World Pharmacist Day – National Pharmacy Day Theme Images Quotes Celebration Date 2017


World pharmacist day – National Pharmacy Day Theme Images Quotes Celebration Date 2016

when is world pharmacist day?

September 25

National Pharmacy Day Date:

International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) announces the 6th World Pharmacists Day, to hold on September 25, 2017 across the globe.

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World Pharmacists Day 2018 Theme:

Pharmacists are your medicines experts”

World Pharmacists Day 2017 Theme:

“From research to health care: Your pharmacist is at your service” is the theme of this year’s World Pharmacists Day

Happy World Pharmacists Day
World Pharmacists day wishes images

World pharmacist day 2016 theme:

Theme for this year’s event: “Pharmacists: Caring for you”.

National pharmacist day 2016 theme details:

Meaning: the important role of pharmacists in providing care to the public, and also to highlight the emotional connection they have with their patients.

Why pharmacist day is celebrated:

The main objective of celebrating the Day is to update the knowledge base of the dispensers, awareness of common people regarding proper use of medicines, preventive measures against diseases and overall development of healthcare system. He said pharmacist community is one of the three main pillars of the healthcare system with doctors and nurses being the other two.We believe that this celebration will be a boost to the pharmacists as healthcare providers and a recognition for their relentless services to the mankind and Pharmacists have a vital role in the outcome of pharmacological therapies and ultimately strive to improve patients’ quality of life.

“Pharmacists: Caring for you” is the theme of this year’s World Pharmacists Day.

“This year’s theme was chosen to reflect the important role of pharmacists in providing care to the public, and also to highlight the emotional connection they have with their patients. The role of pharmacists has evolved from that of a provider of medicines to that of a provider of care. Pharmacists have a vital role in the outcome of pharmacological therapies and ultimately strive to improve patients’ quality of life,” said FIP President Dr Carmen Peña.

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World Pharmacists Day, now in its sixth year, is used by FIP’s members around the globe to highlight the impact and added value of the pharmacy profession and its role in improving health to authorities, other professions and the media, as well as to the general public.

World Pharmacists Day 2017 theme

FIP has produced a number of resources in the six official United Nations languages which pharmacists and professional associations can use in support of World Pharmacists Day. These include a new look logo, official campaign images that feature real pharmacists, and materials for social media.

FIP is inviting individual pharmacists to support World Pharmacists Day by creating profile pictures for social media using an official FIP Twibbon or a specially designed “I care for you” placard, which can be printed and held in photographs. The resources are all free to use and available below.

World pharmacist day quotes:

I am your most accessible healthcare provider
I am a driving force behind discovering new medicines
I am the key that unlocks all you need to know about your medicines I am with you in sickness and in health

The Night-Time Sniffling, Sneezing, Coughing, Aching, Stuffy Head, Fever, So- You- Can-Rest Medicine

We Feel Your Pain

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Proud to be a pharmacist

I am your most accessible healthcare provider
Pharmacist says: I am a driving force behind discovering new medicines
Pharmacist is the key that unlocks all you need to know about your medicines I am with you in sickness and in health

World pharmacist day 2016

World Pharmacists Day 2016:


World Pharmacists Day, now in its sixth year, is used by FIP’s members around the globe to highlight the impact and added value of the pharmacy profession and its role in improving health to authorities, other professions and the media, as well as to the general public.

World pharmacist day Wishes & Images:



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Hello buddies.. Whatsapp Status for Pharma students. Welcome to your most favorite site We are here with today’ shot topic whatsapp status. Especially for you Whatsapp Status for Pharma students.

What do you call a pharmacist working at a veterinary drug company… a FARM-ASSIST

A miracle drug is one that has now the same price as last year.

Pharmacy student = educated drug dealer

A new drug for Yuppies: It doesn’t give a false sense of security or relaxation — it makes you enjoy being tense.

Take my advice — I’m not using it.

I got lost in thoughts. It was unfamiliar territory.

Sure, I’d love to help you out … now, which way did you come in?

Whatsapp Status for Pharma Students

I would like to slip into something more comfortable – like a coma.

I started with nothing, and I still have most of it.

Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?

Sleeping Pills – Warning, may cause drowsiness.
The patient had waffles for breakfast and anorexia for lunch.
Take one capsule by mouth three times daily until gone. On a box of pills.
The patient lives at home with his mother, father, and pet turtle, who is presently enrolled in day care three times a week.

Whatsapp Status for Pharma Students

Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?

There is no dance without the dancers.

Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.

The problem with trouble shooting is that trouble shoots back.

If you are here – who is running hell?


Whatsapp Status for Pharmacy Students

If nothing was learned, nothing was taught.

Very funny, Scotty. Now beam down my clothes…
The baby was delivered, the cord clamped and cut and handed to the paediatrician, who breathed and cried immediately.
My doctor gave me two weeks to live. I hope they’re in August. Ronnie Shakes

After a year in therapy my psychiatrist said to me, ‘Maybe life isn’t for everyone’. – Larry Brown.

‘Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I’m a Christmas bell.’

‘Take these pills and if they don’t work, give me a ring.’

A woman walks into a pharmacy and asks the pharmacist for some arsenic. He asks “What for?” She says, “I want to kill my husband.” He says “Sorry, I can’t do that.” She then reaches into her handbag a pulls out a photo of her husband in bed with the pharmacist’s wife and hands it to him. He says, “You didn’t tell me you had a prescription…”

Always remember you’re unique, just like everyone else.

Status for Pharmacist

Everybody repeat after me: “We are all individuals.”

Confession is good for the soul, but bad for your career.

A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory.

I want patience – AND I WANT IT NOW!!!!

A day for firm decisions! Or is it?

Am I ambivalent? Well, yes and no.

Bombs don’t kill people, explosions kill people.

Bureaucrats cut red tape, lengthwise.

Help stamp out, eliminate and abolish redundancy!

How many of you believe in telekinesis? Raise MY hand!

A dog has an owner. A cat has a staff.

Every organisation is perfectly designed to get the results they are getting.

Inspirational One Liners for Pharmacist

Welcome to Utah: set your watch back 20 years.

Seen it all, done it all, can’t remember most of it.

Under my gruff exterior lies an even gruffer interior.

Jesus loves you, it’s everybody else that thinks you’re an a…

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.

Click to see Pharmacist JOKES

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research.

I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

You have the capacity to learn from your mistakes, and you will learn a lot today.

Failure is not an option. It’s bundled with your software.

I think sex is better than logic, but I can’t prove it.

I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol.

When everything’s coming your way, you’re in the wrong lane and going the wrong way.

If at first you don’t succeed, redefine success.

If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.

One Liners for Pharma students

I want to go to IKEA, hide in a wardrobe, wait for someone to open it and yell “WELCOME TO NARNIA”.

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass … it’s about learning to dance in the rain!

My conscience is clean — I have never used it.

Sugar – Honey – Iced – Tea … Guess what it means.

Sounds like its time to get that Enterprise built!

Time does’nt exist. Clocks exists.

My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.

Talk is cheap. Until you hire a lawyer.

There is no dance without the dancers.

Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.

The problem with trouble shooting is that trouble shoots back.

If you are here – who is running hell?

If nothing was learned, nothing was taught.

Very funny, Scotty. Now beam down my clothes…

The dogs bark but the caravan moves on. [Arabic saying]

See scope of Pharm D

Which one of these is the non-smoking lifeboat?

Treat each day as your last; one day you will be right.

Red meat is not bad for you. Fuzzy green meat is bad for you.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

Isn’t it scary that doctors call what they do “practice”?

The problem with sex in the movies is, that the popcorn usually spills.

If I want your opinion, I’ll ask you to fill out the necessary forms.

Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun.

99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

Joke Status for Pharmacy students

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

The last thing I want to do is insult you. But it IS on the list.

I don’t have a solution, but I do admire the problem.

The only substitute for good manners is fast reflexes.

Support bacteria – they’re the only culture some people have.

Letting the cat out of the bag is a whole lot easier than putting it back in.

Well, here I am! What are your other two wishes?

One Liners about life

Sounds like its time to get that Enterprise built!

Time does’nt exist. Clocks exists.

My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.

Talk is cheap. Until you hire a lawyer.

Take my advice — I’m not using it.

I got lost in thoughts. It was unfamiliar territory.

Sure, I’d love to help you out … now, which way did you come in?

I would like to slip into something more comfortable – like a coma.

I started with nothing as pharmacist, and I still have most of it.

The dogs bark but the caravan moves on. [Arabic saying]

Despite the cost of living, have you noticed how popular it remains?

All power corrupts. Absolute power is pretty neat, though.

Whatsapp Status for Pharma Students

Pharmacy Jokes – Funny Pharma Doctor Patient Pharmacist Medical Joke

Pharma jokes for whatsapp

Pharmacy Jokes – Funny Pharma Doctor Patient Pharmacist Medical  Joke: Here are real funny pharmacy jokes for you to share in your college or school and even you can use them in your work place.

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Pharmacy Jokes for you

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Pharmacy Jokes

Pharmacy student = educated drug dealer  🙂

Pharmacy Jokes 1 : A doctor is to give a speech at the local AMA dinner. He jots down notes for his speech. Unfortunately, when he stands in front of his colleagues later that night, he finds that he can’t read his notes. So he asks, “Is there a pharmacist in the house?”

A Polak was suffering from constipation, so his doctor
prescribed suppositiories. A week later the Pole complained to the doctor that they didn’t produce the desired results.
“Have you been taking them regulary?” the doctor asked.
“What do you think I’ve been doing,” the Pole said, “Shoving them up my ass?”

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Clean Pharmacy Jokes 2 

Pharmacy Jokes: 
A man walks into a pharmacy, buys a condom, then walks
out of the store laughing hysterically. The pharmacist
thinks this is weird, but hey, there’s no law
preventing weird people from buying condoms. Who
knows, maybe it’s a good thing.

The next day, the same man comes back to the store,
purchases yet another condom, and once again he leaves
the store laughing wildly. This piques the interest of
the pharmacist. “What could be so funny about
buying a condom, anyway?” So he tells his clerk “If
this guy ever comes back, I want you to follow him to
see where he goes.” Sure enough, the next day the same
man is back, he buys the condom, and again starts
cracking up with laughter, then leaves. The
pharmacist tells his clerk, go follow the guy. About
an hour later, the clerk comes back to the store.

“Did you follow him? Where did he go?” asks the

The clerk replies “Your house.”

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Another best  set of two Pharmacy Jokes for you

Pharmacy student Jokes pharmacy medicine jokes

Pharmacist Jokes

Pharmacy Jokes 3: A man goes in for an interview for a job as a TV news broadcaster. The interview went quite well but the trouble was he kept winking and stammering.

The interviewer said, “Although you have a lot of the qualities we’re looking for, the fact that you keep winking and stammering disqualifies you.”

“Oh, that’s no problem,” said the man. “If I take a couple of aspirin I stop winking and stammering for an hour.”

“Show me,” said the interviewer.

So the man reached into his pocket. Embarrassingly he pulled out loads of condoms of every variety – ribbed, flavoured, colored and everything before he found the packet of aspirin. He took the aspirin and soon talked perfectly and stopped winking.

The interviewer said, “That’s amazing, but I don’t think we could employ someone who’d be womanizing all over the country.”

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“Excuse me!” exclaimed the man, “I’m a happily married man, not a womanizer!”

“Well how do you explain all the condoms, then?” asked the interviewer.

The man replied, “Have you ever gone into a pharmacy, stammering and winking, and asked for a packet of aspirin?”

Are you a pharma student then this will help you when you look for Pharmacy Jokes.

Pharma Jokes Pharmacist Jokes Pharm D Jokes

Pharma Jokes

Pharmacy Jokes 4 : A doctor, a lawyer and an engineer had been friends since childhood. One day they were out playing golf and there was a foursome ahead of them playing along very slowly. They felt impatient. The pro happened to swing by on his cart and they flagged him down. “Why can’t that group ahead play through?” one of them asked the pro. The pro explained that this was a group of firefighters who had saved the clubhouse in the big fire last year but they were blinded by a sudden flashback.
This gave them all thought. In a moment, the doctor said “send them to my clinic, we have been able to do great things for people blinded in this way.” Then the lawyer said, “my firm can help them recover the money needed for their eye operations.” The engineer just said, “why can’t they play at night?”

Pharmacy Jokes 5: 

Teacher: How to write four between five?

Pharma student: Nice joke.
MBA student: not possible

ENGINEERING student: F(IV)E. 😛

Pharma jokes for whatsapp Pharma jokes Pharmacist jokes

Pharmacy Jokes: 6

A man goes into a drugstore and asks the pharmacist if he can give him something for the hiccups. The pharmacist promptly reaches out and slaps the man’s face.
“What did you do that for?” the man asks.
“Well, you don’t have the hiccups anymore, do you?”
The man says, “No, but my wife out in the car still does!”

Pharmacy Jokes: 7

Pharmacy Jokes

How to Write a Pharmacy Progress Note ?

Pharmacy Jokes: 8

Pharmacy Jokes - Funny Pharma Doctor Patient Pharmacist Medical Joke

Pharmacy Jokes: 9

pharmacy funnies

Pharmacy Jokes

Pharmacy Jokes: 10

A doctor is to give a speech at the local AMA dinner. He jots down notes for his speech. Unfortunately, when he stands in front of his colleagues later that night, he finds that he can’t read his notes. So he asks, “Is there a pharmacist in the house?”

Pharm D Jokes in college

A miracle drug is one that has now the same price as last year.

A new drug for Yuppies: It doesn’t give a false sense of security or relaxation — it makes you enjoy being tense.

