improving compliance .Particularly, peptides that have been chemically altered to inhibit peptidase enzymes exhibit very high bioavailabilities by the pulmonary route .Indeed, natural mammalian peptides, les than 30 amino acids (somatostatin, vaso active intestinal peptide [VIP], and glucagons), are broken down in the lung by ubiquitous peptidases and have very poor bioavailabilities. Conversely, proteins with molecular weights between 6000 and 50,000 Da are relatively resistant to most peptidases and have good bioavailabilities following inhalation. For larger proteins, the bioavailabilities and absorption mechanisms are not well completely elucidated.



  1. The ability to nebulize viscous drug formulations for pulmonary delivery, thereby overcoming drug solubility issues with the ability to use lipid, water or lipid/water emulsions as drug carriers.
  2. Ability to nebulize viscous liquids into droplets in the 2-5μm range regardless of the carrier composition solubility which would allow for a wide range of drug formulation options.
  3. Increased drug delivery efficacy due to size-stable aerosol droplets with reduced

hygroscopic growth and evaporative shrinkage.

  1. Liposomal drug formulations remain stable when nebulized.
  2. Ability to nebulize protein-containing solutions.
  3. For hand held inhaler applications, drug does not need to be emulsified in liquefied nebulizing gas to achieve aerosolization.



What are the top US business schools for an MBA education in pharma healthcare?

When you have raise a doubt of where to pursue your MBA or niche specific course probably depends on if you want to pursue MBA education in pharma healthcare or normal MBA. If you want to pursue a pharma career, you would lean more toward the Pharma school rankings, and if not, weigh the business school rankings more heavily.


Creating a MBA ranking is tough because of how varied MBA career paths can be. So here is the answer for the direct question top US business schools for an MBA education especially in pharma healthcare

Wharton/Kellogg/Duke/Columbia are the top four for healthcare MBA programs in the US.

Kellogg – Kellogg School of Management
Duke-Duke’s Fuqua School of Business Health Sector Management


Top US business schools for an MBA education in pharma healthcare

A successful career in the pharmaceutical world demands both fundamental business skills and in-depth pharmaceutical knowledge. The USP MBA program provides both. The USP MBA program is unique in that every course offered is taught within the context of the healthcare field. Students learn how to predict global healthcare trends, develop pharmaceutical product strategies, do pharmaceutical marketing, understand the research and development process from drug discovery through clinical testing, analyze and interpret healthcare regulatory practices and public health policies, and apply strategic and creative thinking to challenges that are unique to the pharmaceutical industry. In addition the USP MBA program stresses the competencies that are critical to career success in the modern healthcare field: critical thinking, analytical assessment, presentation skills, and cultural astuteness.

You may choose to pursue an MBA in one of three batches:
1) evening track,
2) executive (or weekend) track
3) online.

Wharton/Duke would probably top the list.

If you have any suggestions for the list of top US Business Schools for Pharma Healthcare MBA please do write to us through the comment box below. You can help our PharmaWiki through your words.

WORLD TOP 10 PHARMA COMPANIES – Best Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industries List

WORLD TOP 10 PHARMA COMPANIES - Best Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industries List

Now we see here the Pharma companies which leads the word in the top 10 list as best Pharmaceutical Industries. Lets begin.


  1. Gilead Sciences

Gilead Sciences is an US based biopharmaceutical company. The company since its inception has concentrated on antiviral drugs that are used in the treatment of HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Influenza. The company offers products that include Atripla, Complera, Emtriva, Viread and many more. The company was founded and is headquartered in Foster City, California. The company is a member of the NASDAQ Biotechnology Index and the S&P Index.

  1. Bayer

Bayer is a German multinational chemical and pharmaceutical company founded in 1863. It is headquartered in Leverkusen, North Rhine-Westphalia, and Germany. The company focuses primarily in the areas of human and veterinary pharmaceuticals; consumer healthcare products; agricultural chemicals and biotechnology products; and high value polymers. It is best known for its first product aspirin.

  1. AstraZeneca

AstraZeneca is a British-Swedish multinational pharmaceutical and biologics company founded in 1999. It is headquartered in London, United Kingdom. The company has operations in over 100 countries. The company provides products for major diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal infection, neuroscience, respiratory and inflammation.