Pharmacy Jokes: 11

A man goes in for an interview for a job as a TV news broadcaster. The interview went quite well but the trouble was he kept winking and stammering.
The interviewer said, “Although you have a lot of the qualities we’re looking for, the fact that you keep winking and stammering disqualifies you.”

“Oh, that’s no problem,” said the man. “If I take a couple of aspirin I stop winking and stammering for an hour.”

“Show me,” said the interviewer.

Funny Pharma Jokes

So the man reached into his pocket. Embarrassingly he pulled out loads of condoms of every variety – ribbed, flavoured, colored and everything before he found the packet of aspirin. He took the aspirin and soon talked perfectly and stopped winking.

The interviewer said, “That’s amazing, but I don’t think we could employ someone who’d be womanizing all over the country.”

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“Excuse me!” exclaimed the man, “I’m a happily married man, not a womanizer!”

“Well how do you explain all the condoms, then?” asked the interviewer.

The man replied, “Have you ever gone into a pharmacy, stammering and winking, and asked for a packet of aspirin?”

Pharmacy Humour 

Pharmacy Jokes: 13

A guy goes to a travel agent and books a two-week cruise for himself and his girlfriend. A couple days before the cruise, the travel agent calls and says the cruise has been canceled, but he can get them on a three-day cruise instead. The guy says “OK,” and goes to the pharmacy to buy three Dramamine and three condoms.
Next day, the agent calls back and says he now can book a five-day cruise. The guy says he’ll take it. Returns to the same pharmacy and buys two more Dramamine and two more condoms.

The following day, the travel agent calls again and says he can now book an eight-day cruise. Guy says, “OK,” and goes back to the pharmacy and asks for three more Dramamine and three more condoms.

Finally, the pharmacist asks, “Look, if it makes you sick, how come you keep doing it?”

Pharmacy Jokes: 15

A young man goes into a drugstore to buy condoms. The pharmacist says the condoms come in packs of 3, 9 or 12 and asks which the young man wants.
“Well,” he said, “I’ve been seeing this girl for a while and she’s really hot. I want the condoms because I think tonight’s “the” night. We’re having dinner with her parents, and then we’re going out. And I’ve got a feeling I’m gonna get lucky after that. Once she’s had me, she’ll want me all the time, so you’d better give me the 12 pack.” The young man makes his purchase and leaves.

Later that evening, he sits down to dinner with his girlfriend and her parents. He asks if he might give the blessing, and they agree. He begins the prayer, but continues praying for several minutes. The girl leans over and says, “You never told me that you were such a religious person.” He leans over to her and whispers, “You never told me that your father is a pharmacist.”

Did you hear about the new “morning after” pill for men?
It changes their blood type.

Pharmacy Jokes: 16

An elderly woman went into the doctor’s office. When the doctor asked why she was there, she replied, “I’d like to have some birth control pills.”
Taken aback, the doctor thought for a minute and then said, “Excuse me, Mrs. Smith, but you’re 75 years old. What possible use could you have for birth control pills?”

Pharmacy Jokes: 17

B pharmacy jokes

The woman responded, “They help me sleep better.”

The doctor thought some more and continued, “How in the world do birth control pills help you to sleep?”

The woman said, “I put them in my granddaughter’s orange juice and I sleep better at night.”

A pharmacist looks out the front of the store and sees a woman holding a bottle jumping up and down in the parking lot. The pharmacist walks out to the parking lot and asks the woman whats the matter. She replies ” I saw it said ‘Shake Well’ after I took it”.

Customer gets a topical cream. Direction: apply locally two times a day.
Customer says to the pharmacist: “I can’t apply locally, I’m going overseas.”

Pharmacy Jokes: 20 

A pharmacist is going over the directions on a prescription bottle with an elderly patient. “Be sure not to take this more often than every 4 hours,” the pharmacist says. “Don’t worry,” replies the patient. “It takes me 4 hours to get the lid off”.

A funeral procession is going up a steep hill on main street when the door of the hearst flys open and the coffin falls out then speeds down main street into a pharmacy and crashes into the counter. The lids pops open and the deceased says to the astonished pharmacist, “You got anything to stop this coffin ?”

A front end clerk in a pharmacy has just been admonished by the owner for missing too many sales. “I’m sorry” the boss says “But one more missed sale and your fired”
The next customer that comes in has a terrible cough and asks the problem clerk for help. Unable to recall where the cough remedies are, the nervous clerk points to a box of Ex-Lax and says “Here, buy this then go over to our cooler and take all of it with plenty of water”.

Pharmacy Jokes: 21

The customer thanks him and obliges. Finishing his last glass of water, the customer exits the pharmacy. Once outside he stops, takes a few faltering steps, then hugs a telephone pole. The boss, having witnessed the entire scene, approaches the clerk and asks him what he recommended.

“Ex-Lax,” says the clerk hesitantly.
“Ex-Lax !” yells the boss. “That won’t help a cough!”
“Sure it does,” says the clerk. “Look,.. he’s afraid to cough.”

Lady says to pharmacist: “Why does my prescription medication have 40 side effects?”
Pharmacist replies: “Cause that’s all we’ve documented so far.”

B pharmacy whatsapp jokes
A woman and her husband approach their pharmacist and begin to ask questions like if the pharmacy checks for medications past their expiration date and the reliability of a certain company that makes birth control pills. Finally the pharmacist asks the couple what’s the matter. The wife explains, “In spite of using birth control pills I continue to get pregnant.”

Pharmacodynamics Basic Notes
The pharmacist is astounded and asks the woman if she takes them every day.
The woman replies, “My husband takes them every day.”
“What ?” the pharmacist croaks.
“Yep. After we read all those potential side-effects, my husband said ‘ Ah honey.. I don’t what you taking that stuff.. it’s too dangerous,…..let ME take them.’ “

How pharmacists do it…
Pharmacists do it with drugs.
Pharmacists do it by prescription.
Pharmacists do it with side effects.
Pharmacists do it over the counter.
Pharmacists do it with scruples.
Pharmacists do it with a grinding motion.

Pharmacy Jokes: 25

How many pharmacists does it take to change a light bulb?
Just one, but he has to do it ten days, three times a day.

Two young pharmacists are talking professionally at their office.

Boy Pharmacist. : What do you want this time, with coat or without coat ?
Gal Pharmacist: with coating, because I don’t want to release granules earlier.
Boy Pharmacist: So, Shall I start molding?
Gal Pharmacist: No, No… first close the door and window and switch off, because this work is light sensitive.

Pharmacy Jokes: 26

What do you call a pharmacist working at a  veterinary drug company… a FARM-ASSISTpharmacist adedamola ilori

Guy runs into a pharmacy. He dashes to the counter and exclaims, “Please, help! I’ve got a splinter in my finger and I don’t know what to do!” The pharmacist grabs a bottle of Ichthammol Ointment and says to the man, “Here my good sir…Try this black salve.” To which the man replies, “This is no time for heavy metal music!”Pat Lare

What do scots take for fungal groin infections?
‘Sporranox!’Sarah Hird

An elderly woman went into the doctor’s office. When the doctor asked why she was there, she replied, “I’d like to have some birth control pills.”

Taken aback, the doctor thought for a minute and then said, “Excuse me, Mrs. Smith, but you’re 75 years old. What possible use could you have for birth control pills?”

The woman responded, “They help me sleep better.”

The doctor thought some more and continued, “How in the world do birth control pills help you to sleep?”

The woman said, “I put them in my granddaughter’s orange juice and I sleep better at night.”

A blonde walks into a pharmacy and asks the assistant for some bottom deodorant. The pharmacist, a little bemused, explains to the woman that they don’t sell bottom deodorant, and never have.

Doctor Pharmacist Jokes

Unfazed, the blonde assures the pharmacist that she has been buying the stuff from this store on a regular basis, and would like some more.

“I’m sorry,” says the pharmacist, “we don’t have any.”

“But I always get it here,” says the blonde.

“Do you have the container it comes in?”

“Yes!” said the blonde, “I will go get it.”

She returns with the container and hands it to the pharmacist who looks at it and says to her, “This is just a normal stick of underarm deodorant.”

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The annoyed blonde snatches the container back and reads out loud from the container, “To apply, push up bottom.”

A man walks into a pharmacy and goes to the counter. Standing behind the
counter is a young woman.
“May I speak to the pharmacist?” he asks.
“Well,” she replies, “I am the pharmacist.”
He looks very uncomfortable, and asks for a *male* pharmacist, as he has a
“male problem.”
She informs him that only she and her sister work at this particular
He blushes and says, “Well, I really do need help, so I guess I’ll ask you…
I have a problem. I have a constant erection, and nothing I do seems to get rid
of it. It’s been like this for three months now. Can you give me anything for
The woman looks thoughtful, and says, “Hold on, I’ll go in back and ask my
After a couple of minutes she returns and says, “We’ll give you half of the
business and it’s profits, but that’s all we can give you for it…”

Pharm D Jokes in college

Medical Jokes

New Drugs For Women

D A M N I T O L (<—-my favorite 😀 :thumbup: )
Take 2 and the rest of the world can go to hell for up
to 8 full hours.

Plant extract that treats mom’s depression by
rendering preschoolers unconscious for up to two days.

Suppository that eliminates melancholy and loneliness
by reminding you of how awful they were as teenagers
and how you couldn’t wait till they moved out.

Liquid silicone drink for single women. Two full cups
swallowed before an evening out increases breast size,
decreases intelligence, and prevents conception.

When taken with Peptobimbo, can cause dangerously low
IQ, resulting in enjoyment of country music and pickup

Increases life expectancy of commuters by controlling
road rage and the urge to flip off other drivers.

Potent anti-boy-otic for older women. Increases
resistance to such lethal lines as, “You make me want
to be a better person … Can we get naked now?..”

Injectable stimulant taken prior to shopping.
Increases potency, duration, and credit limit of
spending spree.

Relieves headache caused by a man who can’t remember
your birthday, anniversary or phone number.

A spray carried in a purse or wallet to be used on
anyone too eager to share their life stories with
total strangers in elevators.

When administered to a husband, provides the same
irritation level as nagging him all weekend, saving
the wife the time and trouble of doing it herself.

A chemist walks into a drug store and asks the pharmacist, “Do you have any
acetylsalicylic acid?”
“You mean aspirin?” asked the pharmacist.
“That’s it, I can never remember that word.”

umm… a pharmacist without scruples isn’t worth a dram

[insert old person sound]

Old pharmacists never die, they just lose their potency….

Doctor Jokes

Favorite forged prescription:


now why did he get caught?

A chemist walks into a drug store and asks the pharmacist, “Do you have any
acetylsalicylic acid?”
“You mean aspirin?” asked the pharmacist.
“That’s it, I can never remember that word.”

A Man goes into a pharmacy and asks for a vial of Cyanide. The pharmacist, trying to remain professional, asked what he wanted it for.
He answered, “I want to kill my wife.”

“I’m sorry Sir,” the pharmacist replied, “but you will have to understand under such circumstances I can’t sell you any Cyanide.”

The guy reaches into his pocket, pulls out his wallet and produces a photo of his ugly wife. The pharmacist blushes and replies, “I am sorry Sir, I didn’t realize you had a prescription.”

Pharmacy Students Joke:

1.First Year

2. Lectures

3. Attendance

4. Assignments


A man went into a drug store in Baltimore, pulled a gun, announced a robbery, and pulled a “Hefty-bag” face mask over his head. He then and realised that he’d forgotten to cut eyeholes in the mask. He was arrested by security men.

Who To Trust? Doctor or Google?

If you trust Google more than your doctor than maybe it’s time to switch doctors.
Jadelr and Cristina Cordova
Sugar Test

One day an Irishman called Seamus went into a pharmacy in Clonmel. He reached into his jacket pocket and took out a bottle of Irish whiskey and a teaspoon.

Seamus proceeded to pour some of the amber liquid into the teaspoon and offered it to the chemist.

“Could you taste this for me, please?” Asked Seamus

The chemist took the teaspoon, put it into his mouth, swilled the liquid around and swallowed it.

“Does that taste sweet to you?” says Seamus.

“No, not at all,” says the pharmacist.

“Oh that’s a relief,” says Seamus.

“Doctor Flannigan told me to come here and get my urine tested for sugar.”

Wedding Preparation – Kindly sent in by Sarah Cowling
Jacob, age 92, and Rebecca, age 89, living in Devon , are all excited about their decision to get married. They go for a stroll to discuss the wedding, and on the way they pass a pharmacists. Jacob suggests they go in.

Jacob addresses the man behind the counter: “Are you the owner?”
The Pharmacist answers, “Yes.”

Jacob: “We’re about to get married. Do you sell heart medication?”
Pharmacist: “Of course we do.”

6.End of semester/New semester

7. Interviews!!

8. Strange facts!

And last not to mention….

Thank you. I hope so many loads of memories relived. Every bit of college g was happiest and beautiful in one or other way.

A group of pensioners were discussing their medical problems at the Day Centre coffee morning.

‘Do you realise,’ said one, ‘My arm is so weak I can hardly hold this coffee cup.’

‘Yes, I know.’ replied the second, ‘My cataracts are so bad I can’t see to pour the coffee.’

‘I can’t turn my head,’ rejoined the third, ‘because of the arthritis in my neck.’

‘My blood pressure pills make my dizzy,’ commented the fourth, adding, ‘I guess that’s the price we pay for getting old.’

‘Well, it’s not all bad.’ piped up the first, ‘We should be thankful that we can still drive.’


Pharmacist Jokes Latest

Jacob: “Medicine for rheumatism?”
Pharmacist: “Definitely.”

Jacob: “Medicine for memory problems, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s?”
Pharmacist: “Yes, a large variety. The works.”

Jacob: “What about vitamins, sleeping pills, Geritol, antidotes for Parkinson’s disease?”
Pharmacist: “Absolutely..”

Jacob: “Everything for heartburn and indigestion?”
Pharmacist: “We sure do.”

Jacob: “You sell wheelchairs and walkers and canes?”
Pharmacist: “All speeds and sizes.”

Jacob: “In that case, we’d like to use this store for our wedding presents list.”


Remember, humor is subjective, so not all of these jokes may tickle your funny bone, but I hope you find some of them amusing!

  1. Certainly! Here are 20 pharmacy-related jokes for you:
  2. Why did the pill go to school? Because it wanted to be a little capsule!
  3. What do you call a pharmacist who knows how to play the guitar? A med-rockin’ pharmacist!
  4. Did you hear about the pharmacist who lost his license? He just couldn’t make enough cents.
  5. What did the pharmacist say to the rude customer? “You must have a prescription for your bad attitude!”
  6. Why did the tablet go to therapy? Because it had too many issues to swallow!
  7. How do you make a hormone? Don’t pay her!
  8. Why do pharmacists make great baseball players? They know how to handle the drugs!
  9. What’s a pharmacist’s favorite game? Pill-ow fight!
  10. Why did the pharmacist go broke? Because he lost all his patients!
  11. What did one aspirin say to the other? “I’ll stop your pain if you stop splitting headaches!”
  12. How does a pharmacist greet you on Halloween? “Trick or treatment!”
  13. What did the sick grape say at the pharmacy? “I’m not feeling so wine.”
  14. Why did the pharmacist bring a ladder to work? Because he heard the flu shot was on the top shelf!
  15. What do you call a pharmacist who doesn’t make mistakes? An “ex-chemist”!
  16. Why did the pharmacist keep his job at the fruit stand? Because he knew how to handle all kinds of “prescriptions”!
  17. Why do pharmacists always look so calm? Because they know how to keep their composure!
  18. How do you organize a space party? You “planet” at the pharmacy!
  19. What did the grape say when it got stepped on at the pharmacy? “Nothing, it just let out a little wine.”
  20. Why was the pharmacy employee always so happy? Because he had the right “dose” of humor!
  21. Why do pharmacists make terrible secret agents? Because they can’t keep a prescription secret!

Top 10 Pharmacy Colleges in Delhi – B & M Pharmacy Subjects

Top 10 Pharmacy Colleges in Delhi -B Pharma & M Pharmacy Subjects

Top 10 Pharmacy Colleges in Delhi: A bachelor of pharmacy is an undergraduate academic degree in the field of pharmacy. Pharmacy is the art and science of dispensing medicine.To register as a pharmacist, one must possess this degree.pharmacists have the opportunity to improve the health of people and even save lives.In India,bachelor of pharmacy is popularly known as B-pharma.It is a 4 yr program with both annual and semester schemes available.In order to be eligible, one must pass with 50% marks in 10+2 ( or equivalent examination)with biology as one of the subjects.B-pharma colleges must be approved by AICTE or pharmacy council of India ( PCI).Minimum qualification required for registration as a pharmacist is D.pharma,which can be used as a lateral entry for B.pharma.B.pharma has a wide scope now a days and young generation is keen to see it with fresh eyes.Delhi is the capital of India and every year over million students travel to Delhi to fullfill their dreams to study at a reputed college. Here is listed top 10 pharma colleges in Delhi :-

Top 10 Pharmacy Colleges in Delhi -B Pharma & M Pharmacy Subjects

Top 10 Pharmacy Colleges in Delhi

<>Delhi Institute Of Pharmaceutical Science And Research

<> Jamia Hamdard University

<>Aditya College Of Pharmacy And Science

<> Baba Haridas College Of Pharmacy

<> Chotu Ram Rural Institute Of Technology

<>Maharaja Surajmal Institute Of Pharmacy

<> St.Lawrence Pharmacy College

<> Jamiat- Ulama- I – Hind

<>University Of Delhi, North Campus

<> Subramaniam Bharti College Of Science And Technology

 B & M Pharmacy Subjects

As B.pharma is purely related to human body and drugs ,a b.pharma student must have proper knowledge in these disciplines. B.pharma course is divided into semesters and each semester is further divided into proper subjects to give relevant information to future pharmacists.There are 5 topics enlisted among each semester which can be broadly grouped into 4 categories:-

1.Human anatomy and physiology

This includes subjects like
a)Anatomy , physiology and health education( APHE l)
b)(APHE ll)

2.Pharmaceutical maths and biostatistics

This includes subjects like:-
a)Basic electronic and computer application
b)Remedial mathematic biology


This enlists subjects:-

b)Pharmaceutical analysis

c) Pharmacology

4.pharmaceutical biotechnology

B.pharma subjects provide an outline of the properties of the drugs and their effects on the human body so that future pharmacists can use this knowledge to become masters in their field and achieve educational as well as practical knowledge.

Can we Invest on a Pharma Company? Pharmaceuticals Industry Business Benefits


Can we Invest on a pharma company? Pharmaceuticals Benefits in business: This article is all about  pharmaceuticals as investment options and the benefits of investing in a pharma company rather than any other industries. You can choose between  pharma and biotech depending on your interest exposure and investment  options you have. You can have R&D or F&D, manufacturing , marketing, sales or QA , QC departments.

When you think about the benefits of investing in a pharma company you can hear these two things.

  1. Pharmaceutical companies will always generate profits. I.e benefits
  2. Probability of getting good returns after investing in industry

The first statement is absolutely FALSE. But the second statement is Highly suportable. So now you got what I’m going to talk about this.

Before we approach towards investment perspectives , here are some facts regarding Pharmaceutical industry.

Pharmaceutical Industry Facts

  1. Pharmaceutical Industry size as per WHO – $300 BILLION. that’s why major pharmaceutical industries are called BIG PHARMA .

  2. Over 5000 drugs are under development 70% of these are first line or firsorder which means they can be used for major diseases and disorders.

  3. Indian pharmaceutical industry is growing at CAGR of 14% to 16% per annum.

  4. India is a hub of generic manufacturers and more than 70% of drugs manufactured in India are sent abroad to countries like USA and Azerbaijan as well.

  5. Indian pharmaceutical industry will suffer a decrease of 1% in terms of ROI (return on investment) but it shouldn’t bother first time investors.

Why you should consider pharmaceuticals as investment options?

There are few points you need to know regarding this which are really very crucial to know.

The share price is directly proportional to the industries approvals and development in pharma field .
Eg. The share prices soar if industry wins approval for clinical trials/therapy/drug launch.

The ROI for a person who invested in pfizer (listed in New York stock exchange as PFE) in 2009 and withheld the shares to 2014 got a return of 116%. The scenario isn’t different in India. I don’t have exact figures for Indian company but as its market based you can check any companies figures. You will find them to be great.

Profits- chances of pharmaceutical industry going bankrupt etc is almost impossible. Once a pharmaceutical industry starts failing it is taken over by a giant or Big pharma company so your money may see ups and downs in such case but you will get good returns for sure.

The Net profit of pharmaceutical industries is around 30% to 35% YoY basis. An exception is pfizer that showed a 40% net profit for f.y 2012-13. The profit margins and profits is much more than oil, gas, banks and car makers as well.


 Pharmaceutical company capital investment Facts

Do you know how  much capital investment could be typically required for a small sized pharmaceutical company to start with? Let me make you clear about this also to give you a vague idea before you go to your actual research and statistics. Capital investment for pharmaceutical company depends on the size and resources you keep in the pharma company. This cost will include different licences and deposits for the company along with machinery, sale point , godown, transporting van and especially manpower . 

Land in commercial or industry area to set up industry.
Machines or equipments for various departments like QA QC MFG PACKAGING ETC.
man power (skilled) with B.pharm or M.pharma .
Marketing team .

Pharmaceutical industry involves various dependent and independent sections.

Dependent Sections of Pharma Company:

  1. Packaging material
  2. Raw materials
  3. API
  4. Instruments
  5. Apparatus

The industry depends on other industries as mentioned above to prepare its final dosage form.

Independent Sections of Pharma Company:

  1. QA QC
  2. engineering and maintenance
  3. Manufacturing
  4. Marketing

The above mentioned sections work independently but in coordination to run a particular pharma industry. The number of sections may vary .

The reason We need to focus on the nature of work is that it will decide the man power , equipments , technology that you will need in your industry. Let’s consider that you want to open a compressed unit oral dosage form plant i.e. tablet manufacturing unit. This is for tablet unit the cost and will not fluctuate much in case of other dosage forms except parentrals and sera products .

From Indian scinario pharmaceutical industries are typically segmented into two

  1. Manufacturing / + Marketing companies

  2. Marketing only companies

a) Manufacturing / + Marketing companies

Manufacturing co. would need a bit more investment depending on the sections to be started, sections could be Tablets, Capsules, Syrups, Dry Syrups, Ointments, Softgel Capsules etc. You could choose a single section or two to start with gradually adding sections as per the demand of your products in the market.

b) Marketing only companies

If you think that you are good at marketing, you can get your products manufactured from companies already engaged in production. We are one of them. The marketing co. conceives the product and look after the distribution and sales, the production hassles are taken care by the manufacturer, this is termed as Contract Manufacturing. Marketing co. could be started with a small amount starting from few lakh of rupees. Again it all depends how many products you wish to start with.

All of these things will cost you around 2cr INR approximately if you are planning to establish in a region like pune MIDC (out skirts) on a small scale .The cost may be brought down significantly by using varying quality of lab equipment and technology but for a long lasting and fine result generating professional units this is the price approximately. A HPLC unit will cost more than 10lakh INR itself.

Source: Quora-Suraj Thakur & Akshi Talwar

The  fact is that,  first two years will be of real struggle as failure is what you will face but it shall be followed by days of glory.I hope it gives you a reason why you should consider investing in pharmaceutical industry.So, do proper research on your business and also you can take ideas from some experts. Some business companies like Angel Investment Network has achieved higher success with good startups. They are also helping those startup companies find funding and guidance. It can be beneficial for you also to take some ideas about it. Good Luck.

Best Pharma & Biotech companies in San Francisco Bay Area CA {USA}

Best Pharma & Biotech companies in San Francisco Bay Area CA {USA}

Best Pharma & Biotech companies in San Francisco Bay Area CA {USA}: San Francisco Bay Area is referred locally as the Bay Area. We are here for our readers today with an intention to throw light on some of the best pharma and biotech companies in the San Francisco Bay area of CA of United States of America. The San Francisco Bay Area is a populous region surrounding the San Francisco and San Pablo estuaries in Northern California in addition to the Grizzly, Honker, Richardson, San Rafael and Suisun Bays. You can count on these companies when you choose your career or looking for intern-ships or jobs in Pharmacy or Biotech Sector. This may be really helpful for the people who search products in pharma field.

Best Pharma & Biotech companies in San Francisco Bay Area CA {USA}

Top Pharmaceutical Companies in San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA

Rinat (Pfizer)




Top 20 Pharma Companies in San Francisco

Top Pharmaceutical Companies in San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA

Here is the list of  billion dollar pharmaceutical and Biotech companies that are really huge in the San Francisco Bay Area of United States.

  1. Abbott Laboratories
  2. Bayer
  3. Baxter
  4. BioMarin
  5. Bio-Rad
  6. Becton Dickinson & Company
  7. Cordis (Johnson and Johnson)
  8. DuPont Industrial Biosciences (DuPont)
  9. Genentech (Roche)
  10. LifeScan (Johnson and Johnson)
  11. Ingelheim Boehringer
  12. Novartis
  13. Pioneer (DuPont)
  14. Roche Diagnostics (part of Roche)
  15. Stryker
  16. Gilead
  17. Amgen
  18. Medimmune

Hope you got the answer for your query from Best Pharma & Biotech companies in San Francisco Bay Area CA {USA}. We will provide more information on these soon on our website. So, please visit us again. If you really know some companies which are worth having in the top position please write to us on our mail or even you can leave a comment here below in the comment section to help the people who are looking for the exact question or query. Thanks for our presence and don’t forget to look at our academics section of pharma wiki.

Pharma Companies in Delhi List – Top 10 Pharmaceutical Companies New Delhi

Pharma Companies in Delhi

Pharma Companies in Delhi List – Top 10 Pharmaceutical Companies New Delhi India: Here you can get List of Pharma Companies in Delhi with special focus on Top 10 Pharmaceutical Companies in New Delhi & Noida. To see every state wise and City wise complete list of Pharma Companies in all countries please visit us Pharmawiki. We have provided here readily for you Top Pharma Companies list of New Delhi – Delhi here along with their address and Phone number. Pharmaceutical Manufacturers in Delhi are her when you need to get Phone Numbers to contact them or to go to them in person so here is the Addresses, Latest Reviews & Ratings and more for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers-Delhi.