  1. GlaxoSmithKline

GlaxoSmithKline is a British pharmaceutical company founded in 2000. It is headquartered in Brentford, London. It was established as a result of merger of Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham. The company develops a wide array of products in the areas of pharmaceuticals, vaccines and consumer healthcare. It also has products across various areas including cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, asthma, mental health, infections, cancer, digestive conditions and diabetes.

  1. Merck

Merck & Co. is an American pharmaceutical company doing business as Merck Sharp & Dohme outside the US and Canada. The company was established in 1891 as a US subsidiary of the German company Merck. The company is headquartered in Kenilworth, New Jersey. The expert and specialised areas of the company include oncology, neurodegenerative diseases, fertility and endocrinology. The company is also well-known for publishing The Merck Manuals; these are a series of medical reference books for physicians, nurses and technicians.

  1. Sanofi

Sanofi is a French multinational pharmaceutical company founded in 2004. It is headquartered Gentilly, France. The company is majorly involved in the research and development, manufacturing and marketing of the pharmaceutical drugs in the prescription market. The company also develops over the counter medication. The company’s major areas of speciality include cardiovascular, diabetes, vaccines, oncology, central nervous system, thrombosis and internal medicine.

Click here WORLD TOP 10 PHARMA COMPANIES – Best Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industries List WORLD TOP 10 PHARMA COMPANIES – Best Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industries List

  1. Pfizer

Pfizer is an American global pharmaceutical corporation founded in 1849. The company is headquartered in New York City and its research is headquartered in Groton, Connecticut. The company produces medicines and vaccines for a various therapeutic areas such as oncology, cardiology, immunology, neurology and endocrinology. The company’s products include drugs such as Lipitor, Lyrica, Diflucan, Zithromax, Viagra and Celebra. The company operates in the divisions of primary care, speciality care, established products, animal health, capsugel, consumer healthcare, emerging markets, oncology and nutrition.

WORLD TOP 10 PHARMA COMPANIES - Best Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industries List

  1. Roche

Roche is a Swiss global healthcare company that operates on a worldwide basis in two divisions, that is, pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. It was founded in 1896. The company has headquarters located in Basel and also has pharmaceuticals and diagnostic sites around the world. The company produces and sells drugs for cancer treatments MebThera, Avastin, Herception and Xeloda. It is the market leader in personalised medicines and was also one of the first companies to bring targeted treatments to patients.

  1. Novartis

Novartis is a Swiss multinational pharmaceutical company founded in 1996 as a result of a merger. The company is headquartered in Basel, Switzerland. The company’s expert and specialist areas of operation include prescription pharmaceuticals, eye care and generics and biosimilars. Its most sold pharmaceutical drugs include Gleevec for cancer and Gilenya for multiple sclerosis. The company has operations in more than 140 countries worldwide and has a combined workforce of more than 100,000 employees.

  1. Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson is an American multinational pharmaceutical, consumer packaged goods and medical devices manufacturer that was founded in 1886. The company is headquartered in New Brunswick, New Jersey. The consumer division of the company is located in Skillman, New Jersey. The company has operations in more than 57 countries with 250 subsidiary companies in those countries. The company is a household name due to its consumer healthcare division. It has more than 182 marketed drugs, with the company being market leaders in divisions of Hepatitis C, arthritis, HIV/AIDS and digestive conditions. The company brand includes various household names of medications and first aid supplies. Its consumer products include brand lines of bandages, Johnson’s baby products, Tylenol medications, Neutrogena beauty and skin products and many more.

Tips 2 Order Online Pharmacy Prescription Drugs – Online Pharmacy? Read This

Online pharmacies provide great convenience to many consumers when it comes to getting access to prescription medications. Unfortunately, the presence of fake online pharmacies poses an equally great risk comprised of counterfeit medications and health hazards. To keep buying prescription drugs online a safe and positive experience, follow these tips:

1. Opt for online counterparts of major chain pharmacies.

If you must buy from an online pharmacy, opt for one that is an online version of a major chain pharmacy. Online pharmacies like these follow the same stringent and strict procedures used by their brick-and-mortar counterparts in the processing, handling, and shipping of medications and other drugs. They also have lower prices since pharmaceutical firms give them huge discounts. If the prescription medication you need is quite rare, you also have a better chance of finding it in a major chain-online pharmacy. You can also visit a local branch of the online pharmacy in case you encounter problems in taking your medications.