Pharma companies in delhi ncr

Phone No: 1120543675


Arosol Chemicals P. Ltd
Address: b-4, Industrial Estate, Delhi Road, saharanpur U.P, India
Phone No: 911322764065

Avikar Laboratories (P) Ltd.
Address: 244,Vardhman Plaza, sector-4,Dwarka,Newdelhi.
Phone No: 9999776510

KPS Clinical Services(CRO)
Address: f-215,216, 2nd floor, Neelkanth Plaza, alpha com. area,Alpha-1, Greater Noida
Phone No: 1204231720


Gracure Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Address: Gracure Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 71/5, Shivaji Marg, New Delhi – 110015
Phone No: 114777090

Phone No: 1125997450


Zius Medicron
Address: G-12/13 ,St.No.2 D.E.E New Delhi-110045
Phone No: 1165857748
Address: Fairs in India Division Pragati Bhawan Pragati Maidan New Delhi:110 001
Phone No: 911123371326


pharmaceutical industries in delhi

Qualtra Pharma P Ltd
Address: Unit 23 Plot 5 Dr sandeep Complex, Pitampura N Delhi 34
Phone No: 911132449220


Siochem Pharma Pvt Ltd
Phone No: 00-91-11-42316832, 33,34

Welcure Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Phone No: (11) 27011315 27011318 27011321 27011312 27011448

List Of Pharma Companies

Walter Bushnell Pvt Ltd
Address: APJ, Stya House 14, Commercial Complex, Mazid Mode, GKI
Phone No: (11) 29228296 23236448
United Biotech Pvt Ltd

Address: FC/B-1 (Extn.), Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate,Mathura Road
Phone No: (11) 40651100 66403098

Unimarck Healthcare Ltd (UHL)
Address: S-49, Second Floor, Rajouri Garden
Phone No: (11) 41444435 41444436

Unicorn Medident Pvt Ltd
Address: 3 Local Shopping Centre,Mor land near J Block,DDA Market,new Rajinder Nagar
Phone No: (11) 45551200

Titan BioTech Ltd
Address: A-2/3, IIIrd Floor, Lusa Tower,Azadpur Commercial Complex
Phone No: (11) 27677960 27674615 27670742

Delhi Pharma Companies List

Tinna Oils & Chemicals Ltd
Address: No.6 Sultanpur, Mandi Road Mehrauli
Phone No: (11) 32963214 32959599 32959600
The Indian Council Of Medical Research (ICMR)
Address: V. Ramalingaswami Bhawan, Ansari Nagar
Phone No: (11) 26588895 26588980
Techfab International
Address: 507, Eros Apartments, 56, Nehru Place
Phone No: (11) 26415961 26411931
Systopic Laboratories Pvt Ltd
Address: 101,Pragati Chamber,Commercial Complex,Ranjit Nagar
Phone No: (11) 25703007 25700336x
Synokem Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Address: SYNOKEM HOUSE, 14/486, Sunder Vihar, Outer Ring Road, Paschim Vihar
Phone No: (11) 25271800 25271809 25287839
Surgeine Healthcare India Pvt Ltd
Address: 101 Vardhaman Tru Plaza,CU block ,Pitampura
Phone No: (11) 47552462
Spectro Analytical Labs Pvt Ltd
Address: E-41, Okhla Industrial Area Phase-II,
Phone No: (11) 41611000 40522000
Radhicura Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd
Address: B-117 Okhla I A Phase-I
Phone No: (11) 26811056 26816033

R P L India Pharma Pvt Ltd
Address: D 8/6 Okhla Phase-I
Phone No: (11) 26371400

Quantum Market Research Pvt Ltd
Address: Plot No 7,Pocket-6-7,Local Shopping Centre, Sec-C, Vasant Kunj
Phone No: (11) 46038662 46038663

Professional Biotech Pvt Ltd
Address: G/167-B, G Block, Hari Nagar, P. O Box # 9663
Phone No: (11) 25594124 25517064

Neeman Medical International
Address: Max House, Ground Floor-1, Dr. Jha Marg, Okhla-III
Phone No: (11) 26322816

Mentis Pharma Ltd
Address: B 257 Ist Floor Naraina-I
Phone No: (11) 25897450

Medors Biotech Pvt Ltd
Address: Biotech House: D-1/3, Rana Pratap Bagh
Phone No: (11) 27843109

Medicamen Biotech Ltd
Address: 10 Community Centre, No. 2 Ashok Vihar Phase-II
Phone No: (11) 27463506 27240610 27240578

Lustraprint Process Pvt Ltd
Address: B-249, Naraina industrial Area, Phase-I
Phone No: (11) 41410210 41410213

Pharmaceutical Industries in Delhi

Lasersec India Pvt Ltd
Address: 5C/9, Ist Floor, new Rohtak Road, Karol Bagh
Phone No: (11) 28711716
Kee Pharma Ltd
Address: A-1, Community Centre, Naraina Industrial Area
Phone No: (11) 25892462
J.Mitra & Co. Pvt Ltd
Address: A-180,181 Industrial Area,Okhla Phase-1,
Phone No: (11) 26818971 26818973 26813995
ITL Labs Pvt Ltd
Address: B- 283-284, Mangolpuri Industrial Area, Phase-I
Phone No: (11) 27915654 27922833
International Panaacea Ltd
Address: E-34, 2nd Floor, Connaught Place
Phone No: (11) 23418880

Top pharma companies in Delhi

Hysel India Pvt Ltd
Address: 1405/14th Floor 43, Nehru Place
Phone No: (11) 26227801 26227802 26227803 26227804 26227805
Gaurav Pharma Pvt Ltd
Address: 201-202, Suneja Tower II, Dist. Centre Janak Puri
Phone No: (11) 25591435
Euphorie Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd
Address: Vth Floor,Gedore Hose,51-52 Nehru Place
Phone No: (11) 41607060
Dewinter Optical Inc.
Address: 2/15,3rd Floor, Main Patel Road,West Patel Nagar
Phone No: (11) 32931339 25888332 25888334
Cyno Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Address: C-50, Preet Vihar
Phone No: (11) 32600010 22047296
Cross Laboratories Pvt Ltd
Address: I-14, Shivlok House-1, Karampura Commercial Complex
Phone No: (11) 25920681
Cooper Pharma Pvt Ltd
Address: 12/12 Shakti Nagar
Phone No: (11) 23653537 -38- 39 , 27371461(Fact)
Combii Organochem Pvt Ltd
Address: 33, DSEDC Phase II, Scheme III, Okhla
Phone No: (11) 26387845 26386496 23706095 23706096
Carewell Biotech Pvt Ltd
Address: 1306, Vikrant Tower, 4 Rajendra Place
Phone No: (11) 41539602
Care International
Address: N-19, Green Park Extn.,
Phone No: (11) 26186724 26186524
Bi Biotech India Pvt. Ltd
Address: 328, Ansal Chamber II, 6 Bhikaji Cama Place
Phone No: (11) 26101271
Ayurvet Ltd
Address: 6th Floor , Sagar Plaza,Distt. Centre, Vikas Marg, Laxmi Nagar
Phone No: (11) 22455992 22455993 22455994
Arbro Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Address: 6/14, Kirti Nagar, Industrial Area
Phone No: (11) 45854585
Ambica Research & Development Pvt Ltd
Address: A-24,Okhla Industrial Area,Phase I
Phone No: (11) 40703333
Akum Drugs And Pharmaceuticals
Address: 307, Mohan Palace II, L.S.C. Block, near Mother Diary, Saraswathi Vihar
Phone No: (11) 27011448
Advik Laboratories Ltd
Address: 203 & 106-07, Allied House, 1, LSC, Madangir
Phone No: (11) 41649171, 41649173
Stryker India Pvt Ltd
Address: C-5 First Floor, SDA Commercial Complex
Phone No: (11) 26866740
Spectris Technologies Pvt. Ltd
Address: 6th Flr, Ambadeep Bldg,K G Mg, CP
Phone No: (11) 23326473

pharmaceutical industries in delhi
Address: 106, Ground Flore, World Trade Center, C.P
Phone No: (11) 41011518
Boston Scientific International B.V.
Address: 100A The Capital Court Olof Palme Marg Munirka
Phone No: (11) 26180263 26180264
Beckcem Drug International Pvt Ltd
Address: J-16b, Part-II, Central Mkt, Lajpat Nagar
Phone No: (11) 46515952 41716102 46515955
Wings Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd
Address: J-13, Udyog Nagar Industrial Area
Phone No: (11) 25182243 25186555
Win Medicare Ltd(Modi Group)
Address: 1400, Modi Tower 98, Nehru Place
Phone No: (11) 66504555

T. Spiritual World Ltd.
Address: TSW Centre, A-41/A, Road No. 1, Mahipalpur Chowk,extension
Phone No: (11) 26782036 26782037 29847741
Seagull Pharmaceutical Pvt Ltd
Address: 411-412, Imperial Tower,C Block Community Centre,Naraina Vihar
Phone No: (11) 25779170 25779546
SBL Pvt Ltd
Address: SBL House 2,Commercial complex, Shrestha Vihar
Phone No: (11) 22161934
Sanat Products Ltd
Address: 3rd Floor, Sagar Plaza, Laxmi Nagar Distt. Centre, Vikas Marg
Phone No: (11) 22518794 22518795 22518796
Address: A-3, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I
Phone No: (11) 41609171 41609172 41609175

List of Pharmaceutical Companies in Delhi/NCR/Greater Noida

Promed Group
Address: 208, Ashirwad Commercial Complex, D-1, Green Park
Phone No: (11) 26863503 26868878 26863286
Ozone Ayurvedics
Address: Ozone House,1, L.S.C, Block A-3, Janak Puri
Phone No: (11) 45549000
OSIM India
Address: 1, L.S.C., Okhla Industrial Area, Phase II
Phone No: (11) 41070000 41070070

Pharma Jobs in Delhi Ncr - Pharma Openings in Delhi Ncr
Nestor Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Address: B-24/3, Okhla Industrial Area Phase II
Phone No: (11) 41616377

National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Authority
Address: 5th / 3rd Floor, YMCA Cultural Centre Building, 1, Jai Singh Road

Phone No: (11) 23345116, 23345118

Multani Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Address: H-36, Connaught Place
Phone No: (11) 23350062
Modi Mundipharma Ltd (Modi Group)
Address: 1400,modi Tower 98, Nehru Place
Phone No: (11) 42504555

Mgrm Medicare Ltd
Address: C6/5 Safdarjung Development Area
Phone No: (11) 26565758

Pharma Companies in Delhi
Medikit Ltd
Address: 3, Dr. G. C. Narang Marg
Phone No: (11) 2766713 27662916

Max Neeman International
Address: Max House, GF-1,Dr. Jha Marg, Okhla
Phone No: (11) 26322816
Mankind Pharma Ltd
Address: 236, Okhla Phase -III
Phone No: (11) 46541400 (30 Lines)
Maharishi Ayurveda Corporation Ltd
Address: A -14, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road
Phone No: (11) 26959401 26959403
Life Medicare & Biotech Pvt Ltd
Address: A-2, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road
Phone No: (11) 26950311
JHS Svendgaard Laboratories Ltd
Address: B-1/E-23, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Area, Mathura Road
Phone No: (11) 30885601

Jagsonpal Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Address: T-210 J, Shahpur Jat
Phone No: (11) 26494519

Electronic Regional Test Laboratories (ERTL)
Address: S-Block, Okhla Industrial Area Phase II
Phone No: (11) 26385976 26386219 26384400

Eastern Medikit Ltd
Address: 3, Dr. G. C. Narang Marg
Phone No: (11) 27662915/16, 27667131/734/845

Datt Mediproducts Ltd
Address: 56, Community Centre,East of Kailash
Phone No: (11) 26443447 26443459
Central Council For Research In Ayurveda & Siddha
Address: Jawahar Lal Nehru Bhartiya Chikitsa Avum Homeopathy Anusandhan Bhavan No.61-65, Institutional Area, Opp. D Block, Janakpuri
Phone No: (11) 28525852
Brawn Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Address: 4/4B, Asaf Ali Road, II Floor, Delhi Stock Exchange Building
Phone No: (11) 32911529 32911528
Bharat Pharma Ltd
Address: Indraprakash (2nd Floor),Barakhamba Road
Phone No: (11) 23321823, 23321832, 23321334
BACFO Pharmaceuticals (India) Ltd
Address: AKC House, E-27, Defence Colony
Phone No: (11) 24339900 24339700
ATLAS Laboratories & Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Address: Ghalib Institute, Mata Sundri Lane
Phone No: (11) 23234391/98
Apothecaries Sundries Mfg. Co.
Address: ASCO House, 13, Community Centre, Behind Canara Bank, Maya Puri Phase I
Phone No: (11) 45511541 25429633 25410007

Ahlcon Parenterals India Ltd
Address: 4, Community Centre, Saket
Phone No: (11) 65641898 41664016

Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority(APEDA)
Address: NCUI Building 3, Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg
Phone No: (11) 26513204 26514572 26534186
Aes Laboratories Pvt Ltd
Address: 122-122A Hemkunt Chambers 89 Nehru Place
Phone No: (11) 30882233

pharma companies in delhi ncr

Biotech companies in Delhi

Panacea Biotech Ltd
Address: B-1 Extn. A-27, Mohan Co-op. Industrial Estate,Mathura Road
Phone No: (11) 41678000 26945270 26974500
Mavens Biotech Ltd
Address: A-56/a Lajpat Nagar – II, 1st Floor,
Phone No: (11) 41720778

Pharma Companies in Delhi List – Top 10 Pharmaceutical Companies New Delhi India

Company Name : Titan BioTech Ltd| Address : A-2/3, IIIrd Floor, Lusa Tower,Azadpur Commercial Complex| Phone No : (11) 27677960 27674615 27670742

Company Name : Tinna Oils & Chemicals Ltd| Address : No.6 Sultanpur, Mandi Road Mehrauli| Phone No : (11) 32963214 32959599 32959600

Company Name : The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)| Address : V. Ramalingaswami Bhawan, Ansari Nagar| Phone No : (11) 26588895 26588980

Company Name : Techfab International| Address : 507, Eros Apartments, 56, Nehru Place| Phone No : (11) 26415961 26411931

Company Name : Systopic Laboratories Pvt Ltd| Address : 101,Pragati Chamber,Commercial Complex,Ranjit Nagar| Phone No : (11) 25703007 25700336

Company Name : Synokem Pharmaceuticals Ltd| Address : SYNOKEM HOUSE, 14/486, Sunder Vihar, Outer Ring Road, Paschim Vihar| Phone No : (11) 25271800 25271809 25287839

Pharma Companies in Delhi List - Top 10 Pharmaceutical Companies New Delhi India

Company Name : Oriental Edumed Pvt Ltd| Address : 244,Verdhman Plaza, Sect-4 ,Dwarka,New Delhi- 10075. S-8,Riico, Commercial Complex, Neemrana ,Rajasthan-301705| Phone No : 1145797008

Company Name : Arosol Chemicals P. Ltd| Address : b-4, Industrial Estate, Delhi Road, saharanpur U.P, India| Phone No : 9.11323E+11| Website :

Company Name : avikar laboratories (p) ltd.| Address : 244,Vardhman Plaza, sector-4,Dwarka,Newdelhi.| Phone No : 9999776510

Company Name : KPS Clinical Services(CRO)| Address : f-215,216, 2nd floor, Neelkanth Plaza, alpha com. area,Alpha-1, Greater Noida| Phone No : 1204231720| Website :

Company Name : Gracure Pharmaceuticals Ltd.| Address : Gracure Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 71/5, Shivaji Marg, New Delhi – 110015| Phone No : 114777090| Website :

Company Name : ANIMATE PHARMA| Address : WZ-46/4 A, MUKHERJEE PARK EXTN., TILAK NAGAR, NEW DELHI – 110018| Phone No : 1125997450| Website :

Company Name : Zius Medicron| Address : G-12/13 ,St.No.2 D.E.E New Delhi-110045| Phone No : 1165857748| Website :

Company Name : INDIA TRADE PROMOTION ORGANISATION| Address : Fairs in India Division Pragati Bhawan Pragati Maidan New Delhi:110 001| Phone No : 9.11123E+11| Website :

Company Name : Qualtra Pharma P Ltd| Address : Unit 23 Plot 5 Dr sandeep Complex, Pitampura N Delhi 34| Phone No : 9.11132E+11|

Website :

Top 10 Pharma Companies in Delhi 2016 Best List

Company Name : siochem pharma pvt ltd| Address : BG6/105A , DDA MARKET, PASCHIM VIHAR, NEW DELHI| Phone No : 00-91-11-42316832, 33,34

Company Name : Surgeine Healthcare India Pvt Ltd| Address : 101 Vardhaman Tru Plaza,CU block ,Pitampura| Phone No : (11) 47552462

Company Name : Spectro Analytical Labs Pvt Ltd| Address : E-41, Okhla Industrial Area Phase-II,| Phone No : (11) 41611000 40522000

Company Name : Radhicura Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd| Address : B-117 Okhla I A Phase-I| Phone No : (11) 26811056 26816033

Company Name : R P L India Pharma Pvt Ltd| Address : D 8/6 Okhla Phase-I| Phone No : (11) 26371400

Company Name : Quantum Market Research Pvt Ltd| Address : Plot No 7,Pocket-6-7,Local Shopping Centre, Sec-C, Vasant Kunj| Phone No : (11) 46038662 46038663

Company Name : Professional Biotech Pvt Ltd| Address : G/167-B, G Block, Hari Nagar, P. O Box # 9663| Phone No : (11) 25594124 25517064

Company Name : Neeman Medical International| Address : Max House, Ground Floor-1, Dr. Jha Marg, Okhla-III| Phone No : (11) 26322816

Company Name : Mentis Pharma Ltd| Address : B 257 Ist Floor Naraina-I| Phone No : (11) 25897450

Company Name : Medors Biotech Pvt Ltd| Address : Biotech House: D-1/3, Rana Pratap Bagh| Phone No : (11) 27843109

Company Name : Medicamen Biotech Ltd| Address : 10 Community Centre, No. 2 Ashok Vihar Phase-II| Phone No : (11) 27463506 27240610 27240578

Company Name : Lustraprint Process Pvt Ltd| Address : B-249, Naraina industrial Area, Phase-I| Phone No : (11) 41410210 41410213

Company Name : Lasersec India Pvt Ltd| Address : 5C/9, Ist Floor, new Rohtak Road, Karol Bagh| Phone No : (11) 28711716

List of Pharmaceutical Companies in Delhi`

Company Name : Lasersec India Pvt Ltd| Address : 5C/9, Ist Floor, new Rohtak Road, Karol Bagh| Phone No : (11) 28711716

Company Name : Kee Pharma Ltd| Address : A-1, Community Centre, Naraina Industrial Area| Phone No : (11) 25892462

Company Name : J.Mitra & Co. Pvt Ltd| Address : A-180,181 Industrial Area,Okhla Phase-1,| Phone No : (11) 26818971 26818973 26813995

Company Name : ITL Labs Pvt Ltd| Address : B- 283-284, Mangolpuri Industrial Area, Phase-I| Phone No : (11) 27915654 27922833

Company Name : International Panaacea Ltd| Address : E-34, 2nd Floor, Connaught Place| Phone No : (11) 23418880′

Top Pharma Company

Company Name : Hysel India Pvt Ltd| Address : 1405/14th Floor 43, Nehru Place| Phone No : (11) 26227801 26227802 26227803 26227804 26227805

Company Name : Gaurav Pharma Pvt Ltd| Address : 201-202, Suneja Tower II, Dist. Centre Janak Puri| Phone No : (11) 25591435

Company Name : Euphorie Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd| Address : Vth Floor,Gedore Hose,51-52 Nehru Place| Phone No : (11) 41607060

Company Name : Dewinter Optical Inc.| Address : 2/15,3rd Floor, Main Patel Road,West Patel Nagar| Phone No : (11) 32931339 25888332 25888334

Company Name : Cyno Pharmaceuticals Ltd| Address : C-50, Preet Vihar| Phone No : (11) 32600010 22047296

Company Name : Cross Laboratories Pvt Ltd| Address : I-14, Shivlok House-1, Karampura Commercial Complex| Phone No : (11) 25920681

Company Name : Cooper Pharma Pvt Ltd| Address : 12/12 Shakti Nagar| Phone No : (11) 23653537 -38- 39 , 27371461(Fact)

Company Name : Combii Organochem Pvt Ltd| Address : 33, DSEDC Phase II, Scheme III, Okhla| Phone No : (11) 26387845 26386496 23706095 23706096

Company Name : Carewell Biotech Pvt Ltd| Address : 1306, Vikrant Tower, 4 Rajendra Place| Phone No : (11) 41539602

Company Name : BACFO Pharmaceuticals (India) Ltd| Address : AKC House, E-27, Defence Colony| Phone No : (11) 24339900 24339700

Company Name : ATLAS Laboratories & Pharmaceuticals Ltd| Address : Ghalib Institute, Mata Sundri Lane| Phone No : (11) 23234391/98

Company Name : Apothecaries Sundries Mfg. Co.| Address : ASCO House, 13, Community Centre, Behind Canara Bank, Maya Puri Phase I| Phone No : (11) 45511541 25429633 25410007

Company Name : Ahlcon Parenterals India Ltd| Address : 4, Community Centre, Saket| Phone No : (11) 65641898 41664016

Company Name : Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority(APEDA)| Address : NCUI Building 3, Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg| Phone No : (11) 26513204 26514572 26534186

Company Name : Care International| Address : N-19, Green Park Extn.,| Phone No : (11) 26186724 26186524

Company Name : Bi Biotech India Pvt. Ltd| Address : 328, Ansal Chamber II, 6 Bhikaji Cama Place| Phone No : (11) 26101271

Company Name : Ayurvet Ltd| Address : 6th Floor , Sagar Plaza,Distt. Centre, Vikas Marg, Laxmi Nagar| Phone No : (11) 22455992 22455993 22455994

Company Name : Arbro Pharmaceuticals Ltd| Address : 6/14, Kirti Nagar, Industrial Area| Phone No : (11) 45854585

Top Pharma Companies

Company Name : Ambica Research & Development Pvt Ltd| Address : A-24,Okhla Industrial Area,Phase I| Phone No : (11) 40703333

Company Name : Akum Drugs and Pharmaceuticals| Address : 307, Mohan Palace II, L.S.C. Block, near Mother Diary, Saraswathi Vihar| Phone No : (11) 27011448

Company Name : Advik Laboratories Ltd| Address : 203 & 106-07, Allied House, 1, LSC, Madangir| Phone No : (11) 41649171, 41649173

Company Name : Stryker India Pvt Ltd| Address : C-5 First Floor, SDA Commercial Complex| Phone No : (11) 26866740

Company Name :
Spectris Technologies Pvt. Ltd| Address : 6th Flr, Ambadeep Bldg,K G Mg, CP| Phone No : (11) 23326473

Company Name : Qualtran| Address : 106, Ground Flore, World Trade Center, C.P| Phone No : (11) 41011518

Company Name : Boston Scientific International B.V.| Address : 100A The Capital Court Olof Palme Marg Munirka| Phone No : (11) 26180263 26180264

Company Name : Beckcem Drug International Pvt Ltd| Address : J-16b, Part-II, Central Mkt, Lajpat Nagar| Phone No : (11) 46515952 41716102 46515955

Company Name : Wings Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd| Address : J-13, Udyog Nagar Industrial Area| Phone No : (11) 25182243 25186555

Company Name : Win Medicare Ltd(Modi Group)| Address : 1400, Modi Tower 98, Nehru Place| Phone No : (11) 66504555

Company Name : T. Spiritual World Ltd.| Address : TSW Centre, A-41/A, Road No. 1, Mahipalpur Chowk,extension| Phone No : (11) 26782036 26782037 29847741

Company Name : Seagull Pharmaceutical Pvt Ltd| Address : 411-412, Imperial Tower,C Block Community Centre,Naraina Vihar| Phone No : (11) 25779170 25779546

Company Name : SBL Pvt Ltd| Address : SBL House 2,Commercial complex, Shrestha Vihar| Phone No : (11) 22161934

Company Name : Sanat Products Ltd| Address : 3rd Floor, Sagar Plaza, Laxmi Nagar Distt. Centre, Vikas Marg| Phone No : (11) 22518794 22518795 22518796

Company Name : RFCL Ltd| Address : A-3, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I| Phone No : (11) 41609171 41609172 41609175

Company Name : Promed Group| Address : 208, Ashirwad Commercial Complex, D-1, Green Park| Phone No : (11) 26863503 26868878 26863286

Company Name : Ozone Ayurvedics| Address : Ozone House,1, L.S.C, Block A-3, Janak Puri| Phone No : (11) 45549000

Indian Pharmaceutical Companies Delhi

Company Name : OSIM India| Address : 1, L.S.C., Okhla Industrial Area, Phase II| Phone No : (11) 41070000 41070070

Company Name : Nestor Pharmaceuticals Ltd| Address : B-24/3, Okhla Industrial Area Phase II| Phone No : (11) 41616377

Company Name : National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Authority| Address : 5th / 3rd Floor, YMCA Cultural Centre Building, 1, Jai Singh Road| Phone No : (11) 23345116, 23345118

Company Name : Multani Pharmaceuticals Ltd| Address : H-36, Connaught Place| Phone No : (11) 23350062

Company Name : Modi Mundipharma Ltd (Modi Group)| Address : 1400,modi Tower 98, Nehru Place| Phone No : (11) 42504555

Company Name : Mgrm Medicare Ltd| Address : C6/5 Safdarjung Development Area| Phone No : (11) 26565758

Company Name : Medikit Ltd| Address : 3, Dr. G. C. Narang Marg| Phone No : (11) 2766713 27662916

Company Name : Max Neeman International| Address : Max House, GF-1,Dr. Jha Marg, Okhla| Phone No : (11) 26322816

Company Name : Mankind Pharma Ltd| Address : 236, Okhla Phase -III| Phone No : (11) 46541400 (30 Lines)

Company Name : Maharishi Ayurveda Corporation Ltd| Address : A -14, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road| Phone No : (11) 26959401 26959403

Company Name : Life Medicare & Biotech Pvt Ltd| Address : A-2, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road| Phone No : (11) 26950311

Company Name : JHS Svendgaard Laboratories Ltd| Address : B-1/E-23, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Area, Mathura Road| Phone No : (11) 30885601

Company Name : Jagsonpal Pharmaceuticals Ltd| Address : T-210 J, Shahpur Jat| Phone No : (11) 26494519

Company Name : Electronic Regional Test Laboratories (ERTL)| Address : S-Block, Okhla Industrial Area Phase II| Phone No : (11) 26385976 26386219 26384400

Company Name : Eastern Medikit Ltd| Address : 3, Dr. G. C. Narang Marg| Phone No : (11) 27662915/16, 27667131/734/845

Company Name : Datt Mediproducts Ltd| Address : 56, Community Centre,East of Kailash| Phone No : (11) 26443447 26443459

Company Name : Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha| Address : Jawahar Lal Nehru Bhartiya Chikitsa Avum Homeopathy Anusandhan Bhavan No.61-65, Institutional Area, Opp. D Block, Janakpuri| Phone No : (11) 28525852

Company Name : Brawn Pharmaceuticals Ltd| Address : 4/4B, Asaf Ali Road, II Floor, Delhi Stock Exchange Building| Phone No : (11) 32911529 32911528

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Pharma Companies in Chennai [Top 10] Pharmaceutical List [PDF]

pharmaceutical companies in chennai Top 10 pharma industries

Pharma Companies in Chennai [Top 10] Pharmaceutical List [PDF]: Pharma companies in chennai: Hello readers. Here we haver provided the list of Pharmaceutical companies in India especially in Chennai. Madras is the center for many pharma companies in Chennai providing lots of opportunities as jobs, carrier opportunities, research facilities. When you go on a search for the job this will helpful to you as you jump from academics to the industry. This will show you a path for you to know where you can go for a project work when you are still studying. So this will not be problem as we have provided you the email address and the phone numbers of the specific companies. This article will be helpful to every one who are in search to view all the pharma industries at one place. Don’t get stressed to find out the complete list of pharmaceutical companies. Here are the big list of pharma companies in Chennai Tamil Nadu.