2. Consider online versions of local pharmacies.

Even major chain pharmacies have limitations when it comes to expansion. If there is no major chain pharmacy in your area, you can opt for the online version of a local pharmacy. While they cannot provide you with the same low prices as major chain pharmacies, you have the added benefit of proximity. You can seek the advice of the pharmacy’s registered pharmacists for questions and consultations quite easily.

3. Choose an online pharmacy that requires a prescription.

Whether the online pharmacy you are using is a major chain, local, or purely online one, check if it requires a prescription. It is illegal to order and sell prescription medication without a valid Rx in the United States. Hence, sites that are offering you the option to do so are probably operating illegally. Beware of sites that do not require prescription since the medicines they are selling may be counterfeit and dangerous to your health.

4. Check for license and accreditation.

The warehouses, offices, and stockrooms of reputable online pharmacies undergo regular inspections from regulating bodies like the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Associations, and the Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites. A site that is licensed, accredited, and approved by these organizations are legal and can cater to your healthcare needs competently.

5. Look for complete, verifiable contact information.

This is especially crucial for pharmacies that are purely online in operation. Email addresses are not enough; a site must post a complete and verifiable physical address and toll-free phone numbers. If these are not present at the website, opt for another online pharmacy. Contact information is essential especially if you encounter problems with the medication you ordered or if there is a mistake in delivery.

6. Examine the online pharmacy’s privacy and security policy.

Since you need to share identifiable, personal information in ordering medicines online, you have to make sure that the online pharmacy will protect any information you divulge and will not use it for its own ends.

Tips on Choosing an Online Internet Pharmacy

Ordering your prescription through an online Internet pharmacy can save you money and save you a trip to the local pharmacy. It is important that the online pharmacy you choose is legitimate and offers the services and medicines that you need.

Many people save a large percentage by ordering their medicines at an online Internet pharmacy. This is especially helpful if you order regularly and order several at a time. Even veterinary medicines are available. If you live in a remote area or a small town with a small pharmacy, it might be hard to get some prescriptions. An online Internet pharmacy has a large stock of medicines to serve people from different places.

Finding an Online Internet Pharmacy

The best way to find a pharmacy to suit your needs is to use an Internet search engine that will give you multiple sites to check out. There are special sites to verify pharmacy licenses and validate their business. You can also contact the Better Business Bureau Online to find out if there are negative reports from any pharmacies you have found.

Online pharmacies offer many categories of medicines for all different needs. You can buy many of the most popular medicines at these sites. You can buy pain relief medicines, allergy medicines, weight loss and others such as Diazepam. Valium, Alprazolam, Codeine, Viagra, Xanax, Acetaminophen, Lorazepam, and Ativan are all available. If you suffer from arthritis, blood pressure, or need an antibiotic, you will find these available at the online pharmacy as well.

When you are looking at different pharmacies, be sure to check on shipping costs and services offered. Some orders take up to three weeks to arrive and you need to order in time to receive it before you run out of your current prescribed amount. If you need emergency medicine, it would probably be better to get your prescription locally.

Buy Quality Medicines

Some practical measures will ensure that you will be satisfied with your order. Don’t plan to buy based solely on price, research first and make sure you will be buying quality medicines. Make sure they have a valid street address and phone number and licenses to practice in their country. Don’t use an online Internet pharmacy unless it has a privacy policy. This is important to protect you from Internet spam and also your personal privacy.

Medicines dispensed in the U.S. are quality controlled by the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP), in conjunction with the FDA. You should consider this when choosing to buy drugs from out of the country.

It is not a good idea to order medicines you have never taken before, you should know what your prescription looks like. This will help ensure that you receive the right drug and not a substitute or counterfeit. Consult with a health care professional before ordering online prescriptions. And, don’t mix medicines without talking to a doctor first. Some medicines have serious interactions when combined with others.

Save at an Online Internet Pharmacy

With the cost of drugs rising drastically in recent years, an online Internet pharmacy can assist you in saving money on your prescriptions and other medicines. Take time to research your options to get the best prices on quality medications.