List of Pharmaceutical Companies in Chennai with Address

pharmaceutical companies in chennai Top 10 pharma industries

Spic Pharmaceuticals Divisions, Chennai.

Medispan Limited, Chennai

Mount Mettur Pharmaceuticals Limited, Chennai.

Tablets (India) Ltd.,

No.72, Marshall Road, 4th floor,

R.A Building, Jhaver Centre, Chennai-600 008


Fulford India Ltd.,

No.713, 1st floor,

Pathari Road, Anna Salai, Chennai-600 006



Orchid Healthcare

Orchid Towers, 313,

Valluvarkottam High Road

Nungambakkam, Chennai-60 034



Arvind Remedies

190, Poonamalle high Road,

Chennai-600 084

Pharma companies in Chennai



No.16,17,31 & 32 – SIDCO Pharmaceutical Complex, Alathur, Via Thiruporur

Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu 603110, India

Actavis Pharma Development Centre Private

Limited C/O Ticel Biopark Limited, Taramani Road, Chennai, Tamilnadu 600113, India



PRIVATE LIMITED Plot No. 101, 102, 107 and 108, Alathur 603110, India

Dr.Sankunnis Ayurvedic Research

Foundation Pvt Ltd 11, East Park Road, Shenoy Nagar,, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600030, India

Edict Pharmaceuticals Private Limited

1/58 Pudupakkam Main Road Pudupakkam Kelambakkam, Chennai, Tamilnadu

603103, India

Inga Pharmaceuticals

Plot No.b-1(pt) Phase ll, Zone A, MEPZ Special Economic Zone, NH-45-Tambaram,

Chennai, – 600 045, India

Nikita Containers Private Limited

3, 4th Floor, Gokul Arcade, No 2, Sardar Patel Road, Adyar Chennai, Tamil Nadu

600020, India

PharmaZelli (India) Private Limited Plot no.B5 & B6. MEPZ, Tambaram, Chennai, Tamilnadu 600045, India

SGS India Private Limited Taramani Road, Ticel Bio Park, Taramani, Chennai 600113, India

Shasun Pharmaceuticals Limited

Shasun Research Centre, 27, Vandaloor Kelambakkam Road, Keelakottaiyur Village,

Melakottaiyur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600048, India

T0p Pharma companies in Chennai

Shasun Chemicals   Chennai

Medopharma – Stalled Chennai

Shantha Biotechnics, the Chennai

Chennai-based Sanmar Group

Trivitron Chennai

Elder Pharmaceuticals Ltd.,

Gulecha Towers, 2nd floor,

299(Old No.158), NSK Salai, Vadapalani,

Chennai- 600 026

37, Nelson Manickam Road, 6th floor,

Aminji Karai, Chennai-600 029

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             ARIES

Pharma Company Location & Address:   346 pantheon road , egmore

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               4428193404

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Periodic Table Now

Pharma Company Location & Address:   Ipswich UK

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               7748805122

Website :

Best Pharma companies in Chennai

Pharmaceutical Company Name :  Concern pharma

Pharma Company Location & Address:   699/700 P.H Road, 14, 2nd floor kumbath complex

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info: 044  4426641900

Website :

Pharmaceutical Company Name :   

Pharma Company Location & Address:   Chennai

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               09841316719

Website :   

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             microlyte

Pharma Company Location & Address:   No.31,palandi amman koil street,adambakkam chennai-600088

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:             044-  4464585960

Website :   



Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:            044-  26156663

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             KAWARLAL AND CO

Pharma Company Location & Address:   27 RAGHUNAYKULU STREET,CHENNAI

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               4425352828

Website :             WWW.KAWARLAL.COM

Pharma industries in Chennai

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Vital Bio Systems Pvt Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   No.108 W- Block,1/B Anna Nagar Second Avenue, West Extension

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 26549335 26549336

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Trivitron Group of Companies

Pharma Company Location & Address:   15, IVth Street, Abhiramapuram

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 24985050 (6 lines

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             TICEL Bio Park Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   Taramani Road, Taramani

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 22542060/ 61

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             The Madras Pharmaceuticals

Pharma Company Location & Address:   18, Dr, Nair Road, T. Nagar

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 23452030

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Stedman Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   3-A, Adyar Bridge Road,Adyar,

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 24911355

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Proalgen Biotech Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   No. 15, III Avenue, Indira Nagar

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 24454332

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Perfint Healthcare Pvt Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   3rd Floor, #16, South West Boag Road,T.Nagar

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 45506412 24341246

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Ormed Medical Technology Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   No. 162,Sidco Industrial Estate, th Phase, Ambattur

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 26242260

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Medox Biotech India Pvt. Ltd.

Pharma Company Location & Address:   53/A (New No: 24), 48th Street, 9th Avenue, Ashok Nagar

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 24746858 24744034

Chennai Pharma companies

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Mediclone Biotech Pvt Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   Block-B, 36/37,

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 24963845

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Indelect Technologies

Pharma Company Location & Address:   14B, Dr. Thirumurthy Nagar 1st Street Nungambakkam

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 28220749 28211144

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Grandix Pharmaceuticals Ltd(Div of Strides Acrolab)

Pharma Company Location & Address:   Jamals Sonu Terrace No:42, Loganathan Nagar,Ist Street, 100 ft.


Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 23614403-06

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             GE Healthcare

Pharma Company Location & Address:   FF3, First Floor, Palani Centre,32, Venkatnarayana Road,T. Nagar

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 24340747

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Dollar Company Pvt Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   Thiruvenkadam, No. 1, D silva Road, Mylapore

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 24995333 24995444

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Devruya Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   Polt no. 30, Anand Nagar, Santosh Puram

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 22781697

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             CPC Diagnostics Pvt Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   No.9, 5th floor, Gokul Tower,9 & 10, C. P. Ramaswamy Road,

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 24993989

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Caplin Point Laboratories Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   NARBAVI,No. 3, Lakshmanan Street, T. Nagar

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 28156653 28156905

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             BrainWave Biosoultions Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   No: 60 (old no.101), 5 th street, Padmanabha Nagar, Adyar

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 65511132

Pharma companies in chennai pdf

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Axon Drugs Pvt Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   K- 95, 16th Street, K – Block, Annanagar East,

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 42171424

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Astons Pharmacia Pvt Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   No.2, S. R. P. Koil Street, 2nd Floor, Thiru-Vi-KA-Nagar, Perambur

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 43555329

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Akas Medical Eqipment

Pharma Company Location & Address:   No.240/1, Periya Colony, Athipet,Ambattur

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 32533333

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             ABL Biotechnologies Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   No.55, Third East Street, Kamaraj Nagar, Tiruvanmiyur

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 42020501 42020502

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             A A Biotech Pvt Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   No.1/3, 54th Street, 9th Avenue, Ashok Nagar

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 23717441

Pharma manufacturing companies in chennai

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Scriplogix India Pvt Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   10A, 14th Avenue, Harrington Road, Chetpet

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 42664041

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Icon Clinical Research India Private Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   RMZ Millennia Business Park , Building 3A, 2nd Floor , 143 Dr. M G R Road ,


Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 43902800

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Amersham Biosciences Ltd(GE Healthcare BioSciences Ltd)

Pharma Company Location & Address:   FF-3, Palani Centre, 1st Floor, 32, Venkatnarayana Road, T.Nagar

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 24340747

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             TTK Healthcare Ltd.

Pharma Company Location & Address:   6, Cathedral Road

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 28116108 28116106

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Tanfac Industries Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   OXFORD Centre, First Floor, New No. 66, SIR. C.P.Ramaswamy Road,Alwarpet

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 24990451 24990561

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Tablets India Ltd(Jhaver Group)

Pharma Company Location & Address:   Jhaver Centre 72, Marshalls Road, IV Floor

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 42050000

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             T T K L I G Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   No. 6, Cathedral Road

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 28111999

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Sujatha Bio Tech

Pharma Company Location & Address:   23, Dr. Ambedkar Road,Kodambakkam,

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 45576951, 45576953

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Sree Ramcides Chemicals Pvt Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   Aishwarya Complex, I, II & III Floor, 7, Duraisamy Road, T Nagar

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 24345770 24347569

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Spinco Biotech Pvt Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   Post Box No.6114, No.4, Vaidyaram Street, T.Nagar

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 24340174 24337479

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Parry Nutraceuticals

Pharma Company Location & Address:   Parry House, 43 Moore Street

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 25306819 25306818 25306789

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Medopharm Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   Medopharm, No 25, Puliyur 2nd Main Road, Trustpuram

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 66149992 66149993 66149994 66149995

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Malladi Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   Door No. 9, GST Road ST Mount

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 39876900

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             LifeCell International Pvt Ltd.

Pharma Company Location & Address:   26, Vandalur, Kelambakkam Main Road, Keelakottaiyur

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 66367777 27476600

Goldstein Laboratories,


628 P H Rd-600106. Phone: 044-26280301

[email protected]

Grandix Pharmaceuticals Ltd,


42 Loganathan Ngr 100Ft Rd-600094. Phone: 044-23614403

[email protected]

Gray Anon Formulations (P) Ltd,


41/1, 1st Mn Rd Karambakkam-600116. Phone: 044-24766836

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Labmate Asia Pvt Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   Baid Mehta Complex, 183, Mount Road

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 22200066

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             KCP Biotech Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   Ramakrishna Buildings, 2, Dr. P.V. Cherian Crecent, Egmore

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 66772634

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Kaveris Bio Proteins Pvt Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   Kaveri Vazhagam,Vasanthapuram,Namakkal

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 4286 – 221218 09443221218

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Fourrts India Laboratories Pvt Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   Plot no 1 Fourrts Avenue,Annai Indira Nagar. Okkiyam,Thoraipakkam

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 24580939

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Fischer Chemic Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   3/240, Govindan Nagar, Palavakkam

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 24482822 24926803

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Cholayil Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   No. 70, J Block, Cholayil , 15th Main Road Annanagar West

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 26163770

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Blizz Biomed Systems

Pharma Company Location & Address:   No: 3 & 4,Doshi Garden – D Block, 2nd Floor, 174Arcot Road, Vadapalani,

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 42193030

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Bafna Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   BAFNA TOWERS,299, Thambu Chetty Street

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 25267517 25270992

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Amrutanjan Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   No.42/45 Luz Church Road Mylapore

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 24994465 24994164

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Alchemy Biotech Pvt Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   13,Doshi Garden, 3rd Floor,174 Arcot Road,Vadapalani,

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 23651109

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Agaram Industries Pvt Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   73, Old No:126 Nelson Manickam Road, Aminjikarai

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 42189406 42082006 23741413

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   Orchid Towers,313, Valluvar Kottam High Road, Nungambakkam

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 28211000 28230000

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Shasun Chemicals Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   Shasun House, 3 Doraiswamy Road,T. Nagar

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 24316700

A To Z Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd,


12 Balaji Ngr-600053. Phone: 044-26582986

[email protected]

A Welldon & Company,

Contact: Mr. SADAGOPAN C A

16/25 2nd Narayanan St Seven Wells-600001. Phone: 044-25288104

[email protected]

Aadarsh Pharmaceuticals,

Contact: Mr. G B DADHA

12 Nyniappa Nkn St-600003. Phone: 044-25353046

About India Ltd,

Contact: Mr. VITAL KUMAR

25 Puliyur 2nd Mn Rd Trustprm-600024. Phone: 044-24843851

Advanced Biotech Products P Ltd,


77 Raghavan Clny 1st St Ashok Ngr-600083. Phone: 044-24744650

[email protected]

Albert David Ltd,

Contact: Subramanayam

Old 110, New 37 Nelson Manickam Rd-600029. Phone: 044-52166580

Alchymars Icm Sm Pvt Ltd,

Contact: T G Velumani

Old 11, New 23 L B Rd-600020. Phone: 044-52187748

Alfred Berg & Company (I) Pvt Ltd,


1 Hunters Rd-600112. Phone: 044-25322124

[email protected]

Alolvap Pharma,


9A Sangam Rd Lakshmiprm-600044. Phone: 044-22382949

Alved Pharma Foods Pvt Ltd,


549, 14th St IV Sector K K Ngr-600078. Phone: 044-24723542

[email protected]

Ambal Pharmacy,

Contact: Senthil Kumar

Old 46, New 91 Mint St-600079. Phone: 044-52625259

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Softgel Healthcare Pvt Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   20/1, Vandalur Road, Kelambakkam, Puthupakkam, Kanjipuram District

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 27498412

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Scigenics India Pvt Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   13/33, Avvai Nagar Main Road, Avvai Nagar,Thiruvanmiyur

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 24483221

Annai Drug Stores,

Contact: Mr. MANOHARAN

New 19 Subbu Chty St-600003. Phone: 044-25351523


Contact: Mr. RAVINDRAN

M-1 Indl Est-600032. Phone: 044-22345892

Arulagam Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd,


11 Kasthuri Ngr Ayanambakam-600095. Phone: 044-26534436

[email protected]

Aventis Pharma Ltd,

Contact: Mr. KRISHNAN

#9, Mc Nicholas Rd-600001. Phone: 044-25220168

[email protected]

Axon Drugs Pvt Ltd,

Contact: Mr. HARI RAJAN

148/12 Chennai Bangalore Highway-602103. Phone: 044-26811286

Bafna Pharmaceuticals Ltd,

Contact: Mr. Bafna

299, Thambu Chetty St-600001. Phone: 044-25267517

Baptakos Brett & Co Ltd,

Contact: Mr. SURESH

New 142 Old 66 Velachery Rd-600042. Phone: 044-22550165

Best & Flourey Drugs & Pharmaceuticals,


440/1 Arcot Rd-600116. Phone: 044-24767195

Biochem Pharmaceutical Industries,

Contact: Mr. ATUL SHAH

26, Stringer St-600001. Phone: 044-25360729

[email protected]

Bulwark Pharmaceuticals,

Madras Pharma Company Contact Info: Mr. ROSH T THOMAS, 2/279 Village Rd Thoraipakkam-600096. Phone: 044-24961510

[email protected]

C8 Igarishi Electrical India Pvt Ltd,

Madras Pharma Company Contact Info: Mr. ARULMANI, 19 Rangasamy St Kothandam Ngr-600044. Phone: 044-22628199

Cadila Health Care,

Madras Pharma Company Contact Info: Mr. GANESH , New 9 Subbarayan Ngr 8th St-600024. Phone: 044-23720633

Captin Point Laboratories Ltd,

Captin Pharma Company Contact Info: Mr. E P VENKATESH , 602 No.9 C Wing Anna Salai-600006. Phone: 044-28277870

Carob Pharmaceutical Pvt Ltd,

Tamil nadu Pharma Company Contact Info: Mr. VENKATRAMAN, 27(11) Rly Stn Rd-600016. Phone: 044-22316005

[email protected]

Citadel Aurobindo Biotech Ltd,

TN Pharma Company Contact Info: Mr. RAMKUMAR A K

First St Sriprm Clny St. Thomas Mount-600016. Phone: 044-22347823

Curewin Pharmaceuticals,

Tamilnadu Pharma Company Contact Info: Mr. RADHAKRISHNAN, 29 16th St Ashok Ngr-600083. Phone: 044-24893601

Dandik Impex,


223 Khaleel Shirazi Estate Pantheon Rd-600008. Phone: 044-28227645

[email protected]

Deo Pharmaceuticals,

Contact: Mr. S SURESH BABU

26-A, Trunk Rd-600116. Phone: 044-24768839

[email protected]

Dollar Company Pvt Ltd,


New 323 Thambu Chty St-600001. Phone: 044-25342456

[email protected]

Dominic Enterprises,

Contact: Selva Kumar

111 Venketesh Nagr 2nd St-600092. Phone: 044-23760293

Dr J R K’s Siddha Research,

Contact: Dr. T R Krishnamoorthy

11, Prml Kl St Kunrathur-600069. Phone: 044-24780874

East India Pharmaceutical Works,

Contact: Mr. GOPALAN

28 2nd Line Beach-600001. Phone: 044-25231284

[email protected]

Ebel Pharma,

Contact: Sethu Ram

10 Ribero St-600014. Phone: 044-28351097

[email protected]

Elder Pharmaceutical Ltd,

Contact: Mr. P V ABRAHAM

158 NSK Salai-600026. Phone: 044-24812340

[email protected]

Eurokem Laboratories (P) Ltd,

Contact: Mr. Rajesh

70 Jermiah Rd Vepery-600007. Phone: 044-25321782



Plot 1 Fourrts Ave Annai Indira Ngr Okkiyam Thoraipakkam-600096. Phone: 044-24964939

[email protected]

Fourrts India Laboratories,


Vandallur Rd Kelambakkam-603103. Phone: 044-24914573

German Remedies Ltd,


9 Mohan Kumaramangalam St-600034. Phone: 044-28241076

[email protected]

Glenmark Pharmaceutical Ltd,


New 5 Maharaja Surya Rao Rd-600018. Phone: 044-24342190

Gray Anon India Pharmaceutical,

Contact: Mr. PASUPATHI K V

3/119 Brahmin St-600116. Phone: 044-24766478

Gundecha Pharma Distributors,

Contact: Mr. ANIL

28 Vyasar St-600017. Phone: 044-28158539

IDPL (Tamil Nadu) Ltd,

Contact: Mr. RAO

Nandambkm Ramaprm-600089. Phone: 044-22321801

Indane Gas,


91 St Marys Rd-600004. Phone: 044-24951158

Indo French Labs Ltd,


New 3 Old-19 3rd Mn Rd Ram Ngr-600061. Phone: 044-22342758

[email protected]

Indo-US Pharma Pvt Ltd,


24 Old 197 North Usman Rd-600017. Phone: 044-28140933

[email protected]

J K Ansell Ltd,


783 Dr Ramaswamy Salai K K Ngr-600078. Phone: 044-24837716

J L Morsion (India) Ltd,


47/ Moore St-600001. Phone: 044-25341596

J’s Indo French,


48 1st Mn Rd-600061. Phone: 044-22242574

[email protected]

Jayakumar Enterprises,

Contact: Mr. P J SHYAM

29 Savithri Natarajan St Golgen George Ngr Nerkundram-600107. Phone: 044-26564122

Juharmal & Co,


24 Nyniappa Nkn St Park Town-600003. Phone: 044-25354568

[email protected]

Kalpa Health Care Pvt Ltd,

Contact: Rajini

4/36 Sriram Clny-600018. Phone: 044-55485333

[email protected]

Kumar Agencies,

Contact: Mr. SATHAPPAN

45 Pulla Rdy Ave-

  1. Phone: 044-26263727

M M C Laboratories,


61, Fathima Ngr Alwarthiru Ngr-600087. Phone: 044-24862612

Mahendra Drug House,

Contact: Dr. C B KOTHARI

106 Audiappa Naicken St-600079. Phone: 044-25294764

Master Pharmaceuticals,

Contact: Mr. RAJENDRAN

2/104, Pliyar Kl St-600096. Phone: 044-24960096

Max Medical Surgicals,

Contact: Mr. SANJAY

29 Nyniappa Nkn St Park Town-600003. Phone: 044-25350947

Mayer & Co,


4, New No: 5 Iyya Pli St Park Town-600003. Phone: 044-25355357

Medi Kraft,


3 Arya Gowder Rd-600033. Phone: 044-24735288

[email protected]

Medisat Remedies,


1 Lalitha Gdn-600041. Phone: 044-24418781

[email protected]

Medispan Ltd,

Contact: Mr. S K SHUKLA

C-32 Second Ave Anna Ngr-600040. Phone: 044-26269843

Mehta’s Pharmaceuticals,

Contact: Mr. RANJITH

Old 134/1, New No:131, Nyniappan Nkn St-600003. Phone: 044-25353711

Mercury Medicals,

Contact: Mr. H J SHAM

33 Ekambareswarar Aghrm St Park Town-600003. Phone: 044-25352907

MMC Healthcare Ltd,

Contact: Mr. Selvam

23 Gandhi Ngr-600087. Phone: 044-23643148

Mount Mettur Pharmaceuticals Ltd,

Contact: Pawan Kumar Nathany

32 Dr R K Salai-600004. Phone: 044-28472932

[email protected]

Nicholas Paramal India Ltd,

Contact: Mr. PRAKASH

8/1 Urvashi Apts-600010. Phone: 044-26441568

Nordic Pharmaceuticals (P) Ltd,

Contact: Mr. ERWIN C

1/310 Mount Poonamallee Rd Iyyapanthangal-600056. Phone: 044-26273321

[email protected]

Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd,

Contact: Mr. SURESH BABU

313 Valluvarkottam H Rd-600034. Phone: 044-28275150

[email protected]

Paras Advertising & Marketing Services,


73-74 Medavakam Tank Rd-600010. Phone: 044-26650040

[email protected]

Paris-Dakner Microspherules Pvt Ltd,

Contact: Mr. T Rethinavalli

684 Vembuli Amman Kl St-600016. Phone: 044-22312896

Pharm Products Pvt Ltd,

Contact: Mr. Mathuvanesan

3362At, AF9, 8th St 11th Main Rd Anna Nagar-600040. Phone: 044-26216635

Pharma Plus Healthcare,


88/201 Solayappan St-600021. Phone: 044-25983538

[email protected]

Pride Remedies (P) Ltd,

Contact: Aravind Shah

11 Railway Clny, 1st St, Mehta Ngr-600029. Phone: 044-23740221

[email protected]

Pharma Companies in Chennai [Top 10] Pharmaceutical List [PDF]

Ranbaxy Lab Ltd,

Contact: Mr. SESHADRI

560 Anna Salai-600018. Phone: 044-24331553

[email protected]

Raptakos Brett & Co Ltd,

Contact: Mr. TAGWALE V H

New 142 Old 66 Velachery Rd-600032. Phone: 044-22451289

[email protected]

Raven Laboratories P Ltd,


14, 2nd St Ngrjuna Ngr Rangaraja Prm-600024. Phone: 044-24818158

[email protected]

Retort Laboratories,

Contact: Mr. MEHTA

1 Milk Clny Madhavaram-600060. Phone: 044-25555208

Retort Pharmaceuticals P Ltd,

Contact: Mr. VIJAY MEHTA

21/2 Mc Nichols Rd-600031. Phone: 044-28362924

[email protected]

Richardson Pharmaceutical (India),

Contact: Mr. Richard

No 1 Powder Mills Rd Perambur Barracks-600012. Phone: 044-26670068

List of Pharmaceutical Companies in Chennai with Address

Rimini Industries India,

Contact: Mr. Christopher

73, Indira Ngr Valasaravakkam-600087. Phone: 044-24869750

Rohini Chem Impex P Ltd,


33 Gangadeeswarar Kl St Purasaiwalkkam-600084. Phone: 044-26480869

Sagson Chemical Co,


New 434 T H Rd-600081. Phone: 044-25912606

Sai Mitra Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd,

Contact: Mr. RAMAN V S

No:155 Medavakkam Mn Rd-600117. Phone: 044-22470621

Sanofi Synthelabo (India) Ltd,

Contact: SANKAR A

9 Mc Nichols Rd 6B Raintree Place-600031. Phone: 044-28365346

Sayar Pharma Distributors,


35, 1st St Fanpet-600035. Phone: 044-24339452

Shanthinath Pharma,

Contact: Mr. PRAVEEN

20 Nainiappa Nkn St Park Town-600003. Phone: 044-25358474

Shri Ashok Agencies,

Contact: Mr. ASHOK

302 Mint St Park Town-600003. Phone: 044-25352843

SKN Organics,

Contact: Mr. T N SEKAR

851, 91st St 13th Sector K K Ngr-600078. Phone: 044-24835305

[email protected]

Spenchem Pharmaceuticals P Ltd,

Contact: Mr. V P SRIDHAR

1 Gandhi Ngr 1st Mn Rd-600020. Phone: 044-24454802

Sresan Pharmaceuticals,

Contact: Mr. Balasubramanian

14, Nagarjuna Nagar,II St-600024. Phone: 044-24818158

Sresan Pharmaceuticals,

Contact: Mr. Balasubramanian

14, Nagarjuna Nagar,II St-600024. Phone: 044-24818158

Sri Mahaveer Medical Store,


123 Nyniappa Nkn St Park Town-600003. Phone: 044-25331065

[email protected]

Sri Ramani Medical Stores,


63 Ponnappa Chty St Park Town-600003. Phone: 044-25355101

Sri V P Associates,

Contact: K S Muralidaran

88 Kamdar Ngr 3rd St-600034. Phone: 044-28173050

[email protected]

Sriram Chemicals,


12 Chitti Babu St-600031. Phone: 044-28361550

Stedman Pharmaceuticals (P) Ltd,

Contact: Mr. RAJAGOPAL

3 A Adyar Bridge Rd-600020. Phone: 044-24463643

[email protected]

T N Dadha Pharmaceuticals,


260/262 Royapettah H Rd-600014. Phone: 044-28353965

Pharma Companies in Chennai

T K Health Care,

Contact: Mr. SUNDAR

19 Luz Church Rd-600004. Phone: 044-24997318

Tablets (India) Limited,

Contact: Ms. USHA

79 Marshalls Rd-600008. Phone: 044-28581141

Tanmed Pharmaceuticals,

Contact: Mr. Kechani

3 Multi Ind Ngr-602101. Phone: 044-23820269

Themis Pharmaceuticals,

Contact: Mr. PRAKASH PAI D

28, 2nd Crs St Trust Prm-600024. Phone: 044-24842719

[email protected]

Thirumala Pharma Chem Pvt Ltd,


New 19 Post Office St Sidco Indl Est-600098. Phone: 044-26257306

[email protected]

Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd,

Contact: Somu

560/562 Anna Salai-600018. Phone: 044-24349302


Contact: Mr. RAM KUMAR

115/02 Nyniappa Nkn St Park Town-600003. Phone: 044-25331427

Upkar Remedies Pvt Ltd,

Contact: Mr. DILLIP SHAH

2, Flowers Rd-600010. Phone: 044-26612639

Uttam Pharma,

Contact: Mr. UTTAM CHAND

28 Narayana Mdli St-600079. Phone: 044-25387914

Venus Labs P Ltd,


8 East Club Rd-600030. Phone: 044-26471365

VGR Bio Laboratories,

Contact: Mr. Karthik

95 Periyar Pathai-600094. Phone: 044-23612539

Wardex Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd,

Contact: Mr. B H HARAN

55 Nelson Manickam Rd-600029. Phone: 044-23741010

[email protected]

Win Medicare Ltd,

Contact: Mr. J S SHARMA

9/2A Mc Nichols Rd-600031. Phone: 044-28363289

Zydus Medical,

Contact: Mr. GANESH

14 Subbarayan Ngr 8th St-600024. Phone: 044-24817478

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             Arvind Remedies

Pharma Company Location & Address:   190, Poonamallee High Road,

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 26423264

Pharmaceutical Company Name :             APEX Laboratories Ltd

Pharma Company Location & Address:   N0 29,III Floor,Sidco Garment Complex,Guindy

Chennai Pharma Company Contact Info:               (44) 42225000

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Here is the list. I hope you have found it useful. Please keep tuned to us by bookmarking our site which will definitely help you as you are in this pharma field. Here we will try to provide best information and complete info. Soon we try to take up the task of providing you the reviews of each and every pharmaceutical company in chennai.