List of Entrance Examination for B . Pharma & M. Pharmacy – Test Info

List of Entrance Examination for B . Pharma & M. Pharmacy - Test Info

Entrance Tests for B . Pharmacy & M. Pharmacy

List of Entrance Examination for B . Pharma & M. Pharmacy – Test Info List of Entrance Examination for B . Pharma & M. Pharmacy – Test Info

Just like we take EAMCET to enter Engineering, students who are willing to go for B. Pharmacy courses will take various entrance examinations.  The entrance examinations include BHU B Pharma Entrance Exam, GPAT – Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test, MHT-CET Maharashtra Common Entrance Test etc.  The entrance tests vary from state to state and institute to institute.  Candidates depending on to which state they belong with take the entrance exam conducted by their respective states.  Candidates can work in various areas of discipline like chemist shops, drug control administration, educational institutes, food and drug administration, health centers, hospitals, medical dispensing store, pharmaceutical firms, research agencies, sales and marketing departments etc.

Entrance Tests for B Pharmacy

As the intermediate exams have completed recently and most of the state results are released, now most of the students must be getting ready to apply for the entrance examinations to study B. Pharmacy.  There will be definitely bright carrier who pursues B. Pharmacy.  It is one of the leading courses at this point in time, which is being studied by zillions of people all around the globe.  Students who are willing to do Pharmacy can apply to the Pharmacy entrance exams that will be soon notified.

List of Entrance Examination for B . Pharma & M. Pharmacy – Test Info

Many want to study B.Pharmacy courses and M pharmacy education. so, here we provide list of entrance exams for B pharma and M pharma.

B pharmacy M Pharmacy Entrance Exams:

Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test (GPAT)

Manpal Test

Andra pradesh post graduation test APPG_CET

Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination (BCECE)

Rajasthan University of Health Sciences (RUHS-P)

Banaras Hindu University Entrance Test (BHUET) 

West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE-Pharmacy)

Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination (UPSEE-Pharmacy)
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Uttar Pradesh

Odisha Joint Entrance Examination – Pharmacy (OJEE-P)

Birla Institute of Science and Technology Admission Test (BITSAT)

Best Pharma colleges

Raj Kumar Goel Institute Of Technology (Pharmacy), Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh

Amrita School Of Pharmacy, Kochi, Kerela

Manipal College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal, Karnataka

Institute Of Pharmacy, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Birla Institute Of Technology, Ranchi, Jharkhand

Periyar College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu

Mallige College Of Pharmacy, Bangalore, Karnataka

School Of Pharmacy, Solan, Himachal Pradesh

Maliba Pharmacy College, Tarsadi, Gujarat

University Institute Of Pharmacy, Raipur, Chhattisgarh,

MVP Samaj’s College Of Pharmacy, Nashik, Maharashtra

Jamia Hamdard, Delhi

Bombay College Of Pharmacy, Mumbai

N.E.T Pharmacy College, Raichur, Karnataka

List of Entrance Examination for B . Pharma & M. Pharmacy - Test Info

N.G.S.M.Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mangalore, Karnataka

University Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chandigarh

Shri G.S. Institute Of Tech. & Science, Indore, Madhya Pradesh


B. Pharmacy First Year Subjects – B Pharma 1st Sem 2nd Sem Books Syllabus

Subjects for First Year Pharmacy

B Pharmacy First Year Subjects

Bachelor of Pharmacy or B. Pharmacy is one of the most studied courses of present time.  Many students ever year enroll under B. Pharmacy colleges to study the course.  It is a three year course, which is scheduled to be studied semester wise.  It is an under graduation level course that is chosen to be studied by many students after their intermediate.  Students who have studied intermediate with Bi.Pc background will go for under graduation into B. Pharmacy course.  Qualified students from intermediate with Bi.Pc background will study B. Pharmacy in their under graduation level.  The study of Pharmacy is all about art and science of preparing and dispensing new drugs and medicines for various illnesses and diseases.

Pharmacy is studied in various semesters.  The number of semesters of Pharmacy varies from state to state.  Students of Pharmacy along with gaining theoretical knowledge will also be able to gain practical knowledge as they get to perform various experiments.  Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) is the one that is responsible to govern and manage the Pharmacy graduate level education in the entire country.  It is a statutory body that is governed by the provisions of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 that was passed by the Indian Parliament.

Students who have completed their under graduation in Pharmacy can be able to live as a Pharmacist.  They can manage their own medical shops; they can work in various labs to experiment new medicines for illnesses.  Along with Pharmacy College’s offline, there are also named online Pharmacy colleges that offer good range of study to the students of the world.  Many named universities around the globe offer online Pharmacy courses to the interested candidates.  Those universities also provide Pharmacy degree to the qualified candidates.  The online Pharmacy degree providing Schools include University of Florida, Kaplan University, Baker College, Lehigh University, University of Phoenix, Grand Canyon University and University of Liverpool.

b pharmacy first year subjects

Subjects for First Year Pharmacy

The first year of B. Pharmacy consists of various subjects.  Students who are willing to attain Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy needs to clear their intermediate with at least 50% of marks.  They need to do their intermediate in Physics, Chemistry, Maths, or Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Biology subjects.  The first year B. Pharmacy students need to study the subjects that were mentioned below.  Students who have cleared all their subjects in B. Pharmacy first year will be promoted to second year.  As it is a three year course and is a semester pattern, the subjects in the later two years will be divided into semesters.

  • Remedial Mathamaticla BiologySubjects for First Year Pharmacy
  • Advanced Mathematics
  • Anatomy
  • Physiology and Health Education
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Physical Pharmacy
  • Basic Electronics and Computer Applications
  • Pharmaceutical Analysis
  • Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Pharmacognosy

Students who have entered into B. Pharmacy after their intermediate level education needs to study these subjects in their first year of Pharmacy.  They need to clear all these subjects in order to get promoted to second year of Pharmacy.  Few universities offer semester wise study, while few universities offer year full of study.  Candidates who have plans to do Master Degree in research will do this B. Pharmacy course.  Qualified candidates can either go for post graduation or can work in teaching profession.

B. Pharmacy First Year Subjects – B Pharma 1st Sem 2nd Sem Books Syllabus B. Pharmacy First Year Subjects – B Pharma 1st Sem 2nd Sem Books Syllabus



Online Pharmacy Qualities – Top 10 Tips on Before Buying Prescription Drugs Online

Online Pharmacy Qualities - Top 10 Tips on Before Buying Prescription Drugs Online.

Buying Prescription Drugs Online? Here are top 10 qualities you need to look in an online pharmacy store when Buying Prescription Drugs Online. 

As you may have noted, there are thousands or even hundreds of thousands of websites selling pharmaceutical products or drugs. These are called ONLINE PHARMACIES or PHARMACIES ONLINE.
Can they be trusted? Are they safe?
Yes, in many cases but only if you are careful and exercise your due diligence: this is all the more necessary since the consequences of cheating with pharmaceutical products can be much more serious than, for example, being conned into buying a useless fiction ebook or piece of sofware.
It can even be literally a matter of life and death.
So, here are the top 10 qualities to look for in an online pharmacy.
Go through the list carefully, use it as a filter for all the online pharmacies you come across, and you’ll be covered!
1. ADEQUATE PRODUCT INFORMATION: It should be absolutely honest, say what the product does, what it does not do, side effects, incompatibilities, even… possible after-effects etc..
2. QUALITY: FDA-approved prescription drugs. Storage, Processing, Shipping must be under full compliance with US and FDA Regulations

3/4. SAFETY, SECURITY: If possible it should be accrediteOnline Pharmacy Qualities - Top 10 Tips on Before Buying Prescription Drugs Online.d by bodies such as the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) – “one of the most stringent and respected accrediting organizations dedicated to continuously improving the safety and quality of care provided to the public”.
5. EASE OF USE: Easy ordering process, Fast delivery (Fast FedEx Delivery options, if available), Clear and Easy-to-undertstand Instructions for use.
6. DISCRETION: Discreet packaging – is it really necessary for your closest neighbor to know what was in that nice package you received yesterday :-).
7. PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY: Free consultation online: Like many people, you probably find the anonymity of an online medical consultation rather more pleasant than what could be an embarrassing conversation with your personal physician and his/her office staff.
You complete an online medical questionnaire which is thoroughly reviewed by a licensed physician, and if found suitable for treatment, the prescription will be dispensed and shipped by a licensed pharmacy.
If the consulting physician has any questions or concerns regarding your medical history or needs more information, he or she should contact you by email or by phone.
8. PRICE: Discounted, as much as possible, provided low prices does not mean low quality!
9. INTERNATIONAL ORDERS, if you do not live in the US. This should not be overlooked: Some online pharmacies only sell to customers in the US and Canada. And in some cases, they only tell you AFTER you’ve gone through almost the whole of the ordering process. This can be quite frustrating.
10. GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE, including a toll free number for US residents and another number for international customers.
To be on the safe (and pleasant) side, always look for these top 10 qualities in an online pharmacy.