B. Pharmacy & M. Pharmacy Jobs For Freshers & Experienced In Hyderabad Bangalore Mumbai

B. Pharmacy & M. Pharmacy Jobs For Freshers & Experienced In Hyderabad Bangalore Mumbai

Hi Friends. Welcome to PharmaWiki Job Support. “B. Pharmacy & M. Pharmacy Jobs For Freshers & Experienced In Hyderabad Bangalore Mumbai” Today we are here with collection of recruitment from different companies. These are for vacancies in different domains of pharmacy and even non pharma jobs. I have collected these from different sources like newspapers, facebook groups, Linkedin etc. Please check the details of the position before you apply from the site or number or mail id given.

B. Pharmacy & M. Pharmacy Jobs For Freshers & Experienced In Hyderabad Bangalore Mumbai

July 2018 Pharma Jobs Update- Click here to see new Pharmacy related job vacancies


I request all the companies/corporate interested in conducting COMMERCIAL FREE Campus drive across India for freshers, to drop the JD on the below mentioned email id.We would like to extend our support to those colleges and companies who believes in COMMERCIAL FREE recruitment/placement drives.We have colleges from across India from the streams like Engineering,Pharma,IT and Computer Science related domains ONLY.
Kindly drop in your requirements to [email protected]

Update March 2017

B.& M.Pharmacy Jobs For Freshers In Hyderabad


No Bond & No need to submit Original certificates..
Dont worry it is not a consultancy…
No need experience candidates…
Dear All,
We are inform you that we have the following open positions at our company & request you to reffer your friends , juniors & seniors & you.
Open positions :- Clinical Transaction process
Need only freshers with below qualification : –
B.S.C .Biotecnology, Microbilogy , Biochemistary, Bio-informatics, Zoology, B.Z.C, Alliedhealth sciences , Trauma management, M.L.T.Lab technology, Critical care technology, Physician assistant , Radiation theraphy & etc….
Diploma in Nursing / labtecnology / physical theraphy / / /M.S.C All groups.
Interviews schedule dates ;- 1/02/2015 to 6 /02/2015.
Interview & Job location :- Chennai only..
No Bond & No need to submit Original certificates..
Cab faclity to pickup & drop to your room/ hostel/ home.
Saturday & Sunday are holidays ..
Number of openings:- 400
Clinical transaction process Starting salary:- 14625/month.
Intersted candiadates are quickly contact me for your interview schedule .
This job is only for Andhra & Telangana & Tamilnadu people.
Contact sravan – 09092479810, 09494065143.
Share this valuable information to your juniors, seniors ,friends & well-wishers..
If you are not Interested please reffer any of your friends.

source credit @ Bioinformatics Job Directory -faceboook group

Looking for freelancers who are interested to do secondary research…housewives,students,any life science graduates,medical representatives,medical transcriptors. Basic criteria-life science graduate,computer& internet facility,ready to work 6hrs a day. If interested please send ur contact details at [email protected]

source credit @ CLINICAL RESEARCH PROFESSIONAL & MBA HEALTH CARE(HUM log)-faceboook group

Regulatory Affairs openings

Looking for Regulatory Affairs Manager to be based out at Czech Republic. The group is into regulatory affairs and related services for Pharmaceutical industry and is headquartered in Czech Republic. Candidate with 8 yrs of experience in pharma regulatory affairs department and play a lead role in management of registration and regulatory projects. Should have an experience of CMC documentation for US, EU & ROW countries & knowledge of ICH, FDA & EU guidelines. Interested candidate send your updated resume on [email protected] or reach on 07940205027

Non Pharma Jobs for Pharmacy Graduates

**Opportunity for CONTENT WRITERS **
We are hiring 30 Content writers who can write on various topics. If you are good in English and looking for Content writing JOB then you can apply here:
Location: Hyderabad
Salary: 10-15k and will Increase according to Performance in next 2 months
Mail your Resume to [email protected]
PS: Apply Only if you are serious & Only if you can come to Office for working

source credit @ CLINICAL RESEARCH PROFESSIONAL & MBA HEALTH CARE(HUM log)-faceboook group

Urgently looking for Regulatory Affairs professionals having 2-4 years experience in filing for Biologics. Interested candidates can share their resumes at ruchi.panjwani@
Source of information : Linkedin

Opening for the position of Regulatory Record Specialist with a leading CRO . Job location:-Delhi-NCR .Experience:- 6 months to 2 years+ Package up to Industry norms.Kindly mail your resume on [email protected]

Pharmacy Jobs In Bangalore:

Opening for the post of Scientific and Medical Writer – Experienced (PVI) at Crest Premedia, Pune
Apply online at:
Opening for the post of Scientific and Medical Writer – Experienced (RDI & CTI) at Crest Premedia, Pune
Apply online at:
Opening for the post of Sr. Manager / Manager -Copy Editing at Crest Premedia, Pune
Apply online at:
Opening for the post of Clinical Trial Assistant (Job id: 013364) at ICON Plc, Bangalore
Apply online at:
Opening for the post of CRA (Job id: 013340) at ICON Plc, Bangalore
Apply online at:
Opening for the post of CRA (Job id: 013342) at ICON Plc, Bangalore
Apply online at:
Opening for the post of CRA (Job id: 013339) at ICON Plc, Bangalore
Apply online at:
Opening for the post of CRA (Job id: 013341) at ICON Plc, Bangalore
Apply online at:

B. Pharmacy & M. Pharmacy Jobs For Freshers & Experienced In Hyderabad Bangalore Mumbai

**Excellent career opportunity for “Regulatory Affairs for ROW market” with one of the leading Pharmaceutical Organization based in Mumbai. Interested candidates having 2 to 7 years of relevant experience can share their CV to Chitra at career@**

clinical research Jobs 2015:

Opening for Project Systems Associate with around 1.5 to 2 yrs experience in project systems related to clinical research. Email your CV to [email protected]

Designation:- Junior Data Analyst (Pharmacovigilance)
Experience in Months:-1-4 years
Skills/Responsibilities:- · Experience in Pharmacovigilance is must
· Track all adverse event reports received and completed;
· Review and assess all source documents, and compile data in an adverse event report;
· Data enter report into the client safety database;
· Code adverse events in the client safety database;
·Release report to client through client safety database.
Education:- Graduate in Science/Life Sciences/B.Pharm/M.Pharm
Work Location:- Mumbai
Interview Type/Date/venue/POC:- 29-Jan-2015(Thursday)
Cognizant Technologies Solutions
Building no 9 , 2nd Floor Mind space Building, Airoli
Write on top of CV Employee name:- abhijit chougule. id no;- 437137, or
send cv to [email protected]

B Pharmacy Jobs In Bangalore For Freshers:

Openings for Relationship Executive, Sales Trainee, Area Sales Manager and DGM/GM Opening with Leading Cyro Banking Healthcare Group
Qualification : Graduate in (B.Pharma/BioTech/Bio Chemistry/Microbiology)
Requirement: Pleasing personality with good communication skills, Hindi spoken candidates will be preferred.
Work location : Bangalore
2 wheeler License is an added advantage.
[email protected]

B. Pharmacy & M. Pharmacy Jobs For Freshers & Experienced In Hyderabad Bangalore Mumbai

Pharmacy in Mumbai:

PRA Health Sciences Looking for CRAs Sr CRAs with Oncology trials experience for Mumbai location India.. interested candidates may apply via [email protected]

M.Pharma Fresher Jobs In Bangalore:

Aurigene Discovery Technologies is looking for Computational Chemists with 2-4 yrs of experience. Qualification: M.Sc Chemistry…Location: Bangalore. Interested candidates can share their updated profiles on [email protected].(please mention ‘CV for computational chemistry’ in the subject line.

Pharmacy Jobs in Cognizant:

Walk-In for the post of Data Analyst (CDM) at Cognizant
EXP- 2-4 yrs of CDM exp is mandate.
End to End CDM activities Relevant experience in Clinical Data Management (Mandatory – Rave/OC/Inform)
Job Location- Mumbai
Relevant CV’s to be sent to [email protected]
Note: Freshers and other exp (CRC,PV etc.) pls do not send CV’s.

ClinTec International – Currently looking for Clinical Research Coordinator for a permanent office based position in Singapore. Interested candidates please send your CV to [email protected]

Pharmacy Jobs In Hyderabad and Bangalore For Freshers & Experienced CANDIDATES

Job openings for clinical data management professionals.
Location – Bangalore / Hyderabad
1. Clinical Data Analyst II – 3 to 5 years of Relevant Clinical Data Management Experience.
Candidates should have experience in all three stages of a Study. Prior experience in the Conduct and Lock Stage is desired.
2. Clinical Data Analyst III – 5 to 7 years of Relevant Clinical Data Management Experience.
Candidates should have experience in all three stages of a Study. Prior experience in the Conduct and Lock Stage is desired.
3. Senior Clinical Data Analyst- 6 to 10 years of Relevant Clinical Data Management Experience.
Candidates should have experience in all three stages of a Study. Prior experience in the Conduct and Lock Stage is desired.
Send your updated CV to manoj.kulkarni@

source credit @ CLINICAL RESEARCH PROFESSIONAL & MBA HEALTH CARE(HUM log)-faceboook group

B.Pharmacy Fresher Jobs In Hyderabad:

31st jan walkins in UHG for meadical coding freshers 2012-2014 passout
SELECTION PROCESS: • Aptitude test on Human Anatomy, Physiology and Medical Terminologies • Domain Interview • SF Interview • HR Interview
SHIFT TIMINGS: 8.00 AM to 5.30 PM/ 11.00 AM to 8.30 PM
TOPICS TO PREPARE: • Human Anatomy • Human Physiology • Medical Terminologies
Interview Date :- 2nd Feb’15 – 6th Feb’15 (Monday –Friday) Interview Walk-in Time :- 11 AM – 1 PM
Venue Details:-(land mark near LEMON TREE HOTEL)UnitedHealth Group Information Services Pvt. Ltd. Pheonix Infocity Private Limited, Building No. H06, First Floor, HITEC CITY 2, Gachibowli (V), Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh – 500 081

B. Pharmacy & M. Pharmacy Jobs For Freshers & Experienced In Hyderabad Bangalore Mumbai


B.Pharmacy Fresher Jobs In Mumbai:

4th feb openings for Pv n Cdm in mumbai TCS
Venue details:-TCS well spring office,gojrej&boyce complex,Near petrol bunk,Vikhroli,Mumbai

For B.Pharm and M.pharma Freshers
Clincorp Technologies Private Limited
0 – 3 Years
80 Vacancies
Hyderabad / Secunderabad
1,50,000 – 3,25,000 P.A. Interested candidates can directly send there CVs to [email protected]

Looking for Regulatory Affairs Manager to be based out at Czech Republic. The group is into regulatory affairs and related services for Pharmaceutical industry and is headquartered in Czech Republic. Candidate with 8 yrs of experience in pharma regulatory affairs department and play a lead role in management of registration and regulatory projects. Should have an experience of CMC documentation for US, EU & ROW countries & knowledge of ICH, FDA & EU guidelines. Interested candidate send your updated resume on [email protected] or reach on 07940205027

Opening for Project Systems Associate with around 1.5 to 2 yrs experience in project systems related to clinical research. Email your CV to [email protected]

source credit @ CDM & SAS -faceboook group

Need Validation/ Testing profile(CDM- UAT-Exp ) with 2 years exp …relevant experienced candidates can send resumes @ [email protected]

source credit @ Pharma jobs -faceboook group

Note: Please check all the details. We have just collected the information and it is your duty to check the details of each company. We are not responsible for any disputes.


Important Instructions for GPAT ONLINE mock test takers

Please read the instructions carefully before taking our Online GPAT mock tests

  • This test is intended for registered members only (Click here to register now)
  • DO NOT USE any other programs while attempting the test as it will lead to locking of your attempt and your exam will not be graded.
  • You can attempt the test ONLY ONCE. However, you can review your answers any time after submitting the test any number of times.
  • You cannot stop the test once it is started. The test must be taken continuously for 3 hours. It is advised that the candidates ensure they choose a convenient time to avoid disturbance due to power cuts.
  • The test will be available from 23/02/2014, 10 am onwards.
  • The test can be taken at any time on any day after 23/02/2014 till the actual GPAT 2014 exam.
  • Instant feedback on your performance will be available immediately after the exam. You can see the questions and correct answers along with the answers you marked in the review.
  • The recommended browser for taking the test is Google Chrome or Firefox
  • Test Duration : 3 hours

No of questions is 125

Each question carries 4 marks. Each correct answer fetches you 4 marks while for each incorrect answer 1 mark will be deducted.

All the best !!

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