B. Pharmacy First Year Result – B Pharma 1st year Results – Download Latest

B. Pharmacy First Year Results Download

  1. Pharmacy first year exams were held all over the country in various states. The exam was held in various centers of the state in the month of March this year. Bachelor of Pharmacy is one of the most studied courses of present time.  It is an undergraduate academic degree that is given in the field of pharmacy.  The degree from B. Pharmacy is a prerequisite for registration to practice as a pharmacist in various parts of the country.  It will allow the candidates to perform researches and to invent new drugs.

The Bachelor of Pharmacy degree is called a B. Pharmacy in India.  It is a three year degree that is studied semester wise.  Candidates need to pass in the intermediate with at least 50% marks.  Candidates need to give entrance examination in order to get a seat in B. Pharmacy degree.  They need to take the entrance exam and once they are qualified they will be allotted with seats in B. Pharmacy colleges of the respective state.  Different states of the country will have different schedules and syllabus for B. Pharmacy.  The institutes in various states will hold B. Pharmacy exams in various months.

Almost all the B. Pharmacy institutes have conducted B. Pharmacy first year exams in the month of June this year.  Now all the institutes are planning to dispense the results of the same.  It is said that the results of B. Pharmacy first year will be out soon.  The universities will dispense the results of B. Pharmacy at various times.  Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) or All Indian Council of Technical Education (AICTE) is the authoritative body that is responsible to govern the Pharmacy exams in the entire country.

B. Pharmacy first year Syllabus

Universities conducting B. Pharmacy 1st yr examinations & Result

There are various universities and colleges that provide B. Pharmacy education to the students.  Few named universities that offer B. Pharmacy course to the students include Faculty of Pharmacy, Hamdard University, Gyani Inder Singh Institute of Professional Studies, Dehradun, Nims Institute of Pharmacy, Nims College of Pharmacy, ISF College of Pharmacy, Dr. Hari Singh Gour Central University, Alwar Pharmacy college, Bihar College of Pharmacy, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Nirma Institute of Pharmacy, Madurai Medical College, Bharti Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Delhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Shri Baba Mast Nath Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Banaras Hindu University, SGRR Institute of Pharmacy, Madras Medical College, Nalanda College of Pharmacy, Noida Institute of Engg and Technology, Gyan Vihar School of Pharmacy, Srinivas College of Pharmacy, Indira College of Pharmacy, Alard College of Pharmacy etc.

  1. Pharmacy First Year Result

The results of B. Pharmacy first year are going to be released soon by all the universities.  As there are many universities and colleges all around the country, they will release their respective B. Pharmacy first year results on specific dates decided by the respective universities.  Like every year this year too scores of students have enrolled under the universities and colleges to take the B. Pharmacy exam.  Now all the students are waiting to know their results.  All the universities will be dispensing the results of B. Pharmacy first year soon or later.  One by one the universities will announce the results date and will announce the results too.  As the exams were already completed, now all the students are eager to know their results.

Students can check their results by visiting the official sites of respective colleges and universities.  The official sites of the exam conducting authorities will be uploaded with the results date and time.  Soon there will be an announcement about the results release date by the board.  Candidates are advised to follow up with the official pages of the examination conducting bodies to know the latest information.  Students of Pharmacy can also follow up with our page to know more updates from the colleges and universities.  We will update all the latest updates about Pharmacy results from all universities and colleges in our page.  You can check your results online subject wise from the official site.  Candidates can check their results online by visiting the official sites of respective universities and colleges.  Students can also check their results from other sites that provide results like manabadi.com, school9.com etc.

B. Pharmacy first year Books list

B. Pharmacy First Year Result - B Pharma 1st year Results - Download

How to check B. Pharmacy first year results?

  • Go to the official site of your respective college or university or manabadi.com or schools9.com.
  • Click on the B. Pharmacy First Year results link and enter your particulars.
  • After entering the details press on submit button.
  • Your result will be displayed on the screen with subject wise marks.
  • Save your result for future use.
  • B. Pharmacy First Year Result - B Pharma 1st year Results - Latest

Top 6 Pharmacy Institutes (COLLEGES) in India Bangalore Delhi Pune Mumbai – Pharmaceutical Universities

Top 6 Pharmacy Institutes (COLLEGES) in India Bangalore Delhi Pune Mumbai - Pharmaceutical Universities

Top Pharmacy Institutes in India.

In today’s articles, I am going to tell you about the top 6 institutes in India that are specialised in Pharmacy.

The top 6 Pharma Colleges:

Best Pharmacy College in Bangalore Karnataka:

  • Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal, and Karnataka: It was established in the year 1963. It aims at providing value based pharmaceutical education to meet the needs of the industry, hospital and community in order to improve the infrastructure and facility for learning, practice and research. It offers DPharm. , BPharm. , MPharm. , PharmD. , Post Baccalaureate and Ph. D programmes. The facilities that it provides are library, laboratories, classrooms, lecture hall, Computer Center, seminar hall, sports & games. The college provides various courses that include Bachelor of Pharmacy, Doctor of Pharmacy, Bachelor of Pharmacy, Master of Pharmacy and Diploma in Pharmacy. Its main moto is to excellent in this field and to provide a good environment to its staff and students.

Good Pharmacy College in Chandigarh:

  • University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (UIPS), Chandigarh: This was established in the year 1994 as it was a department earlier and now it has turned out into an institute. It is also collaborating with other different institutions, both at the national and international level in order to provide good teaching. It gives us a progressive environment and aims for professional excellence. The facilities that it provides include library, laboratories, class rooms, internet, sports and also guarantees placements to all the students. The courses that it offers are Bachelor of Pharmacy, Master of Pharmacy and Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacy.

Top Pharmaceutical Sciences College in New Delhi:

  • Jamai Hamdard, New Delhi: It is located in New Delhi, established in 1989, and has also been awarded ‘A’ grade by the national Assessment and Accreditation Council of India. The university offers many graduate programmes in the field of Modern Medicine and other post graduation programmes as well. The faculties include, Pharmacy, Management studies and Information Technology, Medicine, Nursing, Islamic studies and social sciences, and Science that further includes Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Botany, Toxicology, Chemistry and Clinical Research. The university also provides the activities that are required for placements and many companies visit the companies that include HCL technologies, Infosys Lupin, Biocon, Quark, Headstrong, Cisco and many more.

Best Pharma College in Pune:

  • Poona College of Pharmacy, Pune, Maharashtra: It was established in the year 1981 and is affiliated to University of Pune, Pune. It provides a variety of teaching and learning techniques which gives good skills and knowledge to the students in various sections and departments. It provides facilities that include library, laboratories, hostels, medical facilities, canteen, placements, sports, games and gymnasium. It offers many courses like Advance Diploma in Technical and Analytical Chemistry, Bachelor of Pharmacy and Master of Pharmacy. It has also constituted a placement cell that guides and helps students for the training and placement. The institute is well quipped and has a very spacious library with LCD projector facilities as well.
  • Institute of Pharmacy, Nirmal University, Ahmadabad: It was established 2003 and provides many graduation and post graduation courses. It aims at providing excellence in pharmaceutical education and providing knowledge in such a way to young men and women that they can go through all the challenges in this field. It focuses on the overall development of the candidates; it not only provides good professionals but also help the candidates in their progress. It provides facilities that include library, laboratories, class rooms, internet, animal house, canteen, hostel, bank, sports and transportation. It offers various courses like Bachelor of Pharmacy, Master of Pharmacy in Pharmaceutical Analysis, Master of Pharmacy in Pharmaceutical Technology and Bio-Pharmaceutics, Master of Pharmacy in Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance and Master of Pharmacy in Pharmacology.
  • Top 6 Pharmacy Institutes (COLLEGES) in India Bangalore Delhi Pune Mumbai - Pharmaceutical Universities

Top Pharmacy College in Mumbai Maharastra:

  • Bombay College of Pharmacy, Mumbai: It was established in the year 1957 and comes on the 6th It was founded by the Indian Pharmaceutical Association, Maharashtra State Branch with financial assistance from Government of Maharashtra and other several cooperation’s. Its mission is to educate and provide training to students in such a way that it results in improvement of health in the society. It provides facilities that include library, laboratories, class rooms, internet and sports. It offers two courses which are Master in Pharmacy and Bachelor in Pharmacy.
  • Top 6 Pharmacy Institutes (COLLEGES) in India Bangalore Delhi Pune Mumbai – Pharmaceutical Universities Top Pharmacy Institutes in India

Thus, we see the top 6 institutes in the field of Pharmacy we mean Top 6 Pharmacy Institutes (COLLEGES) in India Bangalore Delhi Pune Mumbai – Pharmaceutical Universities.